The Khazarian Mafia

Jesus speaking: "Do not go into pagan territory or enter a Samaritan town. Go rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel." -- Matthew 10: 5, 6

The better translations don;t use the term pagans, and there is no negative conatation to Samartians; they were known to not like Jews, is all, since the Babylonian Jews were oppressive and heavily discriminated against all Jews who weren't exiled, and liked to murder them on occasion, so the Apostles would not have been well received at that time.

The better translations don;t use the term pagans, and there is no negative conatation to Samartians; they were known to not like Jews, is all, since the Babylonian Jews were oppressive and heavily discriminated against all Jews who weren't exiled, and liked to murder them on occasion, so the Apostles would not have been well received at that time.

Jesus speaking: "t is not right to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs." -- Mark 7:27
The better translations don;t use the term pagans, and there is no negative conatation to Samartians; they were known to not like Jews, is all, since the Babylonian Jews were oppressive and heavily discriminated against all Jews who weren't exiled, and liked to murder them on occasion, so the Apostles would not have been well received at that time.

Please cite you historic references to JOOOOOS MURDERING
SAMARITANS--------or even Babylonian jews murdering the
non -exiled. Right now your delusions are being rewritten in the
annals of the ongoing islamo-nazi project which JOYFULLY depicts
Likudniks murdering innocent "RAAMNIKS" in the AL AQSA toilet-----
--------(translation from arabic is pending)

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