The Latest Conservative Hot Take; Greta Thunberg Is Like Hitler

As Time explained at the time, Man of the Year is the person who had the most impact on the world….for good or for bad


Then Trump should have been the Time magazine Man Of The Year for four years running in progressive eyes.


:auiqs.jpg: :banana: :smoke::banana::auiqs.jpg:
You just have to read these posts by these Cons to see how they live their lives in absolute fear. It is beyond sad, it is tragic. It is tragic just how far the so-called “conservative“ has fallen down the rabbit hole of fear. Fear of a teenager. Fear of the future.

Greta is right to focus on climate change and the environment. I don‘t know why so many fear it.
Amazing how they villainize and attack children like Thunberg and David Hogg
Yes, imagine if this little girl had enough power—the horrible things she would do to people. Like give them good-paying green-energy jobs, reduce the amount of deadly particulate matter in the air they breathe, invest heavily in a renewable energy economy, take on the worst excesses of the fossil fuel industry, and—worst of all—sharply reduce greenhouse-gas emissions in order to secure a sustainable future for her generation and generations to come. Horrors!

Where are the adults, indeed? Because they sure as shit aren’t on BlazeTV, now are they?

She sure has them triggered.
Leftwing is total government. Rightwing is no government.

So simple a moron can understand.
What the hell are you doing on a political forum if you do not understand the difference between fascism and Marxism. Are you really that dumb? That was rhetorical. Get educated before you post again about political philosophy.
She's a hatefilled little marxist. If they grow up and take power, yes, marxists generally go genocide and totalitarian oppression.

What part of that are you not understanding?
"She's a hatefilled [sic] little marxist"...........................the Right is SO triggered!
What the hell are you doing on a political forum if you do not understand the difference between fascism and Marxism. Are you really that big a dumb fuck? That was rhetorical. Get educated before you post again about political philosophy.

What are you doing on a political forum when you don't understand there is little difference between them.
He whined like a little bitch that he wasn’t


I remember a lot of whining back then but it was all coming from the democratic socialistic liberal progressives as they tripped over each other with impeachment papers over nothing.



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