The left is threatening judges to rule against Trump and lawyers who take his cases

The Trump hating scum buckets in this forum are always asking why Trump has lost most of his lawsuit. Here's the obvious answer, people: They are being threatened by leftwing thugs. Lawyers are being told they will not get any further employment and judges receive death threats and other retribution via the phone and email.

These scumbags are exactly the same morally as Nazi brown shirts. Any forum SJW who asks why Trump lost a lawsuit is an accessory to the crime.

I've been posting for weeks that judges, like anybody else, are terrified of the Left.
Biden will be lucky to last two years.
If he can undo what Trumpery has inflicted upon America in four that quickly, he would be excused with the thanks of a grateful nation.
What has Trump "inflicted" upon the land, a COVID vaccine? A spectacular economy? Controlling the border?
He's another deranged Democrat. They often confuse their party with America.
I thought he was a forgiegner. I'm not sure why he believes any American would be interested in what he posts.
What has Trump "inflicted" upon the land, a COVID vaccine? A spectacular economy? Controlling the border?
Your uncritical devotion is acknowledged. Most Americans who do not share your zealotry but, rather, assess presidents by a plethora of realistic, objective metrics, voted, at their first opportunity, that he go away.

Despite vicious attacks upon democracy by a cult of sore losers, America's self-governance is a nifty idea!

Now, say "Bye bye!"

Screen Shot 2020-07-28 at 3.57.54 PM.png

"Bye bye!"
What has Trump "inflicted" upon the land, a COVID vaccine? A spectacular economy? Controlling the border?
Your uncritical devotion is acknowledged. Most Americans who do not share your zealotry but, rather, assess presidents by a plethora of realistic, objective metrics, voted, at their first opportunity, that he go away.

Despite vicious attacks upon democracy by a cult of sore losers, America's self-governance is a nifty idea!

Now, say "Bye bye!"

You mean the fact that Trump followed up on 99% of his campaign platform?
Yes, we all know you didn't follow Trump's campaign...or Biden's for that matter.
All you see is the letter.
What has Trump inflicted?

Don't bother answering because I'm not in the mood for your bullshit.
It is not for me to say. Over 51% of the American electorate recently spoke eloquently for themselves, and that is the determinative, decisive criterion in a democracy.
What has Trump inflicted?

Don't bother answering because I'm not in the mood for your bullshit.
It is not for me to say. Over 51% of the American electorate recently spoke eloquently for themselves, and that is the determinative, decisive criterion in a democracy.
Like Canada we have a lot of mentally ill people in the US on both sides of the political fence.

I envy you that the world's most powerful military protects your borders and you don't have to pay for it.
Why would I note something that isn't true? Who says the evidence isn't credible other than Trump hating turds like you?
Your nose so far up your master's trumper undoubtedly inspires your scatological flourish, but your fantasy of a vast conspiracy by Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorney's general, and other Republican election officials, and including Trump's own cybersecurity expert, his own AG, and the Republican majority leader has not been found credible by the dozens of courts where challenges were presented.

You rule one way, and Republican jurists across the land, Trump appointees all the way up to the Supreme Court included, dismiss the frivolous and meritless cases.

Please do not become hysterical, but I favor them, reason, and reality.

You mean the same cyber security expert that allowed Russia to hack our systems for over a year now? lol....Yeah...he's credible....

to be fair, None of the courts have heard the evidence...Therefore it has not been debunked.
What has Trump inflicted?

Don't bother answering because I'm not in the mood for your bullshit.
It is not for me to say. Over 51% of the American electorate recently spoke eloquently for themselves, and that is the determinative, decisive criterion in a democracy.
spoke eloquently
The Liberals I meet face to face can't say a sentence without frothing saliva flying out of their mouths.
None of the courts have heard the evidence...Therefore it has not been debunked.
Your pretense is that none of the dozens of courts, including those presided over by Republicans and even Trump appointees, that have entertained the plethora of challenges to our democratic system, has heard "the evidence"?


Why would none listen to whatever "evidence" the plaintiff had to offer? Why have not Trump or his toadies ever presented it publicly through the many propaganda outlets that would be eager to spread it in copious detail? If you have any, why not reveal it? Was Republican Brad Raffensperger bribed with a bimbo-replete junket to Puerto Vallarta that explains why his family has been harassed and threatened by Trumpy zealots?

Surely, an alleged vast conspiracy by so many public officials, Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials included, that fakes a presidential victory by 7 million votes, would provide an an abundance of "evidence" as well as the occasional conspirator willing to confess. Such an expansive hoax would leak like a sieve.

The sane view is that the American electorate, having registered its relentless disapproval of Trump for four years, exercised their democratic franchise in a manner entirely consistent with their enduring sentiment at the first opportunity they were given.

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Sore loserism is not license.
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What has Trump "inflicted" upon the land, a COVID vaccine? A spectacular economy? Controlling the border?
Your uncritical devotion is acknowledged. Most Americans who do not share your zealotry but, rather, assess presidents by a plethora of realistic, objective metrics, voted, at their first opportunity, that he go away.

Despite vicious attacks upon democracy by a cult of sore losers, America's self-governance is a nifty idea!

Now, say "Bye bye!"

In other words, you don't want to answer the question because you know as well as I do that Trump benefited America greatly.
What has Trump inflicted?

Don't bother answering because I'm not in the mood for your bullshit.
It is not for me to say. Over 51% of the American electorate recently spoke eloquently for themselves, and that is the determinative, decisive criterion in a democracy.
No they didn't. A gang of Dim swindlers spoke.
None of the courts have heard the evidence...Therefore it has not been debunked.
Your pretense is that none of the dozens of courts, including those presided over by Republicans and even Trump appointees, that have entertained the plethora of challenges to our democratic system, has heard "the evidence"?


Why would none listen to whatever "evidence" the plaintiff had to offer? Why have not Trump or his toadies ever presented it publicly through the many propaganda outlets that would be eager to spread it in copious detail? If you have any, why not reveal it? Was Republican Brad Raffensperger bribed with a bimbo-replete junket to Puerto Vallarta that explains why his family has been harassed and threatened by Trumpy zealots?

Surely, an alleged vast conspiracy by so many public officials, Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials included, that fakes a presidential victory by 7 million votes, would provide an an abundance of "evidence" as well as the occasional conspirator willing to confess. Such an expansive hoax would leak like a sieve.

The sane view is that the American electorate, having registered its relentless disapproval of Trump for four years, exercised their democratic franchise in a manner entirely consistent with their enduring sentiment at the first opportunity they were given.

Sore loserism is not license.

It's not my pretense, it's a fact...Just look at the cases that have been shot down...Most are dismissed out of hand for "standing" issues, and in that instance, no evidence is considered...

As for your made up "sore loserism", I gotta say, that after the last 4 years, if there is justice, you ain't seen nothing yet...
The Liberals I meet face to face can't say a sentence without frothing saliva flying out of their mouths.
If "the liberals" are spitting on you, that's not at all nice. Tell them I said to stop doing that.

Maybe "the liberals" (all 81+ million of them?) are just trying to clear baby parts that have lodged in their throats.
It's not my pretense, it's a fact...
Over 50 court challenges dismissed by judges across America - Republicans and even Trump-appointees included, refusing to consider credible "evidence" presented by Trump's Republican legal lackeys? Would your mysterious "evidence" nail all the Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general and all the other Republican election officials who were responsible for this vast conspiracy, certifying the results?

How remarkable that neither Trump, nor any of his spokespersons, nor any of the ideological media entertainers dedicated to promoting Trump, have never present this "evidence"!
The Liberals I meet face to face can't say a sentence without frothing saliva flying out of their mouths.
If "the liberals" are spitting on you, that's not at all nice. Tell them I said to stop doing that.

Maybe "the liberals" (all 81+ million of them?) are just trying to clear baby parts that have lodged in their throats.
Maybe 95+% of people vote for a Letter.
The fact is that there are more less monetarily fortunate people in the world than more monetarily fortunate people.
The less monetarily fortunate people are far more likely to vote for someone who will give them money for nothing.
Maybe 95+% of people vote for a Letter.
The fact is that there are more less monetarily fortunate people in the world than more monetarily fortunate people.
The less monetarily fortunate people are far more likely to vote for someone who will give them money for nothing.
I respect the right of every Americans to consider her personal interests, whether the aging White male without a college degree that voted to put Trump in the White House or the suburban, college-educated woman who decided he had to go. For our democracy to work, we must respect the will of our fellow Americans, regardless of whether we disagree with it.

As for the thread's topic, I've yet to see anything that would suggest "The left is threatening judges." Who is "the left" and has any threatened judge, whether Republicans, Trump appointees or otherwise, actually claimed to have been threatened?

Were the alleged "threats" made by the Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials supposedly complicit in the vast conspiracy?

To ascertain the truth, it is sometimes necessary to ask questions that make those who can't answer them very, very peevish.

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