The Left's absurd sudden respect for the Catholic Church and the Pope


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony
I've always respected the pope and the work of Catholics in my community helping the poor.
but what about that priest who touched kids?

all forgiven??
the left/liberals of today have no: morals, honor or stand on any principle. they just TWIST in the wind of what the herd/dem party does that week.

they hated the LAST POPE

but you look at the people they elected to Represent them and you can see why. They sure weren't this way 30 years ago. Now they've become just vicious dogs almost. Even the women, look at Hillary Clinton. my gawd the woman is awful, mean, nasty.
I have nothing but "ridicule, hatred, and contempt" for the catholic church but, as catholics go, this pope seems like a good person.

Two popes ago, can't remember his name, previous to being elected pope, he had the job of keeping rack of the pedo priests and shuffling them from parish to parish. IMO, those who knew and enabled it and continue to enable it are the lowest of scum.

With all the pomp and circumstance, incredible wealth and the silly magic smoke, magic water, confess and go forth to sin some more ... ts a nutty religion. Except for the issue of hiding pedos, catholics, the catholic church and the pope aren't even important to me, one way or the other.
I've always respected the pope and the work of Catholics in my community helping the poor.

The catholics I actually do respect are the sisters who do good charitable work.

I've read that the average age of nuns is now in the 70s and that few young women are marrying christ.
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

The real hypocrisy is coming from the right - as usual.

RWs hate him because he apparently follows the teachings of Jesus. He behaves like Jesus.
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

The real hypocrisy is coming from the right - as usual.

RWs hate him because he apparently follows the teachings of Jesus. He behaves like Jesus.
He is against abortion, so you still think he is a great guy?
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

The real hypocrisy is coming from the right - as usual.

RWs hate him because he apparently follows the teachings of Jesus. He behaves like Jesus.
He is against abortion, so you still think he is a great guy?

Post a link to where I said the pope is a "great guy".

Idiot. You ALWAYS do this. You ALWAYS say stupid things.
spare me the phony sanctimony

i was going to make a post about this hypocrisy and sudden love for religion in general, i am certain the forums libertards will find a way to justify their hate of Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and as i said, religion in general. :up:

INCREDIBLE!! these are the same people seeking to remove any TRACE of religion, ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANITY, from public view ANYWHERE, from town hall to schools, to the outdoors, courts....etc. these are the people who ridicule religion, who make moral relativist stances comparing what Christians did a thousand years ago to what Muslims are doing AS WE SPEAK, who call American conservatives "the American Taliban"....etc, now because this Pope is a far left-wing loon he gets love from the idiotic Left.

idiots and hypocrites
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

The real hypocrisy is coming from the right - as usual.

RWs hate him because he apparently follows the teachings of Jesus. He behaves like Jesus.
He is against abortion, so you still think he is a great guy?

Post a link to where I said the pope is a "great guy".

Idiot. You ALWAYS do this. You ALWAYS say stupid things.

you're waffling idiot; you ALWAYS WAFFLE!1

LOL what a loser
The real hypocrisy is coming from the right - as usual.

RWs hate him because he apparently follows the teachings of Jesus. He behaves like Jesus.

just as i thought, turning a full 180.

and just how would an anti religion atheist know anything about Jesus??

you liberfools never cease to amaze me.

:fu:...................... :asshole:
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Gah! I'm so sick of hearing about it on the news!!! It's on right now! I suppose I could change the channel. :lol: The pope looks like he is about to fall asleep standing there.

Was just thinking the same thing.

Including that he looks like he's asleep.

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