Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements

That's not grooming.

democrats dressed in drag reading porn books children is what grooming is.
Do these children even children anymore. If you say yes , you're absolutely crazy
You should watch the movie , " Little Miss Sunshine " it was a comedy but also a very good sarcastic look at so-called beauty pagents. It's revolting and sick. Those people aren't normal to do that to a child.
if that person is not harming you in any way - THAT'S what matters.

you allowing that person to live their life with FREEDOM & LIBERTY & JUSTIC for ALL, then your hypocrisy won't be showing.

☝️freedom for thee, but not for she.
Truth matters. Your mental illness has no bearing on freedom or liberty and the rest of us don’t need to participate in your idiocy. HE is a mental case.
will you be quoting sodom & gomorrah next?
If he does he'll be most likely misquoting it using the plot Josepheus ( circa 100 A D ). introduced into the ages old morality tale told by Ezekiel. He sensationalized it by introducing and highlighting the aspect of homosexuality where none was mentioned.
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Truth matters. Your mental illness has no bearing on freedom or liberty and the rest of us don’t need to participate in your idiocy. HE is a mental case.
I am certain if a psychiatrist were to examine your statements against playtimes he / she would say you are the one with the problems. Please get some professional help.

Nice influence - NOT. !
They're not.
There are a lot more crazies on the right than there are on the left. And unless you know these people's political party connection you don't know either. Don't tell me you've collected these rare articles over the years to try to.make you're case. Every day I hear about some crazy republican doing another horrible thing. If I saved shit like that I could make a list twice as like no in no time to counter yours. Yes , there are crazies on both sides but republicans win that contest hands down. They seem to be trying to top each other in how bad they can be.
There are a lot more crazies on the right than there are on the left. And unless you know these people's political party connection you don't know either. Don't tell me you've collected these rare articles over the years to try to.make you're case. Every day I hear about some crazy republican doing another horrible thing. If I saved shit like that I could make a list twice as like no in no time to counter yours. Yes , there are crazies on both sides but republicans win that contest hands down. They seem to be trying to top each other in how bad they can be.


Yea right.

Another isolated incident . You' really put a lot of work into this. Your case must be full of holes. Nice try though.

Isolated my ass.

Name me one democrat who doesn't believe a woman can be a man and a man can be a woman.
Isolated my ass.

Name me one democrat who doesn't believe a woman can be a man and a man can be a woman.
You believe they actually care , they don't care about shit like that. They care about the rights of a person to do that if they care to. Republicans don't care about them but even worse they attempt to interfere with their lives. You only have the right to decide that for yourself.
You believe they actually care , they don't care about shit like that. They care about the rights of a person to do that if they care to. Republicans don't care about them but even worse they attempt to interfere with their lives. You only have the right to decide that for yourself.

Can't name one eh?
This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

A new study has revealed that a specific group of Republicans, known as MAGA Republicans, are more likely than other groups to endorse political violence. The findings, published in PLOS One, indicate that this group, making up approximately 15% of the US adult population, showed distinct beliefs on race and democracy, differing significantly from other Republican factions and non-Republicans.

One of the survey’s most striking revelations concerns attitudes towards democracy and the use of violence. A substantial 90% of MAGA Republicans perceived a serious threat to American democracy, a perception considerably higher than that of strong Republicans (74.4%), other Republicans (61.7%), and non-Republicans (70.1%).

Furthermore, 31% of MAGA Republicans held the belief that having a strong leader is more important than maintaining a democracy, again surpassing the percentages in strong Republicans (17.8%), other Republicans (17.0%), and non-Republicans (15.2%). The endorsement of armed citizens patrolling polling places was also notably higher among MAGA Republicans (19.2%) compared to the other groups.

The survey also probed beliefs about race and the ‘great replacement’ theory. Only 6.5% of MAGA Republicans agreed strongly or very strongly that white people have societal advantages over Black people, a stark contrast to the 62.6% of non-Republicans who held this view. Additionally, over half of MAGA Republicans (51.0%) strongly or very strongly believed in the ‘great replacement’ theory, the belief that native-born white Americans are being replaced by immigrants. This belief was far less prevalent among strong Republicans (23.1%), other Republicans (14.4%), and non-Republicans (7.0%).

Another area of focus was the QAnon conspiracy theory. Here, 26.7% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed that US institutions are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, a belief significantly less prevalent among strong Republicans (5.4%), other Republicans (6.5%), and non-Republicans (5.6%). Similarly, 29.6% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed in the imminent arrival of a storm that would restore the rightful leaders, a view not as widely shared by other groups.

“The study’s findings suggest that MAGA Republicans, as defined, are a distinct minority — more likely than other Republicans to endorse racist and delusional beliefs, sometimes by very wide margins,” the researchers wrote.

They needed a study to figure that one out?
Truth matters.

sure does. start with the chosen one & all the crimin' he dun did miserydude.

Your mental illness has no bearing on freedom or liberty

it does when one ... as long as they aren't violent.... can live their life with liberty & the pursuit of happiness unfettered.

and the rest of us don’t need to participate in your idiocy.

who says you have to? you don't have to accept it in yer opinions, home, or amongst yer circle of friends... per yer rights. but what you don't get to do is deny anyone you find icky ( & are afraid of in some weird way ) their right to live their life.

HE is a mental case.

relax, misery, it's not contagious.
Liking pretty women makes you a pig?

of course not. but going on the howard stern show & bragging about he would walk into their dressing room, unannounced, whilst they were in various stages of nudity, to line them up & inspect them, because ' he owned the pageant '.


is what i have a problem with. 🐖

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