the left created they can't control them...racist agitators force sanders off stage..

here they are holding a "pig roast" for the criminal that was killed. aren't they so awesome. These people have become a danger to US.
Pictures at the site

Sick #BlackLivesMatter Lunatics Hold ‘Pig Roast’ At #Ferguson PD, Roast Pig Named ‘Darren Wilson’, Slice It Up

all the love from them at:
Sick BlackLivesMatter Lunatics Hold Pig Roast At Ferguson PD Roast Pig Named Darren Wilson Slice It Up Weasel Zippers

Well that's very civil of them. And they want cops in their hood to respect them and treat them better? What if cops showed up to the "Pig Roast".....and brought watermelon, fried chicken and grape drink to donate to the party?
Obama would run over his brothus and sistas to get sum chicken and watermelon!
If Hillary is behind this then it's even funnier because it proves what we have been saying all along; that all liberal policies and beliefs are bogus and their real purpose is controlling the masses and keeping them in power.

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