The KKK is Not the Only White Supremacist Group and You Know it.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Approximately one third of all whites responding to a 2017 IPSOS poll disagreed with white supremacist groups but held the same views. So many whites talk like they are blind on this matter. “Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”White people are the majority of the U.S. population, totaling about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2017. According to this poll, we are looking at potentially 76 million whites that continue to share the views of white supremacists. These numbers equaled approximately 1/5th of the American population at that time.

That was 4 years ago. Suffice it to say, the percentage has not dropped to zero. The KKK is not the only white supremacist group and there are free agent white supremacists who are not members of white supremacist groups. So the quote that there are only 5,000 Klan members is disingenuous.

Do you know who gave Huffington her start? Good old George Soros. He wants to keep you all riled up and add fuel to the fires he pays BLM to start, to continue to divide this country.
lol. They'll agree or somewhat agree to keep feeding you racist bullshit to keep you pissed off on a daily basis.

So, how ya been? How's the family?
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‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”
WTF does white European heritage mean?

Europeans are white.

It's like asking what colored black people believe ... ?
Votto she's a Covid candidate for death---she needs to lose some weight --and her hate ---
Don't hate the weight.

It just means she has extra love to give................unless you a white devil.
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I fail to see any problem with my pride in my European heritage. I am Irish, English, Scotch, Dutch, German, Norwegian and Swedish.

I do not believe that it makes me superior to anybody.

I have no problem with other ethic groups having pride in their heritage but refuse to believe it makes them superior to other ethnic groups.

In the end run I consider myself to be an American first and I am damn proud of that fact too.
Approximately one third of all whites responding to a 2017 IPSOS poll disagreed with white supremacist groups but held the same views. So many whites talk like they are blind on this matter. “Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”White people are the majority of the U.S. population, totaling about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2017. According to this poll, we are looking at potentially 76 million whites that continue to share the views of white supremacists. These numbers equaled approximately 1/5th of the American population at that time.

That was 4 years ago. Suffice it to say, the percentage has not dropped to zero. The KKK is not the only white supremacist group and there are free agent white supremacists who are not members of white supremacist groups. So the quote that there are only 5,000 Klan members is disingenuous.


So what you going to do? Lock them all up?

Good luck with that!!!


Approximately one third of all whites responding to a 2017 IPSOS poll disagreed with white supremacist groups but held the same views. So many whites talk like they are blind on this matter. “Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”White people are the majority of the U.S. population, totaling about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2017. According to this poll, we are looking at potentially 76 million whites that continue to share the views of white supremacists. These numbers equaled approximately 1/5th of the American population at that time.

That was 4 years ago. Suffice it to say, the percentage has not dropped to zero. The KKK is not the only white supremacist group and there are free agent white supremacists who are not members of white supremacist groups. So the quote that there are only 5,000 Klan members is disingenuous.

OK. I read this. Whites are always the bad guys? I suck in breath under my teeth. This implies that blacks, negroes, persons of color are totally incompetent and incapable of making their own decisions or living their own lives because whites have this magic voodoo power over blacks can't resist...We all know that's bullshit. The high black on black homicide rate? FACE Reality: Poor blacks are their own worst enemy. Its telling when YT or FB algorithms prevent saying that simple truth.

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