The Left hates the Middle Class

This current Welfare/Warfare State is working 'well' for the very poor and very wealthy. However, it's failing the in-between Middle Class miserably. The Middle Class is being mugged and left for dead. And their the Working-class backbone of the nation.

The very poor have $Billions in Government Entitlements. And the very wealthy are always gonna get theirs. But who's looking out for the in-between Middle Class? The answer is, no one at this point. And that's why the Collapse is inevitable. It's very sad, but it is what it is.

Most of us in the middle class don't want to fuck the poor to save a few bucks in taxes. It is the rich who have pitted us again the poor. And it is their policies that are pushing many of us in the middle class into poverty.

a. Send jobs overseas
b. Don't give raises even when profits are up, all while CEO pay has skyrocketed.
c. Hire illegals
D. Break unions
E. Hire temps instead of employees
F. Raise healthcare costs on the middle class. How much have employers raise healthare costs in the last 20 years? A lot. Companies used to pay for healthcare, now they just contribute. This hasn't hurt the CEO who's pay has gone up 300% in the last 20 years but this has royally fucked workers and the middle class.

You can cut welfare all you want, its not going to make the middle class better. But the CEO's could pay us more. A lot of companies are starting to do this.

If you are middle class and vote for democrats, you are LITERALLY voting yourself into poverty.
I think you are doing that. I've seen wages go down since the 70's, know why, and know that the GOP were fully behind it. NAFTA baby, is a GOP invention. Don't you know that?

The rich vote GOP. So you are suggesting the GOP is the party for everyone? LOL It's not. It talks a good game about personal responsibility and rewarding hard work and blablabla. Any middle class person voting GOP is voting against themselves. Example. They''ve convinced you all that unions are bad, even though unions brought all your wages up.

And you think Republicans cutting your social security and medicare 30% is going to help you? Yet you have systematically voted for them for decades and that is their goal.
what wages have gone down since the 70's my gawd, you sure regurgitate.
This current Welfare/Warfare State is working 'well' for the very poor and very wealthy. However, it's failing the in-between Middle Class miserably. The Middle Class is being mugged and left for dead. And their the Working-class backbone of the nation.

The very poor have $Billions in Government Entitlements. And the very wealthy are always gonna get theirs. But who's looking out for the in-between Middle Class? The answer is, no one at this point. And that's why the Collapse is inevitable. It's very sad, but it is what it is.

Most of us in the middle class don't want to fuck the poor to save a few bucks in taxes. It is the rich who have pitted us again the poor. And it is their policies that are pushing many of us in the middle class into poverty.

a. Send jobs overseas
b. Don't give raises even when profits are up, all while CEO pay has skyrocketed.
c. Hire illegals
D. Break unions
E. Hire temps instead of employees
F. Raise healthcare costs on the middle class. How much have employers raise healthare costs in the last 20 years? A lot. Companies used to pay for healthcare, now they just contribute. This hasn't hurt the CEO who's pay has gone up 300% in the last 20 years but this has royally fucked workers and the middle class.

You can cut welfare all you want, its not going to make the middle class better. But the CEO's could pay us more. A lot of companies are starting to do this.

This current Welfare/Warfare State is actually working out ok for the very poor. Our Government spends several $Billions on Government Entitlements. And you're right about the wealthy getting theirs. They always do. But the hard-working Middle Class is being mugged. And it's they who fund the massive spending.

So once they go, it's all over. That'll be the Collapse. Right now, you have a nation who's very poor and very wealthy are actually doing relatively 'well.' But the Middle Class is suffering immensely. If that's not addressed soon, the Collapse will be coming soon. It is what it is.

The rich are doing better than ever
The poor are receiving the same benefits they always have

It is the middle class who have seen their wages stagnate, their health insurance cut, their retirement system evaporate

Especially the Hollywood left, Oprah has billions. Especially the tech left, Tim Cook threw another Chinese worker off the roof to celebrate the $40 billion he got last week. Elon Musk just banked another $100 million taken from the middle class and given to him as Green welfare. You fascist democrats just love welfare for billionaires.
Big difference between giving some guy building solar panels in the USA vs. some military contractor who is making stuff we hope we will never have to use. SOLYNDRA!
solyndra is dried up and we lost all that fking money.

You think all the people in America who've been educated in public schools got the shaft?

American High School Students Are Reading Books At 5th-Grade-Appropriate Levels: Report | HuffPost

Seniors can't even read at Jr. High levels. our math and science scores are the lowest in the industrialized world.

True that teachers are well paid and have extraordinary benefits, so as a public welfare system it's great, but as an education it's a miserable failure.

HA! People like their public schools. My brother sends his kids to the most expensive private school Cranbrook. Yesterday they played Troy, a public school next to Cranbrook. The parents love that public school. It's a good school system. If you live in a rich or upper middle class neighborhood you have great public schools. Get over yourself.

But I agree kids who don't care should be failed and kicked out. That's the difference in public and private. Kids who don't care can skate by in public not private. So you want to make school tougher now that you are done?

The left loves the Public Teachers union, but America has the worst educational system in the modern world.

I know, even more money to greedy Teachers Union will fix everything...
A key is...Don't let your employees get comfortable

Keep them in fear of losing their jobs. Pit one against the others and make it clear.....You can be replaced
As good as I am, they don't give a fuck. Reminds me of a really talented NFL player who gets in too much trouble. Doesn't matter how good you are. The NFL is bigger than you. The fans will forget you.

Companies definately lost when they let me go or when I left but they don't give a fuck. They keep control. They don't want to start a precedence of paying what we are actually worth. I literally sell 3 times what I was asked to sell. Do I make 3 times what I started at? Fuck no. LOL. I'm happy with what I make but I should make more. Instead the President got the credit for hiring me and the bonus.
what are you worth, you've never said that.

Home paid off, $125K condo. Savings? Less than $500K and I'm 46. What will I inherit? $400K if my dad doesn't ever get put in a home that costs $10K a month.

Now with everything paid off, imagine how much money I'm going to save from 46-65. I'll have over a million.

I make less than $100 but more than $50K a year.
that wasn't what I cared about. I wanted to know what salary you thought you deserved.

Honestly, I'll be happy meeting my boss in the middle. I told him what I believe I am worth and I'm probably worth over $100K but I'll be happy with $90K. That's my goal. That is where I will be happy. Even if I could go make $110K I would not leave if I made $90K.
and if you were good enough at that salary, he'd pay you. And he'd only pay you that if that were the going rate for your skill set. Again, the market dictates salaries.
This current Welfare/Warfare State is working 'well' for the very poor and very wealthy. However, it's failing the in-between Middle Class miserably. The Middle Class is being mugged and left for dead. And their the Working-class backbone of the nation.

The very poor have $Billions in Government Entitlements. And the very wealthy are always gonna get theirs. But who's looking out for the in-between Middle Class? The answer is, no one at this point. And that's why the Collapse is inevitable. It's very sad, but it is what it is.

Most of us in the middle class don't want to fuck the poor to save a few bucks in taxes. It is the rich who have pitted us again the poor. And it is their policies that are pushing many of us in the middle class into poverty.

a. Send jobs overseas
b. Don't give raises even when profits are up, all while CEO pay has skyrocketed.
c. Hire illegals
D. Break unions
E. Hire temps instead of employees
F. Raise healthcare costs on the middle class. How much have employers raise healthare costs in the last 20 years? A lot. Companies used to pay for healthcare, now they just contribute. This hasn't hurt the CEO who's pay has gone up 300% in the last 20 years but this has royally fucked workers and the middle class.

You can cut welfare all you want, its not going to make the middle class better. But the CEO's could pay us more. A lot of companies are starting to do this.

A key is...Don't let your employees get comfortable

Keep them in fear of losing their jobs. Pit one against the others and make it clear.....You can be replaced
As good as I am, they don't give a fuck. Reminds me of a really talented NFL player who gets in too much trouble. Doesn't matter how good you are. The NFL is bigger than you. The fans will forget you.

Companies definately lost when they let me go or when I left but they don't give a fuck. They keep control. They don't want to start a precedence of paying what we are actually worth. I literally sell 3 times what I was asked to sell. Do I make 3 times what I started at? Fuck no. LOL. I'm happy with what I make but I should make more. Instead the President got the credit for hiring me and the bonus.
what are you worth, you've never said that.

Home paid off, $125K condo. Savings? Less than $500K and I'm 46. What will I inherit? $400K if my dad doesn't ever get put in a home that costs $10K a month.

Now with everything paid off, imagine how much money I'm going to save from 46-65. I'll have over a million.

I make less than $100 but more than $50K a year.
This current Welfare/Warfare State is working 'well' for the very poor and very wealthy. However, it's failing the in-between Middle Class miserably. The Middle Class is being mugged and left for dead. And their the Working-class backbone of the nation.

The very poor have $Billions in Government Entitlements. And the very wealthy are always gonna get theirs. But who's looking out for the in-between Middle Class? The answer is, no one at this point. And that's why the Collapse is inevitable. It's very sad, but it is what it is.

Most of us in the middle class don't want to fuck the poor to save a few bucks in taxes. It is the rich who have pitted us again the poor. And it is their policies that are pushing many of us in the middle class into poverty.

a. Send jobs overseas
b. Don't give raises even when profits are up, all while CEO pay has skyrocketed.
c. Hire illegals
D. Break unions
E. Hire temps instead of employees
F. Raise healthcare costs on the middle class. How much have employers raise healthare costs in the last 20 years? A lot. Companies used to pay for healthcare, now they just contribute. This hasn't hurt the CEO who's pay has gone up 300% in the last 20 years but this has royally fucked workers and the middle class.

You can cut welfare all you want, its not going to make the middle class better. But the CEO's could pay us more. A lot of companies are starting to do this.

If you are middle class and vote for democrats, you are LITERALLY voting yourself into poverty.

You are totally upside down and backwards...amazing. It's just Reaganism rolling on. Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich, cut them on the nonrich, and invest in the nonrich and the country. Enjoy Trump's giant tax cut on the rich and more cuts in services etc for the nonrich, superdupes.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
Most of us in the middle class don't want to fuck the poor to save a few bucks in taxes. It is the rich who have pitted us again the poor. And it is their policies that are pushing many of us in the middle class into poverty.

a. Send jobs overseas
b. Don't give raises even when profits are up, all while CEO pay has skyrocketed.
c. Hire illegals
D. Break unions
E. Hire temps instead of employees
F. Raise healthcare costs on the middle class. How much have employers raise healthare costs in the last 20 years? A lot. Companies used to pay for healthcare, now they just contribute. This hasn't hurt the CEO who's pay has gone up 300% in the last 20 years but this has royally fucked workers and the middle class.

You can cut welfare all you want, its not going to make the middle class better. But the CEO's could pay us more. A lot of companies are starting to do this.

A key is...Don't let your employees get comfortable

Keep them in fear of losing their jobs. Pit one against the others and make it clear.....You can be replaced
As good as I am, they don't give a fuck. Reminds me of a really talented NFL player who gets in too much trouble. Doesn't matter how good you are. The NFL is bigger than you. The fans will forget you.

Companies definately lost when they let me go or when I left but they don't give a fuck. They keep control. They don't want to start a precedence of paying what we are actually worth. I literally sell 3 times what I was asked to sell. Do I make 3 times what I started at? Fuck no. LOL. I'm happy with what I make but I should make more. Instead the President got the credit for hiring me and the bonus.
what are you worth, you've never said that.

Home paid off, $125K condo. Savings? Less than $500K and I'm 46. What will I inherit? $400K if my dad doesn't ever get put in a home that costs $10K a month.

Now with everything paid off, imagine how much money I'm going to save from 46-65. I'll have over a million.

I make less than $100 but more than $50K a year.
This current Welfare/Warfare State is working 'well' for the very poor and very wealthy. However, it's failing the in-between Middle Class miserably. The Middle Class is being mugged and left for dead. And their the Working-class backbone of the nation.

The very poor have $Billions in Government Entitlements. And the very wealthy are always gonna get theirs. But who's looking out for the in-between Middle Class? The answer is, no one at this point. And that's why the Collapse is inevitable. It's very sad, but it is what it is.

Most of us in the middle class don't want to fuck the poor to save a few bucks in taxes. It is the rich who have pitted us again the poor. And it is their policies that are pushing many of us in the middle class into poverty.

a. Send jobs overseas
b. Don't give raises even when profits are up, all while CEO pay has skyrocketed.
c. Hire illegals
D. Break unions
E. Hire temps instead of employees
F. Raise healthcare costs on the middle class. How much have employers raise healthare costs in the last 20 years? A lot. Companies used to pay for healthcare, now they just contribute. This hasn't hurt the CEO who's pay has gone up 300% in the last 20 years but this has royally fucked workers and the middle class.

You can cut welfare all you want, its not going to make the middle class better. But the CEO's could pay us more. A lot of companies are starting to do this.

If you are middle class and vote for democrats, you are LITERALLY voting yourself into poverty.

You are totally upside down and backwards...amazing. It's just Reaganism rolling on. Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich, cut them on the nonrich, and invest in the nonrich and the country. Enjoy Trump's giant tax cut on the rich and more cuts in services etc for the nonrich, superdupes.
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

You are totally upside down and backwards...amazing. It's just Reaganism rolling on. Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich, cut them on the nonrich, and invest in the nonrich and the country. Enjoy Trump's giant tax cut on the rich and more cuts in services etc for the nonrich, superdupes.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

Oh, and Silly Bonobo, THIS fascist franco pile of shit is an example of a public school teacher. This pussbag is corrupting the minds of children and PAID by taxpayers. You REALLY want to defend public education?
A key is...Don't let your employees get comfortable

Keep them in fear of losing their jobs. Pit one against the others and make it clear.....You can be replaced
As good as I am, they don't give a fuck. Reminds me of a really talented NFL player who gets in too much trouble. Doesn't matter how good you are. The NFL is bigger than you. The fans will forget you.

Companies definately lost when they let me go or when I left but they don't give a fuck. They keep control. They don't want to start a precedence of paying what we are actually worth. I literally sell 3 times what I was asked to sell. Do I make 3 times what I started at? Fuck no. LOL. I'm happy with what I make but I should make more. Instead the President got the credit for hiring me and the bonus.
what are you worth, you've never said that.

Home paid off, $125K condo. Savings? Less than $500K and I'm 46. What will I inherit? $400K if my dad doesn't ever get put in a home that costs $10K a month.

Now with everything paid off, imagine how much money I'm going to save from 46-65. I'll have over a million.

I make less than $100 but more than $50K a year.
This current Welfare/Warfare State is working 'well' for the very poor and very wealthy. However, it's failing the in-between Middle Class miserably. The Middle Class is being mugged and left for dead. And their the Working-class backbone of the nation.

The very poor have $Billions in Government Entitlements. And the very wealthy are always gonna get theirs. But who's looking out for the in-between Middle Class? The answer is, no one at this point. And that's why the Collapse is inevitable. It's very sad, but it is what it is.

Most of us in the middle class don't want to fuck the poor to save a few bucks in taxes. It is the rich who have pitted us again the poor. And it is their policies that are pushing many of us in the middle class into poverty.

a. Send jobs overseas
b. Don't give raises even when profits are up, all while CEO pay has skyrocketed.
c. Hire illegals
D. Break unions
E. Hire temps instead of employees
F. Raise healthcare costs on the middle class. How much have employers raise healthare costs in the last 20 years? A lot. Companies used to pay for healthcare, now they just contribute. This hasn't hurt the CEO who's pay has gone up 300% in the last 20 years but this has royally fucked workers and the middle class.

You can cut welfare all you want, its not going to make the middle class better. But the CEO's could pay us more. A lot of companies are starting to do this.

If you are middle class and vote for democrats, you are LITERALLY voting yourself into poverty.

You are totally upside down and backwards...amazing. It's just Reaganism rolling on. Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich, cut them on the nonrich, and invest in the nonrich and the country. Enjoy Trump's giant tax cut on the rich and more cuts in services etc for the nonrich, superdupes.
democrats wish to cut which taxes?
You chumps haven't heard a gd thing about Dem wants...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

You are totally upside down and backwards...amazing. It's just Reaganism rolling on. Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich, cut them on the nonrich, and invest in the nonrich and the country. Enjoy Trump's giant tax cut on the rich and more cuts in services etc for the nonrich, superdupes.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

Oh, and Silly Bonobo, THIS fascist franco pile of shit is an example of a public school teacher. This pussbag is corrupting the minds of children and PAID by taxpayers. You REALLY want to defend public education?
Private school, doofus. Don't let reality interfere with your brainwashed screeds...and I went back to business in 1990...
As good as I am, they don't give a fuck. Reminds me of a really talented NFL player who gets in too much trouble. Doesn't matter how good you are. The NFL is bigger than you. The fans will forget you.

Companies definately lost when they let me go or when I left but they don't give a fuck. They keep control. They don't want to start a precedence of paying what we are actually worth. I literally sell 3 times what I was asked to sell. Do I make 3 times what I started at? Fuck no. LOL. I'm happy with what I make but I should make more. Instead the President got the credit for hiring me and the bonus.
what are you worth, you've never said that.

Home paid off, $125K condo. Savings? Less than $500K and I'm 46. What will I inherit? $400K if my dad doesn't ever get put in a home that costs $10K a month.

Now with everything paid off, imagine how much money I'm going to save from 46-65. I'll have over a million.

I make less than $100 but more than $50K a year.
This current Welfare/Warfare State is working 'well' for the very poor and very wealthy. However, it's failing the in-between Middle Class miserably. The Middle Class is being mugged and left for dead. And their the Working-class backbone of the nation.

The very poor have $Billions in Government Entitlements. And the very wealthy are always gonna get theirs. But who's looking out for the in-between Middle Class? The answer is, no one at this point. And that's why the Collapse is inevitable. It's very sad, but it is what it is.

Most of us in the middle class don't want to fuck the poor to save a few bucks in taxes. It is the rich who have pitted us again the poor. And it is their policies that are pushing many of us in the middle class into poverty.

a. Send jobs overseas
b. Don't give raises even when profits are up, all while CEO pay has skyrocketed.
c. Hire illegals
D. Break unions
E. Hire temps instead of employees
F. Raise healthcare costs on the middle class. How much have employers raise healthare costs in the last 20 years? A lot. Companies used to pay for healthcare, now they just contribute. This hasn't hurt the CEO who's pay has gone up 300% in the last 20 years but this has royally fucked workers and the middle class.

You can cut welfare all you want, its not going to make the middle class better. But the CEO's could pay us more. A lot of companies are starting to do this.

If you are middle class and vote for democrats, you are LITERALLY voting yourself into poverty.

You are totally upside down and backwards...amazing. It's just Reaganism rolling on. Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich, cut them on the nonrich, and invest in the nonrich and the country. Enjoy Trump's giant tax cut on the rich and more cuts in services etc for the nonrich, superdupes.
democrats wish to cut which taxes?
You chumps haven't heard a gd thing about Dem wants...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
I know, they got nothing. it's why they lost the last presidential election.
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
Hillary and everyone else said over 250k, moron. You're the most brainwashed hater dupe I've ever seen LOL argh...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
like soros and jobs and cuban and so on and on and on. the rich are mostly democrats. what about all the whack job hollywood elites? the ones that want to tell us how to vote? oh and the rockefellers, the kennedy's I mean that list is large. these fks have no clue whose dick they hold.
I think you are doing that. I've seen wages go down since the 70's, know why, and know that the GOP were fully behind it. NAFTA baby, is a GOP invention. Don't you know that?

The rich vote GOP. So you are suggesting the GOP is the party for everyone? LOL It's not. It talks a good game about personal responsibility and rewarding hard work and blablabla. Any middle class person voting GOP is voting against themselves. Example. They''ve convinced you all that unions are bad, even though unions brought all your wages up.

And you think Republicans cutting your social security and medicare 30% is going to help you? Yet you have systematically voted for them for decades and that is their goal.

There you go again.

Lung cancer is bad. Now did I write that a broken leg is good? Pointing out that democrats are a clear and present danger who are engaged in an active war to utterly crush the middle class says utterly nothing about the hapless Republicans. At BEST the Republicans are enablers of the fascist filth we laughingly call democrats, at worst they are collaborators in ending the free Republic with the Nazi bastards who are the democrats.
Well that's not the way I saw it the last 37 years. Seems like the GOP were the bad actors and then cleverly lied about their involvement. Let me give you one fucking example. The GOP invented NAFTA yet all you rwnj's in that shit on Clinton for signing it. And we all know free trade was a done deal. Nothing wrong with free trade as long as it's fair right? But you buried your head for 8 years as Bush Delay and Hastert made trade very unfair for American workers. You can't even deny it because your fearless leader Trump admits everything I'm saying is true.

The nice thing about supporting Trump is you can blow off anything he says because he doesn't mean half of it right? Fucking idiots! I love it how people say voters are stupid but they never imagine it is them who are the dummies.
what are you worth, you've never said that.

Home paid off, $125K condo. Savings? Less than $500K and I'm 46. What will I inherit? $400K if my dad doesn't ever get put in a home that costs $10K a month.

Now with everything paid off, imagine how much money I'm going to save from 46-65. I'll have over a million.

I make less than $100 but more than $50K a year.
Most of us in the middle class don't want to fuck the poor to save a few bucks in taxes. It is the rich who have pitted us again the poor. And it is their policies that are pushing many of us in the middle class into poverty.

a. Send jobs overseas
b. Don't give raises even when profits are up, all while CEO pay has skyrocketed.
c. Hire illegals
D. Break unions
E. Hire temps instead of employees
F. Raise healthcare costs on the middle class. How much have employers raise healthare costs in the last 20 years? A lot. Companies used to pay for healthcare, now they just contribute. This hasn't hurt the CEO who's pay has gone up 300% in the last 20 years but this has royally fucked workers and the middle class.

You can cut welfare all you want, its not going to make the middle class better. But the CEO's could pay us more. A lot of companies are starting to do this.

If you are middle class and vote for democrats, you are LITERALLY voting yourself into poverty.

You are totally upside down and backwards...amazing. It's just Reaganism rolling on. Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich, cut them on the nonrich, and invest in the nonrich and the country. Enjoy Trump's giant tax cut on the rich and more cuts in services etc for the nonrich, superdupes.
democrats wish to cut which taxes?
You chumps haven't heard a gd thing about Dem wants...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
I know, they got nothing. it's why they lost the last presidential election.
Not that you Fox/Rushbots have heard of, anyway- just character assassination and bs. Poor America.
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
Hillary and everyone else said over 250k, moron. You're the most brainwashed hater dupe I've ever seen LOL argh...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
so again, whose taxes do the dems want to cut? I'm waiting.
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
like soros and jobs and cuban and so on and on and on. the rich are mostly democrats. what about all the whack job hollywood elites? the ones that want to tell us how to vote? oh and the rockefellers, the kennedy's I mean that list is large. these fks have no clue whose dick they hold.
You guys bring up soros like he's our leader. He's one man taking on the GOP establishment which is the rest of the 1%. Soros and Buffet are your two boogie men. Got anyone else?
Home paid off, $125K condo. Savings? Less than $500K and I'm 46. What will I inherit? $400K if my dad doesn't ever get put in a home that costs $10K a month.

Now with everything paid off, imagine how much money I'm going to save from 46-65. I'll have over a million.

I make less than $100 but more than $50K a year.
If you are middle class and vote for democrats, you are LITERALLY voting yourself into poverty.

You are totally upside down and backwards...amazing. It's just Reaganism rolling on. Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich, cut them on the nonrich, and invest in the nonrich and the country. Enjoy Trump's giant tax cut on the rich and more cuts in services etc for the nonrich, superdupes.
democrats wish to cut which taxes?
You chumps haven't heard a gd thing about Dem wants...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
I know, they got nothing. it's why they lost the last presidential election.
Not that you Fox/Rushbots have heard of, anyway- just character assassination and bs. Poor America.
and still you post nothing about the dems helping the middle class. you are 0 for what ever right now.
Big difference between giving some guy building solar panels in the USA vs. some military contractor who is making stuff we hope we will never have to use. SOLYNDRA!

How much of your salary would you voluntarily earmark to be given as welfare to Billionaire Elon Musk each week? Seems you are happy in giving what you worked for the someone who has a million times as much as you.

Well, that's the program of the fascist democrats, transfer all wealth to the top 1% and give everyone else $15 an hour.

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