The left wing lie about outside money in, the Koch's aren't the problem...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....this looks at campaign donations and the myth that the Kock's are evil......everyone knows the clinton's are the evil ones.....

Study Proves Koch-Addicted Media Are Big Fat Liars About Outside Money In Politics - Breitbart

How big of a lie is this attack?

So big that the Koch brothers only rank 59th in campaign contributions, with a measly $18 million, which is about half of what NBC News paid Brian Williams to attack President George W. Bush with lies about Hurricane Katrina.

Not only that, if you look at the list top donors on this list, as Gateway Pundit reports, the Kochs are behind 18 different unions (and yes, unions are corporate donors using corporate dollars).

And guess who benefits from the $620 million in outside corporate dollars from these unions? Democrats, of course, which is why the media only complains about a drop-in-a-bucket of $18 million in corporate dollars coming from the likes of Koch Industries and says nothing about the $620 million coming from unions.

And I can assure you that that $620 million is only a drop in the bucket compared to the billions in corporate dollars spent by left-wing multinationals through their media companies to affect the outcome of legislation and elections.

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