The leading cause of death in FIRST WORLD country is........unknown. Yeap. Unkown.

The origin of the communist virus is unknown. This allows for other unknowns such as Russian roulette applied to (all [italics]) vaxxed genomes, which the victim-scapegoat also does not know about.
I think one of the conceited assholes working in the lab, saying what does this virus do if we do "this" screwed up on a safety protocol, got infected themself then accidentally took it home or screwed up on disposal of biohazard waste and let it out. Just didn't follow the rules.
If younger, I would want to know what vaccine my parents took if it did them no harm, and take same. Other than that, most people live. Talk to your primary care.
Yet, the unknown death category didn't come into use until 2019.
I've found records going back to 2001.

Actually the full name of the category is "all other ill-defined or unknown causes of mortality".

It's been #1 every single year since 2001.

Yes indeed. It's all unknown folks. We keep telling you so before it happens and then keep telling you so after it happens but you leftists insist on believing everything told to to you by their professional well paid liars.

We told you so.
Apparently you are too stupid to know that Alberta is not a country.
Um...retard? It's Sudden Arhythmic Death Syndrome.

And it has been around long before Covid.

Here's a 2007 article about it: Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome

You're welcome.
I'm confused.

You admit, that lots of folks are being negatively affected by these shots.

You admit that shots don't work, you still contracted COVID anyway.

. . . but you are going back for more anyway?

No, no. I got in on the ground floor of Covid in this country catching it late January 2020, before people were masking, testing, just being reported in Washington, before they even had tests in all 50 states. I have not had it since. After pretty complete recovery, my wife and I were vaccinated. Since that time, I have even done CPR on my neighbor who had thought he had a cold, but went critical at home and either stopped breathing or aspirated in the mess his lungs had become with Covid, but I did not get Covid again. Benefit of having had covid? Maybe. I was a convalescent plasma donor after the CPR event, as health department was pretty sure I would come down with it but didn't, though the autopsy showed both his lungs were totally FUBAR, due to covid. They ordered me quarantined, up the nose tested, and serum tested with analysis by LabCorp. Not at all sure why i didn't get it again. Antibodies? I had them. Vaccinated? Yep. Could have been the half a bottle of straight full strength Listerine and then peroxide I gargled after finding out he was two week back from burying his cousin in Detroit where people were dropping like flies of it up there that spring, during their major big news outbreak. Ah, the shit they don't tell you when frantically banging on your door totally freaked out screaming he's stopped breathing can you help!?
Um...retard? It's Sudden Arhythmic Death Syndrome.
You just chug down any piss that's poured for you, eh?

Your freaking out at the truth? And your name calling? Quite revealing. Seems we are talking about the same thing. . . :eusa_think:

Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS) is a sudden unexpected death of adolescents and adults, mainly during sleep.[2] One relatively common type is known as Brugada syndrome.[3][4]

Some cases may be due to a new genetic mutation or certain medications.[1]

So, if a gene interacting with drugs can cause Brugada? Hmmm. . . seems pretty obvious to me that a gene manipulating tech that hasn't even completed phase four trials, might just run the risk of causing an uptick in a risk for some folks.

Why such nastiness when confronted with an uncomfortable truth, that you yourself have exposed?

Bull shit it's the same. IT IS NOT>
I do agree with g5000 though, it is related. Obviously though, it is triggered by the jabs, but? It probably has to do with folks that possess a certain genotype, otherwise, we would probably see a much more widespread occurrence.

What really bothers me? Is the gas-lighting going on.

When the swine-flu vaccine only caused a few dozen deaths in the US? They pulled it off the market. When that air-bag controversy caused a few dozen deaths, they recalled hundreds of millions of cars, world-wide.

These jabs, are obviously a mortal danger thousands of people, and until they can figure out who as it risk? They obviously need to drop the mandates for military and government service, and from keeping folks from international travel.

But, the establishment is doing their damnedest to try to convince us, that this is not happening. Anyone that follows sports, and pays attention to the news, can see the folks having these young folks having heart episodes at increased rates. . we aren't dumb.


But? I honestly don't think the interlocking directorate care, and I can't say why.

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