The left destroys everything, even pretty will not be tolerated.

The "Miss America" people can hold a pageant and judge women (I suppose) according to any criteria that they think is appropriate.

But the swimsuit competition measures a woman's success at achieving physical "perfection." It is not necessary to have big boobs, or an hourglass shape, or a big ass to look great in a bikini. But you do have to be flat where you should be flat, curved where you should be curved, and everything should be in proportion. ANY woman who puts her mind and effort to it can look excellent in a swimsuit.

Some women will have a God-given advantage over others, but the same is true in every other aspect of the competition. Some women are more intelligent, have natural musical talent, or can think on their feet and answer stupid questions. Every one is not created "equal," but anyone can optimize her standing in every evaluation category.

Looking great in a swimsuit is a major part of beauty. It is not absolutely necessary, but it certainly helps.

The pretense that this is not a beauty contest helps no one. It makes the whole thing less meaningful to the small slice of the public that would give a shit one way or another at any given time.
When are our young men going to get out there, strutting their stuff in swim trunks, showing of their talents before the cameras, and answering questions designed to show off their knowledge of the world, their caring attitude toward it, and their desire to make the world better? Do they have delicious abs and play the oboe?

They'll do it when they can win fame, adulation, and money for doing so.

The truth of the matter is, most people enjoy looking at women in those situations than men.
Liberals seek removal of beauty, success, etc as not all people have it and that’s just not “”fair”
Fairness as an ideology is as dopey as “hope and change”.
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There's always the cover of Sports Illustrated
if they cannot compete under the new Miss America criteria.



There's always the cover of Sports Illustrated
if they cannot compete under the new Miss America criteria.


Let me give a preemptive liberal response
Liberals are proposing an amendment that women can no longer be gorgeous because so many are not and that’s just not fair
This thread does make one wonder? How many progressives on this thread were among those who were picked last for the team? These people go out of their way to be social oddballs. It's just the social progression.... think about if you were standing around your whole life on the sidelines with your thumb up your ass, you'd come up with a Plan B too just to garner some attention. C'mon now.....what kind of male celebrates dropping beauty from a beauty pageant? The same ones kneeling at football games, driving a Prius and sipping on lattes every morning at Starbucks. Alas.... everybody needs to find a place in life.:113:
Let's face it, progressives embrace eccentric stuff because long ago, they checked out on any kind of conformity. In fact they distain it. Just couldn't hack being a social oddball in the formative years..... so Embrace The Fringe views we're at least somebody out there is going to pay attention to you.

It's like my sister-in-law.... dated men until well into her thirties but in recent years has suddenly become gay. Just decided to check out of the real world and go the slightly oddball route.
Where have I ever said i want to stop them from making whatever idiotic decision they want to make? I an criticising the decision not telling them they can't do it.

And more words doesn't always mean more content.

You didn't say that ... Just like I never said I supported their decision.

I simply asked you why you kept asking questions they had already answered.
Then I posted neither you nor I had to agree with their decision.

You're the nutcase that tried to add another narrative (additional content) ... :thup:
My guess is that was the result of your panties being in a wad about how insignificant your opinion actually is to the matter.

If I actually cared about ensuring you had a better understanding, I might have corrected you earlier ...
But since you were being a dick ... The shark decided you were lunch.

because it's a message board, and going over the same point over and over is part of the meta.

Lol "shark". You are nothing more than a common board troll with slightly better than average grammar.
Where have I ever said i want to stop them from making whatever idiotic decision they want to make? I an criticising the decision not telling them they can't do it.

And more words doesn't always mean more content.

You didn't say that ... Just like I never said I supported their decision.

I simply asked you why you kept asking questions they had already answered.
Then I posted neither you nor I had to agree with their decision.

You're the nutcase that tried to add another narrative (additional content) ... :thup:
My guess is that was the result of your panties being in a wad about how insignificant your opinion actually is to the matter.

If I actually cared about ensuring you had a better understanding, I might have corrected you earlier ...
But since you were being a dick ... The shark decided you were lunch.

because it's a message board, and going over the same point over and over is part of the meta.

Lol "shark". You are nothing more than a common board troll with slightly better than average grammar.

I hope you don't think I was trying troll you. I am just trying to say that I think there are more important things to spend your energy on and more blatantly WRONG things for you to be angry about. :D This is the equivalent to catching the smallest fish in the sea. Most of you probably don't even watch beauty pageants.
Where have I ever said i want to stop them from making whatever idiotic decision they want to make? I an criticising the decision not telling them they can't do it.

And more words doesn't always mean more content.

You didn't say that ... Just like I never said I supported their decision.

I simply asked you why you kept asking questions they had already answered.
Then I posted neither you nor I had to agree with their decision.

You're the nutcase that tried to add another narrative (additional content) ... :thup:
My guess is that was the result of your panties being in a wad about how insignificant your opinion actually is to the matter.

If I actually cared about ensuring you had a better understanding, I might have corrected you earlier ...
But since you were being a dick ... The shark decided you were lunch.

because it's a message board, and going over the same point over and over is part of the meta.

Lol "shark". You are nothing more than a common board troll with slightly better than average grammar.

I hope you don't think I was trying troll you. I am just trying to say that I think there are more important things to spend your energy on and more blatantly WRONG things for you to be angry about. :D This is the equivalent to catching the smallest fish in the sea. Most of you probably don't even watch beauty pageants.

I was replying to blacksand on this one, not you.

You are actually having a decent conversation with me.

Blacksand is a troll.
I was replying to blacksand on this one, not you.

You are actually having a decent conversation with me.

Blacksand is a troll.

I am somehow a troll because I don't get my panties in a wad ...
Over the Miss America Competition's controlling board deciding what they want to do with their competition ... :dunno:

Whatever minnow ... :thup:

I was replying to blacksand on this one, not you.

You are actually having a decent conversation with me.

Blacksand is a troll.

I am somehow a troll because I don't get my panties in a wad ...
Over the Miss America Competition's controlling board deciding what they want to do with their competition ... :dunno:

Whatever minnow ... :thup:


No you are a troll because you meander all over the topic and claim to be something you are obviously not.

And what's with the fish obsession, McClure?
Miss America goes woke: No more swimsuit competition at pageant

What’s next for the SJW crowd? Make pretty girls wear burkas? How late my before a tranny gets in there?
Good. It's about time. Those beauty pageants have needed to go since the 50's.
Well, we ought to probably end the Mr. Olympia competitions too. That promotes hyper masculinity.

I'm sure Arnold is so enlightened now, he'll be right on board with that. . . .

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