The leading cause of death in FIRST WORLD country is........unknown. Yeap. Unkown.

Its "unknown" because the international medical community can't admit covid 19 vaccines weren't tested enough and rushed trough. The side effects are mounting, but somehow the pharmaceutical industries and the Liberals that pushed this paranoia propaganda get off scot free.
Lefties keep trying the statistics argument and they never get tired of comparing the U.S. to Scandinavian countries but they forget that U.S. supports more illegal aliens than the entire population of Norway, Sweden and Denmark put together. When you factor in the parasites and diseases and unhealthy babies and children they bring into this Country it has to impact on the statistical health. Maybe that's Biden's intent to turn the U.S. into a 2nd or 3rd world country.
The leftists are too distracted by.....monkeypox aaaand climate change......aaaand everything else they have been wrong about for 60 years.

Yes indeed. It's all unknown folks. We keep telling you so before it happens and then keep telling you so after it happens but you leftists insist on believing everything told to to you by their professional well paid liars.

We told you so.
I love that. That is so cool, not that people are dying, but actually a government stating the cause as "UNKnown". Now, mind you, I have had a bout of Covid and I and PJ are triple vaxxed, but I have little doubt that there is something about a certain segment of society, maybe a genetic thing, something different in how their system reacts and hands one or more of these vaccines. We have always known that some people do exhibit a reaction to some vaccines and I doubt this vaccine is any different. In general, I would say they are safe. I can definitely say that Moderna 010A21A, 040A21A and 030H21B are safe, at least for us. Probably, most Covid vaccines are safe for most people. I know gobs of people that have taken them, who felt off for a day or maybe even ran a fever and mild flue body aches for a day, but yes, some people do have a violent reaction in a few days, or actually kick the bucket. Fine for me and beneficial, but possibly deadly for you? You can't convince me the vaccine is unsafe. I figure it's you. What the hell is the matter with you? What is the predictor, that your system sucks in some way, where the vast majority, many feeling almost nothing except the stick or maybe just feel like lying around with a blanket and a bowl of chicken soup (a real miracle drug in my opinion, and nobody dies from chicken soup) for a day or a night and then going on about their lives as usual. By now, the three manufacturers should have come up with a test for acceptance of their formulary. Who knows why they haven't, maybe cost prohibitive? Wouldn't that be a sleazy answer? It is kind of like Covid itself. Some people react mild or almost not at all. People like me, rough for a week, racked my lungs coughing, and left me with a recurring one shot cough to clear mucus. Some people get deathly sick and many have died. What is the difference. That is the test I would like to know about. Heck with the test to see if I have covid. Like the vaccine, I have proven to my satisfaction I can beat the Covid.
Sometime in late Sept or early Oct, I will probably get another Covid shot. One thing for sure. It will be the Moderna for me. On the second shot, they made a point to give Moderna again. On the third, they didn't care. I did. I insisted on staying with the Moderna, because I had a history of no problem with it, and I will not change horses in this part of the stream now.
I thought Joe said he'd stop covid after he said Trump didn't do anything to stop the virus and the vaccine didn't come out till BIden was in office.........

I love that. That is so cool, not that people are dying, but actually a government stating the cause as "UNKnown". Now, mind you, I have had a bout of Covid and I and PJ are triple vaxxed, but I have little doubt that there is something about a certain segment of society, maybe a genetic thing, something different in how their system reacts and hands one or more of these vaccines. We have always known that some people do exhibit a reaction to some vaccines and I doubt this vaccine is any different. In general, I would say they are safe. I can definitely say that Moderna 010A21A, 040A21A and 030H21B are safe, at least for us. Probably, most Covid vaccines are safe for most people. I know gobs of people that have taken them, who felt off for a day or maybe even ran a fever and mild flue body aches for a day, but yes, some people do have a violent reaction in a few days, or actually kick the bucket. Fine for me and beneficial, but possibly deadly for you? You can't convince me the vaccine is unsafe. I figure it's you. What the hell is the matter with you? What is the predictor, that your system sucks in some way, where the vast majority, many feeling almost nothing except the stick or maybe just feel like lying around with a blanket and a bowl of chicken soup (a real miracle drug in my opinion, and nobody dies from chicken soup) for a day or a night and then going on about their lives as usual. By now, the three manufacturers should have come up with a test for acceptance of their formulary. Who knows why they haven't, maybe cost prohibitive? Wouldn't that be a sleazy answer? It is kind of like Covid itself. Some people react mild or almost not at all. People like me, rough for a week, racked my lungs coughing, and left me with a recurring one shot cough to clear mucus. Some people get deathly sick and many have died. What is the difference. That is the test I would like to know about. Heck with the test to see if I have covid. Like the vaccine, I have proven to my satisfaction I can beat the Covid.
Sometime in late Sept or early Oct, I will probably get another Covid shot. One thing for sure. It will be the Moderna for me. On the second shot, they made a point to give Moderna again. On the third, they didn't care. I did. I insisted on staying with the Moderna, because I had a history of no problem with it, and I will not change horses in this part of the stream now.
The origin of the communist virus is unknown. This allows for other unknowns such as Russian roulette applied to (all [italics]) vaxxed genomes, which the victim-scapegoat also does not know about.
I love that. That is so cool, not that people are dying, but actually a government stating the cause as "UNKnown". Now, mind you, I have had a bout of Covid and I and PJ are triple vaxxed, but I have little doubt that there is something about a certain segment of society, maybe a genetic thing, something different in how their system reacts and hands one or more of these vaccines. We have always known that some people do exhibit a reaction to some vaccines and I doubt this vaccine is any different. In general, I would say they are safe. I can definitely say that Moderna 010A21A, 040A21A and 030H21B are safe, at least for us. Probably, most Covid vaccines are safe for most people. I know gobs of people that have taken them, who felt off for a day or maybe even ran a fever and mild flue body aches for a day, but yes, some people do have a violent reaction in a few days, or actually kick the bucket. Fine for me and beneficial, but possibly deadly for you? You can't convince me the vaccine is unsafe. I figure it's you. What the hell is the matter with you? What is the predictor, that your system sucks in some way, where the vast majority, many feeling almost nothing except the stick or maybe just feel like lying around with a blanket and a bowl of chicken soup (a real miracle drug in my opinion, and nobody dies from chicken soup) for a day or a night and then going on about their lives as usual. By now, the three manufacturers should have come up with a test for acceptance of their formulary. Who knows why they haven't, maybe cost prohibitive? Wouldn't that be a sleazy answer? It is kind of like Covid itself. Some people react mild or almost not at all. People like me, rough for a week, racked my lungs coughing, and left me with a recurring one shot cough to clear mucus. Some people get deathly sick and many have died. What is the difference. That is the test I would like to know about. Heck with the test to see if I have covid. Like the vaccine, I have proven to my satisfaction I can beat the Covid.
Sometime in late Sept or early Oct, I will probably get another Covid shot. One thing for sure. It will be the Moderna for me. On the second shot, they made a point to give Moderna again. On the third, they didn't care. I did. I insisted on staying with the Moderna, because I had a history of no problem with it, and I will not change horses in this part of the stream now.
I'm confused.

You admit, that lots of folks are being negatively affected by these shots.

You admit that shots don't work, you still contracted COVID anyway.

. . . but you are going back for more anyway?

well that 'segment of american society that has the certain genome set' that makes them more susceptible to covid death.......our gov't hospitals/doctors/nurses have fixed that little problem by sending them samples of our dna.

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