The Left Continues Its Unholy Attack on the Supreme Court

The most interesting thing about Supreme Court reporting is the almost total dearth of explanation of why the Court rules the way it does, with reference to the Constitution, what it actually says, and what it does not say.

To anyone familiar with the Constitution, none of the recent "controversial" decision is the least bit controversial. They seek to implement the provisions of the Constitution, and to restrain Congress and previous USSC majorities when they go outside what is authorized therein.

This spreading of ignorance manifests itself, for example, when Presidential candidates "vow" to do things that are poignantly unconstitutional, such as sign a law incorporating the provisions of "Roe v Wade." (Which is also a LIE, because under RvW, third-trimester abortions were prohibited.)
The most interesting thing about Supreme Court reporting is the almost total dearth of explanation of why the Court rules the way it does, with reference to the Constitution, what it actually says, and what it does not say.

To anyone familiar with the Constitution, none of the recent "controversial" decision is the least bit controversial. They seek to implement the provisions of the Constitution, and to restrain Congress and previous USSC majorities when they go outside what is authorized therein.

This spreading of ignorance manifests itself, for example, when Presidential candidates "vow" to do things that are poignantly unconstitutional, such as sign a law incorporating the provisions of "Roe v Wade." (Which is also a LIE, because under RvW, third-trimester abortions were prohibited.)
Any idiot who wants 18th century government should also be required to eat 18th century food and use 18th century medicine.

Third-trimester abortions were banned under Roe but then legalized under Doe v. Boland, which was issued the SAME DAY as Roe.
Progs have a massive number of shill judges in lower courts who make laws for them. They even reversed a California popular vote on gay marriage. You are Communists. There are outside powers who have infected your party and most of our organizations entangled near everywhere. To convince parents that their five-year-old needs to have transexual surgery is the ultimate in a nation that has lost a revolution without a shot being fired. So, the Supreme Court is not entirely taken over. And Trump may not be compromised like most of the other politicians. This makes you impatient, as you smell victory. unfortunately like the arrow on Prog campaign slogans, you cannot stop. It will not be worth it to have two parent families at some point. It is much more expensive in any other way.
Nope. The only shills are the Heritage Foundation scum. Project 2025. The ones who've waged war against us. "and it'll be non violent if the left allows".

Wrong again.
The Supreme Court ruled that presidents have immunity.
BTW, so does congress and judges.
Can you imagine if Barry Obama and Joe Biden did not have immunity?
They would be in prison right now lol.

The Supreme Court gave complete immunity for Official Acts, no matter what laws the President breaks.

You guys keep threatening Obama, Hillary and Biden yet can’t even get an indictment
The most interesting thing about Supreme Court reporting is the almost total dearth of explanation of why the Court rules the way it does, with reference to the Constitution, what it actually says, and what it does not say.

To anyone familiar with the Constitution, none of the recent "controversial" decision is the least bit controversial. They seek to implement the provisions of the Constitution, and to restrain Congress and previous USSC majorities when they go outside what is authorized therein.

This spreading of ignorance manifests itself, for example, when Presidential candidates "vow" to do things that are poignantly unconstitutional, such as sign a law incorporating the provisions of "Roe v Wade." (Which is also a LIE, because under RvW, third-trimester abortions were prohibited.)
Where does the Constitution cover Presidential immunity?
If a President is immune, why would there be Impeachment for “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”?
The once fairly non-partisan SCOTUS blog posts multiple loopy articles. Why? Because the left took hold of SCOTUS blog and as with everything else, whatever the left touches it ruins.

Multiple dreck articles linked to by them.

"UNHOLY"????? What is "unholy" is the fact that 6 of the 9 justices belong to radical Catholic sects, and are imposing their religion on the American people, in spite of Constitutional prohibitions on doing so.

There is nothing in Project 2025 about "remaking" the Supreme Court, or the court system. That's because the theocrats already have control of the Court.

The current SP needs to be stripped of all of the "Federalist Society picks", starting with Chief Justice Roberts. Your SC has been completely corrupted by Dark Money and bribery.

Time to "drain that swamp".
The Supreme Court gave complete immunity for Official Acts, no matter what laws the President breaks.

You guys keep threatening Obama, Hillary and Biden yet can’t even get an indictment
The dirty corrupt Democrat Party only has bogus partisan "indictments" against Trump.
Hillary is probably the most corrupt politician, and the FBI protects her from prosecution.
Obama should be indicted for spying on Trump's campaign.
Biden should be indicted for influence peddling and tax evasion.
Wrong again.
The Supreme Court ruled that presidents have immunity.
BTW, so does congress and judges.
Can you imagine if Barry Obama and Joe Biden did not have immunity?
They would be in prison right now lol.

So why aren't they in jail? Why was Nixon pardoned if he was already immune from prosecution????

The actions of this SC are so blatantly wrong and illegal, that the Court no longer has any validity whatsoever.
The dirty corrupt Democrat Party only has bogus partisan "indictments" against Trump.
Hillary is probably the most corrupt politician, and the FBI protects her from prosecution.
Obama should be indicted for spying on Trump's campaign.
Biden should be indicted for influence peddling and tax evasion.

If ONLY you had any evidence of all of these so-called crimes Democrats are committing. If only the Democrats weren't the smartest criminals in the world, leaving no trace that they've even committed any crimes.

I'd rather have the smart criminals in power than the dumb ones like Donald Trump who goes on national television and admits he committed the crimes, and then falsely claims he has immunity. And a criminal SC which says "yes he does".
The dirty corrupt Democrat Party only has bogus partisan "indictments" against Trump.
Hillary is probably the most corrupt politician, and the FBI protects her from prosecution.
Obama should be indicted for spying on Trump's campaign.
Biden should be indicted for influence peddling and tax evasion.

You guys keep telling yourself that in RW Circle Jerks

Yet outside of your conspiracy theories you not only can’t indict Obama, Hillary, Biden or Kamala
But can’t even get and indictment of their staff.

Meanwhile, Republican administrations are ripe with corruption, indictments and prison sentences


SCOTUSblog is devoted to covering the U.S. Supreme Court comprehensively, without bias and according to the highest journalistic and legal ethical standards. The site is provided as a public service.
Tom Goldstein and Amy Howe, husband and wife, founded SCOTUSblog in 2002. For over 20 years, our staff and contributors have included talented lawyers, law professors, and journalists covering the court with clarity and precision.
SCOTUSblog generally reports on major merits cases before the court at least three times: before argument, after argument, and after the decision. We note all of the paid cert petitions that raise a legal question we believe may interest the justices; we give additional coverage to particularly significant petitions and emergency applications. For the merits cases and the petitions we cover, we provide access to all the briefs.
On each day that the court announces decisions, we host our popular live blog feature with real-time breaking news coverage. Readers join us from around the world to have their questions answered and hear first how the justices rule.
Beyond the court’s docket, we provide significant coverage and analysis of nominations to the court, special projects, such as our 2019-20 Courtroom Access project, and coverage of the justices’ financial disclosures. Significant books related to the court are covered in our Book reviews/Ask the author series. We maintain a calendar of the court’s schedule. We also regularly publish statistics relating to the court’s term.
We are committed to ensuring that all the material we collect and publish is easily accessible on our site. If your work is featured on SCOTUSblog, please let us know if we have accidentally failed to credit you. We will correct the error immediately.
Space between paragraphs. You can do it!
You guys keep telling yourself that in RW Circle Jerks

Yet outside of your conspiracy theories you not only can’t indict Obama, Hillary, Biden or Kamala
But can’t even get and indictment of their staff.

Meanwhile, Republican administrations are ripe with corruption, indictments and prison sentences

Charted: Trump world allies sentenced to prison​

Axios › Politics & Policy

Jul 2, 2024 — Sentenced to prison: · Steve Bannon · Peter Navarro · Michael Cohen · Paul Manafort · George Papadopoulos · Roger Stone · Rick Gates.
What's your beef, Sealybubba? You already have three SC justices who support your socialist aspirations, four if you count Roberts.

Maybe you missed the memos that came out recently.

THREE out of six are liberal. The other six are hard right corporatists


SCOTUSblog is devoted to covering the U.S. Supreme Court comprehensively, without bias and according to the highest journalistic and legal ethical standards. The site is provided as a public service.
Most people with bias claim they are unbiased.
It's not hard to find bias in their coverage.

Wrong again.
The Supreme Court ruled that presidents have immunity.
BTW, so does congress and judges.
Can you imagine if Barry Obama and Joe Biden did not have immunity?
They would be in prison right now lol.
Actually the one who should be worried about presidential immunity is George W. Bush. Who started a trillion dollar war, where every justification for it, turned out to be a deliberate lie.
To anyone familiar with the Constitution, none of the recent "controversial" decision is the least bit controversial. They seek to implement the provisions of the Constitution, and to restrain Congress and previous USSC majorities when they go outside what is authorized therein.

Then why did they give absolute immunity, which isn't even in the constitution, to all official presidential acts?

In that ruling they effectively made "abuse of power" a non-chargeable act against the president.
Where does the Constitution cover Presidential immunity?
If a President is immune, why would there be Impeachment for “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”?
The USSC decision means a president could never be charged with abuse of power.
You guys keep telling yourself that in RW Circle Jerks

Yet outside of your conspiracy theories you not only can’t indict Obama, Hillary, Biden or Kamala
But can’t even get and indictment of their staff.

Meanwhile, Republican administrations are ripe with corruption, indictments and prison sentences
That’s because the Dems protecting them are embedded in the DOJ and Homeland Security, which is why all the corrupt Dems at the top are desperate to “eliminate” Trump. If he gets in and starts cleaning house, a whole lot of them are going to prison.

If he doesn’t get in, people who express opinions that dissent from the Regime’s Narrative will be accused of spreading “misinformation,” charged, and sent to prison.

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