The latest liberal plan to KILL MORE JOBS. Demanding 10.00 or more per hour for tipped workers.

Liberal Congress pukes spend their entire careers and each waking moment thinking up ways to ruin, destroy and fuck up America.
I dated a waitress some years ago and she made mad money. Had a nice house fully furnished, new car and a badass in ground pool. Even paid her way through some classes and now sells big ass houses in the burbs.
Her base salary was under 2 dollars an hour.

The vast majority of people depending on tips don't bring home enough money to get out of poverty.
There is no way to prove this statement so it is baseless.

Servers are nearly three times as likely as other workers to experience poverty, according to a March 2014 report from the National Economic Council, the U.S. Department of Labor and others.
There is NO WAY to quantify that. Tips are a cash salary. A salary that is easily hidden.
No amount of links will prove your position.

I understand. With you being a right wing nut job, there are no amount of facts that will convince you, but the National Economic Council and the U.S. Labor Department seem to be convinced.
Fuk the ten bucks an hour. What moron wants to work for that?

The US has 6.3 million people looking for a job and 6.7 million jobs.

And Republicans are fighting over 10 bucks an hour?

And get this, their fight is that 10 bucks an hour is "TOO MUCH"!

T@rds. That's gotta be it. T@rds.
Liberal Congress pukes spend their entire careers and each waking moment thinking up ways to ruin, destroy and fuck up America.
I dated a waitress some years ago and she made mad money. Had a nice house fully furnished, new car and a badass in ground pool. Even paid her way through some classes and now sells big ass houses in the burbs.
Her base salary was under 2 dollars an hour.

The vast majority of people depending on tips don't bring home enough money to get out of poverty.

You have obviously never met a waitress or waiter who made great money doing that job.

I have.

Those folks make out very well. If they are a great server, personable as hell and take care of their clients they can make great money every night.

I've seen it. I once watched a friend of mine, a waiter, make 500 bucks one night waiting on one table of businessmen. Great night for him.

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