The *left* is one bunch of messed up people...

DKSuddeth said:
In other words, what you're saying is 'I am right, therefore, those who believe differently are wrong'. Again, all you've posted is your opinion and statement on your hatred for others that don't agree with you.

DK curious........Do you believe in absolute truth? Rights and Wrongs?
Pale Rider said:
And it's iritating in that, most of these "radical" liberals are the LOUDEST, most ARROGANT, PUSHY, MANNERLESS BASTARDS there are! They have filthy, vile, caustic mouths, and take advantage of the GOOD MANNERS of conservatives at every step.

I'm still waiting for conservatives get truely PISSED OFF, and start firing back at these lying, spinning, whacked out, radical, militant liberals. When that day comes, the liberals will scatter like the cock roaches they are, because conservatives have the truth and God on their side. A winning combination.

Thing is PR most people on the right are so busy living their everyday lives they don't have much time for activism and they don't notice the little by little Liberal victories, thank god for conservative radio and print because at least now we stand a chance to actually get the truth..........I would love for Cons to not only get infuriated, but actuall do something about that rage hopefully at least at the voting booth. But I would love to see giant rallys like the Libs do.
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Bonnie said:
But I would love to see giant rallys like the Libs do.
A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I drove past a lake in our County. There was tons of people, music, etc. We were trying to figure out what was going on, then noticed a huge sign that read "Teenage Republican Party". Then we noticed all the Bush/Cheney signs everywhere. Of course I was "Woohoo"ing out the window, LOL!! It really was awesome to see!
Not the same thing as you were talking about, still really cool, LOL!
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UsaPride said:
A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I drove past a lake in our County. There was tons of people, music, etc. We were trying to figure out what was going on, then noticed a huge sign that read "Teenage Republican Party". Then we noticed all the Bush/Cheney signs everywhere. Of course I was "Woohoo"ing out the window, LOL!! It really was awesome to see!
Not the same thing as you were talking about, still really cool, LOL!

I will say that everytime I go to a rally like that it's just as exciting as the one before it. This year in particular I have noticed all the Bush rallies are extremely festive, positive and jubilent. So much enthusiasm........
UsaPride said:
A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I drove past a lake in our County. There was tons of people, music, etc. We were trying to figure out what was going on, then noticed a huge sign that read "Teenage Republican Party". Then we noticed all the Bush/Cheney signs everywhere. Of course I was "Woohoo"ing out the window, LOL!! It really was awesome to see!
Not the same thing as you were talking about, still really cool, LOL!


Thank God for small wonders. Thank you for posting that story UsaPride. It gives me hope.
I find that EVERY lib I've ran into is that way because they have no moral clarity in their lives and lack a relationship with God....

It's been human nature since the beginning of time, to wander away from things that are pure an holy - that's what the libs are all about...

They want the freedoms to be idiots and, unfortunately, we live in a land that mostly grants them that freedom..

Best way to win over a Lib? Pray for them..
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DKSuddeth said:
thank you for proving my point from the OTHER post, that those on the right will justify generalizing an entire ideologue based on the radical beliefs held by one individual.

Isn't that essentially what your doing with this very post?
DKSuddeth said:
are you generalizing that to be a liberal, you also have to be a democrat? Because it is entirely possible to be 'liberal' without having a party affiliation with one of the major political organizations, despite the constant attempt to lump liberals, democrats, and satan worshippers in the same group.

I think the main reason for this is because the loadest voices in the Democratic Party these days are making Liberal and Democrat one in the same. If someone is a Democrat and not Liberal enough for some, they are marked as not being a "real Democrat", or a "Democrat in name only". I have no idea where the Satan worshippers fit in.
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Jimmyeatworld said:
I think the main reason for this is because the loadest voices in the Democratic Party these days are making Liberal and Democrat one in the same. If someone is a Democrat and not Liberal enough for some, they are marked as not being a "real Democrat", or a "Democrat in name only". I have no idea where the Satan worshippers fit in.

Let's be clear - there's a profound difference in democrats like FDR, Scoop Jackson and Zell Miller than the liberals that have poluted that party today...

Don't agree? Then check out this video of Zell at the most recent RNC:
chagan said:
I am a liberal and still very close to GOD.

Well I'm not too sure how close God is to you.

Because much of what liberals believe go directly against much of the Bible.
-Cp said:
Let's be clear - there's a profound difference in democrats like FDR, Scoop Jackson and Zell Miller than the liberals that have poluted that party today...

Don't agree? Then check out this video of Zell at the most recent RNC:

I never did get to see Zel give that speach. That you for posting that link.

It... was... AWESOME!!!

And I'm in complete agreement with you about todays democratic party. There's barely nothing left of it, of what it used to be.
Pale Rider said:
Well I'm not too sure how close God is to you.

Because much of what liberals believe go directly against much of the Bible.

LOL! I was thinking the exact same thing about his post.. .

That's like saying - "I go to the first church of satan, but am close to God". .:p
Jimmyeatworld said:
I think the main reason for this is because the loadest voices in the Democratic Party these days are making Liberal and Democrat one in the same. If someone is a Democrat and not Liberal enough for some, they are marked as not being a "real Democrat", or a "Democrat in name only". I have no idea where the Satan worshippers fit in.
kind of like if someone is a republican but not conservative then they're not a 'real republican'?
My biggest problem with the left (as it relates to this election, 2004..but not the only one by a long shot unfortunately) Is how they reacted when the war in Iraq first started. They trashed the military at every turn and then had the gall to even rip apart our rescued POW, Jessica lynch,even knowing about all her injuries,even claiming her torture and rape was "made up". Next in line was Pat Tillman and the nasty things written and said about him. I have never in my life seen/read such hateful crap from the left and I was actually SHOCKED and totally disgusted beyond belief that even THEY whould be such low life a-holes in situations such as that. Yet, after all the mean and nasty comments they made over and over they somehow feel we should not question their "patriotism" or "support for the soldiers". Yeah..sure. :puke: I honestly don't see how a single military family or soldier could possibly want to be associated with the Democratic party. At. All. I sure don't and I was one at one time... much to my horror now.
-Cp said:
I find that EVERY lib I've ran into is that way because they have no moral clarity in their lives and lack a relationship with God....

It's been human nature since the beginning of time, to wander away from things that are pure an holy - that's what the libs are all about...

They want the freedoms to be idiots and, unfortunately, we live in a land that mostly grants them that freedom..

Best way to win over a Lib? Pray for them..

Im not a liberal - but I think I will pray for you since you seem to need know, playing God and all of that.....
Im pretty much politcally ignorant...Im the first to admit this. Since I joined this board in March I have been and still am learning alot, but I dont even pretend to have the knowledge base regarding these issues as most of you dont think that what I am about to say pertains to any of that. It doesnt.....not in the least.

I hear the 'moral majority' and/or 'religious right' constantly judge the 'libs' on their lack of morals, their 'God-less-ness', their ignorance, etc. Seems to me that the term that these groups like to throw around indiscriminately (along with many other biblical terms that the 'Godless Libs' are unaware of) is 'Judge not lest ye be judged'. Actually the quote in it's entirety is from MATTHEW 7:1-5, and reads,
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull the mote out of thine eye; and behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brother's eye."

So by classifying all as 1 and within the same parameters and so forth, arent the 'cons' showing their rigidity and NOT staying within the moral guidelines that are so easy to set for others.....but perhaps not for themselves? (I said PERHAPS - note that, before you attempt jumping on my ass for accusatory statements. Since I do not know who is reading this, Id be ignorant for dropping a definate judgement, wouldnt I?)

Understand, Im not jumping sides, starting arguements or even defending my husband. None of that has prompted me to post this. What HAS prompted me to post this is the fact that I am continually confused by this. Regarding my husband, he is not immoral. I wouldnt dare allow myself to be married to an immoral man and have him around my children. Matter of a fact, he has shown me the wrong in myself simply by being so damned 'good' that I get ashamed sometimes about the things that I do, myself. So I think those statements are more worthless than the time that whomever has taken to type them up - they dont really bother me. I figure that ignorance causes a great many judgements.

What DOES bother me is the judgement calls I see and the fact that they seem to contradict 'the all important point' that everyone is trying to make.

However, what that point is, I still have no damn clue.
DKSuddeth said:
kind of like if someone is a republican but not conservative then they're not a 'real republican'?

I think you need to open your eyes and take a look around. Arnold is considered a Moderate, if not a Liberal, Republican. Guiliani, a Moderate Republican. McCain, a Moderate Republican. Some people on this very board have used the phrase "not a true Conservative" when refering to President George W. Bush. Except for the occasional extremist, nobody has ever said any of these people aren't Republican. In fact, your looking at the bulk of the prime time speakers for the RNC in this short list.

Now look at the Democrats. The name Joe Liebermann is met with a smirk and a huff and called "Bush-lite" by most Dems. Zell Miller has essentially been disowned. Even John Kerry has heard his share of huffs and grumbles for trying to appeal to the Moderate voters by talking about things that move away from the Liberal base.

Now, you tell me, which of these sounds like "The Party of Inclusion"?

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