The last stand for Freedom

The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Translation : You need an AR style rifle so you can shoot police and military .
Or he needs it to assist the military like the partisans did against the Nazis in various countries after their militaries were all but defeated in the invasions.

Oh so now it’s abour fending off foreign invaders? Moving goalposts are we?

Now the scenario is the us military has been defeated and now you and your rifle will save us.
Your a moron tim a rwal moron the second amendment is about keeping the power in the peoples hands you idiot.
Its about us we the people being able to take power if needed from anyone trying to play dictator.
Eric swalwell a democrat running for president is crying that the constitution has no mention of women in it . moron its has no mention of men either . but it has the words we the people and no discrimination based on color or sex 8n the amendments.
Hes a moron like most democrats who hate America and want to pervert it and twist its laws
If the Constitution has no mention of women or men in it, but it refers to "we the people, please explain why the female one-half of "we the people" were denied the right to vote until 1920 and the part of "we the people" who are not white had to fight to exercise their right to vote up through the 1960s.

Should women and non-whites arm ourselves to ensure that our freedom is secure? You supposedly are a woman, race unknown, you tell me. Is personally arming ourselves, women, non-whites, LGBTs, Muslims, Jews, the method by which we all protect our freedom? Must we stand armed around our houses of worship, medical clinics, bars and restaurants? Is this the kind of society you want to live in?
Why would anyone feel that they would have to stand outside while armed in America now ?? It ain't the American's that various groups should be fearing, but instead they should be fearing their ownselves for the beliefs that they hold in which are in alot of ways ANTI-AMERICAN, and it is undoubtedly tearing them apart inside and out, and it is making them jump at their own shadows while blaming others for it.

American's who don't hold other's various belief's just want to be left alone, but somehow that is impossible to do anymore or is it ??

So yes you might be right in some sense, that in a bid to protect the American culture, and the American way of life in which has served the citizens well in uniting cultures for decades under the flag (in which most have been serving for years now), has definitely got the citizens armed to the teeth in order to DEFEND themselves and their families against tyrannical forces seeking to destroy their way of life (if they feel that they have to protect their way of life or culture). Yes as you say It works for everyone the same, but is it the old gaurd that is the problem or is it the new gaurd causing the problems ?? I'm talking about the citizens here, and not government.

Redirecting hunting weapons or citizens seeking to arm themselves with the latest weaponry for defense purposes, instead of using them for sport and hunting purposes (if this is the case or what is going on), uhh is now a dammed shame in this country if that is what it has been pushed towards, and hopefully it will be resolved by people getting the hell out of each others business again in life, instead of it going the other way.

As for the government, it should be the first to get out of the business of attempting to socially engineer something (the same as Hitler attempted to do), and it needs to get back to governing all citizens equally be it done all decent and in order, instead of being swayed by groups to abuse other groups in this country against their will, and this by forces that might take control within the government against the majority of the peoples will. Not talking about a majority that lay in bigger states within the union, who are attempting to control something by their majority within a few states in which is wrong, but I'm talking instead about all states being represented across the entire spectrum or board within these United States which is right.

Like I say all the time though, the government is only representative of those whom control it these days, and not representative of the citizens across the board when things do go bad in America, otherwise in such a situation where millions of citizens are avoided without the use of the electorial college.

Thank God for the electorial college is all American's can say at this point.

The economy for all, is a great measure of these things. The economy is great and getting better, and that's great.
You are well spoken and a visionary
If the Constitution has no mention of women or men in it, but it refers to "we the people, please explain why the female one-half of "we the people" were denied the right to vote until 1920 and the part of "we the people" who are not white had to fight to exercise their right to vote up through the 1960s.

Should women and non-whites arm ourselves to ensure that our freedom is secure? You supposedly are a woman, race unknown, you tell me. Is personally arming ourselves, women, non-whites, LGBTs, Muslims, Jews, the method by which we all protect our freedom? Must we stand armed around our houses of worship, medical clinics, bars and restaurants? Is this the kind of society you want to live in?
------------------------------------------------ sure , go ahead , arm up your 'Fifth Column' of deviants and foreign invaders . It only makes sense as Americans should never accept you deviants Lysis !!

So what is your idea of "fifth column" deviants and foreign invaders"? I thought that every American has the right to arm himself/herself against tyranny. This is what I keep reading on USMB. "Americans should never accept you deviants?" I am an American.. Where in the hell did you come from? Are you an American? All I asked is whether it is right that all Americans arm themselves and defend their communities.

Should we all acquire the means necessary to be "locked and loaded" to protect our communities when they are worshiping, receiving medical care and advice, socializing? We do have the right to defend our communities against terrorism.
Expansive gun ownership is for white people only, especially when the cops show up.
--------------------------------- just go out and buy some guns Occupied .
I have guns and somehow I am not the least bit afraid anyone is going to take them away because I know the gun lobby is full of shit. All those scare tactics you so easily fall for are just a marketing ploy to keep you buying guns and ammo.
They were not scare tactics in Venezuela were they now or china or cuba or england nazi Germany or so many other places
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.
Whether or not you have guns, that won’t bring down the country. Republicans are actively working to bring down the country.

o look its the dumb bastard again talking out his ass.
Hes the guy who woyld take guns and endorses socialist goverments
we have a socialist. Democrat terriost group called antifa that has been working with the drug cartels trying to get them to sell them weapons so they can attack our boarder patrol ice and the police.
USA hasn't had an armed Militia standoff for a long time as far as i know . But now you are saying that USA 'democrat' Government would nuke the USA so as to neutrilize REAL Americans in the USA eh DragonLady ? [when they regain power in Government] But that aside who is it in the middle east muslim lands that have been fighting the USA and the 'allies' for 17 - 18 years with SMALL ARMS and were fighting the Soviets before they were fighting the USA and Allies DLady .

What I'm saying is that the US military has the most destructive weapons in the history of mankind. The can send in an armed drone or a smart bomb and take you out "surgically". They can track you from outer space. They can do things your forefathers, with their single shots pistols and muskets could not possibly have dreamed of, in terms of killing the enemy, from miles away, without even seeing them.
we have a socialist. Democrat terriost group called antifa that has been working with the drug cartels trying to get them to sell them weapons so they can attack our boarder patrol ice and the police.

They don't have much purchasing power with their allowance + Starbucks paycheck combined.
USA hasn't had an armed Militia standoff for a long time as far as i know . But now you are saying that USA 'democrat' Government would nuke the USA so as to neutrilize REAL Americans in the USA eh DragonLady ? [when they regain power in Government] But that aside who is it in the middle east muslim lands that have been fighting the USA and the 'allies' for 17 - 18 years with SMALL ARMS and were fighting the Soviets before they were fighting the USA and Allies DLady .

What I'm saying is that the US military has the most destructive weapons in the history of mankind. The can send in an armed drone or a smart bomb and take you out "surgically". They can track you from outer space. They can do things your forefathers, with their single shots pistols and muskets could not possibly have dreamed of, in terms of killing the enemy, from miles away, without even seeing them.

You think the US military would use said weapons on our own people? :cuckoo:

The 1% in America have actively stolen the 99%'s wealth over the last generation ,despite the fact that most of us are armed

so, tell me again, how my arsenal makes me 'free' in said regard?

No one, with the exception of the local, state and federal government, has stolen my wealth, and I seriously doubt they stole anything from you. The vast majority of the top 1% didn't steal their wealth, they created ti. You have the same option.
USA hasn't had an armed Militia standoff for a long time as far as i know . But now you are saying that USA 'democrat' Government would nuke the USA so as to neutrilize REAL Americans in the USA eh DragonLady ? [when they regain power in Government] But that aside who is it in the middle east muslim lands that have been fighting the USA and the 'allies' for 17 - 18 years with SMALL ARMS and were fighting the Soviets before they were fighting the USA and Allies DLady .

What I'm saying is that the US military has the most destructive weapons in the history of mankind. The can send in an armed drone or a smart bomb and take you out "surgically". They can track you from outer space. They can do things your forefathers, with their single shots pistols and muskets could not possibly have dreamed of, in terms of killing the enemy, from miles away, without even seeing them.

You think the US military would use said weapons on our own people? :cuckoo:


They'll get us to target each other long before they need to MM

USA hasn't had an armed Militia standoff for a long time as far as i know . But now you are saying that USA 'democrat' Government would nuke the USA so as to neutrilize REAL Americans in the USA eh DragonLady ? [when they regain power in Government] But that aside who is it in the middle east muslim lands that have been fighting the USA and the 'allies' for 17 - 18 years with SMALL ARMS and were fighting the Soviets before they were fighting the USA and Allies DLady .

What I'm saying is that the US military has the most destructive weapons in the history of mankind. The can send in an armed drone or a smart bomb and take you out "surgically". They can track you from outer space. They can do things your forefathers, with their single shots pistols and muskets could not possibly have dreamed of, in terms of killing the enemy, from miles away, without even seeing them.

You think the US military would use said weapons on our own people? :cuckoo:


They'll get us to target each other long before they need to MM

How do you figure?
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.
There is no risk to the 2nd amendment but there is to other rights that have been corrupted by the illegal wars in the US. Yet you people say not a damn word about the rest of our rights being taken away.
--------------------------------------- what RIGHTS would those be though I am aware of attacks by 'dems' and some 'repubs' on both the First and Second Amendments so we might agree on some things Moonglow .
Right now they violate the right to due process on asset forfeiture.

You are correct on loss of rights, and we can put the blame squarely on the conceited, liberal assholes of the Supreme Court, who believe they are the saviors of society. Most of them do not have the sense that God gave a goose, but they all believe they can rewrite the Constitution in their own image.
So what is your idea of "fifth column" deviants and foreign invaders"? I thought that every American has the right to arm himself/herself against tyranny. This is what I keep reading on USMB. "Americans should never accept you deviants?" I am an American.. Where in the hell did you come from? Are you an American? All I asked is whether it is right that all Americans arm themselves and defend their communities.

Should we all acquire the means necessary to be "locked and loaded" to protect our communities when they are worshiping, receiving medical care and advice, socializing? We do have the right to defend our communities against terrorism.
Expansive gun ownership is for white people only, especially when the cops show up.
--------------------------------- just go out and buy some guns Occupied .
I have guns and somehow I am not the least bit afraid anyone is going to take them away because I know the gun lobby is full of shit. All those scare tactics you so easily fall for are just a marketing ploy to keep you buying guns and ammo.
--------------------------------- SO WHAT , and even if you were correct , whats wrong with using Private Money and buying and owning and storing and shooting MORE Guns Occupied ?? [ its a FREE COUNTRY isn't it Occupied ??]
My point is that I do not live in fear because fear makes you stupid.

I don't live in fear, but I wear my seatbelt, and I have a handy fire extinguisher to go along with my smoke detectors. A firearm is a tool, nothing more, and nothing less. I would rather have one and never need it, than not have one and desperately need it.
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Translation : You need an AR style rifle so you can shoot police and military .
Or he needs it to assist the military like the partisans did against the Nazis in various countries after their militaries were all but defeated in the invasions.

Oh so now it’s abour fending off foreign invaders? Moving goalposts are we?

Now the scenario is the us military has been defeated and now you and your rifle will save us.

The U.S. military is made up of Americans. The inane idea that these Americans would blindly follow a tyrannical government effort to quash any uprising is nonsensical. Some would, but most would not.
USA hasn't had an armed Militia standoff for a long time as far as i know . But now you are saying that USA 'democrat' Government would nuke the USA so as to neutrilize REAL Americans in the USA eh DragonLady ? [when they regain power in Government] But that aside who is it in the middle east muslim lands that have been fighting the USA and the 'allies' for 17 - 18 years with SMALL ARMS and were fighting the Soviets before they were fighting the USA and Allies DLady .

What I'm saying is that the US military has the most destructive weapons in the history of mankind. The can send in an armed drone or a smart bomb and take you out "surgically". They can track you from outer space. They can do things your forefathers, with their single shots pistols and muskets could not possibly have dreamed of, in terms of killing the enemy, from miles away, without even seeing them.

You think the US military would use said weapons on our own people? :cuckoo:

oyoursour military are 100 percent voluntary and owe no president as they tend to in socialist and Communist nations who tend to offer thier military special treatment and they tend to be sheep not professional men as ours are but thugs.
Our military also are prohibited by law from many actions and as you say they are highly unlikely to used advanced weapons on citizens as thats thier family .
Our system of goverment relly makes it hard for a Saddam or castro or madura or Idi Amin or Muammar Gaddafi to gain power.
But thats why we have guns and why our military is more inclined to support the peoples rights then a ruthless dictator.
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .

I think you are a little confused. We aren't free because of guns. We live in a society with metal detectors, key cards, CCTV, security checkpoints, all because of your Gun Fetish... the rest of us didn't sign up for this, but we're stuck with it.

Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.

again, you are a bit confused. Venezuela VOTED for Socialism and has kept it despite punishing economic sanctions, and two attempted coups by the US.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either

Um, yeah, he did. He spelled it all out in Mein Kampf... which was the best selling book in Germany after the Bible.
You seem to be a moron key cards cctv locks keys metal dectors have nothing to do with freedom .security and safety yes but freedom no.
A unarmed man can shake his fist and cry a armed man can affect change and thats what the second amendment is about.

As for Venezuela it was a very well to do nation now its a socialist paradise and all its citizens can do is shake thier boobs and peckers at the goverment no guns no medical supplys no vote no food .
Your either a moron or a socialist probally both
a armed man can affect change
What country are you from, Aponi? In this country, we consider armed violence to achieve our political ends as terrorism, and if the perpetrator doesn't kill himself in the process we throw him in prison for the rest of his life.

Only once has this country risen in armed revolt, and they lost.

You're in the wrong place for a dream such as yours.
A armed man cant affect change you say you dumb bitch.
Perhaps you may have heard of the revolutionary war

The Revolutionary War was fought nearly 250 years ago using infantry, calvalry, and single shot muskets and home made bullets.

Can you think of a single successful revolutionary war fought in the last 100 years by lightly armed citizens rebelling against their government. All successful revolutions have been fought by heavily armed and highly trained militant forces, with either financial or actual imbedded tactical assistance from a the government of a major arms selling nation. The Bolshevik Revolution in 1918 was the last one. Since then, all government overthrows have come at the hands of a large foreign back military operation.

What is far more effective is peaceful revolutions. Where the people refused to be governed by assholes any longer and take to the streets. Like what is happening in Venezuela. Unfortunately the Russians told Maduro to stay or he'd be gone by now.
Yes in cuba for one
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.

Translation : You need an AR style rifle so you can shoot police and military .
Or he needs it to assist the military like the partisans did against the Nazis in various countries after their militaries were all but defeated in the invasions.

Oh so now it’s abour fending off foreign invaders? Moving goalposts are we?

Now the scenario is the us military has been defeated and now you and your rifle will save us.

The U.S. military is made up of Americans. The inane idea that these Americans would blindly follow a tyrannical government effort to quash any uprising is nonsensical. Some would, but most would not.
----------------------------------- yes , and its very important to keep USA Military as Americans ,
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.
Why do you need a gun, pole dancer? To guard over the shit stains you haven't had time to clean yet?
You have the same option.


so congresscritters will be on walmart shelves soon?


You don't need congresscritters to make money. You just need some discipline and half a brain. There are three ways to make money honestly. You can use your muscles, but that doesn't pay much. You can use your brain and that pays better. The best way is to use your money to make money for you.

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