The Killing Of The United States of America

Your definition of communism is simple. It is anything you disagree with. Voters are closer to Democrats on issues than they are Trump Republicans. That is why you clowns falsely say Dr Seuss is being banned. You are the ones dividing the country and white supremacists are Republicans now. Ronald Reagan had a agenda and he worked with liberal Republicans and Democrats to get sweeping tax cuts and and tax reform. Nazis like you have a lot of gall calling others communists.

My definition of Communism is what's on the US Communist website. You won't even bother to look at it because you're afraid it would tell you what you actually are, and the leaders you vote on. Because if you bothered to do that, you'd see their agenda is almost identical to the Democrat party that you support.

Nazis? Your people just impeached a President for exercising his constitutional right of free speech. It's your people who are working on disarming law abiding citizens. It's your party that's trying to rig our voting system so this country will be a one-party government. Those are the Nazis.

You are a Russian communist. You want to make it as hard as possible for people to vote. The more hoops people have to go through the more likely they are to mess up. Apparently that is the only way you can win. Republican lawyers in a Supreme Court election case, admitted the only reason they passed certain election laws was so they can win. I have seen the Communist Party website and it is surprisingly bland. They are more left leaning than they are radical.
Your sylogism is a non sequitur, NAZI. Complying with perfectl reasonable measures to make sure you are a legal voter is not communism any more than the free market is anarchy. No one is swallowing your latest Dim talking points. People aren't as stupid as you think they are.

There is nothing reasonable about what Republicans want to do. They even admitted in the Supreme Court hearing on several Arizona election laws that these laws were passed so Republicans can win. You Nazis clearly know you can't win elections when people are able to freely vote.

If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

I think we can count on accepting the loss of everything this country has ever stood for because there are too many lazy sheep in america that are not patriots that wont form a revolution and fight for our freedom which should have happened DECADES ago. after decades of laziness,i dont see that all of a sudden changing anytime soon im afraid.
You can’t create legislation that will have the effect (either directly or indirectly) of disenfranchising people of a constitutional right without evidence that a significant and real threat exists. Isn’t that sort of thinking also at the base of many objections to draconian gun control legislation? Try putting it in that perspective...

UFO sightings are more common than voter fraud.

In addition, legislation is being created that specifically targets voting practices of groups that tend to vote Democrat. Can you you explain what this has to do with preventing fraud?

End Sunday voting. “Souls to Polls” is a common practice among black voters, who turn voting encases after church into a major civic event.

Georgia has a bill targeting offering food and water to voters waiting in line to vote. This is another common non partisan practice. Georgia is noted for extreme long lines and waits.

Neither of those has anything to with preventing fraud.

Can you point to me where in the Constitution it states voting has to be made to cater to every race group in this country? Can you show me where it says anything about mail-in or bringing a ballot to your doorstep? How does one standard disenfranchise one political group of people but not the other? I know that's what you were told to think, but now explain why you think it.

It doesn't need to.

If new rule is made, that targets the voting habits of a particular group which doesn't tend to vote for the party of the rule makers, in such a way that it inhibits their ability to vote then yes, it has the potential to disenfranchise them. You are aiming to make it more difficult for a particular group. With Sunday voting, for example - there is absolutely no fraud-related explanation to it. It is one of many small changes that cumulatively impact specific voting groups and have no relationship to fraud.

Spin it any way your masters tell you to, but it ain't going to change what it is.

As I have said repeatedly, Democrats are nothing but liars. I would be more acceptable of the truth even if I'm against it. Democrats should just come out and say, our party relies on idiots that have no idea WTF they're even voting on, and those people mostly vote Democrat. We want the leadership and future of this country to be decided by Obama phone and Obama money people because we live for power. We can't ever turn this country communist until we have an unchallenged one-party government., you are advocating that only a select elite group of people should be able to vote - one, presumably that meets your standard of political groupthink? The Republicans are well on their way to attempt to make this a one-party system by putting up barriers to voting. It's the only way they can win.

You see, if they were nearly that honest, at least I could accept it. But instead, they hid behind their race card that they always use anytime they want something like power.

You've only confirmed that the goal is to make it harder for people who tend to vote Democrat, to vote. You call them idiots.

Are they any more idiotic then the "white trash, bible thumping, rednecks" (to use the common slurs directed at them) who voted for Trump? Should their vote be limited because they are idiots? Or is the vote only for those idiots willing to run an electoral obstacle course in order to vote? (not always easy for people who have multiple jobs and a family to care for).
No, your denial is simply a lie.
What you don't like about voting by mail is that your ability to do your traditional voter suppression activities won't work.
Move the polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Not enough working polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Fake cops at polling problem already mailed in the ballot;

So now your leaders are having to come up with more creative strategies than your Neanderthal tactics of the past.

BUT...You've pissed them off
Your stuff didn't work in 2018
Didn't work in 2020
Won't work in the future.

Stacy and AOC will see to that.

I know they will, and so will Piglosi and Whorris after they pass this voting bill. I have no idea why you people didn't leave this country and move to North Korea or Cuba where their government and society is more to your liking. We had a great country until liberalism ruined it for us. Now they are trying to fix it so Republicans can never have power again. When any country has a single-party government, tyranny takes place.

Now we will quickly slip into Socialism, and then Communism which are just about the same thing. The Great Experiment is ending, and it's ending because of people like you who support the Communists.
Thanks for admitting that Republicans can't win without cheating.

Isn't it too bad Republicans forgot how to run on policy and issues rather than on lies and corruption?


In the recent SCOTUS case, the lawyer for the Arizona Republicans attempting to pass draconian anti-voter laws said as much. They can't win on ideas so they need to change the rules to favor them.

That means disenfranchising voters.


If "we the people" are to mean anything at all anymore, we need this bill.

No that means that ballots aren't sent to ineligible voters, many of whom no longer reside in the State.

Ballots are sent to LEGALLY REGISTERED voters at their LEGALLY REGISTERED address.

Claims that people voted illegally are specious at best and outright lies for the most part.

Right. Fewer than 1/100th of a percent of voter fraud cases out of all votes cast for the past 30 years....

Heritage foundation just proves what we've been saying all along.... Its minimal.

But enough to swing some elections. Otherwise it wouldn't take months and court battles to settle specific races, would it?

No, your denial is simply a lie.
What you don't like about voting by mail is that your ability to do your traditional voter suppression activities won't work.
Move the polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Not enough working polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Fake cops at polling problem already mailed in the ballot;

So now your leaders are having to come up with more creative strategies than your Neanderthal tactics of the past.

BUT...You've pissed them off
Your stuff didn't work in 2018
Didn't work in 2020
Won't work in the future.

Stacy and AOC will see to that.

I know they will, and so will Piglosi and Whorris after they pass this voting bill. I have no idea why you people didn't leave this country and move to North Korea or Cuba where their government and society is more to your liking. We had a great country until liberalism ruined it for us. Now they are trying to fix it so Republicans can never have power again. When any country has a single-party government, tyranny takes place.

Now we will quickly slip into Socialism, and then Communism which are just about the same thing. The Great Experiment is ending, and it's ending because of people like you who support the Communists.
Thanks for admitting that Republicans can't win without cheating.

Isn't it too bad Republicans forgot how to run on policy and issues rather than on lies and corruption?


In the recent SCOTUS case, the lawyer for the Arizona Republicans attempting to pass draconian anti-voter laws said as much. They can't win on ideas so they need to change the rules to favor them.

That means disenfranchising voters.


If "we the people" are to mean anything at all anymore, we need this bill.

No that means that ballots aren't sent to ineligible voters, many of whom no longer reside in the State.

Ballots are sent to LEGALLY REGISTERED voters at their LEGALLY REGISTERED address.

Claims that people voted illegally are specious at best and outright lies for the most part.



Your source goes back to 1982 and lists some 1,600 instances of "fraud" spread across 40 years.
For reference we've had 11 presidential elections counting some 800 MILLION votes and an additional 11 federal elections plus special elections generating some 600,000 votes plus primaries and local elections. Conservatively, so to speak, 1600 cases out of 1.5 BILLION votes.

For the math disabled that percentage is .0000107 percent.

Thank you for proving very clearly that all the screaming about fraud is just that. FRAUD!

And? I just posted it to prove they aren't outright lies, and I bet the 1,600 legitimate voters that had their votes cancelled would take it so lightly.

You posted it to prove that fraud is such a small concern as to be legally and statistically insignificant?

Well, you proved your point.

All it take is enough to tip one race to alter the balance of power, doesn't it?

If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

hey OKTexas i know texas and florida has joined south dakota in going maskless,i hear there are a total of 16 states now as well,do you know what those other 13 states are by chance?
No, your denial is simply a lie.
What you don't like about voting by mail is that your ability to do your traditional voter suppression activities won't work.
Move the polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Not enough working polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Fake cops at polling problem already mailed in the ballot;

So now your leaders are having to come up with more creative strategies than your Neanderthal tactics of the past.

BUT...You've pissed them off
Your stuff didn't work in 2018
Didn't work in 2020
Won't work in the future.

Stacy and AOC will see to that.

I know they will, and so will Piglosi and Whorris after they pass this voting bill. I have no idea why you people didn't leave this country and move to North Korea or Cuba where their government and society is more to your liking. We had a great country until liberalism ruined it for us. Now they are trying to fix it so Republicans can never have power again. When any country has a single-party government, tyranny takes place.

Now we will quickly slip into Socialism, and then Communism which are just about the same thing. The Great Experiment is ending, and it's ending because of people like you who support the Communists.
Thanks for admitting that Republicans can't win without cheating.

Isn't it too bad Republicans forgot how to run on policy and issues rather than on lies and corruption?


In the recent SCOTUS case, the lawyer for the Arizona Republicans attempting to pass draconian anti-voter laws said as much. They can't win on ideas so they need to change the rules to favor them.

That means disenfranchising voters.


If "we the people" are to mean anything at all anymore, we need this bill.

No that means that ballots aren't sent to ineligible voters, many of whom no longer reside in the State.

Ballots are sent to LEGALLY REGISTERED voters at their LEGALLY REGISTERED address.

Claims that people voted illegally are specious at best and outright lies for the most part.

Right. Fewer than 1/100th of a percent of voter fraud cases out of all votes cast for the past 30 years....

Heritage foundation just proves what we've been saying all along.... Its minimal.

But enough to swing some elections. Otherwise it wouldn't take months and court battles to settle specific races, would it?


Doesn't that show the system works? It is minimal. Most elections don't end in court battles. But the fact is - recounts are available, poll observers, recourse through the courts. There is transparency built in, and a system for handling conflict. And none of it involves increasing the difficulty of voting.

If you're going to create rules to make voting more difficult for certain populations, it should be based on evidence not conjecture. And there is no evidence of wide spread voter fraud, or of a large increase in voter fraud.

Seems the system is working.
No, your denial is simply a lie.
What you don't like about voting by mail is that your ability to do your traditional voter suppression activities won't work.
Move the polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Not enough working polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Fake cops at polling problem already mailed in the ballot;

So now your leaders are having to come up with more creative strategies than your Neanderthal tactics of the past.

BUT...You've pissed them off
Your stuff didn't work in 2018
Didn't work in 2020
Won't work in the future.

Stacy and AOC will see to that.

I know they will, and so will Piglosi and Whorris after they pass this voting bill. I have no idea why you people didn't leave this country and move to North Korea or Cuba where their government and society is more to your liking. We had a great country until liberalism ruined it for us. Now they are trying to fix it so Republicans can never have power again. When any country has a single-party government, tyranny takes place.

Now we will quickly slip into Socialism, and then Communism which are just about the same thing. The Great Experiment is ending, and it's ending because of people like you who support the Communists.
Thanks for admitting that Republicans can't win without cheating.

Isn't it too bad Republicans forgot how to run on policy and issues rather than on lies and corruption?


In the recent SCOTUS case, the lawyer for the Arizona Republicans attempting to pass draconian anti-voter laws said as much. They can't win on ideas so they need to change the rules to favor them.

That means disenfranchising voters.


If "we the people" are to mean anything at all anymore, we need this bill.

No that means that ballots aren't sent to ineligible voters, many of whom no longer reside in the State.

Ballots are sent to LEGALLY REGISTERED voters at their LEGALLY REGISTERED address.

Claims that people voted illegally are specious at best and outright lies for the most part.



Your source goes back to 1982 and lists some 1,600 instances of "fraud" spread across 40 years.
For reference we've had 11 presidential elections counting some 800 MILLION votes and an additional 11 federal elections plus special elections generating some 600,000 votes plus primaries and local elections. Conservatively, so to speak, 1600 cases out of 1.5 BILLION votes.

For the math disabled that percentage is .0000107 percent.

Thank you for proving very clearly that all the screaming about fraud is just that. FRAUD!

And? I just posted it to prove they aren't outright lies, and I bet the 1,600 legitimate voters that had their votes cancelled would take it so lightly.

You posted it to prove that fraud is such a small concern as to be legally and statistically insignificant?

Well, you proved your point.

All it take is enough to tip one race to alter the balance of power, doesn't it?


Can't the same be said of voter suppression?
Sure it is.
look what happened we we got rid of SOME Republicans.

Yeah, look what we got: A huge border problem that a Republican had under control. I just passed my gas station today, 70 cents a gallon higher than when Biden took office, and this is only the beginning. Do you have an athletic daughter in school? Forget about them joining a female basketball or wrestling team. Creepy Joe mandated that weirdos in dresses must be allowed to compete against them. So much for your daughters potential college scholarship program, huh? Thousands of workers laid off in the middle of a pandemic with the potential of creating tens of thousands more jobs. Today, the Senate put us one step closer to 2 trillion more in debt, bringing our debt to 30 million, mostly spending it on Democrat pork.

Yeah, get rid of more Republicans. We will be Venezuela in no time.
According to Trump he NEVER had the border under control. Every other week was another mass of caravans crushing through the border...or did you forget...
All those decisions about trans athletes came under Trump...Or did you forget
Unemployment when Obama left office was close to 4%. When Trump left it was close to 7%...or did you forget
Trump. in 4 years, ran up $7T in debt with most of that money going to his wealthy buddies...or did you forget

Seems you have a memory problem along with your myriad other shortcomings.
And you seem to have forgotten about the Kung Flu Virus

It's irrelevant to their propaganda.

Apparemtly there is plenty that Americans like. In 2018, Michigan voters passed a election reform initiative by a 2-1 margin. That means even some Republicans voted for it. I have no doubt that nearly every part of this bill would be strongly supported by voters.

Yeah, the lazy welfare voters who always vote Democrat.

You really do persist in making a fool of yourself. Why should you have to wait for hours to vote when it can be done in 15 minutes.
I've seen the parts I need to but, I'm not the one bitching and the question remains...

I'm curious as to what drives people who are enthusiastic about legislating without knowing what they are legislating.
I have read many documents in my life where X number of goods things are set off balance by Y bad things.
And yet, with all that reading, still can't tell us what you don't like about the bill.

Let me help you...Black people get to vote.

ZOINKS! A real hypocritical mystery there Scooby!
Black people can't currently vote? Could've fooled me.

In the Texas primaries, blacks had to wait for hours to vote because Texas has closed polling places in minority communitieas. Whites did not face that.
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

hey OKTexas i know texas and florida has joined south dakota in going maskless,i hear there are a total of 16 states now as well,do you know what those other 13 states are by chance?

The TX Lt. Gov named them during an interview, I believe with Laura Ingraham. I don't recall which States they were.

Last edited:
You are the biggest idiot on this board. The reason more Democrats voted by mail is because they took the coronavirus threat seriously.It shows that they are smarter than you are. The fact is that voting does not have to be painful or time consuming. This is the 21st century. I suppose you would have us driving around in a horse and buggy.

Then why did creepy Joe have a record turnout, because he was so exciting, great polices and popular? I swear, if I ever tried to sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it was a leftist because you suckers will believe anything.

If you can't get your lazy worthless ass out to the polls and vote, then you have no business voting in the first place. It means you really don't care because you don't even know WTF you're voting on which is prime Democrat voters. Covid? Fine, go with that. But why are the commies pushing for it to be a regular thing after Covid is long gone? We both know why, but you're not honest enough to admit why.

There was a record turnout because voters opposed Trump. Many stayed home in 2016 and as a result Trump won. Voters were determined to not make the same mistake in 2020. Trump has sold you fools tghe equivalent of a bridge. He is laughing at you suckers all the way to the bank.

There is no reason why people should wait for hours to vote when it is not necessary. That does not prove anything. it shou;ld be a regular thingb as there is no reason why it should not be. The fact is that you are not honest. The fact is that as the baby boomers die, there will be fewer people to man polling places so mail in balloting could be a necessity.
OK. I'll help.

No more vote by mail for anyone
ID required
Redraw and consolidate all precincts so that the poorest most racially segregated parts of any community is in each precinct
Eliminate all but 1 voting machine in each precinct
Move the polling location to the poorest neighborhoods
Have the polls and lines guarded by BLM activists

There ya go Klanboy. Experience some "suppression free" voting just like the people you hate.

I have a better idea: leave our election system alone. You want to vote, fine, go vote, but do it in person like we've done since the founding of our country.

Mail in voting has been in place for humdreds of years as well.
Mail in ballots were exspected to be heavier for Democrats and given those counties went heavily for Biden the percentages are not surprising.

Of course they were, because Democrats are lazy good for nothings, so of course they expected more mail-in Biden ballots. It only goes to prove my point that the commies want lazy good for nothings voting because they are politically ignorant voters who will vote Democrat.

You are the biggest idiot on this board. The reason more Democrats voted by mail is because they took the coronavirus threat seriously.It shows that they are smarter than you are. The fact is that voting does not have to be painful or time consuming. This is the 21st century. I suppose you would have us driving around in a horse and buggy.
I've come to the conclusion he must be a plant making idiotic posts to get responses. Cuz nobody could be that stupid.

You are even stupider. You cannot face facts.
No, your denial is simply a lie.
What you don't like about voting by mail is that your ability to do your traditional voter suppression activities won't work.
Move the polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Not enough working polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Fake cops at polling problem already mailed in the ballot;

So now your leaders are having to come up with more creative strategies than your Neanderthal tactics of the past.

BUT...You've pissed them off
Your stuff didn't work in 2018
Didn't work in 2020
Won't work in the future.

Stacy and AOC will see to that.

I know they will, and so will Piglosi and Whorris after they pass this voting bill. I have no idea why you people didn't leave this country and move to North Korea or Cuba where their government and society is more to your liking. We had a great country until liberalism ruined it for us. Now they are trying to fix it so Republicans can never have power again. When any country has a single-party government, tyranny takes place.

Now we will quickly slip into Socialism, and then Communism which are just about the same thing. The Great Experiment is ending, and it's ending because of people like you who support the Communists.
Thanks for admitting that Republicans can't win without cheating.

Isn't it too bad Republicans forgot how to run on policy and issues rather than on lies and corruption?


In the recent SCOTUS case, the lawyer for the Arizona Republicans attempting to pass draconian anti-voter laws said as much. They can't win on ideas so they need to change the rules to favor them.

That means disenfranchising voters.


If "we the people" are to mean anything at all anymore, we need this bill.

No that means that ballots aren't sent to ineligible voters, many of whom no longer reside in the State.

Ballots are sent to LEGALLY REGISTERED voters at their LEGALLY REGISTERED address.

Claims that people voted illegally are specious at best and outright lies for the most part.

Right. Fewer than 1/100th of a percent of voter fraud cases out of all votes cast for the past 30 years....

Heritage foundation just proves what we've been saying all along.... Its minimal.

But enough to swing some elections. Otherwise it wouldn't take months and court battles to settle specific races, would it?


Doesn't that show the system works? It is minimal. Most elections don't end in court battles. But the fact is - recounts are available, poll observers, recourse through the courts. There is transparency built in, and a system for handling conflict. And none of it involves increasing the difficulty of voting.

If you're going to create rules to make voting more difficult for certain populations, it should be based on evidence not conjecture. And there is no evidence of wide spread voter fraud, or of a large increase in voter fraud.

Seems the system is working.

And what good are recounts if the same illegal votes are counted over and over? And why do you want people who are just doing what they are told determining the future of this country? What does it tell you when a politician publicly brags that they have 600,000 votes in their pocket?

No, your denial is simply a lie.
What you don't like about voting by mail is that your ability to do your traditional voter suppression activities won't work.
Move the polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Not enough working polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Fake cops at polling problem already mailed in the ballot;

So now your leaders are having to come up with more creative strategies than your Neanderthal tactics of the past.

BUT...You've pissed them off
Your stuff didn't work in 2018
Didn't work in 2020
Won't work in the future.

Stacy and AOC will see to that.

I know they will, and so will Piglosi and Whorris after they pass this voting bill. I have no idea why you people didn't leave this country and move to North Korea or Cuba where their government and society is more to your liking. We had a great country until liberalism ruined it for us. Now they are trying to fix it so Republicans can never have power again. When any country has a single-party government, tyranny takes place.

Now we will quickly slip into Socialism, and then Communism which are just about the same thing. The Great Experiment is ending, and it's ending because of people like you who support the Communists.
Thanks for admitting that Republicans can't win without cheating.

Isn't it too bad Republicans forgot how to run on policy and issues rather than on lies and corruption?


In the recent SCOTUS case, the lawyer for the Arizona Republicans attempting to pass draconian anti-voter laws said as much. They can't win on ideas so they need to change the rules to favor them.

That means disenfranchising voters.


If "we the people" are to mean anything at all anymore, we need this bill.

No that means that ballots aren't sent to ineligible voters, many of whom no longer reside in the State.

Ballots are sent to LEGALLY REGISTERED voters at their LEGALLY REGISTERED address.

Claims that people voted illegally are specious at best and outright lies for the most part.



Your source goes back to 1982 and lists some 1,600 instances of "fraud" spread across 40 years.
For reference we've had 11 presidential elections counting some 800 MILLION votes and an additional 11 federal elections plus special elections generating some 600,000 votes plus primaries and local elections. Conservatively, so to speak, 1600 cases out of 1.5 BILLION votes.

For the math disabled that percentage is .0000107 percent.

Thank you for proving very clearly that all the screaming about fraud is just that. FRAUD!

And? I just posted it to prove they aren't outright lies, and I bet the 1,600 legitimate voters that had their votes cancelled would take it so lightly.

You posted it to prove that fraud is such a small concern as to be legally and statistically insignificant?

Well, you proved your point.

All it take is enough to tip one race to alter the balance of power, doesn't it?


Can't the same be said of voter suppression?

You commies keep talking about voter suppression, yet in every State you cite, voter participation has increased over the years. That proves your claims are nothing but a myth and propaganda.


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