The last stand for Freedom

USA hasn't had an armed Militia standoff for a long time as far as i know . But now you are saying that USA 'democrat' Government would nuke the USA so as to neutrilize REAL Americans in the USA eh DragonLady ? [when they regain power in Government] But that aside who is it in the middle east muslim lands that have been fighting the USA and the 'allies' for 17 - 18 years with SMALL ARMS and were fighting the Soviets before they were fighting the USA and Allies DLady .

What I'm saying is that the US military has the most destructive weapons in the history of mankind. The can send in an armed drone or a smart bomb and take you out "surgically". They can track you from outer space. They can do things your forefathers, with their single shots pistols and muskets could not possibly have dreamed of, in terms of killing the enemy, from miles away, without even seeing them.
And if you think that force will be brought to bear on American civilians, you're dreaming.
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Asshole, when our leaders of our government adopted the second amendment, it was to have a militia comprised of citizens ready to stand against a foreign invading force as we didn't a a standing military at the time.

Good Gaea, are idiots still bitterly clinging to the utterly disproved idea that the right to own firearms is not an individual right?

What did you expect, people would read your post and say SHIT U RITE FAM IMMA GIVE UP MY GUNS NOW?

The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Asshole, when our leaders of our government adopted the second amendment, it was to have a militia comprised of citizens ready to stand against a foreign invading force as we didn't a a standing military at the time.

Our first standing army was formed in 1775 by the 13 original colonies.
The constitution was written in 1776 .
So we did have a standing military sorry asshole but your wrong .
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Asshole, when our leaders of our government adopted the second amendment, it was to have a militia comprised of citizens ready to stand against a foreign invading force as we didn't a a standing military at the time.

Our first standing army was formed in 1775 by the 13 original colonies.
The constitution was written in 1776 .
So we did have a standing military sorry asshole but your wrong .
It was june the 14 to be exact asshole
The U.S. military is made up of Americans. The inane idea that these Americans would blindly follow a tyrannical government effort to quash any uprising is nonsensical. Some would, but most would not.
So how is putting down the Whiskey Rebellion explained on your planet?
Asshole, when our leaders of our government adopted the second amendment, it was to have a militia comprised of citizens ready to stand against a foreign invading force as we didn't a a standing military at the time.
No, it was so the slave states were not dependent on the Federal government for armed slave patrols. Couldn't have slave uprisings destroying the security of a state.
The 1% in America have actively stolen the 99%'s wealth over the last generation ,despite the fact that most of us are armed

so, tell me again, how my arsenal makes me 'free' in said regard?


Oh, negro, pleaseee
Someone else made the analogy its like going on a first date where the guy tells you to "leave your rape whistle home"
Only a democrat would consider ordering the military to use j dams on American citizens .
So why would you need to defend yourself against your government?

edit...Unless of course you wanted free grazing.
And if you think that force will be brought to bear on American civilians, you're dreaming.

Then you've obviously been asleep Dave

Nope. I served this nation in uniform for 20 years. I never served with anyone who would fire on American civilians.

Democrats would try to order them to, but it would not happen.
As though Kent State never happened. It's like everything's on a whole different planet.
You'd only have to be told they were commies and you'd be laying down fire like there was no tomorrow.
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