The Left is blowing it with this "systemic racism" thing

I guess the Left figured or figures that adding another layer to the racism issue would be advantageous in some way, but all I see it doing is diluting the conversation.

It's allowing the Trumpster Right to ignore all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country and focus on some vague term that they can make even MORE vague.

Rule 1 of effective communication: Keep it simple, clear, focused. Now the Trumpster Right can fiddle around with "systemic racism" and take our eyes off the ball.

Bad idea.
If the battle was a marketing gimmick maybe you’d be right. No matter how overtly ugly “in your face” racism may look on camera it doesn’t have the lasting effect of institutional racism. It’s the years of institutional racism that has denied a large pocket of our population the ability to build family equity, limited the educational opportunities, jailed them with longer sentences, and segregated into the least desirable locations.

I think the mistake, which you hit on, is acting like institutional racism is currently happening bigly. It isn’t. It lives in policing and the court system but less so than ever in education and business. However it’s the lasting effects of years of prior systemic racism that is still affecting outcomes. We liberals are complaining right now to align public courage to address but we need to move to problem solving. Hopefully starting Nov 4th.
It does exist just as much in education and business.
That’s because the Marxists infiltrating education are racist.
What element of Marxism are you seeing? Educate me. I’d be surprised if you have an answer.
It’s identity politics and based in cultural Marxism. Everything is viewed through a racial lens/people are treated according to that lens . Privileged white liberals dole out social credits to move minorities up to their level of “privilege“ based on perceived victimhood. Not all minorities measure up or have the same amount of social credit.

So... you have no idea how your critique ties into Marxism? You also have no idea how packaging racism and xenophobia into a term doesn’t change it from being racist and xenophobic.

In a nutshell, the theory posits that a tiny group of Jewish philosophers who fled Germany in the 1930s and set up shop at Columbia University in New York City devised an unorthodox form of "Marxism" that took aim at American society's culture, rather than its economic system.

The theory holds that these self-interested Jews — the so-called "Frankfurt School" of philosophers — planned to try to convince mainstream Americans that white ethnic pride is bad, that sexual liberation is good, and that supposedly traditional American values — Christianity, "family values," and so on — are reactionary and bigoted. With their core values thus subverted, the theory goes, Americans would be quick to sign on to the ideas of the far left.

The very term, "cultural Marxism," is clearly intended to conjure up xenophobic anxieties. But can a theory like this, built on the words of long-dead intellectuals who have little discernible relevance to normal Americans' lives, really fly? As bizarre as it might sound, there is some evidence that it may. Certainly, those who are pushing the theory seem to believe that it is an important one.
The OP is wrong on multiple fronts...

1. Systemic racism IS a simple concept, and only those invented in it are the ones pretending that it doesn't exist and/or they don't understand it.

2. Moreover there has ALREADY been much, much, much, much discussion about the regular racism you're referring to and the same agents claim ignorance and/or it doesn't exist.

The simple fact is that for too many American whites, they simply loathe the very topic of racism and are often dishonest about it.

That may be starting to change though, but don't expect it to be an easy or pleasant process.

Yeah, because it is made up nonsense. Simple concepts, are not accurate concepts. In fact, the simpler it is, often the more wrong it is.
Super solid OP. Righties are stunned and reduced to posting insults. Lol.
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I never speak as a member of a group. I just offer my personal opinions.

Mac has called me a "trumpster" on many occasions for rejecting blm nonsense, and this despite the fact I did not vote for trunp.

As an individual, I reject his constant attempts at creating false dichotomies.
The OP is wrong on multiple fronts...

1. Systemic racism IS a simple concept, and only those invented in it are the ones pretending that it doesn't exist and/or they don't understand it.

2. Moreover there has ALREADY been much, much, much, much discussion about the regular racism you're referring to and the same agents claim ignorance and/or it doesn't exist.

The simple fact is that for too many American whites, they simply loathe the very topic of racism and are often dishonest about it.

That may be starting to change though, but don't expect it to be an easy or pleasant process.

Yeah, because it is made up nonsense. Simple concepts, are not accurate concepts. In fact, the simpler it is, often the more wrong it is.

"The simple fact is that for too many American whites, they simply loathe the very topic of racism and are often dishonest about it."

Your post proves Marc's point.
80% of Blacks want police in their neighborhoods. Antifa and the mostly White Democrat Marxists want to tear down everything. They want communism. They are the people who have made the Black lives matter movement into a push for anarchy. They are also the people that Biden will follow. Blacks would be fools to vote for Biden.
I guess the Left figured or figures that adding another layer to the racism issue would be advantageous in some way, but all I see it doing is diluting the conversation.

It's allowing the Trumpster Right to ignore all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country and focus on some vague term that they can make even MORE vague.

Rule 1 of effective communication: Keep it simple, clear, focused. Now the Trumpster Right can fiddle around with "systemic racism" and take our eyes off the ball.

Bad idea.
I would submit "systemic" racism is much more effective at limiting the advance of Blacks than some fucking hillbilly butt crack showing fool calling me the n word. He cant really do anything other than catch an ass whooping if he was brave enough to do it in my face. My issue is with the racism built into the system.
I guess the Left figured or figures that adding another layer to the racism issue would be advantageous in some way, but all I see it doing is diluting the conversation.

It's allowing the Trumpster Right to ignore all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country and focus on some vague term that they can make even MORE vague.

Rule 1 of effective communication: Keep it simple, clear, focused. Now the Trumpster Right can fiddle around with "systemic racism" and take our eyes off the ball.

Bad idea.
I would submit "systemic" racism is much more effective at limiting the advance of Blacks than some fucking hillbilly butt crack showing fool calling me the n word. He cant really do anything other than catch an ass whooping if he was brave enough to do it in my face. My issue is with the racism built into the system.
What would examples of that be? Serious question.
I guess the Left figured or figures that adding another layer to the racism issue would be advantageous in some way, but all I see it doing is diluting the conversation.

It's allowing the Trumpster Right to ignore all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country and focus on some vague term that they can make even MORE vague.

Rule 1 of effective communication: Keep it simple, clear, focused. Now the Trumpster Right can fiddle around with "systemic racism" and take our eyes off the ball.

Bad idea.
I would submit "systemic" racism is much more effective at limiting the advance of Blacks than some fucking hillbilly butt crack showing fool calling me the n word. He cant really do anything other than catch an ass whooping if he was brave enough to do it in my face. My issue is with the racism built into the system.
What would examples of that be? Serious question.
The most obvious is the legal system. Police stop and frisk. Longer sentences for Blacks. Police brutality etc etc.

Also there is the educational system. Substandard schools teaching fake history or completely eliminating pertinent history Blacks should definitely know among other subjects.

The employment system. Putting the onus on Blacks to prove discrimination with laws (again the legal system) that basically require the perpetrator to admit to doing it.

The food system which many people don't think about but is directly reflected in the numbers of covid deaths due to poor health from eating crappy food.

I could go on but you get my point.
The most obvious is the legal system. Police stop and frisk. Longer sentences for Blacks. Police brutality etc etc.

Systemic yes.. Totally racial no...

Also there is the educational system. Substandard schools teaching fake history or completely eliminating pertinent history Blacks should definitely know among other subjects.

Cultural history should be done by EXPERTS.. Not teachers who got their credentials learning "teacher stuff".. Most traumatic part of my life in grade school was that I was in a 90% catholic district PUBLIC school.. Teachers would ask me -- a PRETEEN to explain Jewish holidays and traditions. And that was in the "premiere" NY state school system. It's also best handled by parents and others. And that goes for a LOT of stuff that schools get in over their heads with.. By the time you show "fairness" to 12 different cultures -- there's no time to teach the basics... And we're FAILING badly on the basics..

The employment system. Putting the onus on Blacks to prove discrimination with laws (again the legal system) that basically require the perpetrator to admit to doing it.

The entire legal foundation is innocent until proven guilty and prosecution MUST make the case.. Dont know what you're suggesting but it opens up a Pandora's box for EVERY litigant to be awarded a favorable verdict WITHOUT proof, litigation, or process.

The food system which many people don't think about but is directly reflected in the numbers of covid deaths due to poor health from eating crappy food.

Systemic yes.. Totally racial no... Good eating isn't determined by the size of the grocery store.. And there are plenty of elderly or poor folks stuck with lousy choices..
It's the only racism problem that can be directly addressed with legislation and law suit. There is no political solution to people being stupid assholes
Back in the old days, many people were saved from becoming stupid assholes by getting their asses kicked.
The good old days were not that good.

Compared to when, now??? Cities are burning or being taken over. Police are being marginalized. Violence is up. Mateo-parent households are down. Most Americans don’t want to see their cities and towns being destroyed being justified by fighting against “systemic racism”. What’s the end goal anyways? What are the metrics to say that we have moved on from systemic racism?

Systemic racism will be over when we’re all equal in every aspect of society, in their minds. Problem is that inequality, in reality, doesn’t prove racism or inequity. We’re not going to have equality until other issues that are being avoided will finally be address. Trying to solve racism is waste of time and energy
The most obvious is the legal system. Police stop and frisk. Longer sentences for Blacks. Police brutality etc etc.

Systemic yes.. Totally racial no...

Also there is the educational system. Substandard schools teaching fake history or completely eliminating pertinent history Blacks should definitely know among other subjects.

Cultural history should be done by EXPERTS.. Not teachers who got their credentials learning "teacher stuff".. Most traumatic part of my life in grade school was that I was in a 90% catholic district PUBLIC school.. Teachers would ask me -- a PRETEEN to explain Jewish holidays and traditions. And that was in the "premiere" NY state school system. It's also best handled by parents and others. And that goes for a LOT of stuff that schools get in over their heads with.. By the time you show "fairness" to 12 different cultures -- there's no time to teach the basics... And we're FAILING badly on the basics..

The employment system. Putting the onus on Blacks to prove discrimination with laws (again the legal system) that basically require the perpetrator to admit to doing it.

The entire legal foundation is innocent until proven guilty and prosecution MUST make the case.. Dont know what you're suggesting but it opens up a Pandora's box for EVERY litigant to be awarded a favorable verdict WITHOUT proof, litigation, or process.

The food system which many people don't think about but is directly reflected in the numbers of covid deaths due to poor health from eating crappy food.

Systemic yes.. Totally racial no... Good eating isn't determined by the size of the grocery store.. And there are plenty of elderly or poor folks stuck with lousy choices..

"By the time you show "fairness" to 12 different cultures -- there's no time to teach the basics... And we're FAILING badly on the basics.."

Fairness would be teaching the truth. Claiming there is not time to teach the truth is a cop out. You cant speak on an event in history and lie or omit the facts so that the US (White Americans) look good in a predominantly Black school. Luckily I took the advise of Malcolm X and taught my kids the real and from an African perspective. They were able to shut down their teachers when they started lying.

" The entire legal foundation is innocent until proven guilty and prosecution MUST make the case. "

True but the burden of proof is so high that you would have to be a fucking idiot to get convicted for discriminating.

To both of the items you said were not totally racial I would disagree. The builders of the system calculate they will catch a few whites as casualties of their war and it may even be on purpose so people can claim its not racial.
It's the only racism problem that can be directly addressed with legislation and law suit. There is no political solution to people being stupid assholes
Back in the old days, many people were saved from becoming stupid assholes by getting their asses kicked.
The good old days were not that good.

Compared to when, now??? Cities are burning or being taken over. Police are being marginalized. Violence is up. Mateo-parent households are down. Most Americans don’t want to see their cities and towns being destroyed being justified by fighting against “systemic racism”. What’s the end goal anyways? What are the metrics to say that we have moved on from systemic racism?

Systemic racism will be over when we’re all equal in every aspect of society, in their minds. Problem is that inequality, in reality, doesn’t prove racism or inequity. We’re not going to have equality until other issues that are being avoided will finally be address. Trying to solve racism is waste of time and energy

"Problem is that inequality, in reality, doesn’t prove racism or inequity."

Not by itself. However, the proof has been documented. Its not a debate. Its a fact. For example. I probably make more than 75% of most whites. That doesnt mean I didnt face racism or discrimination. Just means I didnt quit due to the obstacles racism put in my way and I outworked everyone else. Not to mention the luck and the people that supported me.
I guess the Left figured or figures that adding another layer to the racism issue would be advantageous in some way, but all I see it doing is diluting the conversation.

It's allowing the Trumpster Right to ignore all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country and focus on some vague term that they can make even MORE vague.

Rule 1 of effective communication: Keep it simple, clear, focused. Now the Trumpster Right can fiddle around with "systemic racism" and take our eyes off the ball.

Bad idea.
/——/ “all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country”
That’s no way to talk about your fellow democRATs.
I like the way you cut out "ignore" and then do exactly that.

I just toss the softballs up in the air, and the neanderthals whack 'em over the fence for me.
The goal of the pitcher is to strike the neanderthals out, let them hit home runs.
I guess the Left figured or figures that adding another layer to the racism issue would be advantageous in some way, but all I see it doing is diluting the conversation.

It's allowing the Trumpster Right to ignore all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country and focus on some vague term that they can make even MORE vague.

Rule 1 of effective communication: Keep it simple, clear, focused. Now the Trumpster Right can fiddle around with "systemic racism" and take our eyes off the ball.

Bad idea.
Given Jesse Smollett and Nick Sandman, well, claims of racism need to be given second, third or forth thoughts.
According to Shelby Steele, a national treasure, the excuse of systemic racism is being used in infantilize black people and provide an excuse for their every failure. I saw him lecture about the movie he made regarding black empowerment and the excuses made for failure and for criminality. Naturally, the communist democrats are doing everything they can to prevent his movie from being seen.

I guess the Left figured or figures that adding another layer to the racism issue would be advantageous in some way, but all I see it doing is diluting the conversation.

It's allowing the Trumpster Right to ignore all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country and focus on some vague term that they can make even MORE vague.

Rule 1 of effective communication: Keep it simple, clear, focused. Now the Trumpster Right can fiddle around with "systemic racism" and take our eyes off the ball.

Bad idea.


I think it will pull some votes from the far left where Joe may be weaker than he would like.
I guess the Left figured or figures that adding another layer to the racism issue would be advantageous in some way, but all I see it doing is diluting the conversation.

It's allowing the Trumpster Right to ignore all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country and focus on some vague term that they can make even MORE vague.

Rule 1 of effective communication: Keep it simple, clear, focused. Now the Trumpster Right can fiddle around with "systemic racism" and take our eyes off the ball.

Bad idea.
/——/ “all of the standard, mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, ignorant, paranoid white racism that still exists in this country”
That’s no way to talk about your fellow democRATs.
I like the way you cut out "ignore" and then do exactly that.

I just toss the softballs up in the air, and the neanderthals whack 'em over the fence for me.
The goal of the pitcher is to strike the neanderthals out, let them hit home runs.
not let them hit home runs.

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