The Kamala Harris conundrum.

But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I believe it's only relevant because the candidate made it relevant. Biden was clear that he limited his choice only to women 'of colour'. So, if she was chosen because of her race, her race becomes relevant.
She was chosen because of her abilities, and her race was an influencing factor since he wants that representation at the highest levels of government.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
It's the inherent racism of conservatives.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
Racisim? Who just defunded the police in black neighborhoods? during a time of blacks getting slaughtered?
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
It's the inherent racism of conservatives.
It is the inherent racism of some trump supporters who are in full flight on this site.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

Nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with her being thoroughly incompetent and corrupt. In other words, a model Democrap.

And, by all appearances, lying about her ethnicity, not that her ethnicity ought to matter to anyone but a racist. But then, her claimed ethnicity was rather obviously one of the significant criteria for which she was chosen, wasn't it?
She is biracial. Just like the last president. There is not one thing wrong with that.

White and Indian [Asian Indian, not American Indian] it seems. From where does she claim to get “Black”. she certainly doesn't look black. She doesn't look anything but white. Her sister looks more Indianish. I have to wonder if Kamala is adopted.
tommy knows that, he is just playing the race card. it is a false accusation of racism, for partisan political advantage.

And he's too extremely ignorant about American politics, even to achieve the meager vestige of criticism that an American LIbtARd can achieve using the same tactics.
Your Post Represents that twofacedness of the left and why there is such a huge divide in this country.
Before you criticize or take issue with ANYTHING Biden or Harris, take a look at what your side has done for 4 full years…

It's not even his side. Tainted Tommy isn't even an American, and is completely ignorant about American politics. Most of what he thinks he knows about our politics is just plain wrong.

Yet, for some reason, coming from the very same defective ideology against which the great men who founded this country violently rebelled in order to do so, he feels qualified to lecture us Americans on how we should run our country.

He'd do much better to worry about what is happening all around him in the degenerate, filthy shithole of a country in which he lives, and not worry so much about a far superior country, on the other side of the world from him, where he's never been, has no say in, and knows nothing about.
Nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with her being thoroughly incompetent and corrupt
The woman is clearly very competent. As a prosecutor she had a superior record in terms of successful prosecutions, and showed a lot of creativity as well. As a politician she is also obviously competent and effective. She hasn’t risen to such success by being a numbskull. Of course she is a “liberal Democrat” — which she doesn’t hide. As for corruption, there is nothing to show she is particularly corrupt. She is relatively young, 55 I think, and energetic. If you have evidence of any special corruption, I would like to hear it.

To me her biggest drawback is that she is relatively inexperienced in international affairs, and will probably be easy for the MIC to manipulate. She hasn’t shown any reason to think she will be particularly hard on white collar crony capitalism — but then neither have any other candidates.
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Racism is mentioned a lot because there is a lot of racism. You are one of the worst offenders.

She was chosen because of her abilities…


…and her race was an influencing factor…

So, you admit, then, to a blatant racist motive for choosing her?

Only a degenerate racist piece of shit would even think of race as a qualification to be considered for such a position. Or defend the use of such a racist criterion for making such a choice.
She hasn’t risen to such success by being a numbskull.

No, she rose to such a position by having an adulterous sexual affair with a married man, who was in a position to help her career along.

If not for sucking Willie Brown's willie, she'd just be some mediocre, obscure lawyer, chasing after ambulances somewhere.
But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

It's relevant because if you ask ANYONE from the DNC -- that's what's so exciting about her nomination.. That's she's a women of color.. When the LEADERSHIP of your party thinks FIRST ABOUT THAT and NOT her CV or accomplishments -- you KNOW they are HYPER sensitive about race/sex.. The rest of America is not.. Don't expect you to KNOW this -- but the Dem party is one of the MOST hypersensitive and driven by group/sex/race organizations EVER to have power on this planet..

That's probably why you're confused...
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
I don't know that it's necessarily fueled by racism per se. She's on the ticket, so that makes her a target. And a pinko commie 'n stuff.

I have to admit I was a little surprised to see them go right at the birther thing, but that's my own fault for assuming they wouldn't try that again. I gave them too much credit.

The funniest part is that they also appear to be going after her on moral grounds, which is just hilarious coming from the people who sold their soul to Trump.

Ugly stuff. As usual.
You ain't black!

Poor kids are as smart as white kids

Do you have an Indian accent? Have you been drug tested?

You run the most racist democrat since LBJ, but accuse us?

You are what you are. Biden doesn't change that, as much as you would like to.
And crusaderfrank doesnt chamge who biden is. But I'm sure you are aware of that, right? Lol
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

When Biden established race and gender as the primary criteria for his VP than race is absolutely a legitimate discussion point.
She hasn’t risen to such success by being a numbskull.

No, she rose to such a position by having an adulterous sexual affair with a married man, who was in a position to help her career along.

If not for sucking Willie Brown's willie, she'd just be some mediocre, obscure lawyer, chasing after ambulances somewhere.
This shows your sexist prejudice. She was a fine lawyer and politician and her choice of lover and mentor two decades ago was her own business. She was elected by the people of San Francisco and the state of California repeatedly. She ran a huge department of lawyers as state attorney, and she ran it well. Of course she was also elected Senator, where she showed she has teeth and is no pushover. California is a major state with huge industries. One cannot thrive there without learning to deal with powerful forces. She has managed every public position she has held extremely competently.

She may not agree with your politics or mine, but she was not born with a silver spoon like Trump, nor is she an illiterate TV personality and friend to mafia types as Trump was. She is far more prepared to run a nation, if it should prove necessary, than was the old Republican conman and narcissist who is President today.
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How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

a better question, is, is it possible for the modern left to defend anything without using the wace card.

let's look at your op. if we remove everything wace related, what are we left with?

does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate.


wow. if you remove all you wacism shit, nothing is left but admitting that discussing her resume is legitimate.

you literally have nothing to say in defense of her, other than crying "Wacism" like a retarded child.

He has a point you know.

Why is Kamala's blackness being attacked?

I hear the most ridiculous arguments like - uhhh "she's half Jamaican and half Indian, she's not black!".

Jamaican isn't a's a nationality. If you were half Senagalese would you be black?

And MOST IRONIC - if she were born just a few years earlier, she would have been black enough for Jim Crowe.
The only thing that matters to Dims is she has lady parts and can reasonably pass for something approaching black.

This is the Dim way. It is check box politics. :thup:

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