The Left's absurd sudden respect for the Catholic Church and the Pope

spare me the phony sanctimony

i was going to make a post about this hypocrisy and sudden love for religion in general, i am certain the forums libertards will find a way to justify their hate of Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and as i said, religion in general. :up:

INCREDIBLE!! these are the same people seeking to remove any TRACE of religion, ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANITY, from public view ANYWHERE, from town hall to schools, to the outdoors, courts....etc. these are the people who ridicule religion, who make moral relativist stances comparing what Christians did a thousand years ago to what Muslims are doing AS WE SPEAK, who call American conservatives "the American Taliban"....etc, now because this Pope is a far left-wing loon he gets love from the idiotic Left.

idiots and hypocrites
You have a severe problem of trying to make all,, one...
Gah! I'm so sick of hearing about it on the news!!! It's on right now! I suppose I could change the channel. :lol: The pope looks like he is about to fall asleep standing there.
You would too with ceremonies..
One doesn't have to agree with everything to appreciate the things you like. The papacy is concerned about the the poor and is anti-war, stances the left usually likes. On the other hand the left doesn't agree with the RCC on abortion and birth control or the slow reaction to priestly sex scandals. It's only the ultra-partisans that think one has to agree with everything or be labelled a traitor.
spare me the phony sanctimony

i was going to make a post about this hypocrisy and sudden love for religion in general, i am certain the forums libertards will find a way to justify their hate of Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and as i said, religion in general. :up:

INCREDIBLE!! these are the same people seeking to remove any TRACE of religion, ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANITY, from public view ANYWHERE, from town hall to schools, to the outdoors, courts....etc. these are the people who ridicule religion, who make moral relativist stances comparing what Christians did a thousand years ago to what Muslims are doing AS WE SPEAK, who call American conservatives "the American Taliban"....etc, now because this Pope is a far left-wing loon he gets love from the idiotic Left.

idiots and hypocrites

What's incredible is that RWs would gleefully throw the US Constitution in the trash and force their "religion" on everyone.
One doesn't have to agree with everything to appreciate the things you like. The papacy is concerned about the the poor and is anti-war, stances the left usually likes. On the other hand the left doesn't agree with the RCC on abortion and birth control or the slow reaction to priestly sex scandals. It's only the ultra-partisans that think one has to agree with everything or be labelled a traitor.

you mean the way the Left labels EVERY conservative Black man or woman a "sellout" or "Uncle Tom"?????????????????????????????

idiots and hypocrites
spare me the phony sanctimony

i was going to make a post about this hypocrisy and sudden love for religion in general, i am certain the forums libertards will find a way to justify their hate of Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and as i said, religion in general. :up:

INCREDIBLE!! these are the same people seeking to remove any TRACE of religion, ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANITY, from public view ANYWHERE, from town hall to schools, to the outdoors, courts....etc. these are the people who ridicule religion, who make moral relativist stances comparing what Christians did a thousand years ago to what Muslims are doing AS WE SPEAK, who call American conservatives "the American Taliban"....etc, now because this Pope is a far left-wing loon he gets love from the idiotic Left.

idiots and hypocrites

What's incredible is that RWs would gleefully throw the US Constitution in the trash and force their "religion" on everyone.

you say stupid shit you cant back up; "ALWAYS"!1

LOL you are simply a clown; that make-up belongs on you idiot
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

The real hypocrisy is coming from the right - as usual.

RWs hate him because he apparently follows the teachings of Jesus. He behaves like Jesus.
He is against abortion, so you still think he is a great guy?

Post a link to where I said the pope is a "great guy".

Idiot. You ALWAYS do this. You ALWAYS say stupid things.
Coming from an Obama supporter, I find that ironic. Lol
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

All of the sudden the RWnuts hate the Catholic Church.
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

The real hypocrisy is coming from the right - as usual.

RWs hate him because he apparently follows the teachings of Jesus. He behaves like Jesus.
He is against abortion, so you still think he is a great guy?

Post a link to where I said the pope is a "great guy".

Idiot. You ALWAYS do this. You ALWAYS say stupid things.
Coming from an Obama supporter, I find that ironic. Lol

Oh and BTW, his opinion or beliefs about abortion don't matter to me one way or the other.

Why would I care?

Moreover, why would I care what any person believes about abortion?

All that matters is that you keep your filthy mitts off women's rights to reproductive rights.
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

The real hypocrisy is coming from the right - as usual.

RWs hate him because he apparently follows the teachings of Jesus. He behaves like Jesus.
He is against abortion, so you still think he is a great guy?
Yes, I do, no one is perfect, and he's a Catholic. What do you expect?
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

All of the sudden the RWnuts hate the Catholic Church.


the rift between American Conservatives who tend to be Baptists and/or evangelicals not Catholics has been well-documented for some time idiot

Plenty of people on the "left" are certainly religious and Catholics. Come to Boston. :)
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

I agree with you to an extent. He isn't far left though. He is not a socialist. There is the media fiction of the pope and then what is really going on.

they must be wearng it themselves

idiots and hypocrites
One doesn't have to agree with everything to appreciate the things you like. The papacy is concerned about the the poor and is anti-war, stances the left usually likes. On the other hand the left doesn't agree with the RCC on abortion and birth control or the slow reaction to priestly sex scandals. It's only the ultra-partisans that think one has to agree with everything or be labelled a traitor.
you mean the way the Left labels EVERY conservative Black man or woman a "sellout" or "Uncle Tom"????????????????????????????? idiots and hypocrites
Every? You have no way of proving that. Also, use of more than three punctuation marks in a row is prima facie evidence of mental disorder.
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

The real hypocrisy is coming from the right - as usual.

RWs hate him because he apparently follows the teachings of Jesus. He behaves like Jesus.
He is against abortion, so you still think he is a great guy?

Post a link to where I said the pope is a "great guy".

Idiot. You ALWAYS do this. You ALWAYS say stupid things.
Coming from an Obama supporter, I find that ironic. Lol

Oh and BTW, his opinion or beliefs about abortion don't matter to me one way or the other.

Why would I care?

Moreover, why would I care what any person believes about abortion?

All that matters is that you keep your filthy mitts off women's rights to reproductive rights.
Two abortion clinics in south Carolina closed down. We are starting to win. We will eventually win. For the babies sake.
no plenty of left-wingers pick and choose what parts of a given religion the will follow

still other Progresives have open contempt for religion in any form

idiots and hypocrites
spare me the phony sanctimony

i was going to make a post about this hypocrisy and sudden love for religion in general, i am certain the forums libertards will find a way to justify their hate of Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and as i said, religion in general. :up:

INCREDIBLE!! these are the same people seeking to remove any TRACE of religion, ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANITY, from public view ANYWHERE, from town hall to schools, to the outdoors, courts....etc. these are the people who ridicule religion, who make moral relativist stances comparing what Christians did a thousand years ago to what Muslims are doing AS WE SPEAK, who call American conservatives "the American Taliban"....etc, now because this Pope is a far left-wing loon he gets love from the idiotic Left.

idiots and hypocrites

What's incredible is that RWs would gleefully throw the US Constitution in the trash and force their "religion" on everyone.
That should be added to the "BIGGEST LIES EVER TOLD" list here at USMB....^

Once again we see in vivid living color, more examples of the HYPER TWO FACED HYPOCRISY of the left. They will align themselves with the devil himself if it's politically expedient. They are the slime of the earth. This pope is a leftist dingbat, but even though the progs HATE ALL RELIGION, as we are reminded here on a DAILY BASIS, they now LOVE this pope because he's a progressive hack.

What's even more pathetic than that, is the leftards actually think that they can BULL SHIT their way around this and FOOL everybody. Well, sorry progs, we know EXACTLY why you have this SUDDEN attack of LOVE for the CATHOLIC CHURCH. You people aren't fooling anyone.
One doesn't have to agree with everything to appreciate the things you like. The papacy is concerned about the the poor and is anti-war, stances the left usually likes. On the other hand the left doesn't agree with the RCC on abortion and birth control or the slow reaction to priestly sex scandals. It's only the ultra-partisans that think one has to agree with everything or be labelled a traitor.
you mean the way the Left labels EVERY conservative Black man or woman a "sellout" or "Uncle Tom"????????????????????????????? idiots and hypocrites
Every? You have no way of proving that. Also, use of more than three punctuation marks in a row is prima facie evidence of mental disorder.

what Black Conservative man or woman of note HASNT been labeled a token, sellout, traitor, or Uncle Tom by the Left??????????????


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