The left will drag down Trump and the country....and be happy about it


Gold Member
Mar 11, 2016
The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.
Man, that's pessimistic. The left will continue to howl like they did all through Reagan and W's terms but if the economy picks up their howls will fade into the background of the American psyche.
Man, that's pessimistic. The left will continue to howl like they did all through Reagan and W's terms but if the economy picks up their howls will fade into the background of the American psyche.
The problem is that this President isn't used to politics, he came from business and reality TV. He will be much more distracted than he should be, and the left knows it, and they will use that against him to the detriment of our country.

That being said I still take him over Hilldabeast in a heartbeat.
The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.

I think you miss the point.

Trump's come backs have WORKED.

People were fed up with Bush's "new tone" and not fighting back against the left.

They like that Trump answers back instead of ignoring it.
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Man, that's pessimistic. The left will continue to howl like they did all through Reagan and W's terms but if the economy picks up their howls will fade into the background of the American psyche.
The problem is that this President isn't used to politics, he came from business and reality TV. He will be much more distracted than he should be, and the left knows it, and they will use that against him to the detriment of our country.

That being said I still take him over Hilldabeast in a heartbeat.
From my perspective that's to his advantage, not detriment. He took everything they through at him, left and right and it didn't even slow him down. Now he has the bully pulpit to speak from so he has even more leg to stand on.

The country voted for real change, not hope a dope, and I think he will deliver and it doesn't look like he is going to cower to the press, a HUGE mistake Republicans have always done.

I will also add that I do not watch the msm anymore AT ALL. I know what they will do, they will try to demoralize anyone supporting the administration. They are as corrupt as Pravda ever was and I do not let them put their garbage into my head.
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The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.

Man, that's pessimistic. The left will continue to howl like they did all through Reagan and W's terms but if the economy picks up their howls will fade into the background of the American psyche.

The people who voted Trump in have to defend him or he is out there in the wind. Those people have to shoot down everything the left says with facts, so they can not even breathe. If not, Trump will defend himself and take his eyes off policy.

The left always protects its people, even when they know they are crooks. Well, Trump supporters..........we elected him, now defend him. This time our job did not end on the day we voted. If we are not up to defending him as our President, then should have stayed home, and I mean that. You should have known with the left being soooooo close to making America Socialist, they weren't going to lay down if they lost. They need the Presidency and its power to keep their agenda alive as most of the states have rejected them, thus congress was already gone. They need the Supreme Court to vote in their favor, or their agenda is also done. They need illegal immigration to stick so as they can change the voting parameters of the country.

Yep, we need to fight, or this country will go in the tank even further than it is. If we are not up to it, this is the LAST reprieve before our country is gone, and that is a fact. The left knows this, so they are all in to hold Trump up so as if they can squeak by in 2020, by 2024 we will honestly have no chance because of the illegals, and them giving them amnesty ASAP they retake the White House.

So fight NOW, or plan to NEVER fight, because if we wait, we will not get another chance. The most important thing to evening out the vote, is to get that wall, throw out the criminal illegals, and put forth a law that any illegal caught voting in any election is instantly deported. What will happen then is---------->the left will be done for the for seeable future, and that is fact! So fight now, or forever hold your peace!
The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.

Man, that's pessimistic. The left will continue to howl like they did all through Reagan and W's terms but if the economy picks up their howls will fade into the background of the American psyche.

The people who voted Trump in have to defend him or he is out there in the wind. Those people have to shoot down everything the left says with facts, so they can not even breathe. If not, Trump will defend himself and take his eyes off policy.

The left always protects its people, even when they know they are crooks. Well, Trump supporters..........we elected him, now defend him. This time our job did not end on the day we voted. If we are not up to defending him as our President, then should have stayed home, and I mean that. You should have known with the left being soooooo close to making America Socialist, they weren't going to lay down if they lost. They need the Presidency and its power to keep their agenda alive as most of the states have rejected them, thus congress was already gone. They need the Supreme Court to vote in their favor, or their agenda is also done. They need illegal immigration to stick so as they can change the voting parameters of the country.

Yep, we need to fight, or this country will go in the tank even further than it is. If we are not up to it, this is the LAST reprieve before our country is gone, and that is a fact. The left knows this, so they are all in to hold Trump up so as if they can squeak by in 2020, by 2024 we will honestly have no chance because of the illegals, and them giving them amnesty ASAP they retake the White House.

So fight NOW, or plan to NEVER fight, because if we wait, we will not get another chance. The most important thing to evening out the vote, is to get that wall, throw out the criminal illegals, and put forth a law that any illegal caught voting in any election is instantly deported. What will happen then is---------->the left will be done for the for seeable future, and that is fact! So fight now, or forever hold your peace!
Exactly what are you proposing? We had an election. The right votes, the left protests. The right does not need to match their level of infantile behavior. The right is far more results oriented so we can just use the facts as they roll in if someone starts running their yap.
The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.

Man, that's pessimistic. The left will continue to howl like they did all through Reagan and W's terms but if the economy picks up their howls will fade into the background of the American psyche.

The people who voted Trump in have to defend him or he is out there in the wind. Those people have to shoot down everything the left says with facts, so they can not even breathe. If not, Trump will defend himself and take his eyes off policy.

The left always protects its people, even when they know they are crooks. Well, Trump supporters..........we elected him, now defend him. This time our job did not end on the day we voted. If we are not up to defending him as our President, then should have stayed home, and I mean that. You should have known with the left being soooooo close to making America Socialist, they weren't going to lay down if they lost. They need the Presidency and its power to keep their agenda alive as most of the states have rejected them, thus congress was already gone. They need the Supreme Court to vote in their favor, or their agenda is also done. They need illegal immigration to stick so as they can change the voting parameters of the country.

Yep, we need to fight, or this country will go in the tank even further than it is. If we are not up to it, this is the LAST reprieve before our country is gone, and that is a fact. The left knows this, so they are all in to hold Trump up so as if they can squeak by in 2020, by 2024 we will honestly have no chance because of the illegals, and them giving them amnesty ASAP they retake the White House.

So fight NOW, or plan to NEVER fight, because if we wait, we will not get another chance. The most important thing to evening out the vote, is to get that wall, throw out the criminal illegals, and put forth a law that any illegal caught voting in any election is instantly deported. What will happen then is---------->the left will be done for the for seeable future, and that is fact! So fight now, or forever hold your peace!
Exactly what are you proposing? We had an election. The right votes, the left protests. The right does not need to match their level of infantile behavior. The right is far more results oriented so we can just use the facts as they roll in if someone starts running their yap.

People always hear what they want to hear. Do you think Trump is a racist? Then why do these leftists keep saying he is! Because, if you repeat something enough, it becomes fact in the minds of the people that keep hearing it.

You can get upset with me (if you are) all you want. This is it, this President, if we lose in 2020. By 2024 they will have the win baked into the population, if Trump does not get his way over the next 4 years, especially on illegal immigration. I was just scanning the map about 2hrs ago on where the illegal population is, and to no surprise except for Florida, (which is Cuban and voted for Trump to the tune of over 50%) Texas, and Arizona, the top 15 states with the largest % of illegals in them, are a who's who that voted for Clinton. And then, guess what-------> the states with the LEAST amount of illegals % of the state population, was virtually the same as far as who voted Republican. Now, call me dumb, but what does that tell most logical thinking people! Forget about any liberal or conservative argument, just look at the facts!

That is why we have to be all in this time around, like it or not! Not likely we are going to get a do over if he gets sidetracked, so while our champion may not be the best, he is the only one we have-)
The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.
Another anti-Trump prediction bound for the failure heap.

Keep trying, clowns.
Man, that's pessimistic. The left will continue to howl like they did all through Reagan and W's terms but if the economy picks up their howls will fade into the background of the American psyche.

The bed wetters are a laughing stock.

They don't even know it. Of course they aren't capable of actually knowing anything, because their frontal lobes have withered away.

I do agree that if the economy does run amok and people get sick of job offers and making a shit ton of money, like the world's richest professional clown held as a standard, the entire world will be in harmony.


All Trump has to do at this point is show up and he'll be a better president than the meat puppet faggot. I think that's really all he wants to do to be honest. He's got some damn good people, a few twits to appease the democrooks, and really shouldn't have to do much more than make the big decisions and so far I must say I trust his judgement because he had me fooled. I thought he was a bullshit artist moderate but he has proven he is committed to the conservative cause and he will still listen to the bed wetters to at least get their asinine perspective.

The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.

Man, that's pessimistic. The left will continue to howl like they did all through Reagan and W's terms but if the economy picks up their howls will fade into the background of the American psyche.

The people who voted Trump in have to defend him or he is out there in the wind. Those people have to shoot down everything the left says with facts, so they can not even breathe. If not, Trump will defend himself and take his eyes off policy.

The left always protects its people, even when they know they are crooks. Well, Trump supporters..........we elected him, now defend him. This time our job did not end on the day we voted. If we are not up to defending him as our President, then should have stayed home, and I mean that. You should have known with the left being soooooo close to making America Socialist, they weren't going to lay down if they lost. They need the Presidency and its power to keep their agenda alive as most of the states have rejected them, thus congress was already gone. They need the Supreme Court to vote in their favor, or their agenda is also done. They need illegal immigration to stick so as they can change the voting parameters of the country.

Yep, we need to fight, or this country will go in the tank even further than it is. If we are not up to it, this is the LAST reprieve before our country is gone, and that is a fact. The left knows this, so they are all in to hold Trump up so as if they can squeak by in 2020, by 2024 we will honestly have no chance because of the illegals, and them giving them amnesty ASAP they retake the White House.

So fight NOW, or plan to NEVER fight, because if we wait, we will not get another chance. The most important thing to evening out the vote, is to get that wall, throw out the criminal illegals, and put forth a law that any illegal caught voting in any election is instantly deported. What will happen then is---------->the left will be done for the for seeable future, and that is fact! So fight now, or forever hold your peace!
Exactly what are you proposing? We had an election. The right votes, the left protests. The right does not need to match their level of infantile behavior. The right is far more results oriented so we can just use the facts as they roll in if someone starts running their yap.

People always hear what they want to hear. Do you think Trump is a racist? Then why do these leftists keep saying he is! Because, if you repeat something enough, it becomes fact in the minds of the people that keep hearing it.

You can get upset with me (if you are) all you want. This is it, this President, if we lose in 2020. By 2024 they will have the win baked into the population, if Trump does not get his way over the next 4 years, especially on illegal immigration. I was just scanning the map about 2hrs ago on where the illegal population is, and to no surprise except for Florida, (which is Cuban and voted for Trump to the tune of over 50%) Texas, and Arizona, the top 15 states with the largest % of illegals in them, are a who's who that voted for Clinton. And then, guess what-------> the states with the LEAST amount of illegals % of the state population, was virtually the same as far as who voted Republican. Now, call me dumb, but what does that tell most logical thinking people! Forget about any liberal or conservative argument, just look at the facts!

That is why we have to be all in this time around, like it or not! Not likely we are going to get a do over if he gets sidetracked, so while our champion may not be the best, he is the only one we have-)
Upset with you? Who the fuck do you think you are? Sounds like you're upset with me to make that kind of comment.

I asked you what specifically you meant, why did that make you defensive? I went all in and voted. I'm not getting into a fist fight with protesters if that's what you mean.
The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.

Man, that's pessimistic. The left will continue to howl like they did all through Reagan and W's terms but if the economy picks up their howls will fade into the background of the American psyche.

The people who voted Trump in have to defend him or he is out there in the wind. Those people have to shoot down everything the left says with facts, so they can not even breathe. If not, Trump will defend himself and take his eyes off policy.

The left always protects its people, even when they know they are crooks. Well, Trump supporters..........we elected him, now defend him. This time our job did not end on the day we voted. If we are not up to defending him as our President, then should have stayed home, and I mean that. You should have known with the left being soooooo close to making America Socialist, they weren't going to lay down if they lost. They need the Presidency and its power to keep their agenda alive as most of the states have rejected them, thus congress was already gone. They need the Supreme Court to vote in their favor, or their agenda is also done. They need illegal immigration to stick so as they can change the voting parameters of the country.

Yep, we need to fight, or this country will go in the tank even further than it is. If we are not up to it, this is the LAST reprieve before our country is gone, and that is a fact. The left knows this, so they are all in to hold Trump up so as if they can squeak by in 2020, by 2024 we will honestly have no chance because of the illegals, and them giving them amnesty ASAP they retake the White House.

So fight NOW, or plan to NEVER fight, because if we wait, we will not get another chance. The most important thing to evening out the vote, is to get that wall, throw out the criminal illegals, and put forth a law that any illegal caught voting in any election is instantly deported. What will happen then is---------->the left will be done for the for seeable future, and that is fact! So fight now, or forever hold your peace!
Exactly what are you proposing? We had an election. The right votes, the left protests. The right does not need to match their level of infantile behavior. The right is far more results oriented so we can just use the facts as they roll in if someone starts running their yap.

People always hear what they want to hear. Do you think Trump is a racist? Then why do these leftists keep saying he is! Because, if you repeat something enough, it becomes fact in the minds of the people that keep hearing it.

You can get upset with me (if you are) all you want. This is it, this President, if we lose in 2020. By 2024 they will have the win baked into the population, if Trump does not get his way over the next 4 years, especially on illegal immigration. I was just scanning the map about 2hrs ago on where the illegal population is, and to no surprise except for Florida, (which is Cuban and voted for Trump to the tune of over 50%) Texas, and Arizona, the top 15 states with the largest % of illegals in them, are a who's who that voted for Clinton. And then, guess what-------> the states with the LEAST amount of illegals % of the state population, was virtually the same as far as who voted Republican. Now, call me dumb, but what does that tell most logical thinking people! Forget about any liberal or conservative argument, just look at the facts!

That is why we have to be all in this time around, like it or not! Not likely we are going to get a do over if he gets sidetracked, so while our champion may not be the best, he is the only one we have-)
Upset with you? Who the fuck do you think you are? Sounds like you're upset with me to make that kind of comment.

I asked you what specifically you meant, why did that make you defensive? I went all in and voted. I'm not getting into a fist fight with protesters if that's what you mean.

Of course I don't mean a fist fight with the protestors.

Think you and I need Hillary's phony reset button because we obviously misunderstood each other-)
Of course I don't mean a fist fight with the protestors.

Think you and I need Hillary's phony reset button because we obviously misunderstood each other-)
I just asked for clarification. What specifically do you mean by fighting back? Posting here?
The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.
There is no true left in this country but the Democrats (faux left) throws tantrums because they have nothing else to offer, but while Trump does become involved in responding to them, it has not distracted him from moving ahead with his policy agenda. If Trump is successful in moving his legislative and diplomatic agendas forward, and I think he will be, he will easily win a second term.
The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.
So let me see if I got this right? The OP states that it is the fault of the left that the guy you elected has no impulse control and that they shouldn't oppose him. There is a system where opposition isn't allowed, they call that dictatorship.
The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.
Another anti-Trump prediction bound for the failure heap.

Keep trying, clowns.
FYI, I voted for him. Clown.
The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.
So let me see if I got this right? The OP states that it is the fault of the left that the guy you elected has no impulse control and that they shouldn't oppose him. There is a system where opposition isn't allowed, they call that dictatorship.
The point is the left wants him to fail, and will do their damnest to make sure he does, to the detriment of our country. It's sad, and this country is doomed.
The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.

They will try, they are too stupid not to. They have no clue how America works or thinks. Without the supreme Court the left wouldn't have gotten shit .

They have even said they need to run a celebrity.......again they have no fucking

And now the Trumpster is gonna appoint those judges.

But hey let them spout off..... people sleep how fucking retarded they are.....
The left will continue to come out against trump and throw their tantrums. It has become obvious that Trump cannot help himself but to throw a tantrum right back, which will distract from anything policy related and drag us further down the hole. And the left will celebrate, just like the right does when The left shits the bed.

So in 4 years we will be no better off, and we will more divided than ever. Trump won't even run for a second term.

And who knows. That may open the door for someone who makes Trump look as tame as Ben Carson on valium.

So keep it up lefties, because it ain't about the good of the country, it's about your feelbads getting hurt.
powerlessness and rejection on a majestic scale, it's all they have till the next election.... kinda funny too for the rest of us.

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