The left is threatening judges to rule against Trump and lawyers who take his cases

All you ever do is prove that you're incapable of committing logic. Your demands are irrelevant to the facts.
That is your zealotry talking. It is an emotional outburst that is antithetical to the rational validation of truth via documented supportive evidence.

You can cite no judge who suggests she was ever "threatened to rule against Trump", nor anyone who thusly threatened.

I do not question your blind faith that comports with your ideological agenda, but reality is a very different matter.
This isn't a jury trial, you fucking moron. I never claimed it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt. If you don't believe the judge, take it up with him. I believe him because threatening people with violence is what leftwingers do. They also "cancel" people's careers.
In the meanwhile you scream Orange Man Bad without details.
You are not telling the truth. I have never even whispered "Orange Man Bad" or labeled the object of your veneration in that way.

I share informed conclusions concerning your demigod with the 81+ million Americans who decided he should go away.

In poking gentle humor at the Cry Baby Loser as well as documenting his copious lies and failures, it sometimes feels like I am Charlie Hebdo enraging a fanatical element. I suggest they take a deep breath, compose themselves, and enjoy a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.
You are "informed" by propaganda, not facts. You hae documented nothing other than your implacable hatred for those who expose you idiocies and lies.
All you ever do is prove that you're incapable of committing logic. Your demands are irrelevant to the facts.
That is your zealotry talking. It is an emotional outburst that is antithetical to the rational validation of truth via documented supportive evidence.

You can cite no judge who suggests she was ever "threatened to rule against Trump", nor anyone who thusly threatened.

I do not question your blind faith that comports with your ideological agenda, but reality is a very different matter.
When did you get put in charge of mandating the standard of evidence? This isn't a jury trial, shit for brains. I'm not required to meet your arbitrary standard of evidence.
In the meanwhile you scream Orange Man Bad without details.
You are not telling the truth. I have never even whispered "Orange Man Bad" or labeled the object of your veneration in that way.

I share informed conclusions concerning your demigod with the 81+ million Americans who decided he should go away.

In poking gentle humor at the Cry Baby Loser as well as documenting his copious lies and failures, it sometimes feels like I am Charlie Hebdo enraging a fanatical element. I suggest they all take a deep breath, compose themselves, and enjoy a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.

You are constantly complaining how Trump has destroyed the world.
Another falsehood. I have never once intimated that "Trump destroyed the world."

Please don't despair.

Now that the American electorate has told Trump, "You're fired!", after the obligatory brooding and lashing out with his vicious pissytweets, matbe he can land another reality-tv gig, and his devotees will be able to pull their MAGA caps down over their ears and pleasure themselves during an appropriate time slot. Rudy 'Squid Head' Giuliani would be an hilarious Ed McMahon' yes man!

It could be as much fun as a pom-pom flailing super-spreader jamboree!

Perchance, a glitzy quiz show with fabulous prizes - a trip to a bankrupt Trump casino flying the grounded TrumpShuttle, free enrollment in the prestigious Trump University, a MAGA-size bucket of Trump's aged 'Beer of Bottled Champagnes", a bite of TrumpSteak, a swig of TrumpVodka!

Oooo, what fun awaits.
When have you ever produced any "hard evidence?"
I'm not the one lying and making fake claims in courts across the land.

Providing evidence is incumbent upon such plaintiffs, or they get their candy asses booted down the courthouse steps.
When have you ever produced any "hard evidence?"
I'm not the one lying and making fake claims in courts across the land.

Providing evidence is incumbent upon such plaintiffs, or they get their candy asses booted down the courthouse steps.
I'm not a plaintiff, asshole. I'm not a lawyer. This isn't a courthouse. It's a forum where people discuss issued.
When did you get put in charge of mandating the standard of evidence?
I leave that to those we have designated as being qualified to making judicial determinations that comport with the law.

Dozens of judges across America, Republicans and Trump appointees included, have done just that.

From the conservative Washington Times:

Maybe President Trump finally got tired of all the winning, because his legal team has been on a historic run of losing, going just 1-for-60 in court challenges to the way last month’s elections were run.
Friday’s loss in the Supreme Court, which saw the justices rebuff his demand to rewrite the results in four states, was one of the latest. A day afterward, a federal judge in Wisconsin shot down an effort to challenge that state’s slate of electors.
And it’s not just the losses, it’s the substance of the rulings that stings for Mr. Trump, who has insisted mass fraud tainted the votes cast, and the vote-counting that followed.
Phrases like “did not prove,” and “record does not support,” and “implausible conclusions,” and “lack of evidence” populate the opinions and orders. Judges say Mr. Trump and his team are wrong on the facts and the law.
“This court has allowed plaintiff the chance to make his case and he has lost on the merits,” wrote Judge Brett Ludwig, the federal jurist who on Saturday dismantled the Trump team’s lawsuit challenging Wisconsin’s slate of electors.
As a law-abiding patriot, I respect such an overwhelming consensus.
Why do you imagine that you can overrule them all?
When did you get put in charge of mandating the standard of evidence?
I leave that to those we have designated as being qualified to making judicial determinations that comport with the law.

Dozens of judges across America, Republicans and Trump appointees included, have done just that.

From the conservative Washington Times:

Maybe President Trump finally got tired of all the winning, because his legal team has been on a historic run of losing, going just 1-for-60 in court challenges to the way last month’s elections were run.
Friday’s loss in the Supreme Court, which saw the justices rebuff his demand to rewrite the results in four states, was one of the latest. A day afterward, a federal judge in Wisconsin shot down an effort to challenge that state’s slate of electors.
And it’s not just the losses, it’s the substance of the rulings that stings for Mr. Trump, who has insisted mass fraud tainted the votes cast, and the vote-counting that followed.
Phrases like “did not prove,” and “record does not support,” and “implausible conclusions,” and “lack of evidence” populate the opinions and orders. Judges say Mr. Trump and his team are wrong on the facts and the law.
“This court has allowed plaintiff the chance to make his case and he has lost on the merits,” wrote Judge Brett Ludwig, the federal jurist who on Saturday dismantled the Trump team’s lawsuit challenging Wisconsin’s slate of electors.
As a law-abiding patriot, I respect such an overwhelming consensus.
Why do you imagine that you can overrule them all?
Again, this isn't a courtroom, moron. This is nothing but an internet bulletin board. You seem to believe that right wingers are required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt everything they post in here. Tell us, can you prove this election was free and fair as you continually claim? Of course you can't.

When you prove any of your claims "beyond a reasonable doubt," perhaps I'll consider doing so. Until then, shut the fuck up.
All you ever do is prove that you're incapable of committing logic. Your demands are irrelevant to the facts.
That is your zealotry talking. It is an emotional outburst that is antithetical to the rational validation of truth via documented supportive evidence.

You can cite no judge who suggests she was ever "threatened to rule against Trump", nor anyone who thusly threatened.

I do not question your blind faith that comports with your ideological agenda, but reality is a very different matter.

And how exactly would one go about citing a story that you would accept, when msm outlets refuse to report anything negative of the left?
In the meanwhile you scream Orange Man Bad without details.
You are not telling the truth. I have never even whispered "Orange Man Bad" or labeled the object of your veneration in that way.

I share informed conclusions concerning your demigod with the 81+ million Americans who decided he should go away.

In poking gentle humor at the Cry Baby Loser as well as documenting his copious lies and failures, it sometimes feels like I am Charlie Hebdo enraging a fanatical element. I suggest they all take a deep breath, compose themselves, and enjoy a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.

You are constantly complaining how Trump has destroyed the world.
Another falsehood. I have never once intimated that "Trump destroyed the world."

Please don't despair.

Now that the American electorate has told Trump, "You're fired!", after the obligatory brooding and lashing out with his vicious pissytweets, matbe he can land another reality-tv gig, and his devotees will be able to pull their MAGA caps down over their ears and pleasure themselves during an appropriate time slot. Rudy 'Squid Head' Giuliani would be an hilarious Ed McMahon' yes man!

It could be as much fun as a pom-pom flailing super-spreader jamboree!

Perchance, a glitzy quiz show with fabulous prizes - a trip to a bankrupt Trump casino flying the grounded TrumpShuttle, free enrollment in the prestigious Trump University, a MAGA-size bucket of Trump's aged 'Beer of Bottled Champagnes", a bite of TrumpSteak, a swig of TrumpVodka!

Oooo, what fun awaits.
I will let you know if you ever post anything resembling a cohesive and useful thought.
When did you get put in charge of mandating the standard of evidence?
I leave that to those we have designated as being qualified to making judicial determinations that comport with the law.

Dozens of judges across America, Republicans and Trump appointees included, have done just that.

From the conservative Washington Times:

Maybe President Trump finally got tired of all the winning, because his legal team has been on a historic run of losing, going just 1-for-60 in court challenges to the way last month’s elections were run.
Friday’s loss in the Supreme Court, which saw the justices rebuff his demand to rewrite the results in four states, was one of the latest. A day afterward, a federal judge in Wisconsin shot down an effort to challenge that state’s slate of electors.
And it’s not just the losses, it’s the substance of the rulings that stings for Mr. Trump, who has insisted mass fraud tainted the votes cast, and the vote-counting that followed.
Phrases like “did not prove,” and “record does not support,” and “implausible conclusions,” and “lack of evidence” populate the opinions and orders. Judges say Mr. Trump and his team are wrong on the facts and the law.
“This court has allowed plaintiff the chance to make his case and he has lost on the merits,” wrote Judge Brett Ludwig, the federal jurist who on Saturday dismantled the Trump team’s lawsuit challenging Wisconsin’s slate of electors.
As a law-abiding patriot, I respect such an overwhelming consensus.
Why do you imagine that you can overrule them all?
TWT is not conservative.
Do you honestly believe anyone is going to listen to commercials in your links? If so, that explain why you support Don the Con.

This sounds like some rightwing radio host, because he starts pushing emergency food supplies and shit right in the middle of the video.
Anyone can get video and do a voice over. I can do it. It's called Adobe After Effects, a video editing program.

ROLF. He's youTuber, moron. He has to have ads on his videos because youTube has demonized his videos. Your sleazy attempt to deflect from the content of the video is duly note.

"He has to have ads on his videos because youTube has demonized his videos"
Such a little drama queen you are. This makes no sense at all.
YouTubers have ads that run BEFORE their video plays.
And then YouTube pays them per click when someone watches their videos, MORON.
In the meanwhile you scream Orange Man Bad without details.
You are not telling the truth. I have never even whispered "Orange Man Bad" or labeled the object of your veneration in that way.

I share informed conclusions concerning your demigod with the 81+ million Americans who decided he should go away.

In poking gentle humor at the Cry Baby Loser as well as documenting his copious lies and failures, it sometimes feels like I am Charlie Hebdo enraging a fanatical element. I suggest they take a deep breath, compose themselves, and enjoy a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.
You are "informed" by propaganda, not facts. You hae documented nothing other than your implacable hatred for those who expose you idiocies and lies.

YOu've documented nothing but social media bullshit.
You idiots still don't believe that the Russians and Chinese are fucking with you on YT and Facebook and Twitter.
In the meanwhile you scream Orange Man Bad without details.
You are not telling the truth. I have never even whispered "Orange Man Bad" or labeled the object of your veneration in that way.

I share informed conclusions concerning your demigod with the 81+ million Americans who decided he should go away.

In poking gentle humor at the Cry Baby Loser as well as documenting his copious lies and failures, it sometimes feels like I am Charlie Hebdo enraging a fanatical element. I suggest they take a deep breath, compose themselves, and enjoy a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.
You are "informed" by propaganda, not facts. You hae documented nothing other than your implacable hatred for those who expose you idiocies and lies.

YOu've documented nothing but social media bullshit.
You idiots still don't believe that the Russians and Chinese are fucking with you on YT and Facebook and Twitter.
Most of our corporations have their servers in India and China.
In the meanwhile you scream Orange Man Bad without details.
You are not telling the truth. I have never even whispered "Orange Man Bad" or labeled the object of your veneration in that way.

I share informed conclusions concerning your demigod with the 81+ million Americans who decided he should go away.

In poking gentle humor at the Cry Baby Loser as well as documenting his copious lies and failures, it sometimes feels like I am Charlie Hebdo enraging a fanatical element. I suggest they take a deep breath, compose themselves, and enjoy a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.
You are "informed" by propaganda, not facts. You hae documented nothing other than your implacable hatred for those who expose you idiocies and lies.

YOu've documented nothing but social media bullshit.
You idiots still don't believe that the Russians and Chinese are fucking with you on YT and Facebook and Twitter.
It's not nearly as much as you sleazy dirtbag leftwingers are trying to fuck with us. You do nothing but post propaganda and lies.
Do you honestly believe anyone is going to listen to commercials in your links? If so, that explain why you support Don the Con.

This sounds like some rightwing radio host, because he starts pushing emergency food supplies and shit right in the middle of the video.
Anyone can get video and do a voice over. I can do it. It's called Adobe After Effects, a video editing program.

ROLF. He's youTuber, moron. He has to have ads on his videos because youTube has demonized his videos. Your sleazy attempt to deflect from the content of the video is duly note.

"He has to have ads on his videos because youTube has demonized his videos"
Such a little drama queen you are. This makes no sense at all.
YouTubers have ads that run BEFORE their video plays.
And then YouTube pays them per click when someone watches their videos, MORON.
Not when you've been demonetized, moron. Then the guy who posted the video gets nothing. It's youTube's way of saying "you're not welcome here."

Thanks for proving that you're an idiot.
Again, this isn't a courtroom, moron. This is nothing but an internet bulletin board.
Thus, when you claim that "The left is threatening judges to rule against Trump" you don't mean to imply that there is any actual evidence that would support the veracity of your statement. That would necessitate your citing documented cases involving your referenced "judges" and your referenced "left."

Thank you for emphasizing that vital distinction from reality.

You may not be aware, but such an evidentiary threshold is mandatory in real court challenges, which would account for dozens being dismissed as totally lacking in merit.

Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 4.47.06 PM.png

"Evidence? The guy in the black dress
that keeps banging his wooden hammer
wants 'EVIDENCE'?"
Last edited:
Again, this isn't a courtroom, moron. This is nothing but an internet bulletin board.
Thus, when you claim that "The left is threatening judges to rule against Trump" you don't mean to imply that there is any actual evidence that would support the veracity of your statement. That would necessitate your citing documented cases involving your referenced "judges" and your referenced "left."

Thank you for emphasizing that vital distinction from reality.

You may not be aware, but such an evidentiary threshold is mandatory in real court challenges, which would account for dozens being dismissed as totally lacking in merit.

View attachment 432702
"Evidence? The guy in the black dress
that keeps banging his wooden hammer
wants 'EVIDENCE'?"
No, I don't imply that, shit for brains.

Keep in mind that from now on the forum expects you to post enough evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt whenever you make a claim. That's the standard you have set for yourself.
And how exactly would one go about citing a story that you would accept, when msm outlets refuse to report anything negative of the left?
Does your paranoia extend to all Trumpy propaganda outlets? Will none of them report on any of the dozens of judges allegedly being "threatened" according to the baseless accounts of fanatics, those who believe, unquestioningly, anything they are told if it fits with their ideological dogma?

Will not the Cry Baby Loser himself name names and break the inexplicable code of silence?

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