The last time...

I said climate, not horses.
no you didn't. Got caught with your own words. I quote your words......
"we'd like the world we had just before the Industrial Revolution began"

Nothing about climate in that. Freudian slip.
no you didn't. Got caught with your own words. I quote your words......
"we'd like the world we had just before the Industrial Revolution began"

Nothing about climate in that. Freudian slip.
You lying sack of SHIT. That is a direct violation of a clear cut USMB rule. I actually said

"Climate-wise, we'd like the world we had just before the Industrial Revolution began. Is that specific enough for you?"

You edited a quote specifically to change the meaning of what I said. You ASSHOLE.

And now you're running back and trying to fix everything. You ARE an asshole.
You lying sack of SHIT. That is a direct violation of a clear cut USMB rule. I actually said

"Climate-wise, we'd like the world we had just before the Industrial Revolution began. Is that specific enough for you?"

You edited a quote specifically to change the meaning of what I said. You ASSHOLE.

And now you're running back and trying to fix everything. You ARE an asshole.
Did I not quote your words? I didn't write them.
Did I not quote your words? I didn't write them.
From USM Rules and Guidelines

  • Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box or alter the member names in "link-back" text.
You chopped out the words "Climate-wise" and then criticised me for not having said "climate".

You fucking ignorant ASSHOLE.
/——-/ Since global warmers won’t give specifics, I can only assume they want a constant 72 degrees world wide all year long.
Specifically, we don't want human caused climate change to crash the planet's climate.

You apparently do.
Climate-wise, we'd like the world we had just before the Industrial Revolution began. Is that specific enough for you?
Bad trade off!! Still have floods and fires and droughts, but with massive deaths from heat and cold and 100 fold increase in poverty
There’s a 450,000 year long data set showing that CO2 LAGS temperatures on both increase AND decrease! In fact, temperatures often plunge for tens of thousands of years AFTER CO2 peaks

It's not a theory.

Also, it's not a political view like your denial.

And third, can you provide a scientific organization which would back your opinion.
/——-/ You idiot. Gores and carriages were PRE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. And you want to go back to what you think were the good days.
Go look at what I actually said fool. And you could even remind yourself of what YOU asked that prompted my post.
/---/ Pick up a history book and learn something. This is just one aspect.

In late nineteenth century, New York contained somewhere between 150,000 and 200,000 horses. All transport, whether of goods or people, was drawn by horses, from fancy carriages pulled by the finest breeds, to cabs and horse trolleys and countless carts, drays, and wains – all working to deliver the goods needed by the City’s rapidly growing population.
Each horse produced up to 30 pounds of manure per day and a quart of urine. All of this ended up in stables or along the streets. That added up to millions of pounds each day and over 100,000 tons per year (not to mention around 10 million gallons of urine).

By the end of the 19th century, vacant lots around New York City housed manure piles that reached 40 or 60 feet high. It was estimated that in a few decades, every street would have manure piled up to third story levels.

Streets covered by horse manure attracted huge numbers of flies. One estimate claimed that horse manure was the daily hatching ground for three billion disease spreading flies in the United States. In winter, manure mixed with the dirt of unpaved streets to form a detestable, smelly, gooey muck. In summer, the dried and ground-up manure was blown everywhere and the smell was overbearing. When it rained, mini-rivers of manure flooded the streets and sidewalks, often seeping into basements.

Horses also died. Often from overwork in the middle of the street. When they died, their carcasses were often abandoned, creating an additional health issue. In 1880, New York City removed an estimated 15,000 dead horses from its streets. But sometimes a big carcass would simply be left to rot until it had disintegrated enough for someone to pick up the pieces.

Each horse produced up to 30 pounds of manure per day and a quart of urine.

Closer to 2.5 gallons a day.
From USM Rules and Guidelines

  • Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box or alter the member names in "link-back" text.
You chopped out the words "Climate-wise" and then criticised me for not having said "climate".

You fucking ignorant ASSHOLE.
can you provide a scientific organization which would back your opinion.

Another POLLY who cannot answer the question

how did Co2 melt North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?

Bawk on, MORON

Cute And Sweet Parrot Pictures - 25dip

Another POLLY who cannot answer the question

how did Co2 melt North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?

Bawk on, MORON
YOU are the one who cannot answer a question. ANY fucking question.
Specifically, we don't want human caused climate change to crash the planet's climate.

You apparently do.
Wrong, ya bumbling ass face. The thing you which can’t establish and which many people (far more intelligent than you are) find doubtful is the premise that humans have much of any control over planetary climate change one way or the other.

Your ignorance is astronomical. Your posts’ value is infinitesimal.

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