The Left is blowing it with this "systemic racism" thing

When I see terms like "institutional racism" or "systemic racism", not only am I not clear on what they specifically mean, but then the fact that we've tried to address them with laws just muddies the waters for me.

The ultimate goal isn't to address the racism. The ultimate goal is to prime the pump for reparations. If you make the claim that 50 years of civil rights legislation can't level the playing field, then only reparations can do it.
I guess the Left figured or figures that adding another layer to the racism issue would be advantageous in some way, but all I see it doing is diluting the conversation.

It's allowing the Trumpster Right to ignore all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country and focus on some vague term that they can make even MORE vague.

Rule 1 of effective communication: Keep it simple, clear, focused. Now the Trumpster Right can fiddle around with "systemic racism" and take our eyes off the ball.

Bad idea.
/——/ “all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country”
That’s no way to talk about your fellow democRATs.
I like the way you cut out "ignore" and then do exactly that.

I just toss the softballs up in the air, and the neanderthals whack 'em over the fence for me.
Admittedly, "systemic racism" is wonderfully undefinable and readily wieldable without any possibility of being refuted. It makes great non-debatable rhetoric. It advances nothing but frustration with discussion.
"Racism" is stupid and counterproductive. It is obviously present in human societies, in America as elsewhere. It cannot be ended with vague catch phrases. Patient education and time are the only way.
When I see terms like "institutional racism" or "systemic racism", not only am I not clear on what they specifically mean, but then the fact that we've tried to address them with laws just muddies the waters for me.

The ultimate goal isn't to address the racism. The ultimate goal is to prime the pump for reparations. If you make the claim that 50 years of civil rights legislation can't level the playing field, then only reparations can do it.
Two fucked up ends of this issue, like pretty much every other issue, have to be marginalized before any real progress can take place.

I'm beginning to see some pushback on the nutters now by their own sides. I won't hold my breath, but I will remain hopeful.
Admittedly, "systemic racism" is wonderfully undefinable and readily wieldable without any possibility of being refuted. It makes great non-debatable rhetoric. It advances nothing but frustration with discussion.
"Racism" is stupid and counterproductive. It is obviously present in human societies, in America as elsewhere. It cannot be ended with vague catch phrases. Patient education and time are the only way.
Clouding important issues with worthless rhetoric really has reached an art form. That's what happens when we place "beating" the other "side" in a "war", over working together to do what's best for the country.
When I see terms like "institutional racism" or "systemic racism", not only am I not clear on what they specifically mean, but then the fact that we've tried to address them with laws just muddies the waters for me.

The ultimate goal isn't to address the racism. The ultimate goal is to prime the pump for reparations. If you make the claim that 50 years of civil rights legislation can't level the playing field, then only reparations can do it.
...and if the claim is made that hundreds of thousands of dead in a war caused by slavery, and thereby ending slavery, is not enough of a price to pay, then no sufficient price can be paid.
I guess the Left figured or figures that adding another layer to the racism issue would be advantageous in some way, but all I see it doing is diluting the conversation.

It's allowing the Trumpster Right to ignore all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country and focus on some vague term that they can make even MORE vague.

Rule 1 of effective communication: Keep it simple, clear, focused. Now the Trumpster Right can fiddle around with "systemic racism" and take our eyes off the ball.

Bad idea.

^ Racist!
When I see terms like "institutional racism" or "systemic racism", not only am I not clear on what they specifically mean, but then the fact that we've tried to address them with laws just muddies the waters for me.

The ultimate goal isn't to address the racism. The ultimate goal is to prime the pump for reparations. If you make the claim that 50 years of civil rights legislation can't level the playing field, then only reparations can do it.
...and if the claim is made that hundreds of thousands of dead in a war caused by slavery, and thereby ending slavery, is not enough of a price to pay, then no sufficient price can be paid.

I have seen people on this board drop numbers like several million dollars for every Black man and woman in this country. Amounts adding up in the TRILLIONS of dollars.

They didn't just pull numbers like that out of a hat. People honestly believe that is an achievable goal.
Democrats are known for identity politics. They're always bitching about race and racism. But in the end, their real objective is to keep the maximum number of people poor, pissed off and dependent on government. This is how they enslave their constituency.
In 2016, it turns out calling everyone who disagrees with you a 'Deplorable' wasn't a winning strategy. It seems people don't like being denigrated for having different opinions.

This election, the Democrats have doubled-down on the strategy, calling everyone who doesn't support them a racist.

I don't think it will work out well for them.

You ain't black!
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Yeah, the Regressive Lefties called me a racist pretty regularly when Obama was in office, so that's appropriate.
Nobody believes you, jackass. Got some examples of all of these lefties calling you a racist?
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Yeah, the Regressive Lefties called me a racist pretty regularly when Obama was in office, so that's appropriate.
Nobody believes you, jackass. Got some examples of all of these lefties calling you a racist?
I'm afraid I don't file them, but if you're actually curious (ha ha), you can click on this link for hundreds of my posts that refer to the Regressive Left and their behaviors on PC and Identity Politics. It's very possible you'll see it: Search results for query: regressive left

But don't worry. I don't expect you have the balls to check it out. :bye1:
Yeah, the Regressive Lefties called me a racist pretty regularly when Obama was in office, so that's appropriate.
Nobody believes you, jackass. Got some examples of all of these lefties calling you a racist?
I'm afraid I don't file them, but if you're actually curious (ha ha), you can click on this link for hundreds of my posts that refer to the Regressive Left and their behaviors on PC and Identity Politics. It's very possible you'll see it: Search results for query: regressive left

But don't worry. I don't expect you have the balls to check it out. :bye1:
You're concession that you cannot give any examples is accepted.

Of course you cannot give any examples, because you're full of shit, as usual.
Yeah, the Regressive Lefties called me a racist pretty regularly when Obama was in office, so that's appropriate.
Nobody believes you, jackass. Got some examples of all of these lefties calling you a racist?
I'm afraid I don't file them, but if you're actually curious (ha ha), you can click on this link for hundreds of my posts that refer to the Regressive Left and their behaviors on PC and Identity Politics. It's very possible you'll see it: Search results for query: regressive left

But don't worry. I don't expect you have the balls to check it out. :bye1:
You're concession that you cannot give any examples is accepted.

Of course you cannot give any examples, because you're full of shit, as usual.
As predicted.
It's the only racism problem that can be directly addressed with legislation and law suit. There is no political solution to people being stupid assholes
Back in the old days, many people were saved from becoming stupid assholes by getting their asses kicked.
The good old days were not that good.

Compared to when, now??? Cities are burning or being taken over. Police are being marginalized. Violence is up. Mateo-parent households are down. Most Americans don’t want to see their cities and towns being destroyed being justified by fighting against “systemic racism”. What’s the end goal anyways? What are the metrics to say that we have moved on from systemic racism?
I guess the Left figured or figures that adding another layer to the racism issue would be advantageous in some way, but all I see it doing is diluting the conversation.

It's allowing the Trumpster Right to ignore all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country and focus on some vague term that they can make even MORE vague.

Rule 1 of effective communication: Keep it simple, clear, focused. Now the Trumpster Right can fiddle around with "systemic racism" and take our eyes off the ball.

Bad idea.
Racism is born from stereotypes and stereotypes are born from general behavior.
Exhaust all your energy training dark folks to act right in GENERAL and watch the stereotypes disappear.
Believing you can force people not to develop stereotypes is just plain wishful ignorant thinking.
When I see terms like "institutional racism" or "systemic racism", not only am I not clear on what they specifically mean, but then the fact that we've tried to address them with laws just muddies the waters for me.

The ultimate goal isn't to address the racism. The ultimate goal is to prime the pump for reparations. If you make the claim that 50 years of civil rights legislation can't level the playing field, then only reparations can do it.
...and if the claim is made that hundreds of thousands of dead in a war caused by slavery, and thereby ending slavery, is not enough of a price to pay, then no sufficient price can be paid.

I have seen people on this board drop numbers like several million dollars for every Black man and woman in this country. Amounts adding up in the TRILLIONS of dollars.

They didn't just pull numbers like that out of a hat. People honestly believe that is an achievable goal.
The sheer absurdity of such thinking exceeds comprehension.
OK, I will say what none of you has the balls to say:

Much (about half) of "inequality" is due to genetic factors which cannot be cured, corrected, rectified, or even mitigated without an intensive campaign of education that can never occur in the American public school system. The AVERAGE IQ of African Americans is about 85. This is not a limitation on any individual, but it explains the dearth of that demographic in any and all careers and professions where superior intelligence is required. A typical ENGINEER, for example, has an IQ of around 120-125. This means that few "white" people are "smart" enough to cut it as an engineer, but for Black folks that level is more than two Standard Deviations above the mean, so you are talking about a very small percentage of that population who is even capable of entering that career. And the same principle, to a lesser or greater extent, applies to every career requiring greater than "average" intelligence. Teaching, for example.

On the other side of the spectrum, consider that the military services will not accept anyone manifesting an IQ below 83 (as estimated by written tests) because they are deemed incapable of even being trained to do militarily useful work. What does that say about a population whose average IQ is only a few points higher than...effectively useless.

How could one even imagine that this population would or should have income, wealth, accomplishments, or education that is on par with the remainder of the population, for which the average IQ is 100 (by definition)?

Accordingly, to cite specifics that "prove" inequality between (among) the races - different incomes, different savings, different assets, and drawing the utterly specious conclusion that the inequality is the result of racism - overt or implicit (systemic) - is folly. OF COURSE there will be inequality. How could it be otherwise?

Don't bother even mentioning "systemic" or implicit racism unless you can point to overt corrective actions that are feasible under the circumstances. "We" can't correct the harms of "redlining" in the 40's and 50's, or abhorrent mortgage lending discrimination until relatively recently, so why dwell on it? There is nothing to be gained.

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