The Last Desperate Throes of the Obama Deep State


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
I realize that you Half-Wit Bolshviks don't want to be distracted from your Orgasmic State occassioned by the attempted resurrection of the debunked "Cohen Went to Prague" Tale, but there's other news regarding corruption in Obama's DOJ/FBI.

The Horowitz Report establishes conclusively that this Mcabe---the ClintonBought and Paid for Turd---LIED to the FBI with metronomic regularity and with impunity, sometimes under oath....until called out with conclusive evidence; then the tried unsuccessfully to grovel....and then resorted to a Legal Defense Fundraiser for the Indictment he knows is coming---before the Suckers who donated to him knew the Truth. (Of course, many are not Suckers--they are Co-Conspirators seeking to buy silence.)

But, there is also this in The Hill:

"...Comey who went to the president during the transition seeking a one-on-one meeting to tell him about the inflammatory dossier, but who critically omitted telling the president that the dossier was a product of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. These facts, he knew, if revealed at that moment in January, would have ended further inquiry. This was no effort to inform the president and douse the fires of unverified and salacious information, but one to inflame the president and spread the stories everywhere.

Unlike a murder or a robbery that has a specific trail of facts that can be investigated, Russia collusion is an allegation that could never be disproved. The accusation allowed special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate the entirety of the Trump campaign, every aspect of the presidential transition, and even interview 27 White House aides."

Comey’s last stand for the deep state

WAKE UP and smell the Corruption in that branch of our Government that must remain untainted by Politics and Personal Animus--the DOJ and its subsidiary the FBI.

Comey, like McCabe, should not only have been fired---both should be promptly indicted.

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