The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It!

not sure why they would rather have thousands and thousands of rail cars running oil all over the place

instead a a steady sturdy platform
Right now the largest Native American PROTECT (not PROTEST) in history is happening in the Dakota’s. What’s going on? Well, the US Government is taking control of Native American lands and forcing them to allow oil developers to drill on their land and move oil via pipelines. From watching what happened with the Tar Sands of Canada, we can get a good glimpse at what the land will look like after they’re done with it.


unning through a similar pathway as that of the well known failed Keystone XL project, the Bakken Pipeline would run across the Ogallala aquifer and the Mississippi rivers through sovereign Native lands.

This is their proposed pipeline plans, to take natural resources from the US and sell them to Asian and European markets:

The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It! | |


This time they are joined by many others, this time they have the support of many nations. Their prophecy has come to pass . . .

"Warriors of the Rainbow" is this a prediction about gay rights? :D

Sounds like the Hopi are against diversity.

maybe stems out a time when AIM joined together

with the Black Panthers and the Rainbow coalition
not sure why they would rather have thousands and thousands of rail cars running oil all over the place

instead a a steady sturdy platform

Since there are already thousand and thousands of miles of pipe line already in existance I am not sure what one more is going to cause the world to end.

What the NAs need do is hire a good attorney to get the best deal that they can. And in reality maybe that is what the protests are really all about.
I'd like to see some objective analysis on this. Unfortunately these things tend to get highly politicized and knowledge takes a back seat. A couple of photos don't really tell the whole story and I have a hard time believing the government is deliberately turning the grounds into cesspools of toxic waste. I wasn't born yesterday.

Maybe there's some truth to the concerns but it gets lost in the shrill song of evil corporate greed.
I'd like to see some objective analysis on this. Unfortunately these things tend to get highly politicized and knowledge takes a back seat. A couple of photos don't really tell the whole story and I have a hard time believing the government is deliberately turning the grounds into cesspools of toxic waste. I wasn't born yesterday.

Maybe there's some truth to the concerns but it gets lost in the shrill song of evil corporate greed.
That's what's missing here, objective analysis. Just because it's my people protesting doesn't mean the facts are on their side. Protesters seem to mindlessly coalesce around the lowest common denominator.
not sure why they would rather have thousands and thousands of rail cars running oil all over the place

instead a a steady sturdy platform

Since there are already thousand and thousands of miles of pipe line already in existance I am not sure what one more is going to cause the world to end.

What the NAs need do is hire a good attorney to get the best deal that they can. And in reality maybe that is what the protests are really all about.

Give'm a casino, they'll shut up
Are you sure this hasn't been cancelled? Could swear heard a news item on a pipeline ending in mn for bakkens crude was not going to happen.btw where is the great black father
Why is it that they are fighting something that could bring them economic security?

Some people don't worship Mammon silly.

Those who worship Mammon got the message, "it's your money" and have become the members of the set of callous conservatism.

Why do you think neo-liberal war mongers like Hillary wish to redraw the map in the middle east?

Do you honestly believe it is for "humanitarian" reasons? Don't tell me you are that stupid?

The map of the middle east changed with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the Mandates post WW I, and the establishment of Israel post WW II. I'm not stupid nor ignorant on the issue of history, not the revised version popular with neo fascists / the New Right who claim to be conservatives, but factual history saved by primary sources, not books written by Coulter and others with a personal agenda.

Q. Do I believe HRC is a humanitarian
A. Yes.

Q. Do I believe Trump is a fascist?
A. Yes.

Q. Do I believe HRC is a "neo-liberal war monger"
A. Hell know.

Dick Cheney fits the mold of a war monger and profiteer, who benefited financially with our nations squandering of blood and treasure in Iraq.

If you decide to quote me, don't cherry pick a phrase or a sentence:

Those who worship Mammon got the message, "it's your money" and have become the members of the set of callous conservatism. Of course they have taken it to the extreme, and live by the code I've got mine, and I'll take whatever I want; might makes right.
not sure why they would rather have thousands and thousands of rail cars running oil all over the place

instead a a steady sturdy platform

Since there are already thousand and thousands of miles of pipe line already in existance I am not sure what one more is going to cause the world to end.

What the NAs need do is hire a good attorney to get the best deal that they can. And in reality maybe that is what the protests are really all about.

yes that and the other is that keystone has already been in existence
Why is it that they are fighting something that could bring them economic security?

Some people don't worship Mammon silly.

Those who worship Mammon got the message, "it's your money" and have become the members of the set of callous conservatism. Of course they have taken it to the extreme, and live by the code I've got mine, and I'll take whatever I want; might makes right.

That's bullshit.

The Democrats are just as much to blame. Stop playing your GD partisan game. Democrats love their pay to play game just as much as the Republicans. Don't you recall who is responsible for the Trail of Tears?

Natives have no more love of the so called liberals than they do conservatives. They just know who is more easily corrupted and bought off though.

Indian Tribes Say Aid Comes Only to Those Who Donate to Democrats
Indian Tribes Say Aid Comes Only to Those Who Donate to Democrats

WASHINGTON, Nov. 16— Centuries of hardscrabble history have taught some American Indians that the Federal Government will always take more than it gives. In recent weeks, however, those suspicions have been at least partly turned on their head.

Leaders of impoverished tribes now say they believe the Government will help Indians -- but only those Indians who have helped the Democratic Party, preferably in the form of six-figure campaign contributions.

''If you have money, you get a meeting and you get what you want,'' said George Newago, the chairman of the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, one of the poorer tribes whose proposal for a casino was rejected by the Interior Department in 1995. ''If you don't have any money, you might as well hit the pavement and start walking.''
Right now the largest Native American PROTECT (not PROTEST) in history is happening in the Dakota’s. What’s going on? Well, the US Government is taking control of Native American lands and forcing them to allow oil developers to drill on their land and move oil via pipelines. From watching what happened with the Tar Sands of Canada, we can get a good glimpse at what the land will look like after they’re done with it.


unning through a similar pathway as that of the well known failed Keystone XL project, the Bakken Pipeline would run across the Ogallala aquifer and the Mississippi rivers through sovereign Native lands.

This is their proposed pipeline plans, to take natural resources from the US and sell them to Asian and European markets:

The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It! | |

First I doubt the two pics are the same location.
And two,drilling and installing a pipeline will look nothing like the oil sands sight in canada.
Disingenuous post at best.
Right now the largest Native American PROTECT (not PROTEST) in history is happening in the Dakota’s. What’s going on? Well, the US Government is taking control of Native American lands and forcing them to allow oil developers to drill on their land and move oil via pipelines. From watching what happened with the Tar Sands of Canada, we can get a good glimpse at what the land will look like after they’re done with it.


unning through a similar pathway as that of the well known failed Keystone XL project, the Bakken Pipeline would run across the Ogallala aquifer and the Mississippi rivers through sovereign Native lands.

This is their proposed pipeline plans, to take natural resources from the US and sell them to Asian and European markets:

The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It! | |

First I doubt the two pics are the same location.
And two,drilling and installing a pipeline will look nothing like the oil sands sight in Canada.
Disingenuous post at best.

yes two different locations

this is a think progress hit job camouflaged as a native American blog
Right now the largest Native American PROTECT (not PROTEST) in history is happening in the Dakota’s. What’s going on? Well, the US Government is taking control of Native American lands and forcing them to allow oil developers to drill on their land and move oil via pipelines. From watching what happened with the Tar Sands of Canada, we can get a good glimpse at what the land will look like after they’re done with it.


unning through a similar pathway as that of the well known failed Keystone XL project, the Bakken Pipeline would run across the Ogallala aquifer and the Mississippi rivers through sovereign Native lands.

This is their proposed pipeline plans, to take natural resources from the US and sell them to Asian and European markets:

The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It! | |

First I doubt the two pics are the same location.
And two,drilling and installing a pipeline will look nothing like the oil sands sight in Canada.
Disingenuous post at best.

yes two different locations

this is a think progress hit job camouflaged as a native American blog
You mean they might pull a stunt like the polar bear floating on a little ice shelf AGAIN?
Right now the largest Native American PROTECT (not PROTEST) in history is happening in the Dakota’s. What’s going on? Well, the US Government is taking control of Native American lands and forcing them to allow oil developers to drill on their land and move oil via pipelines. From watching what happened with the Tar Sands of Canada, we can get a good glimpse at what the land will look like after they’re done with it.


unning through a similar pathway as that of the well known failed Keystone XL project, the Bakken Pipeline would run across the Ogallala aquifer and the Mississippi rivers through sovereign Native lands.

This is their proposed pipeline plans, to take natural resources from the US and sell them to Asian and European markets:

The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It! | |

First I doubt the two pics are the same location.
And two,drilling and installing a pipeline will look nothing like the oil sands sight in Canada.
Disingenuous post at best.

yes two different locations

this is a think progress hit job camouflaged as a native American blog
You mean they might pull a stunt like the polar bear floating on a little ice shelf AGAIN?

most likely more then you know
Good. Keep that oil flowing.

Nope; keep our resources in the ground and use up the ME's first. Long term survival is key here as a country, not some hideously wasteful temporary glut. We're already burning off a massive amount of natural gas in the glut, a truly criminal waste, for lack of a market for it, which is just stupid and psychotic idiocy.
This is why immigrants have more rights than Indians.

It's all about the money. Immigration = money

Indians without power = money
To the Sioux, we are all illegal immigrants. Well, except me. I'm like 1/16th Sioux. So illegal immigrants are attacking Americans? It's time to put a stop to that.

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