The Kock brothers

The belief that wealth subsists not in ideas, attitudes, moral codes, and mental disciplines but in identifiable and static things that can be seized and redistributed is the materialist superstition. It stultified the works of Marx and other prophets of violence and envy. It frustrates every socialist revolutionary who imagines that by seizing the so-called means of production he can capture the crucial capital of an economy. It is the undoing of nearly every conglomerateur who believes he can safely enter new industries by buying rather than by learning them. It confounds every bureaucrat who imagines he can buy the fruits of research and development.

Whatever the inequality of incomes, it is dwarfed by the inequality of contributions to human advancement. As the science fiction writer Robert Heinlein wrote, "Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances that permit this norm to be exceeded – here and there, now and then – are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of society, the people slip back into abject poverty. This is known as bad luck." President Obama unconsciously confirmed Heinlein’s sardonic view of human nature in a campaign speech in Iowa: "We had reversed the recession, avoided depression, got the economy moving again, but over the last six months we’ve had a run of bad luck." All progress comes from the creative minority. Even government-financed research and development, outside the results-oriented military, is mostly wasted. Only the contributions of mind, will, and morality are enduring. The most important question for the future of America is how we treat our entrepreneurs. If our government continues to smear, harass, overtax, and oppressively regulate them, we will be dismayed by how swiftly the engines of American prosperity deteriorate.

Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How it is Revolutionizing Our World
If this is your first go round hearing about the Koch brothers then you are a few years too late. Why it is that everyday people kneel at the feet of billionaires is beyond me.

That's funny coming from someone who sucks George Soros' dick.
Now that the liberal democrats have the entire government within their firm grasp, with House Republicans like Boehner caving to Obama's every whim, it seems to me that the democrats are running out of people to blame for the failings within the nation. I think this is why I hear more and more blaming of private citizens like the Koch brothers who fund conservative causes around the country.

If so, is this just the beginning?

It's the old Washingtonian "Scape Goat of the Month" routine, right now it's the Koch Brothers (how dare they be successful and use their own money to fund causes they believe in! The bastages!) turn to be blamed for all the screw ups in Washington and the ills besetting the Nation, next month it'll be somebody else and so on and so forth, should leave every American wondering when it's going to be their turn to play the scape goat.

One thing you can be sure of though is that the politicians and bureaucrats will NEVER accept any responsibility for their own mistakes, although they'll be more than happy to take credit for ANYTHING positive that happens whether they had anything to do with it or not.

"The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions." -- Dwight D. Eisenhower

A lot of their money that wasn't inherited was gained by stealing oil off of government land. When caught? They paid a relatively small fine. Prison time? Hell no. Corporate citizens don't do prison. Only us 2nd class citizens do prison time.
what's more ironic then a left-wing nutjob who is kneeling for a gazillionaire HEDGE FUND guru GEORGE SOROS who wants socialism for you and capitalism for him; talling you you're kneeling for billionaires?

Name one piece of legislation that the majority of America has been in favor of and the majority of the Democratic party has been in favor of and Soros told them to take it off the table and the Democratic party did. Soros may put large amounts of money into politics and for that he hopes he influence policy. Koch brothers put large amounts into politics and then expects to call the shots, which he does. That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats think for themselves. That is known by people who contribute to Democrat's campaigns. Republicans are up for sale. Currently Koch brothers are the highest bidder. Tomorrow who know who it will be. There is one thing for sure, Republicans will dance for whoever plays the tune.

Why would Soros oppose any piece of legislation the Democrat party is in favor of? If the Democrat party is in favor of a particular piece of legislation, it's because George Soros paid to have them support it.
When Speaker Boehner is ready to move forward with immigration reform and the Tea party/Koch brothers tells him to take it off the table and he does then the Koch brothers are part of the problem.

Wrong. Boehner is part of the problem. The TEA Party opposes amnesty regardless of what anyone else thinks about it. Anyone who supports amnesty for illegal aliens is a traitor to this country.
If this is your first go round hearing about the Koch brothers then you are a few years too late. Why it is that everyday people kneel at the feet of billionaires is beyond me.

I don't know about all the "kneeling" stuff but the fact of the matter many(most?) people would like to be "billionaires" themselves, so who better to emulate than people that have actually become successful enough to claim billion dollar bank accounts? Personally I think it's a lot better to chose a successful entrepreneur as a role model than say some liar politician whose only claim to success is the ability to BS voters into believing their nonsense.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." -- Bill Gates

You can pick them as a role model, but that won't give you rich parents.
^^What the fuck does this even mean? More wealth envy?
I don't know about all the "kneeling" stuff but the fact of the matter many(most?) people would like to be "billionaires" themselves, so who better to emulate than people that have actually become successful enough to claim billion dollar bank accounts? Personally I think it's a lot better to chose a successful entrepreneur as a role model than say some liar politician whose only claim to success is the ability to BS voters into believing their nonsense.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." -- Bill Gates

You can pick them as a role model, but that won't give you rich parents.
^^What the fuck does this even mean? More wealth envy?

It means you can't emulate being born rich. The koch brothers inherited the business. Most people don't have that option.
You can pick them as a role model, but that won't give you rich parents.
^^What the fuck does this even mean? More wealth envy?

It means you can't emulate being born rich. The koch brothers inherited the business. Most people don't have that option.

and even fewer people would have that option in a dumbed-down world of liberals where success is seen as something to be ashamed of; that is until they come running for campaign donations

idiots and hypocrites
^^What the fuck does this even mean? More wealth envy?

It means you can't emulate being born rich. The koch brothers inherited the business. Most people don't have that option.

and even fewer people would have that option in a dumbed-down world of liberals where success is seen as something to be ashamed of; that is until they come running for campaign donations

idiots and hypocrites

So your saying republicans do favor the rich?
When Speaker Boehner is ready to move forward with immigration reform and the Tea party/Koch brothers tells him to take it off the table and he does then the Koch brothers are part of the problem.
If the Koch brothers had a hand in killing immigration reform, then they should be commended. I. R. to liberals means open borders. They will tell you that with no hesitation.
If this is your first go round hearing about the Koch brothers then you are a few years too late. Why it is that everyday people kneel at the feet of billionaires is beyond me.

That's funny coming from someone who sucks George Soros' dick.

You will have no problem proving that then. Put up or shut up.

Everything you post is proof that you suck George Soros' dick.
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When Speaker Boehner is ready to move forward with immigration reform and the Tea party/Koch brothers tells him to take it off the table and he does then the Koch brothers are part of the problem.
Wrong. Taking immigration reform off the table is part of the solution. Putting immigration enforcement on the table is the right answer.
"Immigration Reform" = amnesty to left-wing nutjobs

oh and imagine if a Republican said what the defeated Democrat in florida said; about the need for immigration "reform"; when she said we "need people to clean out hotel rooms and do our landscaping"

can you imagine the outrage on the outrage and charges of racism from the Left?

idiots and hypocrites
Yesterday David Koch donated $100 million to a children's hospital; whhich will not only help children fighting diseases but create many jobs.

of course the out of touch, extreme loony left; of the kind you see on these boards right now; actually protested the event

all because you are lemmings being told what to think by george soros

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