The Left Continues Its Unholy Attack on the Supreme Court

That’s because the Dems protecting them are embedded in the DOJ and Homeland Security, which is why all the corrupt Dems at the top are desperate to “eliminate” Trump. If he gets in and starts cleaning house, a whole lot of them are going to prison.

If he doesn’t get in, people who express opinions that dissent from the Regime’s Narrative will be accused of spreading “misinformation,” charged, and sent to prison.
Nice try
There were Republican administrations under Bush and Trump and you got zero indictments against Dems

There were federal indictments against the Bush and Trump Admin while they were President
Nice try
There were Republican administrations under Bush and Trump and you got zero indictments against Dems

There were federal indictments against the Bush and Trump Admin while they were President
All that proves is how embedded the biased Dems are in the DOJ.

Trump left them in place, and then they went after him. He’ll know better for the next time.
All that proves is how embedded the biased Dems are in the DOJ.

Trump left them in place, and then they went after him. He’ll know better for the next time.
You mean stupid Republicans can’t even appoint their own people?

Wray was appointed by Trump
The most interesting thing about Supreme Court reporting is the almost total dearth of explanation of why the Court rules the way it does, with reference to the Constitution, what it actually says, and what it does not say.

To anyone familiar with the Constitution, none of the recent "controversial" decision is the least bit controversial. They seek to implement the provisions of the Constitution, and to restrain Congress and previous USSC majorities when they go outside what is authorized therein.

This spreading of ignorance manifests itself, for example, when Presidential candidates "vow" to do things that are poignantly unconstitutional, such as sign a law incorporating the provisions of "Roe v Wade." (Which is also a LIE, because under RvW, third-trimester abortions were prohibited.)
Fuck SCOTUS and fuck you to!

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