The *left* is one bunch of messed up people...

KL, I consider myself a conservative. I do not think though, that I judge the morals, beliefs of others. To follow DK's lead, aren't you bunching us?
DKSuddeth said:
only if I said ALL those on the right.

Then you should have said that THERE ARE those on the right, or SOME on the right, but now we're both just getting nitpicky. I think people on both sides tend to look at the other and generalize. People who are more Liberal look at Conservatives and see Jerry Falwell, while people who are more Conservative look at Liberals and see Michael Moore. We are all guilty of judging by the extremes sometimes. Truth is I don't have much of a problem with a regular, old run of the mill Liberal like Dick Gephart. I may not agree with him on much, but I can recognize that he's a decent person only doing what he believes. A guy like Michael Moore? He's a waste of skin. A lot of skin.
Jimmyeatworld said:
Then you should have said that THERE ARE those on the right, or SOME on the right, but now we're both just getting nitpicky.

DK likes to get "nitpicky"... :cof:
Pale Rider said:
DK likes to get "nitpicky"... :cof:

Maybe he does. I'm on the right, and I have a problem being put in with the likes of the 'religious right' as much a DK may have a problem with being put with Michael Moore.
Jimmyeatworld said:
I think you need to open your eyes and take a look around. Arnold is considered a Moderate, if not a Liberal, Republican. Guiliani, a Moderate Republican. McCain, a Moderate Republican. Some people on this very board have used the phrase "not a true Conservative" when refering to President George W. Bush. Except for the occasional extremist, nobody has ever said any of these people aren't Republican. In fact, your looking at the bulk of the prime time speakers for the RNC in this short list.

Now look at the Democrats. The name Joe Liebermann is met with a smirk and a huff and called "Bush-lite" by most Dems. Zell Miller has essentially been disowned. Even John Kerry has heard his share of huffs and grumbles for trying to appeal to the Moderate voters by talking about things that move away from the Liberal base.

Now, you tell me, which of these sounds like "The Party of Inclusion"?
and yet I hear from about 50% of 'conservatives' that mccain and specter aren't 'real republicans' for their moderation.
DKSuddeth said:
and yet I hear from about 50% of 'conservatives' that mccain and specter aren't 'real republicans' for their moderation.

Like I said, there is the occasional extremist that says something like that. Maybe 50% of the Republicans you talk to say this, but it's certainly not 50% of Republicans as a whole. What Dems say about Libermann and Miller is the standard party line.
Jimmyeatworld said:
Like I said, there is the occasional extremist that says something like that. Maybe 50% of the Republicans you talk to say this, but it's certainly not 50% of Republicans as a whole. What Dems say about Libermann and Miller is the standard party line.

When it comes to the extreme on homosexuality, atheism, etc., I'm with the moderates, though I'm pretty conservative. I feel like the right has to protect it's flank from the right. I'd assume that DK would say similar from the left.
Kathianne said:
When it comes to the extreme on homosexuality, atheism, etc., I'm with the moderates, though I'm pretty conservative. I feel like the right has to protect it's flank from the right. I'd assume that DK would say similar from the left.

And I think the right does protect itself from the flank. I hear many voices of different opinion, and some of complete disagreement. But when it comes to dems, take mickey moore and his propaganda crockumentaries, I have NEVER heard ONE LIBERAL say ONE THING was WRONG or a LIE about those films, even though there are what seems HUNDREDS of websites making perfectly clear, EVERY SINGLE LIE.
Pale Rider said:
I wouldn't say "hatred", although I do see hatred of conservatives in the vile, filthy mouths of certain liberals, i.e., whoopi goldberg, cher, mickey moore...

And it's not just disagreement. It's the FACT that liberals don't base the majority of what they believe or want on TRUTH! They MAKE UP lies to suit themselves, mickey moore, and think nothing of it. They have NO MORAL CONSCIENCE.

You're obviously projecting your own flaws in character and conscience upon others.
Pale Rider: "The left CHAMPIONS and DEFENDS any and all of the worlds PERVERSIONS... HOMOSEXUALITY, GODLESSNESS, and LYING. The examples are staggering."

My question is: Where is the voice of the moderate and conservative Democrats? Why aren't they fighting against these perversions and the takeover of their party by people who do not reflect American values and traditions? The South is full of conservative Democrats. The Midwest is full of moderate and conservative Democrats, yet you hear not a word from these people, with the exception of Zell Miller. Maybe after seeing how Zell Miller was treated, they decided to just keep quiet, but that only makes the lefties hold on the Democrat Party stronger.
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pulit said:
You're obviously projecting your own flaws in character and conscience upon others.

Oh yes pulit... I have a HOT LINE straight to mickey moore, alec baldwin, ted kennedy and al franken. They won't even SHIT without me telling them how much and what color... :rolleyes:
Kathianne said:
KL, I consider myself a conservative. I do not think though, that I judge the morals, beliefs of others. To follow DK's lead, aren't you bunching us?

Sure KA - whatever you say.
Pale Rider said:
EVERY TIME I watch ANYTHING, where they feature a debate from the left and the right, I'm left shaking my head wondering where in the HELL did this MORON come from.

It ALWAYS is the left's position comes from somewhere out around Orion's Belt, and the right's position comes from TRUTH!

Look at it... the left thinks mickey moore TELLS THE TRUTH!! The left CONSORTS WITH and CODDLES the ENEMY!! The left CHAMPIONS and DEFENDS any and all of the worlds PERVERSIONS... HOMOSEXUALITY, GODLESSNESS, and LYING. The examples are staggering.

I'm at a COMPLETE LOSE to figure out one, where the hell did these people come from, and two, WHAT EVER *MADE* THEM THE WAY THEY ARE??!!

I think liberals should be CUT OUT AND SEPERATED from the MORAL MAJORITY of this country, and given a land of their own to ruin. Let them revel in their own self made pit of decadent behavior. Let them ruin and be over run by whatever pathetic force threatens them, because they have no back bone or military.

Just get them the hell out of America. They're ruining our country.

It's funny. I think exactly the same thing about the extremists in the right.
MrMarbles said:
It's funny. I think exactly the same thing about the extremists in the right.

Hey MarbleBoy, do you consider anyone who isn't a socialist an "extremist"?
The only "messed up" person I'm really seeing here is PR. The old gaffer has gone off on a tear and, apparently, has either forgotten his meds, or really needs to be on some good psych meds.
rtwngAvngr said:
What's a semi-fascist?

Anyone who doesnt fall lock step behind the socialist/communist agenda, but cant be qualified as a fascist.
Semi-fascist: Militaristic, and reactionary. Rejection of social theories. Belligerent nationalism and racism. But not as far as to use terror and genocide as a tool for their progression.
MrMarbles said:
Semi-fascist: Militaristic, and reactionary. Rejection of social theories. Belligerent nationalism and racism. But not as far as to use terror and genocide as a tool for their progression.

The left uses it's military to promote it's agenda. What is a social theory? Do you mean socialism? If so, socialism has a proven track record of failure.

How do you separate belligerent nationalism from regular nationalism?

the left insists on using race to decide who is allowed to succeed. THat's racism. I want a truly colorblind society, libs like race based preference programs like affirmative action. That's racism, smedley.

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