The Killing Of The United States of America

You are the biggest idiot on this board. The reason more Democrats voted by mail is because they took the coronavirus threat seriously.It shows that they are smarter than you are. The fact is that voting does not have to be painful or time consuming. This is the 21st century. I suppose you would have us driving around in a horse and buggy.

Then why did creepy Joe have a record turnout, because he was so exciting, great polices and popular? I swear, if I ever tried to sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it was a leftist because you suckers will believe anything.

If you can't get your lazy worthless ass out to the polls and vote, then you have no business voting in the first place. It means you really don't care because you don't even know WTF you're voting on which is prime Democrat voters. Covid? Fine, go with that. But why are the commies pushing for it to be a regular thing after Covid is long gone? We both know why, but you're not honest enough to admit why.
Your definition of communism is simple. It is anything you disagree with. Voters are closer to Democrats on issues than they are Trump Republicans. That is why you clowns falsely say Dr Seuss is being banned. You are the ones dividing the country and white supremacists are Republicans now. Ronald Reagan had a agenda and he worked with liberal Republicans and Democrats to get sweeping tax cuts and and tax reform. Nazis like you have a lot of gall calling others communists.

My definition of Communism is what's on the US Communist website. You won't even bother to look at it because you're afraid it would tell you what you actually are, and the leaders you vote on. Because if you bothered to do that, you'd see their agenda is almost identical to the Democrat party that you support.

Nazis? Your people just impeached a President for exercising his constitutional right of free speech. It's your people who are working on disarming law abiding citizens. It's your party that's trying to rig our voting system so this country will be a one-party government. Those are the Nazis.

You are a Russian communist. You want to make it as hard as possible for people to vote. The more hoops people have to go through the more likely they are to mess up. Apparently that is the only way you can win. Republican lawyers in a Supreme Court election case, admitted the only reason they passed certain election laws was so they can win. I have seen the Communist Party website and it is surprisingly bland. They are more left leaning than they are radical.
Your sylogism is a non sequitur, NAZI. Complying with perfectl reasonable measures to make sure you are a legal voter is not communism any more than the free market is anarchy. No one is swallowing your latest Dim talking points. People aren't as stupid as you think they are.

There is nothing reasonable about what Republicans want to do. They even admitted in the Supreme Court hearing on several Arizona election laws that these laws were passed so Republicans can win. You Nazis clearly know you can't win elections when people are able to freely vote.
The election laws are to insure legal votes. Republicans win when there are only legal votes. The Democrats are just admitting they have to cheat.

No they do not. Trump and the Republicans have admitted the larger the turnout the less likely Republicans are to win. Biden won fair and square.
There was massive fraud. If you are dumb enough to think there was not I feel for you.
no one kills the USA. NOBODY. Period. end of discussion


Let's do it together: USA!!

They probably would if they actually heard the evidence.
But the lawyers would not present the 'evidence' as they weren't alleging fraud. How come you don't get that?

You're right, they were arguing process, which makes it real hard to gain standing. It was the process that left the door wide open for fraud.

It was lack of standing, which is lack of legal argument, lack of evidence, etc...

No case is simply denied by a judge without review.

The lawyers put forth their legal arguments and best supporting evidence in their legal briefs, the judge goes through the legal briefs and determines if the case has legal merit.

Those cases shot down were reviewed by the judges, before ruling against the Trump team of lawyers.
"Lack os standing" does not mean "lack of evidence" or "lack of legal argument," dingbat. Why do you even bother jumping in when you're such a dumbass? An example of a case that lacks standing is if I sued someone for copyright infringement, but I wasn't the author of the piece that was copied.

The fact that turds as dumb as you can vote is truly scary.
Ok, lack of standing or without merit, was why many of the cases were lost by trump and friends.

That does not change my position that the court briefs for the suits, were all reviewed by all judges, in every single court suit brought... The judges judged, on the cases brought forth by examining the legal briefs with alleged evidence presented by the legal team's briefs who were involved.....

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No, your denial is simply a lie.
What you don't like about voting by mail is that your ability to do your traditional voter suppression activities won't work.
Move the polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Not enough working polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Fake cops at polling problem already mailed in the ballot;

So now your leaders are having to come up with more creative strategies than your Neanderthal tactics of the past.

BUT...You've pissed them off
Your stuff didn't work in 2018
Didn't work in 2020
Won't work in the future.

Stacy and AOC will see to that.

I know they will, and so will Piglosi and Whorris after they pass this voting bill. I have no idea why you people didn't leave this country and move to North Korea or Cuba where their government and society is more to your liking. We had a great country until liberalism ruined it for us. Now they are trying to fix it so Republicans can never have power again. When any country has a single-party government, tyranny takes place.

Now we will quickly slip into Socialism, and then Communism which are just about the same thing. The Great Experiment is ending, and it's ending because of people like you who support the Communists.
Thanks for admitting that Republicans can't win without cheating.

Isn't it too bad Republicans forgot how to run on policy and issues rather than on lies and corruption?


In the recent SCOTUS case, the lawyer for the Arizona Republicans attempting to pass draconian anti-voter laws said as much. They can't win on ideas so they need to change the rules to favor them.

That means disenfranchising voters.


If "we the people" are to mean anything at all anymore, we need this bill.

No that means that ballots aren't sent to ineligible voters, many of whom no longer reside in the State.

Ballots are sent to LEGALLY REGISTERED voters at their LEGALLY REGISTERED address.

Claims that people voted illegally are specious at best and outright lies for the most part.

Right. Fewer than 1/100th of a percent of voter fraud cases out of all votes cast for the past 30 years....

Heritage foundation just proves what we've been saying all along.... Its minimal.

Here's a list of the lawsuits and where they stand
Direct appeals to the Supreme Court — 3 losses
  • Several Republican politicians, led by Rep. Mike Kelly, asked the US Supreme Court to block the certification of Pennsylvania's election results. The court turned down the case.
  • Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin in the US Supreme Court seeking to overturn their election results. The Supreme Court rejected the case.
  • The Trump campaign asked the US Supreme Court to overturn three decisions from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court over various technical rules regarding absentee and mail-in ballots. The court rejected the case on February 22, declaring it moot.
Pennsylvania — 13 losses
Nevada cases

Log in

Nevada — 4 losses
  • The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit requesting that ballots stop being counted in the state over concerns about signature-matching technology and election observers' claims that they weren't being allowed to watch ballots being processed closely enough. The Nevada Supreme Court denied the request.
  • The Trump campaign and the RNC filed a lawsuit in state court asking to stop ballot counting in Clark County — a heavily Democratic area — until GOP officials could observe the process. A district judge rejected the request on the grounds that the plaintiffs did not have evidence to back up their allegations. Republicans appealed the case to the Nevada Supreme Court, which said on November 5 that the campaign and Republican officials had reached a settlement that allowed expanded ballot observation. They later withdrew the case.
  • A group of Republicans dropped a lawsuit in Clark County challenging mail-in ballots, including those sent by members of the military.
  • The Trump campaign filed a different lawsuit in Carson City District Court alleging multiple irregularities that the campaign claimed, without providing specific evidence, would be enough to overturn the election results in Nevada and flip the state to Trump. It failed.
From the same link above...

Georgia — 5 losses
Right. Fewer than 1/100th of a percent of voter fraud cases out of all votes cast for the past 30 years....

Heritage foundation just proves what we've been saying all along.... Its minimal.

You don't know that. All you know is about the people who got caught. It's like people on a certain highway driving 25 mph over the speed limit. If there is never any police on that highway, nobody knows it's common to speed there.
From the same link above:

Michigan — 5 losses
Right. Fewer than 1/100th of a percent of voter fraud cases out of all votes cast for the past 30 years....

Heritage foundation just proves what we've been saying all along.... Its minimal.

You don't know that. All you know is about the people who got caught. It's like people on a certain highway driving 25 mph over the speed limit. If there is never any police on that highway, nobody knows it's common to speed there.
The point stands, there is individual fraud that does take place, but not enough to change the results of any, presidential election.
Here is Arizona cases from the Business insider article...

Arizona — 4 losses
  • The Trump campaign joined a lawsuit brought by two Republicans in Maricopa County claiming that a substantial number of GOP ballots were invalidated because voters used Sharpies to fill in their choices. There is no evidence that using Sharpies leads to issues with scanning ballots, and, in fact, officials have said using Sharpies is preferred. The Post also reported that the Maricopa County attorney's office said no ballots were rejected and that if they are, voters have an opportunity to cast another one. A Republican-aligned group abandoned the legal fight after Maricopa County officials challenged the factual basis for the lawsuit, and the Trump campaign lost the fight soon afterward.
  • The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit in state court alleging that Maricopa County was improperly rejecting ballots cast by some voters. The lawsuit was dismissed after an audit found no problems with the votes.
  • Arizona's Supreme Court unanimously rejected a case from the state GOP chair Kelli Ward, saying the facts she presented were incorrect and that she "fails to present any evidence of misconduct."
  • Powell filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn election results as well, based on a conspiracy theory about voting machines used in the state. A judge dismissed the case.
Here's Wisconsin. Trump and his allies filed more than 40 lawsuits challenging the 2020 election results. All of them failed.

Wisconsin — 7 losses
And that is simply a denial of reality. Or, more accurately, a Republican lie.

Would you like the quotes from Republicans admitting to suppression and that suppression is the only way Republicans can win?

It's a leftist lie to try and gain support to stop Voter-ID. Democrats hate Voter-ID because their lazy welfare constituents won't go through the trouble to get one. So instead, they called it voter suppression. Forget the fact that they could never explain how one system only effected their voters. They just feed you this crap and you buy it without question.
OK. I'll help.

No more vote by mail for anyone
ID required
Redraw and consolidate all precincts so that the poorest most racially segregated parts of any community is in each precinct
Eliminate all but 1 voting machine in each precinct
Move the polling location to the poorest neighborhoods
Have the polls and lines guarded by BLM activists

There ya go Klanboy. Experience some "suppression free" voting just like the people you hate.
It's much more than that, but there is nothing wrong with the way we do it now.
I'm hoping you said that out of ignorance and not malice.

No, your denial is simply a lie.
What you don't like about voting by mail is that your ability to do your traditional voter suppression activities won't work.
Move the polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Not enough working polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Fake cops at polling problem already mailed in the ballot;

So now your leaders are having to come up with more creative strategies than your Neanderthal tactics of the past.

BUT...You've pissed them off
Your stuff didn't work in 2018
Didn't work in 2020
Won't work in the future.

Stacy and AOC will see to that.

I know they will, and so will Piglosi and Whorris after they pass this voting bill. I have no idea why you people didn't leave this country and move to North Korea or Cuba where their government and society is more to your liking. We had a great country until liberalism ruined it for us. Now they are trying to fix it so Republicans can never have power again. When any country has a single-party government, tyranny takes place.

Now we will quickly slip into Socialism, and then Communism which are just about the same thing. The Great Experiment is ending, and it's ending because of people like you who support the Communists.
Thanks for admitting that Republicans can't win without cheating.

Isn't it too bad Republicans forgot how to run on policy and issues rather than on lies and corruption?


In the recent SCOTUS case, the lawyer for the Arizona Republicans attempting to pass draconian anti-voter laws said as much. They can't win on ideas so they need to change the rules to favor them.

That means disenfranchising voters.


If "we the people" are to mean anything at all anymore, we need this bill.

No that means that ballots aren't sent to ineligible voters, many of whom no longer reside in the State.

Ballots are sent to LEGALLY REGISTERED voters at their LEGALLY REGISTERED address.

Claims that people voted illegally are specious at best and outright lies for the most part.



Your source goes back to 1982 and lists some 1,600 instances of "fraud" spread across 40 years.
For reference we've had 11 presidential elections counting some 800 MILLION votes and an additional 11 federal elections plus special elections generating some 600,000 votes plus primaries and local elections. Conservatively, so to speak, 1600 cases out of 1.5 BILLION votes.

For the math disabled that percentage is .0000107 percent.

Thank you for proving very clearly that all the screaming about fraud is just that. FRAUD!

And? I just posted it to prove they aren't outright lies, and I bet the 1,600 legitimate voters that had their votes cancelled would take it so lightly.

You posted it to prove that fraud is such a small concern as to be legally and statistically insignificant?

Well, you proved your point.
OK. I'll help.

No more vote by mail for anyone
ID required
Redraw and consolidate all precincts so that the poorest most racially segregated parts of any community is in each precinct
Eliminate all but 1 voting machine in each precinct
Move the polling location to the poorest neighborhoods
Have the polls and lines guarded by BLM activists

There ya go Klanboy. Experience some "suppression free" voting just like the people you hate.

I have a better idea: leave our election system alone. You want to vote, fine, go vote, but do it in person like we've done since the founding of our country.
Mail in ballots were exspected to be heavier for Democrats and given those counties went heavily for Biden the percentages are not surprising.

Of course they were, because Democrats are lazy good for nothings, so of course they expected more mail-in Biden ballots. It only goes to prove my point that the commies want lazy good for nothings voting because they are politically ignorant voters who will vote Democrat.

You are the biggest idiot on this board. The reason more Democrats voted by mail is because they took the coronavirus threat seriously.It shows that they are smarter than you are. The fact is that voting does not have to be painful or time consuming. This is the 21st century. I suppose you would have us driving around in a horse and buggy.
I've come to the conclusion he must be a plant making idiotic posts to get responses. Cuz nobody could be that stupid.
What SPECIFICALLY don't you like about the bill?

What's to like in the bill? It forces states to run elections the Democrats way. It forces them to have automatic voter registration, must have mail-in voting, must allow same day registration and voting. It's a Democrat dream come true to guarantee them a single-party government forever, which of course means this is the end of the Great Experiment if they get it through.
What you mean to say here is that the bill guarantees everyone the right to vote and limits Republicans ability to engage in their 40 year campaign of voter suppression.

Glad I could help you with that.

Nothing but commie talking points, do you ever have an original thought? Not everyone has a right to vote.

Original thought?

From the land of Hannity comes the joke of the day!!!!!
I've seen the parts I need to but, I'm not the one bitching and the question remains...

I'm curious as to what drives people who are enthusiastic about legislating without knowing what they are legislating.
I have read many documents in my life where X number of goods things are set off balance by Y bad things.
And yet, with all that reading, still can't tell us what you don't like about the bill.

Let me help you...Black people get to vote.

ZOINKS! A real hypocritical mystery there Scooby!
Black people can't currently vote? Could've fooled me.
They voted in Georgia and the Dems won the Senate.

Look at what happens when Republican voter suppression fails, progress is made!

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