The last stand for Freedom

Only a democrat would consider ordering the military to use j dams on American citizens .
So why would you need to defend yourself against your government?

edit...Unless of course you wanted free grazing.
Simple our forefathers reconized the oppression under the crowns rule and wanted to assure or goverment did not revert to such behavior .
History has showed us many examples of citizens around the world that had either defend aginst thier own goverment or others
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .

I think you are a little confused. We aren't free because of guns. We live in a society with metal detectors, key cards, CCTV, security checkpoints, all because of your Gun Fetish... the rest of us didn't sign up for this, but we're stuck with it.

Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.

again, you are a bit confused. Venezuela VOTED for Socialism and has kept it despite punishing economic sanctions, and two attempted coups by the US.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either

Um, yeah, he did. He spelled it all out in Mein Kampf... which was the best selling book in Germany after the Bible.
Seriously meathead if the usa wanted to invade and yake over Venezuela how long do you think it would take .
One of our 11 main front line aircraft carrier groups could defeat the combined air force and navy and most ground forces of Venezuela in a week
the russians and the chinese just want thier loans paid...they dont really care ...they want thier friggin money

JUST like an American multinational oil company ...or the little well off Venezuelan business man who lost everything and fled to miami with his family

We still have no business bailing out the people WHO VOTED FOR democratic socialism and brought this disaster upon themselves

this is what you voted for ...they asked for it ...its not like nobody warned them that this could/would/ and now did happen
History has showed us many examples of citizens around the world that had either defend aginst thier own goverment or others
So then you agree your government would use j dams on you. All they have to do is call you a commie and all bets are off.
One of our 11 main front line aircraft carrier groups could defeat the combined air force and navy and most ground forces of Venezuela in a week
Not even that. You'd be greeted as liberators and strewn with rose petals.
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Yup. That's exactly why we have the 2nd amendment. It was to protect ourselves against a tyrannical Government.

The FF's were far seeing and very wise men.

Thank God for the 2nd.
a armed man can affect change
What country are you from, Aponi? In this country, we consider armed violence to achieve our political ends as terrorism, and if the perpetrator doesn't kill himself in the process we throw him in prison for the rest of his life.

Only once has this country risen in armed revolt, and they lost.

You're in the wrong place for a dream such as yours.
A armed man cant affect change you say you dumb bitch.
Perhaps you may have heard of the revolutionary war

The Revolutionary War was fought nearly 250 years ago using infantry, calvalry, and single shot muskets and home made bullets.

Can you think of a single successful revolutionary war fought in the last 100 years by lightly armed citizens rebelling against their government. All successful revolutions have been fought by heavily armed and highly trained militant forces, with either financial or actual imbedded tactical assistance from a the government of a major arms selling nation. The Bolshevik Revolution in 1918 was the last one. Since then, all government overthrows have come at the hands of a large foreign back military operation.

What is far more effective is peaceful revolutions. Where the people refused to be governed by assholes any longer and take to the streets. Like what is happening in Venezuela. Unfortunately the Russians told Maduro to stay or he'd be gone by now.
Yes in cuba for one

Many of the biggest gun control advocates belong to a group you adore.
Feinstein, Bloomberg, Schumer, Wasserman-Schultz, Lieberman.

Maybe because you're the biggest idiot.
Thank you captain blowhole for sharing your lies.
Yoir fully aware I do not adore any of them.
Please stop tell8ng people your a pollock its giving the entire nation a bad reputationView attachment 259579

You're clueless & can't indentify the enemy.
And if you think that force will be brought to bear on American civilians, you're dreaming.

Then you've obviously been asleep Dave

Nope. I served this nation in uniform for 20 years. I never served with anyone who would fire on American civilians.

Democrats would try to order them to, but it would not happen.
As though Kent State never happened. It's like everything's on a whole different planet.
You'd only have to be told they were commies and you'd be laying down fire like there was no tomorrow.
Oh, look, another dumbass with an irrational victimhood fetish.

Kent State? Oh, you mean the shooting where the National Guardsmen were fired upon by a civilian working for the know, the same FBI that attempted a coup against President Trump.

You should be worried about the government. But not the military.
USA hasn't had an armed Militia standoff for a long time as far as i know . But now you are saying that USA 'democrat' Government would nuke the USA so as to neutrilize REAL Americans in the USA eh DragonLady ? [when they regain power in Government] But that aside who is it in the middle east muslim lands that have been fighting the USA and the 'allies' for 17 - 18 years with SMALL ARMS and were fighting the Soviets before they were fighting the USA and Allies DLady .

What I'm saying is that the US military has the most destructive weapons in the history of mankind. The can send in an armed drone or a smart bomb and take you out "surgically". They can track you from outer space. They can do things your forefathers, with their single shots pistols and muskets could not possibly have dreamed of, in terms of killing the enemy, from miles away, without even seeing them.

You think the US military would use said weapons on our own people? :cuckoo:

Do Democrats want that ?????? Hmmmm.

They sure do allude to it enough.
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The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Translation : You need an AR style rifle so you can shoot police and military .
Or he needs it to assist the military like the partisans did against the Nazis in various countries after their militaries were all but defeated in the invasions.

Oh so now it’s abour fending off foreign invaders? Moving goalposts are we?

Now the scenario is the us military has been defeated and now you and your rifle will save us.

The U.S. military is made up of Americans. The inane idea that these Americans would blindly follow a tyrannical government effort to quash any uprising is nonsensical. Some would, but most would not.
----------------------------------- yes , and its very important to keep USA Military as Americans ,
With alliegiance to the flag, and all that it stands for, with liberty and justice for all.

Now a liberal would cherry pick this somehow, to make it mean anything but what it actually does mean within our history gone by.
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Translation : You need an AR style rifle so you can shoot police and military .
Or he needs it to assist the military like the partisans did against the Nazis in various countries after their militaries were all but defeated in the invasions.

Oh so now it’s abour fending off foreign invaders? Moving goalposts are we?

Now the scenario is the us military has been defeated and now you and your rifle will save us.

The U.S. military is made up of Americans. The inane idea that these Americans would blindly follow a tyrannical government effort to quash any uprising is nonsensical. Some would, but most would not.

Then you explain to me the conservative mantra that we need AR rifles to defend out rights from a “tyrannical government “.

Give me the scenario.
It doesn't matter, because the good citizens shouldn't be denide anything. The bad citizens with ill intent of course need to be regulated always. The problem today however, is that the bad citizens have been mixed in with the good citizens by design (attempting to blur the lines), and this is in order to achieve a specific goal and/or goals possibly to overthrow the citizen's for whom are good when it comes to their rights as being good citizen's.

If the good citizens say anything about anyone doing bad things these days, then the representative's of those who are bad will attempt to manipulate the system or outcomes in order to tell us that we are the ones who are confused, and that we just imagine this stuff or we are the bad instead of the real culprits who are the bad that operate as bad amongst us, and for whom are with guns that are usually stolen or illegally obtained.
USA hasn't had an armed Militia standoff for a long time as far as i know . But now you are saying that USA 'democrat' Government would nuke the USA so as to neutrilize REAL Americans in the USA eh DragonLady ? [when they regain power in Government] But that aside who is it in the middle east muslim lands that have been fighting the USA and the 'allies' for 17 - 18 years with SMALL ARMS and were fighting the Soviets before they were fighting the USA and Allies DLady .

What I'm saying is that the US military has the most destructive weapons in the history of mankind. The can send in an armed drone or a smart bomb and take you out "surgically". They can track you from outer space. They can do things your forefathers, with their single shots pistols and muskets could not possibly have dreamed of, in terms of killing the enemy, from miles away, without even seeing them.

You think the US military would use said weapons on our own people? :cuckoo:

Do Democrats want that ?????? Hmmmm.

They sure do allude to it enough.
They do want it. Democrats, as with all leftists, see the best solution to dissent is lakes of blood.
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.
Why do you need a gun, pole dancer? To guard over the shit stains you haven't had time to clean yet?
O its penis clipper.
I know penis clipper from other places. Hes uses multiple identities. For almost 2 years he made a fool out of himself saying cant stop mueller every day along with russia russia russia and comey comey comey .
He. Also tried to hit on me all the time after he found out what I looked like in a online video.

Hes pretty pathic and I actually feel sorry for him.
Hes jelous because I have a successful business 2 kids and a good man.
He would log in on other boards and pretend to be 3 differnt people and think he was smart and no one knew and that he was fooling the mods .
He also brags about his drug use.

Go easy on him we dont want to do anything to damage his little mind anymore then it is.
You're a goddam liar & you know it

1. I've never hit on you. Why would I? You've sent me multiple pm's calling me gay, etc.

2. I havent even smoked weed in over 30 years, so there goes your drug use accusation.

3. Name one message board other then Washington D.C. Topix that we both were members on & prove it.

4. I've never hit on you, never saw a video of you, have no idea what you look like & don't give a shit anyway.

In the meantime, fuck off & stop stalking me in pm's you moron.
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Asshole, when our leaders of our government adopted the second amendment, it was to have a militia comprised of citizens ready to stand against a foreign invading force as we didn't a a standing military at the time.

Our first standing army was formed in 1775 by the 13 original colonies.
The constitution was written in 1776 .
So we did have a standing military sorry asshole but your wrong .
Actually, the Constitution was written & signed in Sept. of 1787, dipshit.

Aponi The Pole Dancing Stalker- another proud graduate of Trump University. Now watch as she launches into orbit! Lolololol!
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Asshole, when our leaders of our government adopted the second amendment, it was to have a militia comprised of citizens ready to stand against a foreign invading force as we didn't a a standing military at the time.

Our first standing army was formed in 1775 by the 13 original colonies.
The constitution was written in 1776 .
So we did have a standing military sorry asshole but your wrong .
Actually, the Constitution was written & signed in Sept. of 1787, dipshit.

Aponi The Pole Dancing Stalker- another proud graduate of Trump University. Now watch as she launches into orbit! Lolololol!

The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Asshole, when our leaders of our government adopted the second amendment, it was to have a militia comprised of citizens ready to stand against a foreign invading force as we didn't a a standing military at the time.


Nope. I served this nation in uniform for 20 years. I never served with anyone who would fire on American civilians.

Yep, you simply never served with anyone ordered to Dave

And the day that happens it will be on like Butter Pecan. Perhaps you're some kind of Russian shill and hoping to bring that out. American soldiers are 99% real Americans and not gonna do that.
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Asshole, when our leaders of our government adopted the second amendment, it was to have a militia comprised of citizens ready to stand against a foreign invading force as we didn't a a standing military at the time.


Nope. I served this nation in uniform for 20 years. I never served with anyone who would fire on American civilians.

Yep, you simply never served with anyone ordered to Dave

And the day that happens it will be on like Butter Pecan. Perhaps you're some kind of Russian shill and hoping to bring that out. American soldiers are 99% real Americans and not gonna do that.

sorry MM.....



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