The left has lost its way: Why does the left give islam a pass?

Christians, Jews, Islam claim to have a God of love yet the people in those religions are not very loving.
Christians, Jews, Islam claim to have a God of love yet the people in those religions are not very loving.

I'm pretty sure all of those um, Gods, were okay with killing babies. Well, that is those Gods were like Chucky in that he/she ordered the 'followers' to do the killing. Opsie, I'm I going to hell for that one?

I just woke up in a bucket. Where are we going again?
I'm pretty sure all of those um, Gods, were okay with killing babies. Well, that is those Gods were like Chucky in that he/she ordered the 'followers' to do the killing. Opsie, I'm I going to hell for that one?

I just woke up in a bucket. Where are we going again?
For some reason genocide is ok in the big book, that is all. But then again one religion that is not really a religion to a deity is Confucianism.
moonglos said:
For some reason genocide is ok in the big book, that is all. But then again one religion that is not really a religion to a deity is Confucianism.

well go for it and good luck to ya. LOLOL
Christians, Jews, Islam claim to have a God of love yet the people in those religions are not very loving.

well neither are you. And as for christians...we know our failings and we're only human and thank God he knows that too. You lot attack God, Christ, Christians all the time and you expect us not to become antagonistic at that? HOWEVER...we aren't killing anyone for not believing. We say,...have it your way. It is your choice. and that seems to make you angrier. I could ask WHY have you so much hatred toward your creator. You should have outgrown that by at least your early thirties with maturity. And yet........

How do i know The God of Abraham is God and no other can claim that. To start with His Word. It never changes, it never changed. There were witnesses who wrote what they saw, there were witnesses to Christ's resurrection and they recorded what they saw and experienced or they were recorded in writing for their witness. Prophecy. THe only prophesy not fulfilled is what is due to be fulfilled in the future. 100% prophecy fulfillment to date. Compared to the Koran which is plagiarism of the jewish and christian biblical literature. It changes with the moment depending on what the teachers of islam need. The bible remains consistent.

God gives a way to salvation and eternal life through his son. Allah does not do that. God does not require blood of man nor jihad. Islam does. It calls for death to any who do not accept islam.

this is just a partial list. I don't expect it to make a dent in your thinking.
BlindBoo. You weren't alive then. So don't even. Next thing you're gonna have me believin' you were a slave. LOLOL

Hahahaha, but then again who was? Now my great great great grand pappy, they were into slaves, but by the time my grand pappy came along they'd lost plantation.......
Then why bring up something that happened tht long ago to condemn christianity. Islam is doing far worse right now in the world.

and by the way....if it weren't for those medieval knights you'd be poking your butt up toward heaven and praising the moon god allah whether you were so inclined or not.
The radical American Left is in love with any idea, group or religion that seeks the destruction of traditional America and the Western World. It really is that simple. After America has fallen their love affair with Islam will suddenly end, or Islamic armies will end them.
Integration Brought Disintegration

Behind all the touchy-feely Brotherhood play-acting, the true motivation for the Civil Rights for the Uncivilized legislation was also to destroy this White-built country. If we don't dare expose that original sin, instead of thinking that Liberals went wrong only later, the destroyers will succeed.
It was the campaign for the Faggot Rights hoax in the late 1980's that started in on praising Islam as 'all Enlightened n Stuff' compared to Da Evul Xians; they based this on the fact that buggering little boys has been a popular thing in Islamic countries for centuries, and faggots like Gore Vidal thought that was just wonderful and meant that faggots were loved in Islam. Arab countries were big faves with European sex tourists for a few centuries as well, especially Brits. But now, like with NAMBLA and the commie faggot 'Founder' of the 'Gay Rights' hoax Harry Hay, they all claim now to have never heard of any of that.

Koran Verses: Words for Weirdos

That hypocrisy has been well-known for centuries. The Arabs think that heterosexuality is just for having children; homosexuality, to these degenerates, is the exquisite and elite preference.

The nasty aristocratic philosopher, Plato, also preached that in his Symposium, which is a manifesto for pedophilia. Mind-raping academia adopted "symposium" as a term for a meaningful get-together.
1) That was 2000 years ago.

2) Was Pilate a conservative?

3) What does that have to do with the anti-religion sentiment sweeping the left today?
It was Jesus who established liberal principles
Conservatives crucified him for it

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