The Latino citizenship boom

And I will repeat my first comment in this topic, it happens every 4 years, many claim to want to naturalize to vote against the person they detest, it is nothing new.

This is different. Not this time.
No its not, you haven't shown it to be different at all.

You are in denial.
Denial? Maybe you should try to comprehend the OP's link instead of just the headline. I'll dumb things down for you as best I can.

All of this is from the OP link:
The USCIS doesn't keep track of naturalization records by race.
The Florida Coalition claims more Hispanics are naturalizing in Florida. (which has a high Hispanic population to begin with)
Univision and its "reporters/anchors" claim Hispanics are naturalizing to vote against Trump because Univision and its reporters/anchors are all Hillary supporters/backers. (this is known as opinion/hyperbole/demagoguery)

You can keep playing ignorant all you want, hell, you can even pretend all you want, but the reality is you really haven't shown what you claim to be true or reality. The only thing we really know is that there has been an increase in naturalization during an election year, which is quite common.

Bullshit. I live in Florida and California most of my life just incase you don't know. Most people that are offended with Trump are the Mexicans not the the Cubans. And I know lots of Cubans and Mexican. People applying for US citizens in California is extremely high. Not just California. Nevada and also Arizona.
You are relying from what you read and I rely on reality...... You are just as ignorant as Trump. You don't know shit.
------------------------------- yeah , rely on Charwin rather than what you read . Charwin knows best .:afro:
There's been a sharp increase in Latinos in the country legally with green cards to apply for citizenship, just for the opportunity to vote against Trump. I guess we have Donald to thank for giving people the impetus to become full-fledged Americans.

Latinos line up to get naturalized and stop Donald Trump -
Funny that. Hispanics. People that cheat on immigration laws and over populate their homeland need new places to go, funny that THEY in particular want OPEN immigration. Funny that. Racism is ANYONE that doesn't go along with that. Racism, the new McCarthyism.
There's been a sharp increase in Latinos in the country legally with green cards to apply for citizenship, just for the opportunity to vote against Trump. I guess we have Donald to thank for giving people the impetus to become full-fledged Americans.

Latinos line up to get naturalized and stop Donald Trump -
Long before Trump, there has been a sharp increase in Hispanic populace. Illegal immigration might HAVE something to do with that. Maybe? Pretending racism is a factor, that astounds me. Most of us NON HISPANICS are appalled at racism AND the pro Hispanic Bullshit that permeates this issue. Hispanics don't get a freebee on immigration, and that is THAT. We all want fairness. Fee passes according to race, ethnicity or culture go away. We all want fairness, yes?
This is different. Not this time.
No its not, you haven't shown it to be different at all.

You are in denial.
Denial? Maybe you should try to comprehend the OP's link instead of just the headline. I'll dumb things down for you as best I can.

All of this is from the OP link:
The USCIS doesn't keep track of naturalization records by race.
The Florida Coalition claims more Hispanics are naturalizing in Florida. (which has a high Hispanic population to begin with)
Univision and its "reporters/anchors" claim Hispanics are naturalizing to vote against Trump because Univision and its reporters/anchors are all Hillary supporters/backers. (this is known as opinion/hyperbole/demagoguery)

You can keep playing ignorant all you want, hell, you can even pretend all you want, but the reality is you really haven't shown what you claim to be true or reality. The only thing we really know is that there has been an increase in naturalization during an election year, which is quite common.

Bullshit. I live in Florida and California most of my life just incase you don't know. Most people that are offended with Trump are the Mexicans not the the Cubans. And I know lots of Cubans and Mexican. People applying for US citizens in California is extremely high. Not just California. Nevada and also Arizona.
You are relying from what you read and I rely on reality...... You are just as ignorant as Trump. You don't know shit.
------------------------------- yeah , rely on Charwin rather than what you read . Charwin knows best .:afro:

Aside from hating blacks and Hispanics...... what do you know Pismoe?
The only comment or question I heard from you in the past was..... How many people fit in my boat? That's 25. My car only fit one passenger just incase you want to know this time.
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There's been a sharp increase in Latinos in the country legally with green cards to apply for citizenship, just for the opportunity to vote against Trump. I guess we have Donald to thank for giving people the impetus to become full-fledged Americans. Latinos line up to get naturalized and stop Donald Trump -
Latinos define illegal immigration. Wow. That may be a little self serving, isn't it?
What definition are you talking about? You seem to be imagining things that aren't there, since the article is about LEGAL immigrants.
Bullshit. I live in Florida and California most of my life just incase you don't know. Most people that are offended with Trump are the Mexicans not the the Cubans. And I know lots of Cubans and Mexican. People applying for US citizens in California is extremely high. Not just California. Nevada and also Arizona.
You are relying from what you read and I rely on reality...... You are just as ignorant as Trump. You don't know shit.
I live in CA and have for over 40 years, half of my family is Hispanic/Mexican, all of whom are voting for Trump. Most people who are offended by Trump are Progressive's that fail the basic ability to comprehend reality and choose to re-act violently based on their ignorance.

LPR's applying for citizenship to vote in an election year is nothing new. Based on your poor English skills, I'm betting you are either an immigrant or an illegal.

Nope... I'm pure and bred here in USA. You are very funny. You are claiming that you have Mexican family and they are voting for Trump? You are one lying human being. What are benefits for the Mexicans voting Trump? Except deport. Do you even understand the repercussions for the Mexicans if Trump win the presidency? That means ALL Mexicans in this country. ALL. Think if you have common sense.
If you are pure and bred here, you might think about taking remedial English classes, because your broken English says you are neither born here nor bred here.

Wow, you call me a liar for telling you how my family is deciding to vote! watafuknmoron

Illegals can be deported as they come into contact with the law, in fact that is the law. Trump can do no more than follow the law, the difference between him and Clinton is that Clinton tells you one thing and then behind closed doors does the opposite. Sanders stance is outside the law and will never come to fruition.

No, deportation doesn't mean all Mexicans in the country will be deported, how fuckin stupid are you? Unless you somehow believe that all Mexicans in the US are here illegally, is that what you think, you fuckin racist?
There's been a sharp increase in Latinos in the country legally with green cards to apply for citizenship, just for the opportunity to vote against Trump. I guess we have Donald to thank for giving people the impetus to become full-fledged Americans. Latinos line up to get naturalized and stop Donald Trump -
Latinos define illegal immigration. Wow. That may be a little self serving, isn't it?
What definition are you talking about? You seem to be imagining things that aren't there, since the article is about LEGAL immigrants.
Really? Nobody noticed Hispanics (whom make up 75% of illegal aliens) support open immigration. "Racism" IS the last bastion of the scoundrel.
No its not, you haven't shown it to be different at all.
Reread the OP. That's what's different about it. Elections are usually an impetus to become a citizen so you can vote for someone, but this year for Hispanics in particular it's because they want to vote against someone. It's not about jobs, it's about being called criminals.
I read the op and your link to which I already quoted from your link that states
Figures from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services show a 14.5% jump in naturalization applications in June-December of 2015 compared with the same six months in the previous year. Federal data does not break down those applications by race, but grass-roots organizations, like the Florida Immigrant Coalition, say their naturalization drives across their swing state are filled primarily by Latinos.
Do you not see where it says that the Feds don't break down applicants by race?

Hispanics want to vote against someone instead of for someone? SMFH

Again, you fail to show anything new to what happens every 4 years. Republicans get about 35% of the Hispanic vote each cycle, at this point it is no different, other than Trump has gotten that up a bit. Arizona poll today showed that 47% of Hispanics want tougher border control and illegal immigration curbed.

You are lying again ..... Last election Romney only get 27% not 35% of Hispanic voters............ This time you are lucky if Trump will even get 10%. I can guarantee you that. Why would any Hispanic people vote for this asshole especially parading Arpaio? Quite Disgusting. Where did you even get the 47%? Cry me driver.....
Also do you want me to give you a especial tour at the border with a high ranking immigration officer? Choose which border Arizona or Texas. I'm very serious.

Latino Voters in the 2012 Election
I'm lying again? You have yet to show I have lied about anything. SMFH Romney got 27%? OK What about all the prior elections? Republicans average about 35% of the Hispanic vote. Do you know what an average is?
In the 2010 midterm elections, 60% of Hispanics voted Democratic, while 38% voted Republican.[5] In 2008, 67% of Hispanics voted for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, while 31% of Hispanics voted for Republican presidential candidate John McCain.[6] In 2006, 69% of Latino voters supported Democratic candidates in congressional races, while 30% supported Republican candidates.
You can guarantee Trump won't break 10% of the Hispanic vote? LMFAO

Sorry, kid, you don't seem to know half of what you think you do. Look, we get it, you're a Sanders Progressive with a degree in underwater basket weaving which is why you work in a warehouse. You're politically inept so far.

Wow, you can get me a high ranking border patrol officer to give me a tour of the border? LMFAO Which has absolutely what to do with the topic or even the discussion?

You are talking 2006? Darn are you really this ignorant? Bush yes I agree with the 35% because at that time GOPs are trying very hard to gain Hispanic voters and so is Romney.
This time Adolf Trump TRASH the Hispanic people...... So try again. And yes I GUARANTEE you Trump will not get more than 10% of Hispanic voters.
Tour at the border. For you to understand what is going at the borders. At the same time these officers can also accompany you where and what offices where these Mexicans are applying for US citizens in such a big numbers.
Trump trashing Hispanics? Here I thought it was only Mexicans. SMFH
Trump will get between 30% and 40% of the Hispanic vote come the General Election.

If I want a tour of the border I'll call my Uncle. If I want to see Hispancs applying for citizenship, I'll drive the 6 miles to my local USCIS office where my wife works to have lunch with her. If I want to talk to Hispanics applying for naturalization I'll go to my brother-in-laws office where he does their paperwork as their attorney. Mexicans aren't applying in larger than normal numbers, there is an increase in overall naturalization requests by all LPR's that are here which is quite common during major election cycles.If you have any factual information beyond that then share, otherwise quit blowing smoke up my ass thinking you know more than you actually do.
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It's what Trump are saying that make them unsafe so they applying at very high numbers.
You have yet to prove any of this.
Context of what Trump says has been taken out to poorly demagogue him.

Trump has trash the Mexicans and blacks.

9 Outrageous Things Donald Trump Has Said About Latinos
Subjective opinion. Nothing like twisting words for your own outcome, or blame people for actions of morons. :boohoo:
Reread the OP. That's what's different about it. Elections are usually an impetus to become a citizen so you can vote for someone, but this year for Hispanics in particular it's because they want to vote against someone. It's not about jobs, it's about being called criminals.
I read the op and your link to which I already quoted from your link that states
Figures from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services show a 14.5% jump in naturalization applications in June-December of 2015 compared with the same six months in the previous year. Federal data does not break down those applications by race, but grass-roots organizations, like the Florida Immigrant Coalition, say their naturalization drives across their swing state are filled primarily by Latinos.
Do you not see where it says that the Feds don't break down applicants by race?

Hispanics want to vote against someone instead of for someone? SMFH

Again, you fail to show anything new to what happens every 4 years. Republicans get about 35% of the Hispanic vote each cycle, at this point it is no different, other than Trump has gotten that up a bit. Arizona poll today showed that 47% of Hispanics want tougher border control and illegal immigration curbed.

You are lying again ..... Last election Romney only get 27% not 35% of Hispanic voters............ This time you are lucky if Trump will even get 10%. I can guarantee you that. Why would any Hispanic people vote for this asshole especially parading Arpaio? Quite Disgusting. Where did you even get the 47%? Cry me driver.....
Also do you want me to give you a especial tour at the border with a high ranking immigration officer? Choose which border Arizona or Texas. I'm very serious.

Latino Voters in the 2012 Election
I'm lying again? You have yet to show I have lied about anything. SMFH Romney got 27%? OK What about all the prior elections? Republicans average about 35% of the Hispanic vote. Do you know what an average is?
In the 2010 midterm elections, 60% of Hispanics voted Democratic, while 38% voted Republican.[5] In 2008, 67% of Hispanics voted for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, while 31% of Hispanics voted for Republican presidential candidate John McCain.[6] In 2006, 69% of Latino voters supported Democratic candidates in congressional races, while 30% supported Republican candidates.
You can guarantee Trump won't break 10% of the Hispanic vote? LMFAO

Sorry, kid, you don't seem to know half of what you think you do. Look, we get it, you're a Sanders Progressive with a degree in underwater basket weaving which is why you work in a warehouse. You're politically inept so far.

Wow, you can get me a high ranking border patrol officer to give me a tour of the border? LMFAO Which has absolutely what to do with the topic or even the discussion?

You are talking 2006? Darn are you really this ignorant? Bush yes I agree with the 35% because at that time GOPs are trying very hard to gain Hispanic voters and so is Romney.
This time Adolf Trump TRASH the Hispanic people...... So try again. And yes I GUARANTEE you Trump will not get more than 10% of Hispanic voters.
Tour at the border. For you to understand what is going at the borders. At the same time these officers can also accompany you where and what offices where these Mexicans are applying for US citizens in such a big numbers.
Trump trashing Hispanics? Here I thought it was only Mexicans. SMFH
Trump will get between 30% and 40% of the Hispanic vote come the General Election.

If I want a tour of the border I'll call my Uncle. If I want to see Hispancs applying for citizenship, I'll drive the 6 miles to my local USCIS office where my wife works to have lunch with her. If I want to talk to Hispanics applying for naturalization I'll go to my brother-in-laws office where he does their paperwork as their attorney. Mexicans aren't applying in larger than normal numbers, there is an increase in overall naturalization requests by all LPR's that are here which is quite common during major election cycles.If you have any factual information beyond that then share, otherwise quit blowing smoke up my ass thinking you know more than you actually do.

1. From your post #20 I asked you where you get the 47%. You ignored it because you cannot prove it.
2. I proved to you that 35% is incorrect it is 27%.
3. You keep saying the applications of US citizenships peak during election year. Do you have a link or chart something to prove your claim? None. But there are several link proving the applications are extremely high this year because of Trump.
4. Bush and Romney work very hard to gain Hispanic voters. Best Romney got was 27%....... Do you even think Adolf Trump will get anything closer than that when he call Mexicans rapist, criminals, drug dealers? Trust me in general Hispanic people hate that. Again I guarantee you Trump will not get no more than 10%.
5. You claimed that you have Mexican relatives (which is hard to believe) that support Trump. Trump called them drug dealers, rapist, criminals. Is that acceptable to them? What is the benefits for them by supporting Trump? You are one lying human being.
6. You cannot even prove to me here that you really live in California. I have a house in Palm Spring but In staying here in La Jolla to get closer to the water.
7. Now you are claiming you have relatives that work at these offices. Calling your uncle, your wife, brother inlaw. If you want to see this and that....... You are full of crap. That means nothing coming from you. I did not say go see your relatives......... That is not what I want.............. I want to give you a tour physically to prove my other point NOT the bullshit that you are telling me. How about it? If you don't take my challenge either you are a coward or just plain fake.
Darn how can you be so ignorant? But please stop lying.
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It's what Trump are saying that make them unsafe so they applying at very high numbers.
You have yet to prove any of this.
Context of what Trump says has been taken out to poorly demagogue him.

Trump has trash the Mexicans and blacks.

9 Outrageous Things Donald Trump Has Said About Latinos
Subjective opinion. Nothing like twisting words for your own outcome, or blame people for actions of morons. :boohoo:

No lightweight.......... You are hallucinating.
I read the op and your link to which I already quoted from your link that states Do you not see where it says that the Feds don't break down applicants by race?

Hispanics want to vote against someone instead of for someone? SMFH

Again, you fail to show anything new to what happens every 4 years. Republicans get about 35% of the Hispanic vote each cycle, at this point it is no different, other than Trump has gotten that up a bit. Arizona poll today showed that 47% of Hispanics want tougher border control and illegal immigration curbed.

You are lying again ..... Last election Romney only get 27% not 35% of Hispanic voters............ This time you are lucky if Trump will even get 10%. I can guarantee you that. Why would any Hispanic people vote for this asshole especially parading Arpaio? Quite Disgusting. Where did you even get the 47%? Cry me driver.....
Also do you want me to give you a especial tour at the border with a high ranking immigration officer? Choose which border Arizona or Texas. I'm very serious.

Latino Voters in the 2012 Election
I'm lying again? You have yet to show I have lied about anything. SMFH Romney got 27%? OK What about all the prior elections? Republicans average about 35% of the Hispanic vote. Do you know what an average is?
In the 2010 midterm elections, 60% of Hispanics voted Democratic, while 38% voted Republican.[5] In 2008, 67% of Hispanics voted for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, while 31% of Hispanics voted for Republican presidential candidate John McCain.[6] In 2006, 69% of Latino voters supported Democratic candidates in congressional races, while 30% supported Republican candidates.
You can guarantee Trump won't break 10% of the Hispanic vote? LMFAO

Sorry, kid, you don't seem to know half of what you think you do. Look, we get it, you're a Sanders Progressive with a degree in underwater basket weaving which is why you work in a warehouse. You're politically inept so far.

Wow, you can get me a high ranking border patrol officer to give me a tour of the border? LMFAO Which has absolutely what to do with the topic or even the discussion?

You are talking 2006? Darn are you really this ignorant? Bush yes I agree with the 35% because at that time GOPs are trying very hard to gain Hispanic voters and so is Romney.
This time Adolf Trump TRASH the Hispanic people...... So try again. And yes I GUARANTEE you Trump will not get more than 10% of Hispanic voters.
Tour at the border. For you to understand what is going at the borders. At the same time these officers can also accompany you where and what offices where these Mexicans are applying for US citizens in such a big numbers.
Trump trashing Hispanics? Here I thought it was only Mexicans. SMFH
Trump will get between 30% and 40% of the Hispanic vote come the General Election.

If I want a tour of the border I'll call my Uncle. If I want to see Hispancs applying for citizenship, I'll drive the 6 miles to my local USCIS office where my wife works to have lunch with her. If I want to talk to Hispanics applying for naturalization I'll go to my brother-in-laws office where he does their paperwork as their attorney. Mexicans aren't applying in larger than normal numbers, there is an increase in overall naturalization requests by all LPR's that are here which is quite common during major election cycles.If you have any factual information beyond that then share, otherwise quit blowing smoke up my ass thinking you know more than you actually do.

1. From your post #20 I asked you where you get the 47%. You ignored it because you cannot prove it.
2. I proved to you that 35% is incorrect it is 27%.
3. You keep saying the applications of US citizenships peak during election year. Do you have a link or chart something to prove your claim? None. But there are several link proving the applications are extremely high this year because of Trump.
4. Bush and Romney work very hard to gain Hispanic voters. Best Romney got was 27%....... Do you even think Adolf Trump will get anything closer than that when he call Mexicans rapist, criminals, drug dealers? Trust me in general Hispanic people hate that. Again I guarantee you Trump will not get no more than 10%.
5. You claimed that you have Mexican relatives (which is hard to believe) that support Trump. Trump called them drug dealers, rapist, criminals. Is that acceptable to them? What is the benefits for them by supporting Trump? You are one lying human being.
6. You cannot even prove to me here that you really live in California. I have a house in Palm Spring but In staying here in La Jolla to get closer to the water.
7. Now you are claiming you have relatives that work at these offices. Calling your uncle, your wife, brother inlaw. If you want to see this and that....... You are full of crap. That means nothing coming from you. I did not say go see your relatives......... That is not what I want.............. I want to give you a tour physically to prove my other point NOT the bullshit that you are telling me. How about it? If you don't take my challenge either you are a coward or just plain fake.
Darn how can you be so ignorant? But please stop lying.
1) The 47% came from a poll on Arizona from CNN over the weekend.
2) Romney got 27%, I stated Republicans get about 35% (which is an avg) and went on to show past elections with higher numbers than Romney's 27%. Democrats (66% +/-) hold a 2-1 preference of Hispanics over Republicans (which is 33% +/-). Again, I suggest you take a remedial English class to learn comprehension.
3) The OP link states that the naturalization inquiries are up 14% over normal. This has been posted by me now more than once.
Figures from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services show a 14.5% jump in naturalization applications in June-December of 2015 compared with the same six months in the previous year. Federal data does not break down those applications by race, but grass-roots organizations, like the Florida Immigrant Coalition, say their naturalization drives across their swing state are filled primarily by Latinos.
4) You showed that Romney got 27% because he literally sucked. As to Trump, he will get between 30 - 40%. Prior Republicans all got 30% +, Bush got 38%
5) Still calling me a liar based on your own prejudices. watafuknmoron - You see, Hillary we all can't stand, Bernie is a Socialist, Cruz isn't worthy, and Kasich will never get the nomination. Who does that leave? Either not voting or voting for Trump.
6) I live in Sacramento. Whether you believe it or not, I could care less.
7) You want to give me a tour along the border to prove what? So if I don't drive the 8 hours to the southern border so you can give me a tour? where earlier you were going to have a high ranking BP officer give it to me..... What is a border tour going to prove? It's not going to show Hispanics naturalizing to stop Trump, rather it will only show the illegals that are caught and being processed. The issue is your claim that Hispanics are naturalizing all across the country to stop Trump, something you haven't proven.

Calling me a liar and a coward only shows how young, ignorant, and stupid you truly are.
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It's what Trump are saying that make them unsafe so they applying at very high numbers.
You have yet to prove any of this.
Context of what Trump says has been taken out to poorly demagogue him.

Trump has trash the Mexicans and blacks.

9 Outrageous Things Donald Trump Has Said About Latinos
Subjective opinion. Nothing like twisting words for your own outcome, or blame people for actions of morons. :boohoo:

No lightweight.......... You are hallucinating.
LMFAO Such the bigot. Sorry, we're not socialists.
There's been a sharp increase in Latinos in the country legally with green cards to apply for citizenship, just for the opportunity to vote against Trump. I guess we have Donald to thank for giving people the impetus to become full-fledged Americans.

Latinos line up to get naturalized and stop Donald Trump -
Funny that. Hispanics. People that cheat on immigration laws and over populate their homeland need new places to go, funny that THEY in particular want OPEN immigration. Funny that. Racism is ANYONE that doesn't go along with that. Racism, the new McCarthyism.

No, racism is your irrational hatred of certain groups of people based on ( in this case) race.
You are lying again ..... Last election Romney only get 27% not 35% of Hispanic voters............ This time you are lucky if Trump will even get 10%. I can guarantee you that. Why would any Hispanic people vote for this asshole especially parading Arpaio? Quite Disgusting. Where did you even get the 47%? Cry me driver.....
Also do you want me to give you a especial tour at the border with a high ranking immigration officer? Choose which border Arizona or Texas. I'm very serious.

Latino Voters in the 2012 Election
I'm lying again? You have yet to show I have lied about anything. SMFH Romney got 27%? OK What about all the prior elections? Republicans average about 35% of the Hispanic vote. Do you know what an average is?
In the 2010 midterm elections, 60% of Hispanics voted Democratic, while 38% voted Republican.[5] In 2008, 67% of Hispanics voted for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, while 31% of Hispanics voted for Republican presidential candidate John McCain.[6] In 2006, 69% of Latino voters supported Democratic candidates in congressional races, while 30% supported Republican candidates.
You can guarantee Trump won't break 10% of the Hispanic vote? LMFAO

Sorry, kid, you don't seem to know half of what you think you do. Look, we get it, you're a Sanders Progressive with a degree in underwater basket weaving which is why you work in a warehouse. You're politically inept so far.

Wow, you can get me a high ranking border patrol officer to give me a tour of the border? LMFAO Which has absolutely what to do with the topic or even the discussion?

You are talking 2006? Darn are you really this ignorant? Bush yes I agree with the 35% because at that time GOPs are trying very hard to gain Hispanic voters and so is Romney.
This time Adolf Trump TRASH the Hispanic people...... So try again. And yes I GUARANTEE you Trump will not get more than 10% of Hispanic voters.
Tour at the border. For you to understand what is going at the borders. At the same time these officers can also accompany you where and what offices where these Mexicans are applying for US citizens in such a big numbers.
Trump trashing Hispanics? Here I thought it was only Mexicans. SMFH
Trump will get between 30% and 40% of the Hispanic vote come the General Election.

If I want a tour of the border I'll call my Uncle. If I want to see Hispancs applying for citizenship, I'll drive the 6 miles to my local USCIS office where my wife works to have lunch with her. If I want to talk to Hispanics applying for naturalization I'll go to my brother-in-laws office where he does their paperwork as their attorney. Mexicans aren't applying in larger than normal numbers, there is an increase in overall naturalization requests by all LPR's that are here which is quite common during major election cycles.If you have any factual information beyond that then share, otherwise quit blowing smoke up my ass thinking you know more than you actually do.

1. From your post #20 I asked you where you get the 47%. You ignored it because you cannot prove it.
2. I proved to you that 35% is incorrect it is 27%.
3. You keep saying the applications of US citizenships peak during election year. Do you have a link or chart something to prove your claim? None. But there are several link proving the applications are extremely high this year because of Trump.
4. Bush and Romney work very hard to gain Hispanic voters. Best Romney got was 27%....... Do you even think Adolf Trump will get anything closer than that when he call Mexicans rapist, criminals, drug dealers? Trust me in general Hispanic people hate that. Again I guarantee you Trump will not get no more than 10%.
5. You claimed that you have Mexican relatives (which is hard to believe) that support Trump. Trump called them drug dealers, rapist, criminals. Is that acceptable to them? What is the benefits for them by supporting Trump? You are one lying human being.
6. You cannot even prove to me here that you really live in California. I have a house in Palm Spring but In staying here in La Jolla to get closer to the water.
7. Now you are claiming you have relatives that work at these offices. Calling your uncle, your wife, brother inlaw. If you want to see this and that....... You are full of crap. That means nothing coming from you. I did not say go see your relatives......... That is not what I want.............. I want to give you a tour physically to prove my other point NOT the bullshit that you are telling me. How about it? If you don't take my challenge either you are a coward or just plain fake.
Darn how can you be so ignorant? But please stop lying.
1) The 47% came from a poll on Arizona from CNN over the weekend.
2) Romney got 27%, I stated Republicans get about 35% (which is an avg) and went on to show past elections with higher numbers than Romney's 27%. Democrats (66% +/-) hold a 2-1 preference of Hispanics over Republicans (which is 33% +/-). Again, I suggest you take a remedial English class to learn comprehension.
3) The OP link states that the naturalization inquiries are up 14% over normal. This has been posted by me now more than once.
Figures from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services show a 14.5% jump in naturalization applications in June-December of 2015 compared with the same six months in the previous year. Federal data does not break down those applications by race, but grass-roots organizations, like the Florida Immigrant Coalition, say their naturalization drives across their swing state are filled primarily by Latinos.
4) You showed that Romney got 27% because he literally sucked. As to Trump, he will get between 30 - 40%. Prior Republicans all got 30% +, Bush got 38%
5) Still calling me a liar based on your own prejudices. watafuknmoron - You see, Hillary we all can't stand, Bernie is a Socialist, Cruz isn't worthy, and Kasich will never get the nomination. Who does that leave? Either not voting or voting for Trump.
6) I live in Sacramento. Whether you believe it or not, I could care less.
7) You want to give me a tour along the border to prove what? So if I don't drive the 8 hours to the southern border so you can give me a tour? where earlier you were going to have a high ranking BP officer give it to me..... What is a border tour going to prove? It's not going to show Hispanics naturalizing to stop Trump, rather it will only show the illegals that are caught and being processed. The issue is your claim that Hispanics are naturalizing all across the country to stop Trump, something you haven't proven.

Calling me a liar and a coward only shows how young, ignorant, and stupid you truly are.

That doesn't change a thing. You are a liar, dumb and ignorant asshole. You barely answer my questions....... Shithead. I never change my challenge. Yes a high ranking BP officer will give you a tour not me......... you coward.
Romney got 27% and barely made a comments against Mexicans. Do you even believe Trump will get anything by trashing the Mexicans. I know you like sucking Trump dick but good lord you are a fucking moron. Go drink your cool aid.
Sacramento? Do you expect me to believe anything from you? Based from how garbage you write maybe you live in Baltimore.
I'm a republican but will never vote for Trump. Where in the world you came up with 30 to 40%. Unless you are dumb and hallucinating. Trump will never get 10% of Hispanic voter.
It's what Trump are saying that make them unsafe so they applying at very high numbers.
You have yet to prove any of this.
Context of what Trump says has been taken out to poorly demagogue him.

Trump has trash the Mexicans and blacks.

9 Outrageous Things Donald Trump Has Said About Latinos
Subjective opinion. Nothing like twisting words for your own outcome, or blame people for actions of morons. :boohoo:

No lightweight.......... You are hallucinating.
LMFAO Such the bigot. Sorry, we're not socialists.

Sorry dude..... You are hallucinating moron.
I'm lying again? You have yet to show I have lied about anything. SMFH Romney got 27%? OK What about all the prior elections? Republicans average about 35% of the Hispanic vote. Do you know what an average is?You can guarantee Trump won't break 10% of the Hispanic vote? LMFAO

Sorry, kid, you don't seem to know half of what you think you do. Look, we get it, you're a Sanders Progressive with a degree in underwater basket weaving which is why you work in a warehouse. You're politically inept so far.

Wow, you can get me a high ranking border patrol officer to give me a tour of the border? LMFAO Which has absolutely what to do with the topic or even the discussion?

You are talking 2006? Darn are you really this ignorant? Bush yes I agree with the 35% because at that time GOPs are trying very hard to gain Hispanic voters and so is Romney.
This time Adolf Trump TRASH the Hispanic people...... So try again. And yes I GUARANTEE you Trump will not get more than 10% of Hispanic voters.
Tour at the border. For you to understand what is going at the borders. At the same time these officers can also accompany you where and what offices where these Mexicans are applying for US citizens in such a big numbers.
Trump trashing Hispanics? Here I thought it was only Mexicans. SMFH
Trump will get between 30% and 40% of the Hispanic vote come the General Election.

If I want a tour of the border I'll call my Uncle. If I want to see Hispancs applying for citizenship, I'll drive the 6 miles to my local USCIS office where my wife works to have lunch with her. If I want to talk to Hispanics applying for naturalization I'll go to my brother-in-laws office where he does their paperwork as their attorney. Mexicans aren't applying in larger than normal numbers, there is an increase in overall naturalization requests by all LPR's that are here which is quite common during major election cycles.If you have any factual information beyond that then share, otherwise quit blowing smoke up my ass thinking you know more than you actually do.

1. From your post #20 I asked you where you get the 47%. You ignored it because you cannot prove it.
2. I proved to you that 35% is incorrect it is 27%.
3. You keep saying the applications of US citizenships peak during election year. Do you have a link or chart something to prove your claim? None. But there are several link proving the applications are extremely high this year because of Trump.
4. Bush and Romney work very hard to gain Hispanic voters. Best Romney got was 27%....... Do you even think Adolf Trump will get anything closer than that when he call Mexicans rapist, criminals, drug dealers? Trust me in general Hispanic people hate that. Again I guarantee you Trump will not get no more than 10%.
5. You claimed that you have Mexican relatives (which is hard to believe) that support Trump. Trump called them drug dealers, rapist, criminals. Is that acceptable to them? What is the benefits for them by supporting Trump? You are one lying human being.
6. You cannot even prove to me here that you really live in California. I have a house in Palm Spring but In staying here in La Jolla to get closer to the water.
7. Now you are claiming you have relatives that work at these offices. Calling your uncle, your wife, brother inlaw. If you want to see this and that....... You are full of crap. That means nothing coming from you. I did not say go see your relatives......... That is not what I want.............. I want to give you a tour physically to prove my other point NOT the bullshit that you are telling me. How about it? If you don't take my challenge either you are a coward or just plain fake.
Darn how can you be so ignorant? But please stop lying.
1) The 47% came from a poll on Arizona from CNN over the weekend.
2) Romney got 27%, I stated Republicans get about 35% (which is an avg) and went on to show past elections with higher numbers than Romney's 27%. Democrats (66% +/-) hold a 2-1 preference of Hispanics over Republicans (which is 33% +/-). Again, I suggest you take a remedial English class to learn comprehension.
3) The OP link states that the naturalization inquiries are up 14% over normal. This has been posted by me now more than once.
Figures from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services show a 14.5% jump in naturalization applications in June-December of 2015 compared with the same six months in the previous year. Federal data does not break down those applications by race, but grass-roots organizations, like the Florida Immigrant Coalition, say their naturalization drives across their swing state are filled primarily by Latinos.
4) You showed that Romney got 27% because he literally sucked. As to Trump, he will get between 30 - 40%. Prior Republicans all got 30% +, Bush got 38%
5) Still calling me a liar based on your own prejudices. watafuknmoron - You see, Hillary we all can't stand, Bernie is a Socialist, Cruz isn't worthy, and Kasich will never get the nomination. Who does that leave? Either not voting or voting for Trump.
6) I live in Sacramento. Whether you believe it or not, I could care less.
7) You want to give me a tour along the border to prove what? So if I don't drive the 8 hours to the southern border so you can give me a tour? where earlier you were going to have a high ranking BP officer give it to me..... What is a border tour going to prove? It's not going to show Hispanics naturalizing to stop Trump, rather it will only show the illegals that are caught and being processed. The issue is your claim that Hispanics are naturalizing all across the country to stop Trump, something you haven't proven.

Calling me a liar and a coward only shows how young, ignorant, and stupid you truly are.

That doesn't change a thing. You are a liar, dumb and ignorant asshole. You barely answer my questions....... Shithead. I never change my challenge. Yes a high ranking BP officer will give you a tour not me......... you coward.
Romney got 27% and barely made a comments against Mexicans. Do you even believe Trump will get anything by trashing the Mexicans. I know you like sucking Trump dick but good lord you are a fucking moron. Go drink your cool aid.
Sacramento? Do you expect me to believe anything from you? Based from how garbage you write maybe you live in Baltimore.
I'm a republican but will never vote for Trump. Where in the world you came up with 30 to 40%. Unless you are dumb and hallucinating. Trump will never get 10% of Hispanic voter.
I'm a liar, dumb and ignorant asshole? Don't project your shortcomings on to me. If it makes you feel more like a man from the whiny bitch you are then I feel for you.

Barely answer your questions? Hell, I answered each and every one of them, its the answers and refutation of your stupidity you don't like.

Romney had the lowest Hispanic vote by a Republican, again, the Republicans get about 35% of the Hispanic vote, Trump will get between 30 - 40% it's basic and simple. For you to claim he will get <10% shows your either a pubescent boy or a complete and utter fuckinmoron.
You have yet to prove any of this.
Context of what Trump says has been taken out to poorly demagogue him.

Trump has trash the Mexicans and blacks.

9 Outrageous Things Donald Trump Has Said About Latinos
Subjective opinion. Nothing like twisting words for your own outcome, or blame people for actions of morons. :boohoo:

No lightweight.......... You are hallucinating.
LMFAO Such the bigot. Sorry, we're not socialists.

Sorry dude..... You are hallucinating moron.
Please take a remedial English course, your English is atrocious.

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