The Left hates the Middle Class

democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
like soros and jobs and cuban and so on and on and on. the rich are mostly democrats. what about all the whack job hollywood elites? the ones that want to tell us how to vote? oh and the rockefellers, the kennedy's I mean that list is large. these fks have no clue whose dick they hold.
You guys bring up soros like he's our leader. He's one man taking on the GOP establishment which is the rest of the 1%. Soros and Buffet are your two boogie men. Got anyone else?
yeah I just gave my list. go read.
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
Hillary and everyone else said over 250k, moron. You're the most brainwashed hater dupe I've ever seen LOL argh...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
so again, whose taxes do the dems want to cut? I'm waiting.
Middle class taxes. Property taxes. Income tax

And we'd rather just raise taxes on the rich. Then we won't need money anymore
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
like soros and jobs and cuban and so on and on and on. the rich are mostly democrats. what about all the whack job hollywood elites? the ones that want to tell us how to vote? oh and the rockefellers, the kennedy's I mean that list is large. these fks have no clue whose dick they hold.
So why is the only real domestic policy of the New BS GOP cutting taxes on the bloated rich every chance they get? Idiot.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! Great job, dupes.
You guys bring up soros like he's our leader. He's one man taking on the GOP establishment which is the rest of the 1%. Soros and Buffet are your two boogie men. Got anyone else?

Soros is the OWNER of the democrat party. He isn't your "leader" he is your FUHRER. You do EXACTLY as Soros orders, You say the words that the Soros hate site train you to say, think the thoughts that the Soros media trains you to think. You are his property, to do with as he pleases.
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
Hillary and everyone else said over 250k, moron. You're the most brainwashed hater dupe I've ever seen LOL argh...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
so again, whose taxes do the dems want to cut? I'm waiting.
Middle class taxes. Property taxes. Income tax

And we'd rather just raise taxes on the rich. Then we won't need money anymore
so why don't you want the middle class to get jobs? cut the corporate tax to open up jobs. why are you against that, that is for the middle class stupid fk.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

They will grow the middle class, hence beating back the gains you fascists made under Obama. It's already happening. The Bourgeoisie is rebounding under Trump, the two tiered society you promote of a 1% elite ruling over an impoverished mass if faltering, despite the gains you made under Obama.
Really cause last I saw was slower than average job growth and most campaign promises broken.
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
like soros and jobs and cuban and so on and on and on. the rich are mostly democrats. what about all the whack job hollywood elites? the ones that want to tell us how to vote? oh and the rockefellers, the kennedy's I mean that list is large. these fks have no clue whose dick they hold.
So why is the only real domestic policy of the New BS GOP cutting taxes on the bloated rich every chance they get? Idiot.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! Great job, dupes.
dude, I asked you still haven't answered what taxes you want cut?
This current Welfare/Warfare State is working 'well' for the very poor and very wealthy. However, it's failing the in-between Middle Class miserably. The Middle Class is being mugged and left for dead. And their the Working-class backbone of the nation.

The very poor have $Billions in Government Entitlements. And the very wealthy are always gonna get theirs. But who's looking out for the in-between Middle Class? The answer is, no one at this point. And that's why the Collapse is inevitable. It's very sad, but it is what it is.

Most of us in the middle class don't want to fuck the poor to save a few bucks in taxes. It is the rich who have pitted us again the poor. And it is their policies that are pushing many of us in the middle class into poverty.

a. Send jobs overseas
b. Don't give raises even when profits are up, all while CEO pay has skyrocketed.
c. Hire illegals
D. Break unions
E. Hire temps instead of employees
F. Raise healthcare costs on the middle class. How much have employers raise healthare costs in the last 20 years? A lot. Companies used to pay for healthcare, now they just contribute. This hasn't hurt the CEO who's pay has gone up 300% in the last 20 years but this has royally fucked workers and the middle class.

You can cut welfare all you want, its not going to make the middle class better. But the CEO's could pay us more. A lot of companies are starting to do this.

If you are middle class and vote for democrats, you are LITERALLY voting yourself into poverty.
I think you are doing that. I've seen wages go down since the 70's, know why, and know that the GOP were fully behind it. NAFTA baby, is a GOP invention. Don't you know that?

The rich vote GOP. So you are suggesting the GOP is the party for everyone? LOL It's not. It talks a good game about personal responsibility and rewarding hard work and blablabla. Any middle class person voting GOP is voting against themselves. Example. They''ve convinced you all that unions are bad, even though unions brought all your wages up.

And you think Republicans cutting your social security and medicare 30% is going to help you? Yet you have systematically voted for them for decades and that is their goal.
what wages have gone down since the 70's my gawd, you sure regurgitate.

Be careful I'm going to start thinking you aren't being intellectually honest with me.

For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades
This current Welfare/Warfare State is working 'well' for the very poor and very wealthy. However, it's failing the in-between Middle Class miserably. The Middle Class is being mugged and left for dead. And their the Working-class backbone of the nation.

The very poor have $Billions in Government Entitlements. And the very wealthy are always gonna get theirs. But who's looking out for the in-between Middle Class? The answer is, no one at this point. And that's why the Collapse is inevitable. It's very sad, but it is what it is.

Most of us in the middle class don't want to fuck the poor to save a few bucks in taxes. It is the rich who have pitted us again the poor. And it is their policies that are pushing many of us in the middle class into poverty.

a. Send jobs overseas
b. Don't give raises even when profits are up, all while CEO pay has skyrocketed.
c. Hire illegals
D. Break unions
E. Hire temps instead of employees
F. Raise healthcare costs on the middle class. How much have employers raise healthare costs in the last 20 years? A lot. Companies used to pay for healthcare, now they just contribute. This hasn't hurt the CEO who's pay has gone up 300% in the last 20 years but this has royally fucked workers and the middle class.

You can cut welfare all you want, its not going to make the middle class better. But the CEO's could pay us more. A lot of companies are starting to do this.

If you are middle class and vote for democrats, you are LITERALLY voting yourself into poverty.
I think you are doing that. I've seen wages go down since the 70's, know why, and know that the GOP were fully behind it. NAFTA baby, is a GOP invention. Don't you know that?

The rich vote GOP. So you are suggesting the GOP is the party for everyone? LOL It's not. It talks a good game about personal responsibility and rewarding hard work and blablabla. Any middle class person voting GOP is voting against themselves. Example. They''ve convinced you all that unions are bad, even though unions brought all your wages up.

And you think Republicans cutting your social security and medicare 30% is going to help you? Yet you have systematically voted for them for decades and that is their goal.
what wages have gone down since the 70's my gawd, you sure regurgitate.

Be careful I'm going to start thinking you aren't being intellectually honest with me.

For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades
dude, you said they've fallen since the 70s, post that data or are you a fking liar?
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
Hillary and everyone else said over 250k, moron. You're the most brainwashed hater dupe I've ever seen LOL argh...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

Oh, so you will tax the fuck out of people make between 50-250K

Got it!

But over 250K no taxes, just be loyal to the party. :thup:
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
like soros and jobs and cuban and so on and on and on. the rich are mostly democrats. what about all the whack job hollywood elites? the ones that want to tell us how to vote? oh and the rockefellers, the kennedy's I mean that list is large. these fks have no clue whose dick they hold.
You guys bring up soros like he's our leader. He's one man taking on the GOP establishment which is the rest of the 1%. Soros and Buffet are your two boogie men. Got anyone else?
yeah I just gave my list. go read.
And your party is totally run by scumbag billionaire brainwashers like Murdoch, Adelson, Kochs, Moonies, and now Trump. Dem rich want to raise taxes on themselves and invest in America. You're terminal idiots, dupes. Luckily, your brainwashers are dying off (Rush too) and Trump is revealing GOP propaganda/idiocy to the world. Some dupes are learning finally...
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
Hillary and everyone else said over 250k, moron. You're the most brainwashed hater dupe I've ever seen LOL argh...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

Oh, so you will tax the fuck out of people make between 50-250K

Got it!

But over 250K no taxes, just be loyal to the party. :thup:
What a gd moron. Exactly the opposite, like your brainwash that Hitler was a socialist.
Really cause last I saw was slower than average job growth and most campaign promises broken.

Turn off CNN and try some actual news.

Job growth surged in April and the unemployment rate neared a 10-year low, the Labor Department reported Friday, giving a boost to President Donald Trump's promise of a robust economic recovery.

With 211,000 jobs added in April, Trump's job-creation total since taking office remains shy of the "over 600,000 jobs" he boasted of creating a few weeks ago. But April's rebound over March's poor showing, combined with the House's passage Thursday of legislation to repeal Obamacare, could — if it lasts — add momentum to Trump's other policy priorities, like tax reform.

Unemployment was 4.4 percent, down from March’s 4.5 percent.}

Trump gets boost from job growth
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
Hillary and everyone else said over 250k, moron. You're the most brainwashed hater dupe I've ever seen LOL argh...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

Oh, so you will tax the fuck out of people make between 50-250K

Got it!

But over 250K no taxes, just be loyal to the party. :thup:
What a gd moron. Exactly the opposite, like your brainwash that Hitler was a socialist.
Democratic Party on Tax Reform - OnTheissues
Democratic Party on Tax Reform; Political pundits. ... Cut taxes for every working family, but not millionaires ... Cut taxes for middle class, not the wealthy ... We want a tax code that rewards work and creates wealth for more people, not a tax ...
What the Democrats think about taxes, income inequality and more ...
Nov 14, 2015 - Clinton wants to raise capital gains taxes for those who sell their investments within six years, ... Her campaign has promised not to hike taxes on the middle class, but ... She would ramp up prosecution of bad apples, tax some ...
A Democratic plan for big middle class tax breaks - Jan. 12, 2015
Jan 12, 2015 - Chris Van Hollen, a top Democrat, unveils large tax cuts for low- and middle-income Americans, which he said would be paid for in full by the ...
Democrats Help the Middle Class - Why Can't They Win Elections ...
Feb 24, 2015 - His finding: under Republicans, the poor and middle class see ... a Democratic presidency, unemployment is lower, corporate profits are ... like services but dislike taxes, and Democrats currently appear to be the party of taxes.
Barack Obama said he's cut taxes for 'middle-class families, small ...
Sep 7, 2012 - In his speech at the Democratic National Committee in Charlotte, N.C., ... "Now, I've cut taxesfor those who need it – middle-class families and ...
How the Republicans are trying to make the rich even richer - LA Times
Apr 14, 2015 - The United States tax code is so warped, so skewed in favor of the wealthy ... anger, that's not irrational — at least not if you're poor or middle class. ... Since the middle of the last century, millionaires' tax burden has been cut in half. ... Senate Democrats to make several corporate tax breaks permanent, they ...
What a gd moron. Exactly the opposite, like your brainwash that Hitler was a socialist.

The primary attribute of you fascists is that you lie. But democrats ALWAYS tax the middle, every last time.
Democratic Party on Tax Reform - OnTheissues
Democratic Party on Tax Reform; Political pundits. ... Cut taxes for every working family, but not millionaires ... Cut taxes for middle class, not the wealthy ... We want a tax code that rewards work and creates wealth for more people, not a tax ...
What the Democrats think about taxes, income inequality and more ...
Nov 14, 2015 - Clinton wants to raise capital gains taxes for those who sell their investments within six years, ... Her campaign has promised not to hike taxes on the middle class, but ... She would ramp up prosecution of bad apples, tax some ...
A Democratic plan for big middle class tax breaks - Jan. 12, 2015
Jan 12, 2015 - Chris Van Hollen, a top Democrat, unveils large tax cuts for low- and middle-income Americans, which he said would be paid for in full by the ...
Democrats Help the Middle Class - Why Can't They Win Elections ...
Feb 24, 2015 - His finding: under Republicans, the poor and middle class see ... a Democratic presidency, unemployment is lower, corporate profits are ... like services but dislike taxes, and Democrats currently appear to be the party of taxes.
Barack Obama said he's cut taxes for 'middle-class families, small ...
Sep 7, 2012 - In his speech at the Democratic National Committee in Charlotte, N.C., ... "Now, I've cut taxesfor those who need it – middle-class families and ...
How the Republicans are trying to make the rich even richer - LA Times
Apr 14, 2015 - The United States tax code is so warped, so skewed in favor of the wealthy ... anger, that's not irrational — at least not if you're poor or middle class. ... Since the middle of the last century, millionaires' tax burden has been cut in half. ... Senate Democrats to make several corporate tax breaks permanent, they ...
democrats wish to cut which taxes?

Remember, "rich" to fascist democrats are those making $50K to $200K. Tim Cook and Warren Buffet aren't rich, they are democrats and thus rightfully immune to taxation.
Hillary and everyone else said over 250k, moron. You're the most brainwashed hater dupe I've ever seen LOL argh...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

Oh, so you will tax the fuck out of people make between 50-250K

Got it!

But over 250K no taxes, just be loyal to the party. :thup:
What a gd moron. Exactly the opposite, like your brainwash that Hitler was a socialist.
Democratic Party on Tax Reform - OnTheissues
Democratic Party on Tax Reform; Political pundits. ... Cut taxes for every working family, but not millionaires ... Cut taxes for middle class, not the wealthy ... We want a tax code that rewards work and creates wealth for more people, not a tax ...
What the Democrats think about taxes, income inequality and more ...
Nov 14, 2015 - Clinton wants to raise capital gains taxes for those who sell their investments within six years, ... Her campaign has promised not to hike taxes on the middle class, but ... She would ramp up prosecution of bad apples, tax some ...
A Democratic plan for big middle class tax breaks - Jan. 12, 2015
Jan 12, 2015 - Chris Van Hollen, a top Democrat, unveils large tax cuts for low- and middle-income Americans, which he said would be paid for in full by the ...
Democrats Help the Middle Class - Why Can't They Win Elections ...
Feb 24, 2015 - His finding: under Republicans, the poor and middle class see ... a Democratic presidency, unemployment is lower, corporate profits are ... like services but dislike taxes, and Democrats currently appear to be the party of taxes.
Barack Obama said he's cut taxes for 'middle-class families, small ...
Sep 7, 2012 - In his speech at the Democratic National Committee in Charlotte, N.C., ... "Now, I've cut taxesfor those who need it – middle-class families and ...
How the Republicans are trying to make the rich even richer - LA Times
Apr 14, 2015 - The United States tax code is so warped, so skewed in favor of the wealthy ... anger, that's not irrational — at least not if you're poor or middle class. ... Since the middle of the last century, millionaires' tax burden has been cut in half. ... Senate Democrats to make several corporate tax breaks permanent, they ...
dude who is the middle class? why can't you define them? I love the left's use of middle class but can't associate with them by identifying who they are. I'm still waiting.

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