The Khazarian Mafia

Hmm, I wonder why?

So, you must be one of their schills, protecting their secrecy. Am I correct?
You are nothing more, nothing less then a very ignorant person who decided to hold on to a false history of the Jews.

Keep insisting that you are not antisemitic as you embrace nothing but lies and insist that the Khazars do exist, still, in the 21st Century. And that a Khazar Mafia has ever existed.

There are NO Khazarians alive, or recognizable in the world since the end of the Empire.

No Khazarians exist. You do not get that.
I wonder why you would think that.
They are tricksters that assume identities and names, why do you think they hid themselves, changing and editing history to erase any knowledge of their existence
You are nothing more, nothing less then a very ignorant person who decided to hold on to a false history of the Jews.

Keep insisting that you are not antisemitic as you embrace nothing but lies and insist that the Khazars do exist, still, in the 21st Century. And that a Khazar Mafia has ever existed.

KHAZARIAN SCHILL is what you are.

Knowing and learning about KM has nothing to do with being anti-Semitic. The only reason why it does it's because you vehemently defend the fact that there are none yet you associate them with Jews, very fucking interesting perspective. I was right, you are one of their shills.
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Holy cow.

I'm not even going to go into all the detail of how wrong this all is. Instead, I'll just point out the Veterans Today is a known pseudoscience and bonkers conspiracy theory site, and any notion of an evil king and "Babylonian black magic" is completely made up.

In the real world, the Khazars were a semi-nomadic group of people who lived in eastern Ukraine and southwestern Russia about a thousand years ago. They were now exclusively Jewish, but were an ethnically diverse people that included Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Pagans, living in a more or less Turkish culture. They clashed with the Byzantine Empire, the Slavs, and the Rus before the Kievan Rus under Svyatoslav I wiped them out in the 960s. Their people were absorbed into the Kievan Rus and others scattered to just about every other neighboring group of people.

The idea of a shadowy cabal of baby-eating puppet masters controlling the world is nothing new. I don't know who made this one up or when, but historically they are almost always used to promote antisemitism and pro-Russian propaganda. Not a single person in a thousand years has been able to provide any reliable evidence that they even exist; the main defense for their existence is along the lines of "Of course there is no proof of them; they are masters at hiding!" and "You can't prove they don't exist, so therefore they must!"

Short version: Ignore this and everything that comes from it. It is as reliable historically as throwaway beach-reading Dungeons and Dragons fan fiction, just not as inventive.
antisemitism and pro-Russian propaganda. Not a single person in a thousand years has been able to provide any reliable evidence that they even exist; the main defense for their existence is along the lines of "Of course there is no proof of them; they are masters at hiding!" and "You can't prove they don't exist, so therefore they must!"
It's apparent that you fail to understand, that the KM are NOT JEWS! They were given an ultimatum by their neighbours to take up a religion and they took up Judaism to shut their neighbours up.
Also, erasing themselves from history and concealing themselves makes it difficult to find "proof".

Here is some educational material for you on the KM.

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia w/ VT Editor Mike Harris (1of3)
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia w/ VT Editor Mike Harris (2of3)
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia w/ VT Editor Mike Harris (3of3)
One lie leads to another and another and another. It has been that way for the past 2000 years since one man told a huge lie about Jews and turned Christians against Jews for ever

lol rubbish. Your own history is why Christians never trusted most Jews. Your problems are self-inflicted.
It's apparent that you fail to understand, that the KM are NOT JEWS! They were given an ultimatum by their neighbours to take up a religion and they took up Judaism to shut their neighbours up.
Also, erasing themselves from history and concealing themselves makes it difficult to find "proof".

Here is some educational material for you on the KM.

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia w/ VT Editor Mike Harris (1of3)
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia w/ VT Editor Mike Harris (2of3)
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia w/ VT Editor Mike Harris (3of3)
You still have a lack of evidence. A video by the editor of a site that makes things up, posted on the Truth Social hosting platform, sandwiched between some rando hawking dubious health pills, is hardly a reliable source.

Don't fall for this, man. It's not real.
You still have a lack of evidence. A video by the editor of a site that makes things up, posted on the Truth Social hosting platform, sandwiched between some rando hawking dubious health pills, is hardly a reliable source.

Don't fall for this, man. It's not real.
And what proof do you have they don't exist? When people vehemently object to their existence, it seems to be they're trying to deter others not to look any further as they pull on the thread and unravel the truth. I bet you never watched the videos either.
And what proof do you have they don't exist? When people vehemently object to their existence, it seems to be they're trying to deter others not to look any further as they pull on the thread and unravel the truth. I bet you never watched the videos either.
Here you're asking me to prove a negative, which is a logically impossible thing to do.

Also, when someone DEMANDS negative proof, it almost always means they don't have a leg to stand on.

Come back when you have evidence.
Here you're asking me to prove a negative, which is a logically impossible thing to do.

Also, when someone DEMANDS negative proof, it almost always means they don't have a leg to stand on.

Come back when you have evidence.
The thing is, all you have is, "They don't exist". Meaning you have no proof that they don't, only your conjecture. Where the evidence you claim I don't provide is within the video links I provided in post #46, which you haven't and won't watch. As you'd prefer to remain ignorant. It is not that I lack evidence, it's you who doesn't want to accept it.
Do Christians trust Jesus?

Jews around today aren't the ones who followed Jesus, they're counterfeit Babylonian Jews who were a racist cult founded by con artists like Ezra. Later their descendants founded yet another cult in the 2nd Century A. D., founded by Pharisees and racists left over from the previous failed uprisings. Jesus was a reformer Rabbi advocating a return to the Hebrewism of Moses era and away from the Temple scam and 'racial purity' nonsense 'judaism' had become by his times.

In any case, all Ashkenazis and over 90% of Sephardi have zero DNA related to the region of ancient Judah and
Israel. They are all descended from converts exceprt for a handful of Sephardi. So are Khazars, if they even exist. There was no great 'Jewish Diaspora', that's just a myth. Samaritans are more Jewish than the vast majority, but the racist cults of course don't consider them or anybody but themselves to be ' real Jews', which is of course absurd.
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Jews around today aren't the ones who followed Jesus, they're counterfeit Babylonian Jews who were a racist cult founded by con artists like Ezra. Later they founded yet another cult in the 2nd Century A. D., founded by Pharisees and racists left over from the previous failed uprisings. Jesus was a reformer Rabbi advocating a retrun to the Hebrewism of Moses era and away from the Temple scam and 'racial purity' nonsense 'judaism' had become by his times.
Jesus speaking: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel." -- Matthew 15:24

Well, there's always Scientology.
Jesus speaking: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel." -- Matthew 15:24

Well, there's always Scientology.

Galatians 3:26-29 NKJV​

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Baptists are more Jewish than most Jews today. 'The House Of Israel' had zero to do with who your mommy was, in Moses day or now.

Galatians 3:26-29 NKJV​

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Baptists are more Jewish than most Jews today. 'The House Of Israel' had zero to do with who your mommy was, in Moses day or now.
Jesus speaking: "Do not go into pagan territory or enter a Samaritan town. Go rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel." -- Matthew 10: 5, 6

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