The Left exploits young minds


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Wisdom really does come with age, scientists say.
Although older people's brains slow down, experience and knowledge more than make up for it - helping them make better financial decisions, a study shows.
Dr Ye Li, of California University in Riverside, said: ‘The findings confirm our hypothesis that experience and acquired knowledge from a lifetime of decision making offset the declining ability to learn new information.’

The Left exploits naïve idealistic young people because they are easy to exploit and manipulate due to their inexperience.
And, they are unaware that they are being manipulated.
This is why the Radicals are pushing their CRT/hate/racism, Socialism and Manmade Global Warming in our education system.
This is why the Left loathes home schooling so much because kids are escaping their grasp.
Mao and Pol Pot also exploited young people and it led to millions being starved and murdered.

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