The Kock brothers

I don't know about all the "kneeling" stuff but the fact of the matter many(most?) people would like to be "billionaires" themselves, so who better to emulate than people that have actually become successful enough to claim billion dollar bank accounts? Personally I think it's a lot better to chose a successful entrepreneur as a role model than say some liar politician whose only claim to success is the ability to BS voters into believing their nonsense.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." -- Bill Gates

Liars? Like astroturfing? Like Pete Peterson? Like Gates? Gates is special. He lied to Congress repeatedly stating that there was a STEM shortage. You know, increase HB 1 visas? Depress wages? Cheap labor?
Pretty much besides the point, have our great entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, etc.. (people like Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford, Sloan, Vanderbilt, Gates, Einstein, Picasso, Morgan, Jobs, had character flaws (some pretty severe ones), of course they have, however the part that's WORTH EMULATING is the part that drove them to be the best at whatever field of endeavor they choose to follow, the part that drove them to change the world for the better, the part that drove them to produce VALUE for society. However if you're looking for some water walking, flawless character to emulate I believe you're going to be severely disappointed (especially if you're looking at politicians, who are just useless leeches that produce nothing).

I think that a large group of people are beyond emulating and simply want to justify corporate governance in the high hopes that they will get a piece of the pie.

"Corporate Governance" ??? What the heck is that? If you're referring to corporate rent seekers and influence buyers perhaps you should place the blame on the SELLERS (i.e. the elected "representatives of the people" and their legions of bureaucrats that sell favoritism to the highest bidders) and not the buyers.

Intentionally driving down wages and outsourcing jobs is a character flaw. I understand emulation when it comes from young people. They try on different personalities. I do not understand this from adults. In fact, it is convenient to call them character flaws to excuse the damage they did/do.

Secondly, it is not a case of either/or in damning the SELLERS or folks like the Koch Brothers. It's a false dichotomy and a pretty convenient one at that. It will force you to take stances that you ordinarily would not take.

The word that we normally use is corporatocracy. However, since the Sarbanes–Oxley Act there is the thought that corporations are beginning to operate like government. It's actually the other way around. Corporations do not exist to look out for the public interest. Yet, some are writing the legislation and consider public entities, like police, to be a government monopoly and seek to privatize. In the States, where these guys are most active, the state is more accountable to the corporations than the citizens. Legitimizing corporate governance as corporate government. Philanthropy has the same motive.

Please note that this in no way states that corporations are vile.
Dear Righties, What Fox News has told you about the proposed immigration reform bill is completely wrong. Fox News has given you a version that will cause you to hate Democrats regardless of the actual benefits of the bill. Pretty much every argument I have heard against the bill, like enforce border security, no amnesty, and such is actually part of the bill. Please seek other means of information rather than Fox News if you really want to know what is going on in the world. You may now go back to your regular schedule program and forgot anyone ever tried to enlighten you. Sincerely, RV
If this is your first go round hearing about the Koch brothers then you are a few years too late. Why it is that everyday people kneel at the feet of billionaires is beyond me.

I don't know about all the "kneeling" stuff but the fact of the matter many(most?) people would like to be "billionaires" themselves, so who better to emulate than people that have actually become successful enough to claim billion dollar bank accounts? Personally I think it's a lot better to chose a successful entrepreneur as a role model than say some liar politician whose only claim to success is the ability to BS voters into believing their nonsense.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." -- Bill Gates

Liars? Like astroturfing? Like Pete Peterson? Like Gates? Gates is special. He lied to Congress repeatedly stating that there was a STEM shortage. You know, increase HB 1 visas? Depress wages? Cheap labor?

I think that a large group of people are beyond emulating and simply want to justify corporate governance in the high hopes that they will get a piece of the pie.

If there's anyone on this planet that wants to empower himself, it's Bill Gates.
With every interview he gives he gushes over the superiority of India and Africa.
The more Americans he puts out of work, the happier he is.
I don't know about all the "kneeling" stuff but the fact of the matter many(most?) people would like to be "billionaires" themselves, so who better to emulate than people that have actually become successful enough to claim billion dollar bank accounts? Personally I think it's a lot better to chose a successful entrepreneur as a role model than say some liar politician whose only claim to success is the ability to BS voters into believing their nonsense.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." -- Bill Gates

Liars? Like astroturfing? Like Pete Peterson? Like Gates? Gates is special. He lied to Congress repeatedly stating that there was a STEM shortage. You know, increase HB 1 visas? Depress wages? Cheap labor?

I think that a large group of people are beyond emulating and simply want to justify corporate governance in the high hopes that they will get a piece of the pie.

If there's anyone on this planet that wants to empower himself, it's Bill Gates.
With every interview he gives he gushes over the superiority of India and Africa.
The more Americans he puts out of work, the happier he is.

I noticed he's back to being the richest man in the world. I thought he was giving all his money away?
When Speaker Boehner is ready to move forward with immigration reform and the Tea party/Koch brothers tells him to take it off the table and he does then the Koch brothers are part of the problem.
Wrong. Taking immigration reform off the table is part of the solution. Putting immigration enforcement on the table is the right answer.

"Immigration reform" is just a liberal code word meaning "amnesty."
Dear Righties, What Fox News has told you about the proposed immigration reform bill is completely wrong. Fox News has given you a version that will cause you to hate Democrats regardless of the actual benefits of the bill. Pretty much every argument I have heard against the bill, like enforce border security, no amnesty, and such is actually part of the bill. Please seek other means of information rather than Fox News if you really want to know what is going on in the world. You may now go back to your regular schedule program and forgot anyone ever tried to enlighten you. Sincerely, RV

Sorry, turd, but no one is buying it.

First, enforce the border.

After the government demonstrates that it can do that, then perhaps we'll discuss "remorm" (amnesty)
I don't know about all the "kneeling" stuff but the fact of the matter many(most?) people would like to be "billionaires" themselves, so who better to emulate than people that have actually become successful enough to claim billion dollar bank accounts? Personally I think it's a lot better to chose a successful entrepreneur as a role model than say some liar politician whose only claim to success is the ability to BS voters into believing their nonsense.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." -- Bill Gates

Liars? Like astroturfing? Like Pete Peterson? Like Gates? Gates is special. He lied to Congress repeatedly stating that there was a STEM shortage. You know, increase HB 1 visas? Depress wages? Cheap labor?

I think that a large group of people are beyond emulating and simply want to justify corporate governance in the high hopes that they will get a piece of the pie.

If there's anyone on this planet that wants to empower himself, it's Bill Gates.
With every interview he gives he gushes over the superiority of India and Africa.
The more Americans he puts out of work, the happier he is.

I agree. The Startup Act 3.0 is supposed to be added to immigration reform. He will be absolutely thrilled.
Proposal: Bring high-skilled workers into US » Business », Gloucester, MA
Dear Righties, What Fox News has told you about the proposed immigration reform bill is completely wrong. Fox News has given you a version that will cause you to hate Democrats regardless of the actual benefits of the bill. Pretty much every argument I have heard against the bill, like enforce border security, no amnesty, and such is actually part of the bill. Please seek other means of information rather than Fox News if you really want to know what is going on in the world. You may now go back to your regular schedule program and forgot anyone ever tried to enlighten you. Sincerely, RV

Sorry, turd, but no one is buying it.

First, enforce the border.

After the government demonstrates that it can do that, then perhaps we'll discuss "remorm" (amnesty)

Since the Immigration Reform stopped on Rep. Boehner's (R) desk isn't sufficient for you what would you consider an "enforced" border?
I think one should listen a little more closely to what he is saying, or what is between the lines. What could one do with an agenda and unlimited wealth? Really think about that.

[ame=]The Koch Brothers' Radical Agenda - YouTube[/ame]
Poking around YouTube I found this clip. Might be entertaining for some.

[ame=]Koch Bros Tried To Shut Up Maddow, Bad Idea - YouTube[/ame]
what's more ironic then a left-wing nutjob who is kneeling for a gazillionaire HEDGE FUND guru GEORGE SOROS who wants socialism for you and capitalism for him; talling you you're kneeling for billionaires?

Name one piece of legislation that the majority of America has been in favor of and the majority of the Democratic party has been in favor of and Soros told them to take it off the table and the Democratic party did. Soros may put large amounts of money into politics and for that he hopes he influence policy. Koch brothers put large amounts into politics and then expects to call the shots, which he does. That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats think for themselves. That is known by people who contribute to Democrat's campaigns. Republicans are up for sale. Currently Koch brothers are the highest bidder. Tomorrow who know who it will be. There is one thing for sure, Republicans will dance for whoever plays the tune.

Your comments speak volumns about your ability to think for yourself. The Koch brothers are way down the list of big donors. Far behind unions, and the unions contribute almost exclusively to Democrats, especially at the federal level. Unions do not give up a penny without getting something back for the unions. The Democrat party is scared that they may no longer have the exclusive right to big donors, and consequently, they have targeted the Koch brothers for denigration and character assassination.

They do so for two reasons. First, to find someone to blame for their election losses, and second to discourage other billionaires from supporting Republican political candidates. Everything the Koch brothers do is completely legal, aboveboard, and out in the open.
It means you can't emulate being born rich. The koch brothers inherited the business. Most people don't have that option.

and even fewer people would have that option in a dumbed-down world of liberals where success is seen as something to be ashamed of; that is until they come running for campaign donations

idiots and hypocrites

So your saying republicans do favor the rich?

Republicans favor the right of people to get rich. Most of us do not covet what others have earned, and are not envious of those who do get rich.

People who hate the rich are almost always losers who cannot bear to blame themselves for their own financial condition. It is always someone else's fault that they are not living in the big house on the hill.

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