The left is threatening judges to rule against Trump and lawyers who take his cases

Maybe 95+% of people vote for a Letter.
The fact is that there are more less monetarily fortunate people in the world than more monetarily fortunate people.
The less monetarily fortunate people are far more likely to vote for someone who will give them money for nothing.
I respect the right of every Americans to consider her personal interests, whether the aging White male without a college degree that voted to put Trump in the White House or the suburban, college-educated woman who decided he had to go. For our democracy to work, we must respect the will of our fellow Americans, regardless of whether we disagree with it.

As for the thread's topic, I've yet to see anything that would suggest "The left is threatening judges." Who is "the left" and has any threatened judge, whether Republicans, Trump appointees or otherwise, actually claimed to have been threatened?

Were the alleged "threats" made by the Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials supposedly complicit in the vast conspiracy?

To ascertain the truth, it is sometimes necessary to ask questions that make those who can't answer them very, very peevish.
Despite your predictable ad hominems, I'm one of the millions of educated White males who put Trump in the White House in 2016.
I understand that since Liberals are emotionally incapable of engaging in cause effect discussions they have to sling mud.
For what it's worth, I'm most probably a lot better looking than you and my wife is definitely better looking than whatever you have a relationship wit.
Maybe 95+% of people vote for a Letter.
The fact is that there are more less monetarily fortunate people in the world than more monetarily fortunate people.
The less monetarily fortunate people are far more likely to vote for someone who will give them money for nothing.
I respect the right of every Americans to consider her personal interests, whether the aging White male without a college degree that voted to put Trump in the White House or the suburban, college-educated woman who decided he had to go. For our democracy to work, we must respect the will of our fellow Americans, regardless of whether we disagree with it.

As for the thread's topic, I've yet to see anything that would suggest "The left is threatening judges." Who is "the left" and has any threatened judge, whether Republicans, Trump appointees or otherwise, actually claimed to have been threatened?

Were the alleged "threats" made by the Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials supposedly complicit in the vast conspiracy?

To ascertain the truth, it is sometimes necessary to ask questions that make those who can't answer them very, very peevish.
"The left is threatening judges."
To all the idiots out there who didn't watch the riots across the US, it was Liberals rioting and destroying property and people's livelihoods and I have zero doubt that emotionally ill Liberals such as yourself would be more than happy to scream at and spit at any judge who would agree to hear any pro-Republican arguments in Trump's favor.,
It's not my pretense, it's a fact...
Over 50 court challenges dismissed by judges across America - Republicans and even Trump-appointees included, refusing to consider credible "evidence" presented by Trump's Republican legal lackeys? Would your mysterious "evidence" nail all the Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general and all the other Republican election officials who were responsible for this vast conspiracy, certifying the results?

How remarkable that neither Trump, nor any of his spokespersons, nor any of the ideological media entertainers dedicated to promoting Trump, have never present this "evidence"!

Maybe, can’t tell you that...And his people did present evidence, did you miss the pressers?
Despite your predictable ad hominems, I'm one of the millions of educated White males who put Trump in the White House in 2016.
I said nothing of a lack of education being a prerequisite for membership in the Trump Cult, and acknowledged that the less-educated, older White males who delivered the presidency to Trump had every right to vote their perceived self interests. Americans have registered their disapproval of him ever since, and have now decreed that he must go away.
I understand that since Liberals are emotionally incapable of engaging in cause effect discussions they have to sling mud.
Your need to denigrate the majority of American voters who made Trump a loser when the will of the People prevailed is unseemly.
For what it's worth, I'm most probably a lot better looking than you and my wife is definitely better looking than whatever you have a relationship wit.
If you also have needs that are satisfied by telling yourself that you are richer, healthier, have a whopping IQ that dwarfs mine in comparison, reside in an opulent chateau around which maga-capped peacocks strut in profusion, and that you have a fixer to pay off all the bimbos with whom you rut copiously behind the backs of trophy wives, I have no problem with any of that.

I still take satisfaction in democracy's triumph over failed casino operators and faded reality-tv performers, and the authoritarian-worshipping lickspittles who would befoul our system of self-governance to enhance the glory of their objects of veneration.
...You didn't listen all the way to the end, did you? What's the point of debating you if you don't watch the evidence presented? Nothing qualifies as proof with leftwing nuts. Biden could barbeque a baby on the capital steps and you turds would claim he didn't nothing wrong.
The appropriate place to submit such evidence was in the law courts.

The appropriate time to submit such evidence was before the Electoral College voted.

You failed to properly execute and must now pay the political price for your failure.

"It is what it is." :auiqs.jpg:

For fuck's sake, Trump's attorneys didn't even ALLEGE that fraud ever took place in their legal arguments.
Dim talking point #241.

Or....the talking point of anyone who has ever watched Trump's attorney's deny they were alleging fraud.

The reason why Trump's attorneys refused to argue fraud is simple: Rule 9b of Federal civil procedure. If they're alleging fraud, they have to have specific allegations against specific people with specific evidence, held to the strict scrutiny standard.

And there's no way Trump's claims could hold up to that.
Can you name any court case that accuses anyone of fraud?

. . . . . . . I didn't think so.
Makaeff v. Trump University, LLC
"The left is threatening judges."
To all the idiots out there who didn't watch the riots across the US, it was Liberals rioting and destroying property and people's livelihoods and I have zero doubt that emotionally ill Liberals such as yourself would be more than happy to scream at and spit at any judge who would agree to hear any pro-Republican arguments in Trump's favor.,
Scaring yourself with your hyper-partisan fantasies is fine, but your desperate diversion fails to hide the truth - that you cannot cite a single instance of any judge, in the 50 court challenges where the fake Trumpy claims have been dismissed as frivolous, without substance, and meritless, suggesting that she was threatened by anyone.

It may be a case of transference. You hear of the documented cases of fanatical Trump zealots threatening conscientious public servants and their familes - e.g., Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger(R) - or their plots to kidnap governors who do not grovel before the Cry Baby Loser - and you pretend such heinous behavior is attributable to your ubiquitous, all-purpose bêtes noires.

You would appear less dishonest if you simply admitted that you know of no instance of a judge, in any of the plethora of rejected Trumpy cases, being threatened.
The Trump hating scum buckets in this forum are always asking why Trump has lost most of his lawsuit. Here's the obvious answer, people: They are being threatened by leftwing thugs. Lawyers are being told they will not get any further employment and judges receive death threats and other retribution via the phone and email.

These scumbags are exactly the same morally as Nazi brown shirts. Any forum SJW who asks why Trump lost a lawsuit is an accessory to the crime.

I've been posting for weeks that judges, like anybody else, are terrified of the Left.

supported by you "knowing" a grocer in nassau county who once met a judge. eh?
Haha! Got em!
I could stick out my tongue and issue a rapier retort such as; "Oh, yeah! Well, I'll bet I can that I can tinkle higher than you!", but some Trumpy would insist my lofty rhetoric plagiarized Senator Douglas in his 1858 debate.
I thought he was a forgiegner (sic). I'm not sure why he believes any American would be interested in what he posts.
I don't presume to speak for everyone in the majority of American voters who dumped the Trump, but my defense of democracy against authoritarian cults is entirely commensurate with American values.

Perhaps your worshipful demurral is more aligned to the Glorious Leader's nazi zealots at Daily Stormer? They appear to be frenetically flailing the burgee over his bunker as the Russian Army relentlessly approaches.

Meanwhile, Cry Baby Loser is not just crapping on America and its democratic process. In their hysterical frenzy, the RINOs of Trumpery are trashing the GOP:

... Trump and his allies have even turned on once-staunch supporters who have declined to indulge the president's baseless claims of election fraud — eviscerating everyone from Attorney General Bill Barr to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to the Supreme Court justices Trump appointed. Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, lamented the “Republican turncoats” and “Republican quislings” who he accused of failing to stand up against pressure to move past the election.​
And Trump lit into the Senate's second-ranking Republican Tuesday evening for discouraging his colleagues from challenging Biden's victory, with Trump vowing to end his career and warning all Senate Republicans to remember his political influence.​
Crackpot raving such as "The left is threatening judges..." demands - as have all the frivolous and meritless legal challenges that have been dismissed - evidence in the form of the identities of the specific judges threatened and those who allegedly threatened them. Fantasies eschew such specific requisites.
I thought he was a forgiegner (sic). I'm not sure why he believes any American would be interested in what he posts.
I don't presume to speak for everyone in the majority of American voters who dumped the Trump, but my defense of democracy against authoritarian cults is entirely commensurate with American values.

Perhaps your worshipful demurral is more aligned to the Glorious Leader's nazi zealots at Daily Stormer? They appear to be frenetically flailing the burgee over his bunker as the Russian Army relentlessly approaches.

Meanwhile, Cry Baby Loser is not just crapping on America and its democratic process. In their hysterical frenzy, the RINOs of Trumpery are trashing the GOP:

... Trump and his allies have even turned on once-staunch supporters who have declined to indulge the president's baseless claims of election fraud — eviscerating everyone from Attorney General Bill Barr to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to the Supreme Court justices Trump appointed. Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, lamented the “Republican turncoats” and “Republican quislings” who he accused of failing to stand up against pressure to move past the election.​
And Trump lit into the Senate's second-ranking Republican Tuesday evening for discouraging his colleagues from challenging Biden's victory, with Trump vowing to end his career and warning all Senate Republicans to remember his political influence.​
Crackpot raving such as "The left is threatening judges..." demands - as have all the frivolous and meritless legal challenges that have been dismissed - evidence in the form of the identities of the specific judges threatened and those who allegedly threatened them. Fantasies eschew such specific requisites.
All lies, of course. I hardly bother to read most of what you post. It's that worthless.
All lies, of course. I hardly bother to read most of what you post. It's that worthless.
It does not matter that your zealotry renders you incapable of dealing with the empirical reality that I cite. If you can't handle the truth, then you can't handle the truth.

If it upsets you when I reasonably request that crackpot fantasies be documented - such as identifying judges whom sore losers claim to have been threatened and identifying those whom sore losers claim have threatened them - your tantrum does not serve as a substitute for proffering credible facts.

Democracy has prevailed, legal challenges have been exhausted, and any attempts to reject the will of the People will be treasonous and dealt with accordingly.

Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 10.58.12 AM.png

- And please do not harass and threaten Republican Govs. Brian Kemp of Georgia , Doug Ducey of Arizona, or their families. Fanatics are not allowed to target public servants or their loved ones because the sore losers are very pissy.
All lies, of course. I hardly bother to read most of what you post. It's that worthless.
It does not matter that your zealotry renders you incapable of dealing with the empirical reality that I cite. If you can't handle the truth, then you can't handle the truth.

If it upsets you when I reasonably request that crackpot fantasies be documented - such as identifying judges whom sore losers claim to have been threatened and identifying those whom sore losers claim have threatened them - your tantrum does not serve as a substitute for proffering credible facts.

Democracy has prevailed, legal challenges have been exhausted, and any attempts to reject the will of the People will be treasonous and dealt with accordingly.

- And please do not harass and threaten Republican Govs. Brian Kemp of Georgia , Doug Ducey of Arizona, or their families. Fanatics are not allowed to target public servants or their loved ones because the sore losers are very pissy.
All you ever do is prove that you're incapable of committing logic. Your demands are irrelevant to the facts.
Despite your predictable ad hominems, I'm one of the millions of educated White males who put Trump in the White House in 2016.
I said nothing of a lack of education being a prerequisite for membership in the Trump Cult, and acknowledged that the less-educated, older White males who delivered the presidency to Trump had every right to vote their perceived self interests. Americans have registered their disapproval of him ever since, and have now decreed that he must go away.
I understand that since Liberals are emotionally incapable of engaging in cause effect discussions they have to sling mud.
Your need to denigrate the majority of American voters who made Trump a loser when the will of the People prevailed is unseemly.
For what it's worth, I'm most probably a lot better looking than you and my wife is definitely better looking than whatever you have a relationship wit.
If you also have needs that are satisfied by telling yourself that you are richer, healthier, have a whopping IQ that dwarfs mine in comparison, reside in an opulent chateau around which maga-capped peacocks strut in profusion, and that you have a fixer to pay off all the bimbos with whom you rut copiously behind the backs of trophy wives, I have no problem with any of that.

I still take satisfaction in democracy's triumph over failed casino operators and faded reality-tv performers, and the authoritarian-worshipping lickspittles who would befoul our system of self-governance to enhance the glory of their objects of veneration.
Tell me the drug dealers, welfare queens,rapists, etc... who vote D don’t vote for their own self-interest.
"The left is threatening judges."
To all the idiots out there who didn't watch the riots across the US, it was Liberals rioting and destroying property and people's livelihoods and I have zero doubt that emotionally ill Liberals such as yourself would be more than happy to scream at and spit at any judge who would agree to hear any pro-Republican arguments in Trump's favor.,
Scaring yourself with your hyper-partisan fantasies is fine, but your desperate diversion fails to hide the truth - that you cannot cite a single instance of any judge, in the 50 court challenges where the fake Trumpy claims have been dismissed as frivolous, without substance, and meritless, suggesting that she was threatened by anyone.

It may be a case of transference. You hear of the documented cases of fanatical Trump zealots threatening conscientious public servants and their familes - e.g., Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger(R) - or their plots to kidnap governors who do not grovel before the Cry Baby Loser - and you pretend such heinous behavior is attributable to your ubiquitous, all-purpose bêtes noires.

You would appear less dishonest if you simply admitted that you know of no instance of a judge, in any of the plethora of rejected Trumpy cases, being threatened.
I develop software and I know what’s possible.
All you ever do is prove that you're incapable of committing logic. Your demands are irrelevant to the facts.
That is your zealotry talking. It is an emotional outburst that is antithetical to the rational validation of truth via documented supportive evidence.

You can cite no judge who suggests she was ever "threatened to rule against Trump", nor anyone who thusly threatened.

I do not question your blind faith that comports with your ideological agenda, but reality is a very different matter.
All you ever do is prove that you're incapable of committing logic. Your demands are irrelevant to the facts.
That is your zealotry talking. It is an emotional outburst that is antithetical to the rational validation of truth via documented supportive evidence.

You can cite no judge who suggests she was ever "threatened to rule against Trump", nor anyone who thusly threatened.

I do not question your blind faith that comports with your ideological agenda, but reality is a very different matter.
In the meanwhile you scream Orange Man Bad without details.
In the meanwhile you scream Orange Man Bad without details.
You are not telling the truth. I have never even whispered "Orange Man Bad" or labeled the object of your veneration in that way.

I share informed conclusions concerning your demigod with the 81+ million Americans who decided he should go away.

In poking gentle humor at the Cry Baby Loser as well as documenting his copious lies and failures, it sometimes feels like I am Charlie Hebdo enraging a fanatical element. I suggest they take a deep breath, compose themselves, and enjoy a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.
In the meanwhile you scream Orange Man Bad without details.
You are not telling the truth. I have never even whispered "Orange Man Bad" or labeled the object of your veneration in that way.

I share informed conclusions concerning your demigod with the 81+ million Americans who decided he should go away.

In poking gentle humor at the Cry Baby Loser as well as documenting his copious lies and failures, it sometimes feels like I am Charlie Hebdo enraging a fanatical element. I suggest they take a deep breath, compose themselves, and enjoy a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.
You are constantly complaining how Trump has destroyed the world.

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