The last normal this country will ever feel......enjoy the holiday suckers!!

I love Trump's "fighter jets cost too much money, air force one costs too much money, hey, Putin, we're friends now, let's have a nuclear arms race......" WTF? Everything costs too much money, so he wants to cut back on everything except he wants an arms race with his FRIEND.....
Lol..for the same reason he invited Putin to his inauguration,
and Putin politely declined citing the hacking accusations
Russia is being falsely accused of.

They are fucking with Obama so bad but, pay backs a bitch!

Well you say falsely accused of. Can you prove they are being falsely accused? Or you want to believe?

I personally don't know, so I sit on the fence and wait and see.
Well you say falsely accused of. Can you prove they are being falsely accused? Or you want to believe?

I personally don't know, so I sit on the fence and wait and see.
I personally can't come up with any other reasonable explanation
Obama hasn't already provided the proof to substantiate his claims
other then, what I already concluded...there is no proof, it's BS

Putin has publicly demanded Obama to provide the proof he has
Or, shut up already, lose with dignity

The shit didn't make sense as the truth from the get go
It makes perfect sense in unison with everything else
before and after the election though!...
Influence the election on THEIR end!
First, with voters, after the defeat, through fear propaganda
with paid rioters to, petitions and then the electors

If ocantwaittilhesgone had the goods
He'd be shoving it down everybody's throat,
just like when they didn't have goods

Gotta go to

Later people
Watching these loons lose their minds is a great Christmas gift, and the best part is. It's gonna keep giving for four more years lol, kept it up you're very amusing
Normally, I'd agree but these people are unhinged and dangerous. Somebody could get hurt, and the libs would support it.
In what way? Competence? Quite frankly, she wasn't a good Secretary of State. Integrity ? She manages to combine dishonesty, corruption and a sense of entitlement that's not appealing, Doc! People loved her husband...that didn't love her
Sorry OS, she was a good SOS. What dishonesty and corruption? Isn't it funny how fake news becomes fact. I have asked of the last six months for people to post on here credible evidence of her dishonesty.

You are right in one thing though. Bill is a lot more popular than her.

However, how Trump is, is beyond me (well, he wasn't really. Almost 3 million more wanted her)

She was a good Secretary of State? How exactly? The "reset" with Russia? The Arab Spring? Libya? What did Hillary do as Secretary of State that was a win?

What dishonesty? Did you really just ask that question? That's pathetic, Doc...seriously!
I love Trump's "fighter jets cost too much money, air force one costs too much money, hey, Putin, we're friends now, let's have a nuclear arms race......" WTF? Everything costs too much money, so he wants to cut back on everything except he wants an arms race with his FRIEND.....
Lol..for the same reason he invited Putin to his inauguration,
and Putin politely declined citing the hacking accusations
Russia is being falsely accused of.

They are fucking with Obama so bad but, pay backs a bitch!

Well you say falsely accused of. Can you prove they are being falsely accused? Or you want to believe?

I personally don't know, so I sit on the fence and wait and see.
Well you say falsely accused of. Can you prove they are being falsely accused? Or you want to believe?

I personally don't know, so I sit on the fence and wait and see.
I personally can't come up with any other reasonable explanation
Obama hasn't already provided the proof to substantiate his claims
other then, what I already concluded...there is no proof, it's BS

Putin has publicly demanded Obama to provide the proof he has
Or, shut up already, lose with dignity

The shit didn't make sense as the truth from the get go
It makes perfect sense in unison with everything else
before and after the election though!...
Influence the election on THEIR end!
First, with voters, after the defeat, through fear propaganda
with paid rioters to, petitions and then the electors

If ocantwaittilhesgone had the goods
He'd be shoving it down everybody's throat,
just like when they didn't have goods

Gotta go to

Later people

Obama hasn't come up with the proof? I mean, the right have been hassling Hillary for potentially revealing state secrets, and now you want Obama to do it? Er... what?
Trump Releases Letter From Putin Amid Talk Of Nuclear Arms Race
The timing is... interesting.

Pakistani Defense Minister Makes Nuclear Threat Against Israel After Fake News Provocation

Defense Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif responded to a made-up article with a real-life scare.

Trump’s New York Co-Chair Says Michelle Obama Is A Man Who Should Live In Africa With Gorillas

But he says his comments weren’t about race.

And on and on and on........we can thank white rage, minority complacency and ignorance for the next few months of hell we are all gonna have after Jan. 20



If the entire white population, worldwide, globally
disappeared tomorrow...yous would be fucked!
Lol...whose gonna take care of you mother fuckers

Shit..whose gonna keep businesses running...
The lazy asses who don't work
and live off the money of white folks that do

You'll all be living in your own filth
and every neighborhood would be run down

There's not enough decent, hard working, responsible
Africa Americans and Hispanics to pick up the slack

I read similar articles detailing these facts...
Can't fault white folks for making responsible decisions
Can we just try it to see if we really really really will miss you mf's? Pretty pretty pretty please! Just disappear and if we need ya, we'll call!!!

We? Who would "we" be, Tiger? How many more racists like youself do you think you speak for?

Look, you Progressives had your shot. You controlled the Oval Office, the House and the Senate. You gave us the worst recovery from a recession since the The Great Depression and healthcare legislation that you had to lie about to get passed and is now collapsing under it's own shortcomings. You gave us ISIS and the worst refugee crisis in modern political history. You gave us the worst strife between races since the 60's. Why would anyone want to give you another chance?
She was a good Secretary of State? How exactly? The "reset" with Russia? The Arab Spring? Libya? What did Hillary do as Secretary of State that was a win?

What dishonesty? Did you really just ask that question? That's pathetic, Doc...seriously!

Nothing wrong with the reset with Russia. FYI, the Arab Spring had nothing to do with the US. I know you guys like to think that when a squirrel farts, it's something to do with you guys, but the Arab Spring was on the arabs. I have no issue with Libya. The US can't control everything. She did a lot of good in a lot of places and was very well liked outside the US.

Of course I ask that question. Just because fake news, Fox News, Breifart and all the other fake news sites repeat lie after lie doesn't make it true. I have, for the past six months, asked all the anti-Clintonites, Trump lovers, and all those in between to put up their reputable evidence. Nada. I'm not surprised. Unlike some of the deplorables on this site, I actually go looking for the real stuff. Nothing but innuendo. The Clinton Foundation? A rating from independent Charity Watch. Benghazi? Those four deaths are her fault if the 4500 deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan are Bush's fault due to his TWO wars of choice. I could go on. They have nothing. Just because His Orangeness Shouts "Crooked Hillary" doesn't mean she is. Just like when he says to sub contractors that he'll pay them, doesn't mean he will.
She was a good Secretary of State? How exactly? The "reset" with Russia? The Arab Spring? Libya? What did Hillary do as Secretary of State that was a win?

What dishonesty? Did you really just ask that question? That's pathetic, Doc...seriously!

Nothing wrong with the reset with Russia. FYI, the Arab Spring had nothing to do with the US. I know you guys like to think that when a squirrel farts, it's something to do with you guys, but the Arab Spring was on the arabs. I have no issue with Libya. The US can't control everything. She did a lot of good in a lot of places and was very well liked outside the US.

Of course I ask that question. Just because fake news, Fox News, Breifart and all the other fake news sites repeat lie after lie doesn't make it true. I have, for the past six months, asked all the anti-Clintonites, Trump lovers, and all those in between to put up their reputable evidence. Nada. I'm not surprised. Unlike some of the deplorables on this site, I actually go looking for the real stuff. Nothing but innuendo. The Clinton Foundation? A rating from independent Charity Watch. Benghazi? Those four deaths are her fault if the 4500 deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan are Bush's fault due to his TWO wars of choice. I could go on. They have nothing. Just because His Orangeness Shouts "Crooked Hillary" doesn't mean she is. Just like when he says to sub contractors that he'll pay them, doesn't mean he will.

She did a lot of good in a lot of places? Could you possibly be more vague, Doc? Name a place where Hillary Clinton did "good" as Secretary of State.

Did Hillary Clinton not circumvent rules put in place so that Congress and the American people could keep tabs on our government officials by having two private servers installed at her residence...servers that she then conducted official State Department business on...while neglecting to inform Congressional investigators that she had said servers? Did that somehow not happen? Or did you miss that, Doc?
Listen, we had two real choices in this election (and if you want to blame someone for that...take a good hard look at the main stream media!) and I voted for who I felt was the better choice of the two. Hillary wasn't a good candidate. I'm sorry but she wasn't.

She was infinitely better than him....Infinitely.
She mishandled government secrets. Broke the law by storing email on personal server. Got four men killed in Benghazi.

She was infinitely worse . Infinitely!
She did a lot of good in a lot of places? Could you possibly be more vague, Doc? Name a place where Hillary Clinton did "good" as Secretary of State.

Did Hillary Clinton not circumvent rules put in place so that Congress and the American people could keep tabs on our government officials by having two private servers installed at her residence...servers that she then conducted official State Department business on...while neglecting to inform Congressional investigators that she had said servers? Did that somehow not happen? Or did you miss that, Doc?

Ask and yea shall receive What Is Hillary’s Greatest Accomplishment?

As for the email bizzo. She hasn't been charged for a reason. Look up the term 'mens rea' and you'll see why. That aside, she did nothing different from other SOS. In fact, Colin Powell was the one who advised her to do what she did. That aside, the server issue had NOTHING to do with her trying to undermine the US, which is the raison d'etre the right are trying to hang her with in regard to this email bullshit. That is important. She didn't do it to make the US look bad, undermine it, or anything else even coming close to that. So no, try again. Harder this time.
I agree with you 100%. These trumpsters aren't going to be satisfied when we are on a food rationing system and have to cancel holidays to celebrate Trump like they have in North Korea. Even then they'll still bow down to their King.

These next 4 years are going to be depressing times.
Trump Releases Letter From Putin Amid Talk Of Nuclear Arms Race
The timing is... interesting.

Pakistani Defense Minister Makes Nuclear Threat Against Israel After Fake News Provocation

Defense Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif responded to a made-up article with a real-life scare.

Trump’s New York Co-Chair Says Michelle Obama Is A Man Who Should Live In Africa With Gorillas

But he says his comments weren’t about race.

And on and on and on........we can thank white rage, minority complacency and ignorance for the next few months of hell we are all gonna have after Jan. 20


Racist troll - GO!!!!!!
Trump's President, Tiger...get over it!

Conservatives put up with the Barack Obama "amateur hour" for 8 long years! You'll have to do the same with Donald Trump for at least 4. Your guy, Barry made the comment at the beginning of his first term..."Elections have consequences." It was true's true now.

...Obama gave the white house dignity and grace....


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