The Left’s Dance With Terror


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
The Left’s Dance With Terror

March 8, 2013
By Ann-Marie Murrell


Dr. Jamie Glazov’s brilliant book, “United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror,” explains the bizarre love affair that the Left has had for every mass-murdering Communist, Dictator and/or Marxist throughout time. It chronicles their dangerous obsession with evil from the likes of Stalin and Mao to their current tolerance for all-things-Islam, all the while shouting their anti-capitalistic mantra that “human blood purifies the earth”.


According to Glazov, the self-loathing and guilt associated with living in the greatest country on earth is what drives people like Jane Fonda to climb on the enemy’s tank in Hanoi, or to make Steven Spielberg describe his meeting with Castro as “the most important eight hours of my life.”

(Apparently Spielberg forgot about the birth of his children…but I digress…)



The Left?s Dance With Terror
The "left" does have some sorry ass history to live down, that is CERTAINLY true.

For instance, back in the 50s, many US communists were giving STALIN a pass and denying that he was a freaking monster.

Of course there were also many leftists who openly objected to Stalinism, too.

Here's the thing I suspect most non-leftists cannot understand.

The LEFT is NOT a single minded unit.

Never has been, either.

Who the hell do you folks think shot LENIN in the head?

ANARCHISTS, that's who.

People who thought Lenin betrayed the revolution.

People who believed that Lenin was just another AUTHORITARIAN asshole.


They were 100% right.
The "left" does have some sorry ass history to live down, that is CERTAINLY true.

For instance, back in the 50s, many US communists were giving STALIN a pass and denying that he was a freaking monster.

Of course there were also many leftists who openly objected to Stalinism, too.

Here's the thing I suspect most non-leftists cannot understand.

The LEFT is NOT a single minded unit.

Never has been, either.

Who the hell do you folks think shot LENIN in the head?

ANARCHISTS, that's who.

People who thought Lenin betrayed the revolution.

People who believed that Lenin was just another AUTHORITARIAN asshole.


They were 100% right.

But... but... that's not what Frontpagemag told me to parrot.... :eusa_eh:
And, how many thugs and tyrants has the right danced with over the years?

Hosni Mubarak
Saddam Hussein
The House of Saud
Manuel Noriega (so long as he did what he was told)
Papa Doc Duvalier

Need I go on?
And, how many thugs and tyrants has the right danced with over the years?

Hosni Mubarak
Saddam Hussein
The House of Saud
Manuel Noriega (so long as he did what he was told)
Papa Doc Duvalier

Need I go on?

And, how many thugs and tyrants has the right danced with over the years?

Hosni Mubarak
Saddam Hussein
The House of Saud
Manuel Noriega (so long as he did what he was told)
Papa Doc Duvalier

Need I go on?

Yeah that is certainly true.

And no shortage of DEMS danced with those devils, either.

American foreign policy is pretty pragmatic like that.

We'll deal with almost anyone who doesn't give us any economic reasons to oppose them.

And we'll declare any leader who does give us a hard economic time a tyrant, communist, fascist...whatever, if they do.

Geopoltics is usual an Amoral practice.

We got in bed with Stalin when it suited our needs, did we not?
And, how many thugs and tyrants has the right danced with over the years?

Hosni Mubarak
Saddam Hussein
The House of Saud
Manuel Noriega (so long as he did what he was told)
Papa Doc Duvalier

Need I go on?

Not to mention right wing tyrants like:

The Argentine Dirty Generals
Rios Montte
the author of the OPs bit is a right wing hack canadian putz who thinks Bachman is smart.

what he has to say means nothing

The OP is just another vivid example of how partisan ideology blinds people. They point the finger at the "other side" while conveniently failing to notice how "their side" does the same thing or something comparable.

No mirrors in the homes of ideologues.

And, how many thugs and tyrants has the right danced with over the years?

Hosni Mubarak
Saddam Hussein
The House of Saud
Manuel Noriega (so long as he did what he was told)
Papa Doc Duvalier

Need I go on?

But, but you guys are still in love with the worst of them, stalin, mao, pol pot, hugo, north vietnam, etc.

Need I go on...:eusa_hand:
But, but you guys are still in love with the worst of them, stalin, mao, pol pot, hugo, north vietnam, etc.

Need I go on...:eusa_hand:

Who is in love with any of them?

Can we see some names and links?

Because I have never seen a poster on this board praise the likes of Stalin or Pol Pot, nor have I heard anyone praise Mao since about 1970.
I think for the handful of extreme right wing posters here it is unimaginable that ANYONE on the right could ever criticise ANY right wing leader, and the same on the left wing. Politics is about blind, dumb adherence - not about freedom of choice or independent thought.

Luckily, most people are smarter than that and take a more adult view. Any adult will condemn leaders like Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot regardless of what 'side' they are on.
I think for the handful of extreme right wing posters here it is unimaginable that ANYONE on the right could ever criticise ANY right wing leader, and the same on the left wing. Politics is about blind, dumb adherence - not about freedom of choice or independent thought.

Luckily, most people are smarter than that and take a more adult view. Any adult will condemn leaders like Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot regardless of what 'side' they are on.

Stupidity is not exclusive to the Left, not at all, they just have more stupid moments/acts...

The world is full of evil people, the dream that it isn't is pure stupidity...
But, but you guys are still in love with the worst of them, stalin, mao, pol pot, hugo, north vietnam, etc.

Need I go on...:eusa_hand:

Who is in love with any of them?

Can we see some names and links?

Because I have never seen a poster on this board praise the likes of Stalin or Pol Pot, nor have I heard anyone praise Mao since about 1970.

For a journalist you sure are lame, oh that's right you're progressive/liberal...:eusa_liar:

[ame=]White House Communications Director Anita Dunn Loves Mao Zedong - YouTube[/ame]

white house christmas mao decorations - Google Search


Obama?s ?Peculiar? White House Christmas Tree Decorations | Hypocrisy Reigns Supreme
According to World Net Daily, several ornaments on the tree, depict the extremist views of the administration. One ornament contains the face of Mao Zedong, who killed many of his country men. Another a transvestite with rainbows around the ornament. Another pictures Obama added to Mounty Rushmore. A Communist, a transvestite, and our most pompous president to date deck this anti-American, anti-Christian tree.

Obama?s ?Peculiar? White House Christmas Tree Decorations | Hypocrisy Reigns Supreme

AJ -

So just to be clear here - ou can not name a SINGLE POSTER who has EVER praised any of the leaders you claim the left is "in love with".

Your "proof" is a Xmas tree decoration?

And you wonder why people think you're a child?
AJ -

So just to be clear here - ou can not name a SINGLE POSTER who has EVER praised any of the leaders you claim the left is "in love with".

Your "proof" is a Xmas tree decoration?

And you wonder why people think you're a child?

When I say you guys it means you liberals and it goes beyond this board, but there you go again with that liberal bull shit. But if you want to see posters here go look at any hugo thread...:eusa_hand:

You're a journalist so go ahead and


When I say you guys it means you liberals and it goes beyond this board,

Then list names. Tell us who these people are.

We both know you can't, because your claim is simply nonsense.

Why not take a step back from this, wake up, and accept that the number of people in the western world who think Pol Pot or Stalin or Mao were great leaders amounts to a handful of screwed up teenagers. There are no "liberals" who support these leaders, because these leaders oppose everything liberals stand for.

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