The last time oil was $65.00 a barrel, gas was $1.59 a gallon

Everyone and their grandma is drilling for oil right now. At the same time, gas burning machines are becoming more efficient and developing economies are not growing as fast as anticipated. Consequently, there is a glut in the oil market. It's as simple as that. It has very very very little to do with President Shrub or President Momjeans.
Isn't a direct correlation between the price for crude oil and the price for gasoline. Gas is only 3 cents a liter in Venezula. 9 or 10 bucks a gallon in some European countries. Ultimately the price is dependent upon local taxes. Has no correlation to the price of crude.
our gas taxes are a flat dollar tax per gallon...whether oil is more expensive or less expensive....the gvt gets the same....

gasoline prices do relate to the price of oil per barrel, the cost of refinement and speculation.
"gasoline prices do relate to the price of oil per barrel, the cost of refinement and speculation"
Not speculation......Trading of futures.
I don't hear anyone bitching about the price of gas now..
And what of it anyway. You libs despise the use of oil as the origin of motor fuel..
You don't get a say.
You almost gotta laugh when low information hypocrite lefties whine about American corporate profits while they not only tolerate but actually drool over obscene displays of wealth by obscene OPEC Arab princes. American corporations ain't your freaking enemy you fools.

You weren't paying attention in 2007-2008?
When Exxon pays over $100B in taxes and royalties we should bitch because they took an after-tax profit of $40B? Most of these leftists can't keep their checkbook accurate yet complain about "BIG OIL". Oil isn't oil....the Saudis lift cost is about a dollar a barrel. The US lift cost on average is $24 a high as $70 on offshore rigs. So who's making the most money off a barrel of oil? UNCLE SAM is who. On average the gas station makes about a nickel a gallon before expenses! If they didn't sell cigs, candy, and lottery tickets, they'd have to close. Sam gets 40 cents a gallon for doing....nothing. Transportation costs are a huge part of the oil business and why we can and should DRILL BABY DRILL! The Saudis are trying to drive our drillers under but it's the russians who are getting killed by the lower prices....we can stay profitable at $60 a barrel at current refining costs....that's why Keystone XL is important...a good deal of the Keystone XL oil will be from the Bakken Field in N. Dakota....much cheaper than rail and tanker truck. Bottom line? If you want to keep gas prices low, make the Wall Street commodities jackasses TAKE PHYSICAL POSSESSION of their oil futures crude. That puts the investment bankers in a position to either be in oil the business or get the hell away from it. Take the middle man out of the picture and you'll have true competition between the oil patch drillers and the Paki taking your hard earned money at the gas stations.

2013 Exxon paid $24.26B tax's / $32.58B net. Not bad.
Everyone and their grandma is drilling for oil right now. At the same time, gas burning machines are becoming more efficient and developing economies are not growing as fast as anticipated. Consequently, there is a glut in the oil market. It's as simple as that. It has very very very little to do with President Shrub or President Momjeans.
Oh, but it does have to do with the hack. Cheaper prices than these existed right before he took office and squeezed potential supply. What is happening now is in spite of the hack. Had he not interfered with his green energy scam the price would be way cheaper than it is now and would have been that cheap the entire time he's been reigning. He has cost our household over $50K in his six years -- so far.
When oil was $140.00 a barrel last summer, big oil was making $100 billion in profits every three months. The cost of oil is cut in half, but oil companies only cut gas 25%, and moron Americans think $3.00 a gallon is cheap gas. When will this country realize that the oil companies are destroying the economy and our lives? The cost of shipping has doubled because of big oil. And that makes the cost of everything more expensive. Have your wages doubled to cover the inflation passed on to you?
I have been saying this for years. Based on the price of oil gas should be about $.80 cheaper. But it isn't and it's not because of taxes. They haven't really changed since Obammy took office. This is about how sheeple have short memories and are easily conditioned. The method is simple. You raise the price astronomically and everyone complains. Then you lower them but never back to where they were. The sheeple say yay it's down an they go on with their pathetic lives until the next cycle. Rinse repeat.
When oil was $140.00 a barrel last summer, big oil was making $100 billion in profits every three months. The cost of oil is cut in half, but oil companies only cut gas 25%, and moron Americans think $3.00 a gallon is cheap gas. When will this country realize that the oil companies are destroying the economy and our lives? The cost of shipping has doubled because of big oil. And that makes the cost of everything more expensive. Have your wages doubled to cover the inflation passed on to you?
I have been saying this for years. Based on the price of oil gas should be about $.80 cheaper. But it isn't and it's not because of taxes. They haven't really changed since Obammy took office. This is about how sheeple have short memories and are easily conditioned. The method is simple. You raise the price astronomically and everyone complains. Then you lower them but never back to where they were. The sheeple say yay it's down an they go on with their pathetic lives until the next cycle. Rinse repeat.
The taxes are salt in the wound.
When oil was $140.00 a barrel last summer, big oil was making $100 billion in profits every three months. The cost of oil is cut in half, but oil companies only cut gas 25%, and moron Americans think $3.00 a gallon is cheap gas. When will this country realize that the oil companies are destroying the economy and our lives? The cost of shipping has doubled because of big oil. And that makes the cost of everything more expensive. Have your wages doubled to cover the inflation passed on to you?
I have been saying this for years. Based on the price of oil gas should be about $.80 cheaper. But it isn't and it's not because of taxes. They haven't really changed since Obammy took office. This is about how sheeple have short memories and are easily conditioned. The method is simple. You raise the price astronomically and everyone complains. Then you lower them but never back to where they were. The sheeple say yay it's down an they go on with their pathetic lives until the next cycle. Rinse repeat.
The taxes are salt in the wound.
Taxes are necessary to raise revenue.

To use them for income redistribution or as a punitive measure is just immoral.
When oil was $140.00 a barrel last summer, big oil was making $100 billion in profits every three months. The cost of oil is cut in half, but oil companies only cut gas 25%, and moron Americans think $3.00 a gallon is cheap gas. When will this country realize that the oil companies are destroying the economy and our lives? The cost of shipping has doubled because of big oil. And that makes the cost of everything more expensive. Have your wages doubled to cover the inflation passed on to you?

That fucking Booooooooooooosh and Cheney!!!
When oil was $140.00 a barrel last summer, big oil was making $100 billion in profits every three months. The cost of oil is cut in half, but oil companies only cut gas 25%, and moron Americans think $3.00 a gallon is cheap gas. When will this country realize that the oil companies are destroying the economy and our lives? The cost of shipping has doubled because of big oil. And that makes the cost of everything more expensive. Have your wages doubled to cover the inflation passed on to you?
I have been saying this for years. Based on the price of oil gas should be about $.80 cheaper. But it isn't and it's not because of taxes. They haven't really changed since Obammy took office. This is about how sheeple have short memories and are easily conditioned. The method is simple. You raise the price astronomically and everyone complains. Then you lower them but never back to where they were. The sheeple say yay it's down an they go on with their pathetic lives until the next cycle. Rinse repeat.
The taxes are salt in the wound.
Taxes are necessary to raise revenue.

To use them for income redistribution or as a punitive measure is just immoral.
Allow me to rephrase; the excessive taxes are salt in the wound.
Taxes are necessary to raise revenue.

To use them for income redistribution or as a punitive measure is just immoral.

What about roadways, streetlights, traffic signals, sidewalks?
That's the intent. But just like every other source of gov revenue it is abused and expanded. Tolls in Maryland are double under obama. Partly because his energy policy has forced people to drive less and that cuts into their highway slush fund.
That's the intent. But just like every other source of gov revenue it is abused and expanded. Tolls in Maryland are double under obama. Partly because his energy policy has forced people to drive less and that cuts into their highway slush fund.

Seems it was due to BushCo/Republican/corporate America/wall street crashing the economy, along with the Republican House cutting transportation monies.......So it's Obama's fault.

Tolls increase on Md. roads bridges and tunnels - The Washington Post
That's the intent. But just like every other source of gov revenue it is abused and expanded. Tolls in Maryland are double under obama. Partly because his energy policy has forced people to drive less and that cuts into their highway slush fund.

Seems it was due to BushCo/Republican/corporate America/wall street crashing the economy, along with the Republican House cutting transportation monies.......So it's Obama's fault.

Tolls increase on Md. roads bridges and tunnels - The Washington Post
Those increases are due to Obama's green scam stifling the economy. This economy is squarely on the shoulders of Obama energy policy. Period.

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