The left is imploding before our eyes.

So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?

Who cares?

If Trump's staff had dirt on them like Hilary, and one of them was dumb enough to broadcast his password, you would be rejoicing to the Heavens. But there wasn't and they weren't. So cry little snowflake, cry.

I find it hilarious that you fail to address the simple fact that Hilary and the DNC are crooked as shit and rigged the Democrat's Primary. They got dirt on Bernie, and in the process they smeared mud on themselves.

Like the old story about the Hawaiian Foo Bird goes: "If the Foo shits, wear it".

That's just it. You nailed it.

Had the leftardz and especially the lame stream media... had they held Hitlary and the Dims even a fraction as much accountable as they are going after Trump? There is no doubt that many things would be going better for them today.

But they didn't.

Instead, they covered for her, conspired WITH her and still try to justify her ineptness and corruption today.

And for that?

I don't feel shit for them.

No quarter!
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.

There were different events. Podesta (Campaign Manager LOL!) coughed up his password to an online query.
The DNC was leaked or hacked. Not proven either way.

WikiLeaks catalogged and published 100s' of thousands of emails.

Search WikiLeaks

She lost. It did not help Beast to have "Truth" exposed.
WHAT was this ''truth'' that was exposed?

If there was no "truth", why did it burn Hilary so bad?

IIRC, the truth was that the Hilary campaign and the DNC conspired to knock Bernie out of the Primary race. It pissed off Bernie voters, proved to the Republicans, and convinced undecided's, that Hilary is a crooked bitch.
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?

Who cares?

If Trump's staff had dirt on them like Hilary, and one of them was dumb enough to broadcast his password, you would be rejoicing to the Heavens. But there wasn't and they weren't. So cry little snowflake, cry.

I find it hilarious that you fail to address the simple fact that Hilary and the DNC are crooked as shit and rigged the Democrat's Primary. They got dirt on Bernie, and in the process they smeared mud on themselves.

Like the old story about the Hawaiian Foo Bird goes: "If the Foo shits, wear it".

I find it hilarious that you fail to address the simple fact that Hilary and the DNC are crooked as shit and rigged the Democrat's Primary. They got dirt on Bernie, and in the process they smeared mud on themselves.
How about linking up to what you saw that was crooked in the emails and also what emails you saw that showed the DNC was rigging the primary....

Put up!!! Show us!!


Please stop regurgitating right wing, brainless, trumpette and Russian bull crap...that you were fooled in to believing.... :rolleyes:
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?

Who cares?

If Trump's staff had dirt on them like Hilary, and one of them was dumb enough to broadcast his password, you would be rejoicing to the Heavens. But there wasn't and they weren't. So cry little snowflake, cry.

I find it hilarious that you fail to address the simple fact that Hilary and the DNC are crooked as shit and rigged the Democrat's Primary. They got dirt on Bernie, and in the process they smeared mud on themselves.

Like the old story about the Hawaiian Foo Bird goes: "If the Foo shits, wear it".

I find it hilarious that you fail to address the simple fact that Hilary and the DNC are crooked as shit and rigged the Democrat's Primary. They got dirt on Bernie, and in the process they smeared mud on themselves.
How about linking up to what you saw that was crooked in the emails and also what emails you saw that showed the DNC was rigging the primary....

Put up!!! Show us!!


Please stop regurgitating right wing, brainless, trumpette and Russian bull crap...that you were fooled in to believing.... :rolleyes:

So are you saying they fired people for no reason... that Hillary didn't receive debate questions?
WHAT was this ''truth'' that was exposed?

Please. It was daily, all last fall. "Needy" Hispanics, trashing DNC donors, Christians, Bernie. I am not going to rehash all of it. She lost, I cleared the memory.

She could not stand up at the park (huge event, weak answers). She was pictured being dragged up the stairs. The election fraud videos. Hiring the mentally ill to riot setup by DNC at Trump rallies. Daily conference calls with those "community organizers" Veritas caught on video. Really? those are your "staff"? Every word was MF'r

It all added up to making them look like some sort of Criminal Organization, as we already knew. Voter fraud is the tip of the iceberg with these crooks. The Clinton Crime Foundation, 95% overhead.........please. Don't bother to show that tired old one-time small snapshot of 2013 saying they are "legit". The ambulance bed in the Scooby van? Who wants that as "commander in chief"? Could she last 1 month? Parkinsons? horrible candidate. Lazy, stupid. corrupt. On Govt teat for life. Colluding with MSM. on and on and on......
People are not stupid.
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<ahem> our guys.... you know.... AMERICAN INTEL.......... are saying & proving it is RUSSIA. even pooty poot has said it's so called 'patriots' doing it. why won't trump at least even agree to that? where is all his proof to say otherwise?

omfucking god.

Yeah, we KNOW the russians have been meddling. obummer gave them a pass? Why?

a pass? you mean sanctions, expelling diplomats, closing down their compounds & planting intel cyber bombs?

Describe those "sanctions" in detail please.

well now why don't you say there aren't. that's right--- obama is the friendly to russia. here.... this might help a little.

Why Obama's Russia sanctions are so devastating

Lots of hyperbole with no fact to back up those claims. Especially when one considers this little tid bit. I wonder what he was referring to here?

ya ya..... how predictable. seen that more than a few times as some sort of 'proof'. i do not know what he was referring to nor has it come to fruition. that was after his second election into office & yet zero relationships have formed between the 2. if there is, i'd be MORE than happy to read what YOU got in that matter.

but there is this little diddy that i remembered.... painty waist jared met with a russian <<coughcoughspy>> banker that was definitely a no no because of a SANCTION imposed that had anything to do banking biznez with that ruskie.

Bank at Center of U.S. Inquiry Projects Russian ‘Soft Power’

& then there is this....

Obama’s Russia Sanctions Put Trump, Hill GOP on Collision Course

Putin punishment among list of clashes Trump could have with own party

Posted Dec 29, 2016 2:28 PM

President-elect Donald Trump’s opposition to President Barack Obama’s retaliation against Russia for trying to influence the U.S. election will immediately pit him against the hawkish wing of the Republican party. And it soon could force him to veto additional penalties supported by his own party.

The White House on Thursday revealed a set of economic sanctions and other penalties intended to squeeze Russian leaders for backing and — as Obama administration officials have acknowledged — being directly involved in hacking email servers designed to help Trump defeat Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

The Obama administration announced that it has imposed sanctions on Russia over its hacking during the U.S. election. The punitive measures target nine entities and individuals: two Russian intelligence services, four intelligence officers and three companies that provide support to Russian cyber operations.

The administration is also expelling 35 Russian officials stationed either at the embassy in Washington or the consulate in San Francisco. The individuals and their families have been given 72 hours to leave the U.S. And a senior administration official told reporters those actions are not the lone ones Washington implemented, signaling covert retaliation, as well.

But the senior official said Obama's moves came via executive actions, meaning Trump could reverse any or all of the moves after he is sworn in on Jan. 20.

Obama’s Russia Sanctions Put Trump, Hill GOP on Collision Course

you're welcome.
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One must have a heart of stone to witness to Prog Implosion without laughing hysterically.
On the contrary. Notwithstanding the control of the Republican Party over the three branches of government, that party has seen its day. The face and voice of the Republican Party is minority president Donald Trump who has so coarsened political debate and reduced it to a reality TV show that in Europe no leader bothers to listen to the American president these days, see him as a joke, a laugh-a-minute, and certainly harbor no idea that the lying braggart is the leader of the free world.

Well if the had Dems had not stopped representing the conservatives and moderates of this nation they might not have continued to lose elections all across the country, ever since 2010.
We all are not far left socialists like they are.
Even Hillary Clinton was able to get millions more votes than minority president Donald Trump.

Big whoop. She lost the election. That's all that matters. Just because a lot of ignorant and stupid people voted for her doesn't make her a good candidate. It just means that people are stupid and ignorant.

oh the irony......
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?

more than one congress critter had their sites hacked but only hillary's was leaked. no.... no one was bent on just one candidate getting screwed...........
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?

more than one congress critter had their sites hacked but only hillary's was leaked. no.... no one was bent on just one candidate getting screwed...........

The RNC has proper protection on their site. The DNC had inadequate safeguards, and they shared ONE PASSWORD that they emailed around.

That's pretty much a litmus test for competence and common sense. The DNC lacks both.
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?

Who cares?

If Trump's staff had dirt on them like Hilary, and one of them was dumb enough to broadcast his password, you would be rejoicing to the Heavens. But there wasn't and they weren't. So cry little snowflake, cry.

I find it hilarious that you fail to address the simple fact that Hilary and the DNC are crooked as shit and rigged the Democrat's Primary. They got dirt on Bernie, and in the process they smeared mud on themselves.

Like the old story about the Hawaiian Foo Bird goes: "If the Foo shits, wear it".

I find it hilarious that you fail to address the simple fact that Hilary and the DNC are crooked as shit and rigged the Democrat's Primary. They got dirt on Bernie, and in the process they smeared mud on themselves.
How about linking up to what you saw that was crooked in the emails and also what emails you saw that showed the DNC was rigging the primary....

Put up!!! Show us!!


Please stop regurgitating right wing, brainless, trumpette and Russian bull crap...that you were fooled in to believing.... :rolleyes:

So are you saying they fired people for no reason... that Hillary didn't receive debate questions?

oh that was wrong no doubt about it.... but are YOU saying hillary wouldn't have been intelligent enough to know wtf she was talking about? too bad drumpf had no clue was the nuclear triad is..... the ol' gal would know easy peasy.
Last edited:
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?

more than one congress critter had their sites hacked but only hillary's was leaked. no.... no one was bent on just one candidate getting screwed...........

The RNC has proper protection on their site. The DNC had inadequate safeguards, and they shared ONE PASSWORD that they emailed around.

That's pretty much a litmus test for competence and common sense. The DNC lacks both.

oh they were stupid no doubt, no argument. but individuals in congress got hacked as well. i'm not so sure about the RNC being completly safe & clean. that's what they told you......
And it's a pleasure. I haven't been as satisfied in a long while. All it took was a man... no, an emperor with balls, how could we not have seen it?

The left has gone completely insane and dug the perfect grave for itself. The Russia narrative was complete fraud from the get go and yet they decided to run with it as they didn't have any real arguments. Yes, even the far leftists here on this forum. The chickens have come home to roost. All that remains is enjoying the situation, CNN is fake news!

Illegals is just as much, a nothing burger.
So, if the Russians did not steal and disseminate the DNC and Podesta emails, WHO DID?

The Trump Team?

RNC operatives?
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?

more than one congress critter had their sites hacked but only hillary's was leaked. no.... no one was bent on just one candidate getting screwed...........

The RNC has proper protection on their site. The DNC had inadequate safeguards, and they shared ONE PASSWORD that they emailed around.

That's pretty much a litmus test for competence and common sense. The DNC lacks both.

oh they were stupid no doubt, no argument. but individuals in congress got hacked as well. i'm not so sure about the RNC being completly safe & clean. that's what they told you......

The FBI reported that there were hack attacks on multiple entities during the election, including the RNC. Those on the RNC were not successful. The DNC refused to allow the FBI to inspect the hacked that is suspicious.
My guess is disillusioned DNC workers that supported Sanders. Like Seth Rich. Assange said long ago and repeated it that it wasn't "the Russians".

Plus all during the leaks we heard it was all about nothing. I recall the jeering and taunts from the lefties here. Now it's all been conveniently forgotten.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?

more than one congress critter had their sites hacked but only hillary's was leaked. no.... no one was bent on just one candidate getting screwed...........

The RNC has proper protection on their site. The DNC had inadequate safeguards, and they shared ONE PASSWORD that they emailed around.

That's pretty much a litmus test for competence and common sense. The DNC lacks both.

oh they were stupid no doubt, no argument. but individuals in congress got hacked as well. i'm not so sure about the RNC being completly safe & clean. that's what they told you......

The FBI reported that there were hack attacks on multiple entities during the election, including the RNC. Those on the RNC were not successful. The DNC refused to allow the FBI to inspect the hacked that is suspicious.

i don't care where this leads as long as every treasonous person be caught. i am not so sure still about the RNC. comey knew that those duplicate emails on weiner's pc was partly because of fake russian intel... but the bigger picture was him not revealing that. & so might the 'non existent' hacking of the RNC.
how would these stolen emails and the timing of their releases from the DNC or Podesta by DNC workers helped anyone but Donald Trump?

more than one congress critter had their sites hacked but only hillary's was leaked. no.... no one was bent on just one candidate getting screwed...........

The RNC has proper protection on their site. The DNC had inadequate safeguards, and they shared ONE PASSWORD that they emailed around.

That's pretty much a litmus test for competence and common sense. The DNC lacks both.

oh they were stupid no doubt, no argument. but individuals in congress got hacked as well. i'm not so sure about the RNC being completly safe & clean. that's what they told you......

The FBI reported that there were hack attacks on multiple entities during the election, including the RNC. Those on the RNC were not successful. The DNC refused to allow the FBI to inspect the hacked that is suspicious.

i don't care where this leads as long as every treasonous person be caught. i am not so sure still about the RNC. comey knew that those duplicate emails on weiner's pc was partly because of fake russian intel... but the bigger picture was him not revealing that. & so might the 'non existent' hacking of the RNC.

I suggest you actually educate yourself on the definition of treason.

Here's a wee clue: it does not include differences of opinion on public policy.
more than one congress critter had their sites hacked but only hillary's was leaked. no.... no one was bent on just one candidate getting screwed...........

The RNC has proper protection on their site. The DNC had inadequate safeguards, and they shared ONE PASSWORD that they emailed around.

That's pretty much a litmus test for competence and common sense. The DNC lacks both.

oh they were stupid no doubt, no argument. but individuals in congress got hacked as well. i'm not so sure about the RNC being completly safe & clean. that's what they told you......

The FBI reported that there were hack attacks on multiple entities during the election, including the RNC. Those on the RNC were not successful. The DNC refused to allow the FBI to inspect the hacked that is suspicious.

i don't care where this leads as long as every treasonous person be caught. i am not so sure still about the RNC. comey knew that those duplicate emails on weiner's pc was partly because of fake russian intel... but the bigger picture was him not revealing that. & so might the 'non existent' hacking of the RNC.

I suggest you actually educate yourself on the definition of treason.

Here's a wee clue: it does not include differences of opinion on public policy.

i suggest you CONsider what flynn has done & probably paulie walnuts as well.... there are more than likely others... mueller is gearing up for high crimes AND misdemeanors that very well might lead to some interesting places.

noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
    "they were convicted of treason"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
    sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
    high treason, lèse-majesté;
    "the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
    antonyms: allegiance, loyalty
    • the action of betraying someone or something.
      plural noun: treasons
      "doubt is the ultimate treason against faith"
      synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
      sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
      high treason, lèse-majesté;
      "the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
      antonyms: allegiance, loyalty


  • upload_2017-7-2_16-26-22.png
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The RNC has proper protection on their site. The DNC had inadequate safeguards, and they shared ONE PASSWORD that they emailed around.

That's pretty much a litmus test for competence and common sense. The DNC lacks both.

oh they were stupid no doubt, no argument. but individuals in congress got hacked as well. i'm not so sure about the RNC being completly safe & clean. that's what they told you......

The FBI reported that there were hack attacks on multiple entities during the election, including the RNC. Those on the RNC were not successful. The DNC refused to allow the FBI to inspect the hacked that is suspicious.

i don't care where this leads as long as every treasonous person be caught. i am not so sure still about the RNC. comey knew that those duplicate emails on weiner's pc was partly because of fake russian intel... but the bigger picture was him not revealing that. & so might the 'non existent' hacking of the RNC.

I suggest you actually educate yourself on the definition of treason.

Here's a wee clue: it does not include differences of opinion on public policy.

i suggest you CONsider what flynn has done & probably paulie walnuts as well.... there are more than likely others... mueller is gearing up for high crimes AND misdemeanors that very well might lead to some interesting places.

noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
    "they were convicted of treason"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
    sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
    high treason, lèse-majesté;
    "the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
    antonyms: allegiance, loyalty
    • the action of betraying someone or something.
      plural noun: treasons
      "doubt is the ultimate treason against faith"
      synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
      sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
      high treason, lèse-majesté;
      "the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
      antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

Neither of them did anything that qualifies as treason. Consulting work and speeches are not treason.

You lose.
And it's a pleasure. I haven't been as satisfied in a long while. All it took was a man... no, an emperor with balls, how could we not have seen it?

The left has gone completely insane and dug the perfect grave for itself. The Russia narrative was complete fraud from the get go and yet they decided to run with it as they didn't have any real arguments. Yes, even the far leftists here on this forum. The chickens have come home to roost. All that remains is enjoying the situation, CNN is fake news!

They still won't let go of the Russian bullshit. They know they'll lose more supporters if they admit it was just a desperate attempt to get around the fact that Hillary was rejected.

Yup, they've been used to having Obama and the ability to push their radical agenda. Since election night, it's been a collective nervous breakdown.

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