
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left desperately attempts to promote the false narrative that taxing people has no affect on them at all. While even the most basic common sense (not to mention history) dictates otherwise, the left still attempts to push that propaganda on society.

Now, even the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) has come out and confirmed that higher taxes and government programs decrease incentive to work. Which is why left-wing policy (socialism, communism, marxism, fascism, etc.) always ends in collapse, poverty, and misery. The latest evidence of that indisputable reality is Venezuela.
"When workers' earnings rise but their after-tax income rises less—because of increases in their income and payroll taxes or declines in their benefits from government programs—their incentive to work typically declines," said Shannon Mok, an analyst for the budget office in the tax analysis division.
Well duh. That's just common sense. It continues...
"When deciding how much to work, people consider not only the higher earnings from working more hours but also the resulting difference in after-tax income—which is market income plus government transfers minus taxes," Mok says.

"Increases in marginal tax rates, on net, decrease the supply of labor by causing people already in the labor force to work less," she says.
Hence the catastrophic failure of left-wing policy - as seen most recently in Venezuela. Left-wing policy decentivizes production and incentivizes society to be idle and unproductive. Which ultimately leads to collapse as there is less and less production of the products and services needed by society.

Surprise, surprise: CBO says higher taxes and government programs decrease incentive to work
The left-wing leaders are all over the media declaring that taxes have no negative impact on business, individuals, society, etc. Likewise, the left-wing minions are all over message boards like this one parroting that exact same ignorant false narrative.

And yet...every single time the left wants to prevent something, block something, change something, or otherwise influence behavior - what do they do? They place a tax on it and proudly declare the impact the tax will have on forcing the behavior and results they are looking to achieve.

Wait...what?!? Their official false narrative is that increased taxes have no affect on commerce, employment, etc. In their infinite ignorance - they aren't even bright enough to realize they are proving to the world that they are lying:

Next month, San Francisco, Oakland, and Albany, California and Boulder, Colorado will vote on whether to place a tax on sugary drinks, such as a penny-per-ounce levy on soft drinks, sports drinks, iced tea, juice, energy drinks, and syrups and powders that can be made into beverages.

Health advocates argue that raising the price on beverages sweetened with sugar will reduce consumption and ease the nation’s exploding rates of obesity and diabetes,” the report states. “The soda industry maintains there’s no proof of that.”

As Cities Contemplate Soda Tax, Critics Say It Kills Jobs and Has No Impact on Health
Well look at all of these left-wing cities voting on whether or not to place a tax on something in order to discourage it. Wait....what? I thought the official left-wing line was that taxes do not negatively impact whatever is taxed? So then why would the left advocate taxing these things that they want to discourage?!? :dunno:

How Soda Taxes Crush Freedom and Enrich Government
What is those things that the left want to tax to discourage it?

Wealth. They don't like people with money. The more you got the more they don't like you, unless of course you're a liberal democrat in which case it's no prob.

They don't like people with money because people with money make them look bad to their base, which wonders why THEY don't have any money.
What is those things that the left want to tax to discourage it?

Wealth. They don't like people with money. The more you got the more they don't like you, unless of course you're a liberal democrat in which case it's no prob.

They don't like people with money because people with money make them look bad to their base, which wonders why THEY don't have any money.
So everyone of them are poor?
What is those things that the left want to tax to discourage it?

Wealth. They don't like people with money. The more you got the more they don't like you, unless of course you're a liberal democrat in which case it's no prob.

They don't like people with money because people with money make them look bad to their base, which wonders why THEY don't have any money.
So everyone of them are poor?

The bulk of are in a state of pecuniary strangulation, yes. That's why the Democrats invariably vote for handouts. They buy the vote of people who are illogically permitted to vote to increase the handouts.
What is those things that the left want to tax to discourage it?

Wealth. They don't like people with money. The more you got the more they don't like you, unless of course you're a liberal democrat in which case it's no prob.

They don't like people with money because people with money make them look bad to their base, which wonders why THEY don't have any money.
So everyone of them are poor?

The bulk of are in a state of pecuniary strangulation, yes. That's why the Democrats invariably vote for handouts. They buy the vote of people who are illogically permitted to vote to increase the handouts.
So, you know the financial situation of all these people spread out across the USA.....Why do I not believe you? Can you provide any proof that you have interviewed each and everyone and know of the status?
What is those things that the left want to tax to discourage it?

Wealth. They don't like people with money. The more you got the more they don't like you, unless of course you're a liberal democrat in which case it's no prob.

They don't like people with money because people with money make them look bad to their base, which wonders why THEY don't have any money.
So everyone of them are poor?

The bulk of are in a state of pecuniary strangulation, yes. That's why the Democrats invariably vote for handouts. They buy the vote of people who are illogically permitted to vote to increase the handouts.
So, you know the financial situation of all these people spread out across the USA.....Why do I not believe you? Can you provide any proof that you have interviewed each and everyone and know of the status?

It's easy enough to research. Poke those keys.
Republican president Lincoln began the income tax..I am sorry, liberal, leftist, Marxist progressive president Lincoln....Not to mention that communist Washington and his tax policy..
Wealth. They don't like people with money. The more you got the more they don't like you, unless of course you're a liberal democrat in which case it's no prob.

They don't like people with money because people with money make them look bad to their base, which wonders why THEY don't have any money.
So everyone of them are poor?

The bulk of are in a state of pecuniary strangulation, yes. That's why the Democrats invariably vote for handouts. They buy the vote of people who are illogically permitted to vote to increase the handouts.
So, you know the financial situation of all these people spread out across the USA.....Why do I not believe you? Can you provide any proof that you have interviewed each and everyone and know of the status?

It's easy enough to research. Poke those keys.
i am not the one asserting an absurd claim..
They don't like people with money because people with money make them look bad to their base, which wonders why THEY don't have any money.
So everyone of them are poor?

The bulk of are in a state of pecuniary strangulation, yes. That's why the Democrats invariably vote for handouts. They buy the vote of people who are illogically permitted to vote to increase the handouts.
So, you know the financial situation of all these people spread out across the USA.....Why do I not believe you? Can you provide any proof that you have interviewed each and everyone and know of the status?

It's easy enough to research. Poke those keys.
i am not the one asserting an absurd claim..

Then you will have no problem disputing it.
Republican president Lincoln began the income tax..I am sorry, liberal, leftist, Marxist progressive president Lincoln....Not to mention that communist Washington and his tax policy..

Declared unconstitutional in 1894. That ruling should have stood. The 16th amendment was merely theft.

Perhaps a revisit?
The left-wing leaders are all over the media declaring that taxes have no negative impact on business, individuals, society, etc. Likewise, the left-wing minions are all over message boards like this one parroting that exact same ignorant false narrative.

And yet...every single time the left wants to prevent something, block something, change something, or otherwise influence behavior - what do they do? They place a tax on it and proudly declare the impact the tax will have on forcing the behavior and results they are looking to achieve.

Wait...what?!? Their official false narrative is that increased taxes have no affect on commerce, employment, etc. In their infinite ignorance - they aren't even bright enough to realize they are proving to the world that they are lying:

Next month, San Francisco, Oakland, and Albany, California and Boulder, Colorado will vote on whether to place a tax on sugary drinks, such as a penny-per-ounce levy on soft drinks, sports drinks, iced tea, juice, energy drinks, and syrups and powders that can be made into beverages.

Health advocates argue that raising the price on beverages sweetened with sugar will reduce consumption and ease the nation’s exploding rates of obesity and diabetes,” the report states. “The soda industry maintains there’s no proof of that.”

As Cities Contemplate Soda Tax, Critics Say It Kills Jobs and Has No Impact on Health

The claim is that is for the greater good, like helping people lose weight. Fact is that it's just another excuse to put their slimy hands in our pockets. They want people to become less and less productive and more dependent on government. It's the only way to kill the free market. They hate capitalism and they would like to replace it with some combination of socialism/Marxism/communism. It only appeals to those who will remain the wealthy elites or those who think they'll feel better when others are brought down to their level. Some indoctrinated lunatics actually think there is some utopia to be found through liberal policies.
Republican president Lincoln began the income tax..I am sorry, liberal, leftist, Marxist progressive president Lincoln....Not to mention that communist Washington and his tax policy..

Declared unconstitutional in 1894. That ruling should have stood. The 16th amendment was merely theft.

Perhaps a revisit?
The left was the prohibition movement which reinstated income taxes to cover the 95% revenue loss due to the feds from the loss of booze taxes on production, not really, it was a conservative movement with temperance..

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