The left continues to deny basic science

Galileo was a qualified scientist that did work relevant to the claims he was making. Show me the Galileo of climate science. What is his/her name and what work have they done to demonstrate that AGW is a hoax?
There was no such thing as a "qualified scientist" in those days. In fact, there still isn't.

The Church was the recognized authority, and Galileo said they were full of shit. AGW "scientists" are not playing the role of Galileo in this controversy. They are playing the role of the church.
AGW "scientists" are not playing the role of Galileo in this controversy.

They are. It's the same old battle with you religious types and your distrust of scientists. The church wasn't scientists. Galileo was a scientist dealing largely with ignorant people that didn't believe his work. Again, show me modern Galileo that is using science to demonstrate that AGW isn't happening.
They are a fucking cult of left wing lunatics who happen to make money being scientists.

You wouldn't believe how nonpartisan a lot of scientists are. What you just said is nonsense. And again, there'd be way too much fame to gain by being the one exposing the hoax.
You are extremely naive.

There is a lot more to gain by continuing to push this nonsense.
As for trusting scientists to make impartial decisions solely because of the need for knowledge

Even if there was somehow a conspiracy floating on bullshit science there would be lots of scientists that have too much integrity to go along with it. They'd be exposing bullshit at every turn, and there would not be a consensus. It would not be possible to keep something like that afloat in science.
It's not a conspiracy. It's just
Those scientists are called skeptics

Show me a skeptic that is doing relevant work to demonstrate that AGW isn't happening.
List of scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming - Wikipedia
AGW "scientists" are not playing the role of Galileo in this controversy.

They are. It's the same old battle with you religious types and your distrust of scientists. The church wasn't scientists. Galileo was a scientist dealing largely with ignorant people that didn't believe his work. Again, show me modern Galileo that is using science to demonstrate that AGW isn't happening.
I'm an atheist, so that pretty much trashes that argument.

We only call Galileo a "scientist" today because his claims turned out to be true. There was no such profession as "scientist" in those days. After all the dust is settled, people will understand that all the so-called "Climate scientists" are actually quacks and the leaders of a cult.

Many scientists have debunked the AGW theory. For example, Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick showed that Michael Mann's hockey stick graph was totally fraudulent. They are both modern day Galileos.
I'm an atheist

How does it feel to be a minority? The partisan must be particularly strong in you.

We only call Galileo a "scientist" today because his claims turned out to be true. There was no such profession as "scientist" in those days.

Galileo was doing research and producing relevant work to demonstrate his claims. That's the key part.

Many scientists have debunked the AGW theory.


There are scientists that have demonstrated miscalculations made by other scientists. Nobody has "debunked AGW."
See Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick on the Hockey Stick controversy.

Mann is not responsible for scientists all over the world believing that AGW is happening. You people overestimate the significance of his work alone. Any miscalculation he made has not proven that AGW is a hoax.
All things remaining the same, increased CO2 does promote plant growth.
No shit, Sherlock. I already established that. Way to repeat what I’ve already posted.
Studies show that food plants may grow better, their nutrition levels can fall.
Bwahahaha! Those “studies” are so good, you didn’t even post a link to them.

Corn is corn, you fuck’n buffoon. It’s “nutrition level” doesn’t change. :eusa_doh:
As Carbon Dioxide Levels Rise, Major Crops Are Losing Nutrients
More leftwing horseshit.
NPR has a factual rating of very high.

Forbes reports the same thing, and forbes has a slight right-wing bias.

CO2 food nutrient connect is just just basic science though.
See Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick on the Hockey Stick controversy.

Mann is not responsible for scientists all over the world believing that AGW is happening. You people overestimate the significance of his work alone. Any miscalculation he made has not proven that AGW is a hoax.
But he's a credible peer reviewed scientist, isn't he? You claim we're supposed to blindly trust these people.
All things remaining the same, increased CO2 does promote plant growth.
No shit, Sherlock. I already established that. Way to repeat what I’ve already posted.
Studies show that food plants may grow better, their nutrition levels can fall.
Bwahahaha! Those “studies” are so good, you didn’t even post a link to them.

Corn is corn, you fuck’n buffoon. It’s “nutrition level” doesn’t change. :eusa_doh:
As Carbon Dioxide Levels Rise, Major Crops Are Losing Nutrients
More leftwing horseshit.
NPR has a factual rating of very high.

Forbes reports the same thing, and forbes has a slight right-wing bias.

CO2 food nutrient connect is just just basic science though.
It has a "factual rating?" You have to be the most gullible moron ever born. NPR is a propaganda organ that pumps out lies on a daily basis. You guys think we're supposed to accept your claims because some self-appointed expert says so. And he's supposed to be credible because some other self appointed expert says he is.

Try and learn how you determine whether claims have any support.
All things remaining the same, increased CO2 does promote plant growth.
No shit, Sherlock. I already established that. Way to repeat what I’ve already posted.
Studies show that food plants may grow better, their nutrition levels can fall.
Bwahahaha! Those “studies” are so good, you didn’t even post a link to them.

Corn is corn, you fuck’n buffoon. It’s “nutrition level” doesn’t change. :eusa_doh:
As Carbon Dioxide Levels Rise, Major Crops Are Losing Nutrients
More leftwing horseshit.
NPR has a factual rating of very high.

Forbes reports the same thing, and forbes has a slight right-wing bias.

CO2 food nutrient connect is just just basic science though.
It has a "factual rating?" You have to be the most gullible moron ever born. NPR is a propaganda organ that pumps out lies on a daily basis. You guys think we're supposed to accept your claims because some self-appointed expert says so. And he's supposed to be credible because some other self appointed expert says he is.

Try and learn how you determine whether claims have any support.
dude.. ok..
you dont like NPR ok, but they're not shit like daily kos.

I just told you that Forbes reports the same thing, and forbes has a slight right-wing bias.

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