The Left Response To Susan Collins........Totally Classy

Why pick on her? She's one of 50 that voted yes.
They picked on her because she was the only possibility for denying Kav the nomination as a vote of no from her would have resulted in a no vote for the single democrat that flipped. She also has political cover to do so.
The left is essentially painting itself into a corner.

Now they are going to piss of white females.....good job.

The next thing on the list is the ANTIFA type violence.

Once they start that, they'll be history....won't take long.

This was just the start......

antifa shot in the balls - YouTube
Women’s March leader Sarsour launches racial attack against ‘white woman’ Susan Collins

Ms. Sarsour, a prominent Palestinian-American activist, blasted Ms. Collins on Twitter as a “white woman” and the “mother & grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency.”

This is great.....

Now the left is putting the hit on white women.

That will only help galvanize GOP women (the group the left needs to flip if they want to win much).
These women in the metoo movement. I thought a few years back, we were all gender neutral? So now if you're a woman you are a woman that cannot become a man? Lol, liberals are even erasing Obama's legacy!
The left does not allow individual thought.

Fall in line or be destroyed.

They repeat the mantras of their leaders.
Many liberals have reached the same point of frenzy and irrationality that pro-slavery Southerners reached just before the Civil War. These liberals aren't even listening anymore. They live in an echo chamber. They won't consider any facts that don't fit their delusions.
When the Lord wants to destroy a people he takes away their wisdom and makes them angry.

It’s time to repent and come to Him. Otherwise you will sweep yourself from the land

Why pick on her? She one of 50 that voted yes.

The reason is because they were counting on her.

And she let them down.

The left is incredibly tolerant...until.....

“thus we see that the devil will not support his children at the last day, but doth speedily drag them down to hell.” - Alma 30:60
Many liberals have reached the same point of frenzy and irrationality that pro-slavery Southerners reached just before the Civil War. These liberals aren't even listening anymore. They live in an echo chamber. They won't consider any facts that don't fit their delusions.


The sheeps clothing is coming off and we are seeing the cowards for what they are.
The only thing she's ever done that i've agreed with. She's basically a Democrat, a RINO. But she's not quite a Democrat completely. You can tell that, by her showing class and courage. Democrats don't do that.

So yes, Democrats will freak out and threaten her, but they'll only be digging their grave deeper. Most Americans have had it with Left/Democrat jerks. And hopefully voters will express that in November. Stay tuned.
The only thing she's ever done that i've agreed with. She's basically a Democrat, a RINO. But she's not quite a Democrat completely. You can tell that, by her showing class and courage. Democrats don't do that.

So yes, Democrats will freak out and threaten her, but they'll only be digging their grave deeper. Most Americans have had it with Left/Democrat jerks. And hopefully voters will express that in November. Stay tuned.
She is and has always been a moderate Republican. Calling one of your own a "Democrat" just goes to show how fundamentally mistaken you are about a lot of things.

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