The left continues to deny basic science

Remember, follow the money.
That's right mammaries...follow the money:
How Al Gore got rich. His total assets on leaving office were between $780,000 and $1.9 million. Gore's growing celebrity, especially since the 2006 release of the film "An Inconvenient Truth", has made for a lucrative sideline business on the lecture circuit. He collects as much as $175,000 per speech.
Thank you dumb ass! Thank you!!! :lmao:

The making of a businessman: How Al Gore got rich
That's right mammaries...follow the money:

So you fudged the numbers again. You only used numbers for "electricity related subsidies", which are a small fraction of total fossil fuel subsidies. What that dishonest deliberate, or just due to stupidity?

Thanks for proving my point again, which is that everything you say should initially be assumed to be a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.

Oh, Gore Rule invoked. If some whiny pussy deflects by whimpering about Gore, he forfeits the thread for his side. Those who can discuss the topic, do. Those who can't, they deflect by blubbering about politicians. Needless to say, you don't see the rational people saying "Golly, everyone should listen to Gore!". It's only the denier betas who need to deflect that way.

So, thanks for playing, my sweet little bottom bitch. Better luck with your next crying-stalking thread.

I took an antacid and looked at the link.
The Blaze!!!! Up there with Gateway Pundit
One can't even look at the video here but our BlZe knows exactly what the complicated, with warnings video is all about.
Nothing like context, best to regurgitate headlines.
Please post what the 100 genders are?
One may be a guy who feels he is 1% gay?
We'll never know reading the Blaze
100 is a bit daft but it's always good to present both sides
Reading the Blaze one would think it's taught throuout the uk.
BBC education film that claims there are 'more than 100 gender identities' is blasted as 'nonsense' | Daily Mail Online
I think the refs say there are 6 recognized by the medical profession.
Google you tube, it's full of people laughing at 100.
Wonder how many of our old white fart posters are multi gender?
100 is a bit daft but it's always good to present both side
Exactly. Both sides. As in two: male and female. That's it. That's all there is. Science can prove it. Unfortunately, you mentally ill left-wing lunatics prefer ignoring science in favor of your mental illness.

I thought it was you who doesn't believe in global warming.
Both sides means the huge majority who thought the clip was hilarious.
Are uppity nixxers a separate gender?
Nice insult, dead giveaway for zero Ed.
It would be instructive to find the reasons why medical people think there are 6.
Still jealous about bills bj's??
Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 6 - New International Version

"and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind."

Now THERE is some QUALITY SCIENCE for certain....

Stars = they are about the same size as fig leaves....
Well consider it didn't even remotely imply that stars were the same size as fig leaves, all that post proved was that you are literally illiterate. You can't read what is written.

It states that stars fell as figs do when the wind blows. It has nothing to do with size, and everything to do with falling. You're so ignorant, it's actually chilling. No wonder you need government to feed and house you.

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