The Klan Never Organized Huge Protests Chanting Death Threats Like These Organized By Al Sharpton

For the 2003–2004 session, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)rated Byrd's voting record as being 100 percent in line with the NAACP's position on the 33 Senate bills they evaluated.
Robert Byrd on Civil Rights

This one says 82%.

None of this changes my opinion on the racist and KKK leader. I've is/was scum.

Um, he's dead, he isn't anything now. He's not going to run for office. Even if he were alive and I could vote for him, I wouldn't. However, I think it's funny that you want to point out his ratings when many R's scored lower than Byrd.

Did you vote for Romney/Ryan in the last presidential election? Ryan scored 13% with the ACLU, and 0% by the Human Rights Commission.

My top choice for President in 2016 was rated...

93% ACLU

100% HRC



Yep, and that proves how slanted these groups are.

Where the hell did I state Byrd was alive, I said he is/was scum. Try reading comprehension programs, they could help.

And I said he isn't anything.

Because he is and was scum. He used to be scum, he is still scum, just scum in a casket.

And if he is nothing, then why do you care what people think of him?

Holy shit, it's like talking to a two year old child. He is not "still" scum, he's not "still" anything. Yes, he used to be a racist, and he used to be scum.

Simply by judging his voting record later in life, and the remorse he showed, I give him credit for that. If Byrd wasn't sincere, he's the one who had to live with it. You and your idiot friends are trying to turn that into something that isn't.

The fact still remains that after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, those once blue states have gradually become red states, filled with racist people we now call Tea Party types.
Last edited:
Robert Byrd on Civil Rights

This one says 82%.

None of this changes my opinion on the racist and KKK leader. I've is/was scum.

Um, he's dead, he isn't anything now. He's not going to run for office. Even if he were alive and I could vote for him, I wouldn't. However, I think it's funny that you want to point out his ratings when many R's scored lower than Byrd.

Did you vote for Romney/Ryan in the last presidential election? Ryan scored 13% with the ACLU, and 0% by the Human Rights Commission.

My top choice for President in 2016 was rated...

93% ACLU

100% HRC



Yep, and that proves how slanted these groups are.

Where the hell did I state Byrd was alive, I said he is/was scum. Try reading comprehension programs, they could help.

And I said he isn't anything.

Because he is and was scum. He used to be scum, he is still scum, just scum in a casket.

And if he is nothing, then why do you care what people think of him?

Holy shit, it's like talking to a two year old child. He is not "still" scum, he's not "still" anything. Yes, he used to be a racist, and he used to be scum.

Simply by judging his voting record later in life, and the remorse he showed, I give him credit for that. If Byrd wasn't sincere, he's the one who had to live with it. You and your idiot friends are trying to turn that into something that isn't.

The fact still remains that after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, those once blue states have gradually become red states, filled with racist people we now call Tea Party types.
Are you saying the US wasn't racist before the CRA was passed?
Robert Byrd on Civil Rights

This one says 82%.

None of this changes my opinion on the racist and KKK leader. I've is/was scum.

Um, he's dead, he isn't anything now. He's not going to run for office. Even if he were alive and I could vote for him, I wouldn't. However, I think it's funny that you want to point out his ratings when many R's scored lower than Byrd.

Did you vote for Romney/Ryan in the last presidential election? Ryan scored 13% with the ACLU, and 0% by the Human Rights Commission.

My top choice for President in 2016 was rated...

93% ACLU

100% HRC



Yep, and that proves how slanted these groups are.

Where the hell did I state Byrd was alive, I said he is/was scum. Try reading comprehension programs, they could help.

And I said he isn't anything.

Because he is and was scum. He used to be scum, he is still scum, just scum in a casket.

And if he is nothing, then why do you care what people think of him?

Holy shit, it's like talking to a two year old child. He is not "still" scum, he's not "still" anything. Yes, he used to be a racist, and he used to be scum.

Simply by judging his voting record later in life, and the remorse he showed, I give him credit for that. If Byrd wasn't sincere, he's the one who had to live with it. You and your idiot friends are trying to turn that into something that isn't.

The fact still remains that after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, those once blue states have gradually become red states, filled with racist people we now call Tea Party types.

Okay, you are not bright enough to understand is/was, no prob, it doesn't surprise me. That he was a racist is undeniable, Civil Rights never changed him. Up into this decade he called blacks ******. You want to think he changed, good for you. He was a hateful person, you want to see him as something else, you have that right and I have a right to judge him on his record.
You're a big fat liar. I clearly stated that nothing will erase his racist past.
Then you went on to defend him.

I give anyone credit when they admit to their mistakes and make an effort to do better.

(If Byrd can do it, so can you)

Byrd was scum, I never thought he changed, he just covered it up.
Exactly, and Carla_Danger (his main apologist) knows it too, she is just unable to condemn a fellow Democrat, no matter HOW disgusting his activities were. But you can bet your ass she wouldn't be "giving him credit for admitting his mistakes" if he were a Republican.

You are a dishonest boob.

I watched a documentary on a RWing Evangelical family. They strongly and openly opposed gay rights, until they found out that their son was gay. At first they tried to use guilt on their son. They even tried to pray the gay away. But over time, they learned to accept their son, and knew they had done wrong by him.

I give them credit for that. They could have disowned their son and not made any sort of effort to change.

People can change, and you can too if you try.
I'm dishonest??? You have been defending Byrd with every post in this thread, then deny defending him, and you call ME dishonest? Amazing.
The fact is Byrd changed and Thurmond did not.

The fact is that Carla has booted Papa all over the board.

Papa is a hateful person who wants to see himself as something else that he is not, and we all have the right to judge him on what he writes here.
It's true. Tonight in New York, another protest was organized like last Saturdays march in which the protestors chanted death threats. When can you recall the Ku Klux Klan ever doing something like this? The answer is never.

BREAKING Protesters Ignore Mayor De Blasio March on 5th Avenue Chanting 8220 Murdering Pigs 8221 Video The Gateway Pundit
I suppose you don't realize that your picture says all that needs to be said about this post. If you really want anyone other than idiots to believe that anything you say has any basis in fact then don't advertize the fact that you every reason to want to shovel bullshit.
Um, he's dead, he isn't anything now. He's not going to run for office. Even if he were alive and I could vote for him, I wouldn't. However, I think it's funny that you want to point out his ratings when many R's scored lower than Byrd.

Did you vote for Romney/Ryan in the last presidential election? Ryan scored 13% with the ACLU, and 0% by the Human Rights Commission.

My top choice for President in 2016 was rated...

93% ACLU

100% HRC



Yep, and that proves how slanted these groups are.

Where the hell did I state Byrd was alive, I said he is/was scum. Try reading comprehension programs, they could help.

And I said he isn't anything.

Because he is and was scum. He used to be scum, he is still scum, just scum in a casket.

And if he is nothing, then why do you care what people think of him?

Holy shit, it's like talking to a two year old child. He is not "still" scum, he's not "still" anything. Yes, he used to be a racist, and he used to be scum.

Simply by judging his voting record later in life, and the remorse he showed, I give him credit for that. If Byrd wasn't sincere, he's the one who had to live with it. You and your idiot friends are trying to turn that into something that isn't.

The fact still remains that after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, those once blue states have gradually become red states, filled with racist people we now call Tea Party types.
Are you saying the US wasn't racist before the CRA was passed?, no.
Um, he's dead, he isn't anything now. He's not going to run for office. Even if he were alive and I could vote for him, I wouldn't. However, I think it's funny that you want to point out his ratings when many R's scored lower than Byrd.

Did you vote for Romney/Ryan in the last presidential election? Ryan scored 13% with the ACLU, and 0% by the Human Rights Commission.

My top choice for President in 2016 was rated...

93% ACLU

100% HRC



Yep, and that proves how slanted these groups are.

Where the hell did I state Byrd was alive, I said he is/was scum. Try reading comprehension programs, they could help.

And I said he isn't anything.

Because he is and was scum. He used to be scum, he is still scum, just scum in a casket.

And if he is nothing, then why do you care what people think of him?

Holy shit, it's like talking to a two year old child. He is not "still" scum, he's not "still" anything. Yes, he used to be a racist, and he used to be scum.

Simply by judging his voting record later in life, and the remorse he showed, I give him credit for that. If Byrd wasn't sincere, he's the one who had to live with it. You and your idiot friends are trying to turn that into something that isn't.

The fact still remains that after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, those once blue states have gradually become red states, filled with racist people we now call Tea Party types.

Okay, you are not bright enough to understand is/was, no prob, it doesn't surprise me. That he was a racist is undeniable, Civil Rights never changed him. Up into this decade he called blacks ******. You want to think he changed, good for you. He was a hateful person, you want to see him as something else, you have that right and I have a right to judge him on his record.

No, it's you who's not bright enough to know the difference between "was" and "is".

WTF are you blabbering about? You don't give two shits about Civil Rights. You think those teabagging candidates you vote for give a crap about Civil Rights?
Then you went on to defend him.

I give anyone credit when they admit to their mistakes and make an effort to do better.

(If Byrd can do it, so can you)

Byrd was scum, I never thought he changed, he just covered it up.
Exactly, and Carla_Danger (his main apologist) knows it too, she is just unable to condemn a fellow Democrat, no matter HOW disgusting his activities were. But you can bet your ass she wouldn't be "giving him credit for admitting his mistakes" if he were a Republican.

You are a dishonest boob.

I watched a documentary on a RWing Evangelical family. They strongly and openly opposed gay rights, until they found out that their son was gay. At first they tried to use guilt on their son. They even tried to pray the gay away. But over time, they learned to accept their son, and knew they had done wrong by him.

I give them credit for that. They could have disowned their son and not made any sort of effort to change.

People can change, and you can too if you try.
I'm dishonest??? You have been defending Byrd with every post in this thread, then deny defending him, and you call ME dishonest? Amazing.

I certainly have never denied that he was a racist scum bag.
S. J. is dishonest. He is a carbon copy of the hypocrite Strom Thurmond and lashes out at a man whom S. J. would have voted for early in Byrd's career and against later because Byrd's new ways on race would not fit those of the constant racist. S. J.
Yep, and that proves how slanted these groups are.

Where the hell did I state Byrd was alive, I said he is/was scum. Try reading comprehension programs, they could help.

And I said he isn't anything.

Because he is and was scum. He used to be scum, he is still scum, just scum in a casket.

And if he is nothing, then why do you care what people think of him?

Holy shit, it's like talking to a two year old child. He is not "still" scum, he's not "still" anything. Yes, he used to be a racist, and he used to be scum.

Simply by judging his voting record later in life, and the remorse he showed, I give him credit for that. If Byrd wasn't sincere, he's the one who had to live with it. You and your idiot friends are trying to turn that into something that isn't.

The fact still remains that after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, those once blue states have gradually become red states, filled with racist people we now call Tea Party types.

Okay, you are not bright enough to understand is/was, no prob, it doesn't surprise me. That he was a racist is undeniable, Civil Rights never changed him. Up into this decade he called blacks ******. You want to think he changed, good for you. He was a hateful person, you want to see him as something else, you have that right and I have a right to judge him on his record.

No, it's you who's not bright enough to know the difference between "was" and "is".

WTF are you blabbering about? You don't give two shits about Civil Rights. You think those teabagging candidates you vote for give a crap about Civil Rights?

Which tea bagging candidate did I vote for? I voted for Kucinich as a write in in 08. He was most honest. Herman Cain in the primaries, Romney in the general, which of those are tea partiers?

It is also obvious I cared more civil rights than your former Byrd scum.
Papa quit babbling. You are comparing apples and oranges. Would you have ever voted for Byrd, and if you say it depends on the opponent then you are in same bag as all righteous folks.
And I said he isn't anything.

Because he is and was scum. He used to be scum, he is still scum, just scum in a casket.

And if he is nothing, then why do you care what people think of him?

Holy shit, it's like talking to a two year old child. He is not "still" scum, he's not "still" anything. Yes, he used to be a racist, and he used to be scum.

Simply by judging his voting record later in life, and the remorse he showed, I give him credit for that. If Byrd wasn't sincere, he's the one who had to live with it. You and your idiot friends are trying to turn that into something that isn't.

The fact still remains that after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, those once blue states have gradually become red states, filled with racist people we now call Tea Party types.

Okay, you are not bright enough to understand is/was, no prob, it doesn't surprise me. That he was a racist is undeniable, Civil Rights never changed him. Up into this decade he called blacks ******. You want to think he changed, good for you. He was a hateful person, you want to see him as something else, you have that right and I have a right to judge him on his record.

No, it's you who's not bright enough to know the difference between "was" and "is".

WTF are you blabbering about? You don't give two shits about Civil Rights. You think those teabagging candidates you vote for give a crap about Civil Rights?

Which tea bagging candidate did I vote for? I voted for Kucinich as a write in in 08. He was most honest. Herman Cain in the primaries, Romney in the general, which of those are tea partiers?

It is also obvious I cared more civil rights than your former Byrd scum.

I never voted for Byrd...ever, not once.

I haven't looked up Romney's record yet, but Paul Ryan's is poor. Again...Ryan scored 13% with the ACLU, and 0% by the Human Rights Commission.

I've always liked Kucinich. It's weird that you would vote for him. Sounds like a big switch-a-roo for you., no.
Yet, "The fact still remains that after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, those once blue states have gradually become red states, filled with racist people we now call Tea Party types."

Way to be consistent, Carla_Danger.

You really need to read the thread, lazy.
I read your comment about the blue states becoming red and filled with racists after the CRA passed.

Nice :D, no.
Yet, "The fact still remains that after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, those once blue states have gradually become red states, filled with racist people we now call Tea Party types."

Way to be consistent, Carla_Danger.

You really need to read the thread, lazy.
I read your comment about the blue states becoming red and filled with racists after the CRA passed.

Nice :D

Now try rubbing two brain cells together.
Yup, the blue conservative southern states became red conservative southern states after 1964 because the conservative racist dems were driving out of the party into the conservative pub party., no.
Yet, "The fact still remains that after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, those once blue states have gradually become red states, filled with racist people we now call Tea Party types."

Way to be consistent, Carla_Danger.

You really need to read the thread, lazy.
I read your comment about the blue states becoming red and filled with racists after the CRA passed.

Nice :D

Now try rubbing two brain cells together.
You make a ridiculous statement and get called on it, then want to talk about everything else except your ridiculous statement.

Carla_Danger, we know thee. :)
Yup, the blue conservative southern states became red conservative southern states after 1964 because the conservative racist dems were driving out of the party into the conservative pub party.
The Reverend Al Sharpton drove them out with his talk of crackers, diamond merchants and homos.

Not that all white people are crackers, diamond merchants and homos.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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