The left destroys everything, even pretty will not be tolerated.

Now you are just being silly.
That's the idea, Marty. I find the whole politically correct movement as irrelevant as the anti politically correct movement. It all comes out in the wash. You can say fuck now on the telly, and before the "PC" era of today......... that was was THAT PC? Is the PC of yesteryear not relevant to compare? What are the laws we've established that you cannot call someone a fag at your whim? Far as I know, today's PC is more'll be shamed publicly and then whatever happens happens.

It's not that you're outlawed from any such bigotry, it's that you're not willing to have any scrutiny about it whatsoever? Is that the idea?

Or, how about this angle.......The Pageant is making a decision, and now they're facing a "social justice" backlash....much like this thread....

is that..."PC" in its own right?

It's all nonsense, to me player. Legislate it, though ~ and then my 1st Amendment in me will radicalize. Day to day rahrah doesn't really effect me.

Lol.... you always have displayed the political IQ of a small soap dish :113::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

Most Americans see this story and burst out laughing!
get it all off your chest, bud

Here ya go s0n....just 23% think it's a good idea to have transgenders in the military for example. C'mon now....pcness still considered ghey by a large majority of Americans.



And let's face it.... the embracing of all the weirdness gets little traction outside of California New York and a handful of other places.:oops8:
"pcness still considered ghey by a large majority of Americans."

You made my point for me, dunce. I'm the one saying that, in reality, nobody really gives a fuck about pcness. And here you are agreeing with me and thinking you're winning something. derpppppppppppp

Lol....then why is your head exploding with anger there s0n?:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. Your take on pcness is ghey.:cul2:
That's the idea, Marty. I find the whole politically correct movement as irrelevant as the anti politically correct movement. It all comes out in the wash. You can say fuck now on the telly, and before the "PC" era of today......... that was was THAT PC? Is the PC of yesteryear not relevant to compare? What are the laws we've established that you cannot call someone a fag at your whim? Far as I know, today's PC is more'll be shamed publicly and then whatever happens happens.

It's not that you're outlawed from any such bigotry, it's that you're not willing to have any scrutiny about it whatsoever? Is that the idea?

Or, how about this angle.......The Pageant is making a decision, and now they're facing a "social justice" backlash....much like this thread....

is that..."PC" in its own right?

It's all nonsense, to me player. Legislate it, though ~ and then my 1st Amendment in me will radicalize. Day to day rahrah doesn't really effect me.

Lol.... you always have displayed the political IQ of a small soap dish :113::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

Most Americans see this story and burst out laughing!
get it all off your chest, bud

Here ya go s0n....just 23% think it's a good idea to have transgenders in the military for example. C'mon now....pcness still considered ghey by a large majority of Americans.



And let's face it.... the embracing of all the weirdness gets little traction outside of California New York and a handful of other places.:oops8:
"pcness still considered ghey by a large majority of Americans."

You made my point for me, dunce. I'm the one saying that, in reality, nobody really gives a fuck about pcness. And here you are agreeing with me and thinking you're winning something. derpppppppppppp

Lol....then why is your head exploding with anger there s0n?:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. Your take on pcness is ghey.:cul2:
yeah, that made alotta sense - bro. Give your parents back their computer.
The boy who cried wolf has been crying it since the 60s, the Constitution this, my freedoms that....but it's still hard for any boys who cry wolf to point me toward anything but some taxes that show that anyone is less free than........ ever. In fact, with all of the legal restrictions from the early US - there's a case to be made that we're more free than ever....but I do understand that regulations on businesses and such..... which arguably affect the rest of the Citizenry..... can be used for the opposing case. It'd be a hard argument to quantify.

These things are a matter of perspective.

It's about "government" ... The only function of government is to limit what others can do.

People fight over what they believe to be right or wrong.
Laws, statutes and regulations simply limit the parameters a group of people have convinced a larger group of people ...
Are necessary to produce the product the majority at that moment wants.

To understand the differences between when and how our government was established ...
The majority just wants more now ... And desires giving the government more power than it was initially granted.

That happens when people look towards government to solve all their problems.


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The boy who cried wolf has been crying it since the 60s, the Constitution this, my freedoms that....but it's still hard for any boys who cry wolf to point me toward anything but some taxes that show that anyone is less free than........ ever. In fact, with all of the legal restrictions from the early US - there's a case to be made that we're more free than ever....but I do understand that regulations on businesses and such..... which arguably affect the rest of the Citizenry..... can be used for the opposing case. It'd be a hard argument to quantify.

These things are a matter of perspective.

It's about "government" ... The only function of government is to limit what others can do.

People fight over what they believe to be right or wrong.
Laws, statutes and regulations simply limit the parameters a group of people have convinced a larger group of people ...
Are necessary to produce the product the majority at the moment wants.

To understand the differences between when and how our government was established ...
The majority just wants more now ... And desires giving the government more power than it was initially granted.

That happens when people look towards government to solve all their problems.


I'm not sure they do look towards the Government for that, and I'm not sure they don't...I am sure that folks disagree on looking there, or not, as a means............ I don't involve myself in that tedious task of weeding through Lobbying, Welfare ~ studies and to what effect each aspect would have in removing/increasing them on society and its decay(or prosperity). It's all nonsense, to me, because it's inefficient the way that anyone's EVER looked at it, before. It's not a clear, empirical discussion until the impossible scrutiny is placed upon it, and in the mean time I also have to smile smugly at everyone thinking their picture is clear.

I don't even believe in Nations.

I don't believe, as well, that the minuscule % of the overall population of folks in DC could POSSIBLY......EVER sift through enough data to efficiently Legislate in representation of ma ma million people. Brains just don't wield that capacity.

Microsoft excel is a purdy dope program, though.
I'm not sure they do look towards the Government for that, and I'm not sure they don't...I am sure that folks disagree on looking there, or not, as a means............ I don't involve myself in that tedious task of weeding through Lobbying, Welfare ~ studies and to what effect each aspect would have in removing/increasing them on society and its decay(or prosperity). It's all nonsense, to me, because it's inefficient the way that anyone's EVER looked at it, before. It's not a clear, empirical discussion until the impossible scrutiny is placed upon it, and in the mean time I also have to smile smugly at everyone thinking their picture is clear.

I don't even believe in Nations.

I don't believe, as well, that the minuscule % of the overall population of folks in DC could POSSIBLY......EVER sift through enough data to efficiently Legislate in representation of ma ma million people. Brains just don't wield that capacity.

Microsoft excel is a purdy dope program, though.

That's cool ... When I mentioned "looking towards government to fix their problems" ...
I mean both actively (lobbying, pandering, or specific solutions to personal desires) ...
And obligatory (expecting government will do something to prevent what they may deem to be a problem within the community).

It's one thing to recognize a problem ... And something different to assume it is government's responsibility/ability to fix what the individual thinks is wrong.
It's even more reckless to assume the government has been granted the power to fix something just because someone wants it fixed.

At some point ... People need to establish what they want as a matter of their control.
I don't necessarily want nor appreciate the government and my neighbors trying to manage everything on my menu.

Excel is pretty dope ... :thup:
When you figure out how it works, it can provide you with information about your data you never really knew existed.
If you learn how to ask it the proper questions ... It can help you recognize everything from flaws in your processes to addition revenue opportunities.

But again ... It's what you invest in answering your questions ... And not what you leave within the purview of mass governance.

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I certainly chum up with excel to make Management decisions that were invisible trends, prior. Somehow, they've even tricked conversion programs into turning pdf into excel data. Whoever figured that out deserves a higher praise than backpack kid, in the limelight. Oh well.

He's still kinda dope, too.

Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid.

The pageant's decision has nothing to do with "the left."

You are an idiot

I certainly chum up with excel to make Management decisions that were invisible trends, prior. Somehow, they've even tricked conversion programs into turning pdf into excel data. Whoever figured that out deserves a higher praise than backpack kid, in the limelight. Oh well.

He's still kinda dope, too.

Careful ... I sent a pretty smart guy to a two week Excel training class ... And the poor guy is coping with his new obsession.
He started acquiring more trending data than we could keep up with.

The struggle came when he started asking questions (good questions, albeit not always helpful) ...
That involved data or circumstances outside the binary world he could not anticipate or had no knowledge of.

You already addressed that though in your comments about how government, even with all the data ...
Might not be more successful than a fortune cookie ... Too many variables ... :21:

Miss America goes woke: No more swimsuit competition at pageant

What’s next for the SJW crowd? Make pretty girls wear burkas? How late my before a tranny gets in there?

Blow back the left begged for. They are stripping everything and they are so gawd dam stupid they cant even see the reflection of their own actions,


Funny how the stupid fks are begging for women to live OPPRESSED AS MUSLIM WOMEN HAVE DO .....

Another thread which morphs into the utter misery that is the state of the progressive mind 21 months :ack-1::ack-1::ack-1: after the election of Donald J Trump!! Look at a guy like Real Dave....this poor fucker can't walk across his living room floor in the morning on a good day without his head exploding thinking about President Trump!

All winning all the time s0ns!!

If only I could go a day without your orange buddy saying something stupid.

Who knew we fought the Canadians in the War of 1812.
Miss America goes woke: No more swimsuit competition at pageant

What’s next for the SJW crowd? Make pretty girls wear burkas? How late my before a tranny gets in there?

Blow back the left begged for. They are stripping everything and they are so gawd dam stupid they cant even see the reflection of their own actions,


Funny how the stupid fks are begging for women to live OPPRESSED AS MUSLIM WOMEN HAVE DO .....


Ogle your own wife & quit fantasizing about young women who are way out of your league.
Didn’t watch the pageant before....won’t watch it now
It's not about permission, it's the disparity between the persona you are implying and the way you are acting.
In other words, I'm calling you a fake.

You haven't understood a thing I have posted because it doesn't fit your tidy little boxes.
You find conflict because I don't fit your retarded mold that dictates how you think I should respond to one thing and then another ... Because I don't follow your stupid rules.
If that makes me fake ... No one made your retarded ass the deciding factor in these matters.

You have demonstrated the same difficulties dealing with the actions taken by those who comprise the controlling board of the Miss America Competition.
You are consistent ... Consistently out of touch with what you actually have any control over.

The fact I support liberty and freedom ...
Means I support the freedom of people to make stupid decisions regarding how they want to address their Competition's criteria.

I don't have to jump up and down and wave your stupid little flag to mean what I say, be conservative, or get through tomorrow without the world falling apart.

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It's not about permission, it's the disparity between the persona you are implying and the way you are acting.
In other words, I'm calling you a fake.

You haven't understood a thing I have posted because it doesn't fit your tidy little boxes.
You find conflict because I don't fit your retarded mold that dictates how you think I should respond to one thing and then another ... Because I don't follow your stupid rules.
If that makes me fake ... No one made your retarded ass the deciding factor in these matters.

You have demonstrated the same difficulties dealing with the actions taken by those who comprise the controlling board of the Miss America Competition.
You are consistent ... Consistently out of touch with what you actually have any control over.

The fact I support liberty and freedom ...
Means I support the freedom of people to make stupid decisions regarding how they want to address their Competition's criteria.

I don't have to jump up and down and wave your stupid little flag to mean what I say, be conservative, or get through tomorrow without the world falling apart.


Where have I ever said i want to stop them from making whatever idiotic decision they want to make? I an criticising the decision not telling them they can't do it.

And more words doesn't always mean more content.
Where have I ever said i want to stop them from making whatever idiotic decision they want to make? I an criticising the decision not telling them they can't do it.

And more words doesn't always mean more content.

You didn't say that ... Just like I never said I supported their decision.

I simply asked you why you kept asking questions they had already answered.
Then I posted neither you nor I had to agree with their decision.

You're the nutcase that tried to add another narrative (additional content) ... :thup:
My guess is that was the result of your panties being in a wad about how insignificant your opinion actually is to the matter.

If I actually cared about ensuring you had a better understanding, I might have corrected you earlier ...
But since you were being a dick ... The shark decided you were lunch.
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