The Left's absurd sudden respect for the Catholic Church and the Pope

LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony
It is clear that the bodies of dead fetuses, beheaded Christians, raped and killed African girls should be used as fertilizer and energy as to solve the number one problem in the world....climate change.
Every little bit helps.....
Well, the pope is speaking now, but it's really difficult to understand him because of his very thick accent. They should really have some kind of translation at the bottom of the screen. I mean, you can understand him, but you REALLY have to pay attention, and still some words . . . .

You mean he wasn't speaking in tongues?
Well, the pope is speaking now, but it's really difficult to understand him because of his very thick accent. They should really have some kind of translation at the bottom of the screen. I mean, you can understand him, but you REALLY have to pay attention, and still some words . . . .

You mean he wasn't speaking in tongues?
Catholics don't do that...It's called Latin...
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

All of the sudden the RWnuts hate the Catholic Church.


the rift between American Conservatives who tend to be Baptists and/or evangelicals not Catholics has been well-documented for some time idiot


So you're attacking liberals for actually judging this Pope by his actual views? WTF?

no idiot; we're judging you by the laughable way you are pandering to somebody who represents views you clearly disagree with; but moreover what the Bible HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE REPRESENTING says about things y ou clearly have the opposite view of

try again...................

I'm pandering? What does that even mean?
Well, the pope is speaking now, but it's really difficult to understand him because of his very thick accent. They should really have some kind of translation at the bottom of the screen. I mean, you can understand him, but you REALLY have to pay attention, and still some words . . . .

You mean he wasn't speaking in tongues?
Catholics don't do that...It's called Latin...

We were just talking about how long its been since either of us sat through a church lecture-sermon ...

Its been long enough that the catholics were probably still using Latin.

Might even be as long as when they were still burning "heretics" at the stake.
Here is this pope's agenda along with Obama, who was sent and put in office to start this off on us in our country. way to go all you who voted for him. THIS IS WHY our other Presidents refused to get in bed with the UN. they were not formed for this PURPOSE. say goodbye to our sovereignty.

By Jerry A. Kane -- Bio and Archives September 22, 2015

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” document is a blueprint to “transform our world for the better by 2030,” and yet most major media outlets in the United States refuse to report on the far reaching implications of this document.

“This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history. This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for ... 150 years, since the industrial revolution.”—Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Unlike the UN Agenda 21 action plan, which mainly focused on the environment, the 2030 Agenda action plan will strictly regulate nearly every human activity in every area of life. The preamble to the document states:

“This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.

All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.

We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path.

As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets ... demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda. ... They seek to realize the human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. They are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental.”

On September 25, 2015, Pope Francis will travel to New York City to help launch the new universal agenda. He will address the UN General Assembly and urge the people of the world to support the United Nations’ blueprint for world governance.

It’s like everybody in this party’s shining like Illuminati
It’s like everybody in this party’s shining like Illuminati

Here are the adopted Sustainable Development Goals as set forth in the 2030 Agenda document:

Sustainable Development Goals

all of it here:
UN Set to Launch ‘New Universal Agenda’ for Global Governance
As you can see, Massachusetts, which is considered a very "liberal" state, has a large Irish Catholic population. I don't know why people think that people who are considered "the left" or "democrats" would not be religious.

Demographics of Massachusetts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As the United States does not collect religious data, it is unknown how many people of each religion live in Massachusetts. Some polls only measure religious adherence of church rather than the whole population. Massachusetts was founded and settled by Puritans in the 17th century. The descendants of the Puritans belong to many different churches; in the direct line of inheritance are the Congregational/United Church of Christ and Unitarian Universalist Association. Both of these denominations are noted for their strong support of social justice, civil rights, and moral issues, including strong and early advocacy of abolition of slavery, women's rights, and (after 2000) legal recognition of same-sex marriage.[citation needed] The headquarters of the Unitarian Universalist Association is located on Beacon Hill in Boston. Today Protestants make up less than 1/4 of the state's population. Roman Catholics now predominate because of massive immigration from Ireland, Quebec, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. A large Jewishpopulation came to the Boston area 1880–1920. Many Jews from Eastern Europe have also been immigrating to the Boston area since the fall of Communism. Islam has also been growing in recent years and now numbers between 30,000 and 80,000. Mary Baker Eddy made the Boston Mother Church of Christian Science the world headquarters. Buddhists, Pagans, Hindus, Seventh-day Adventists, and Mormons also can be found. Kripalu and the Insight Meditation Center (Barre) are examples of non-western religious centers in Massachusetts. Bahá'ís are also present.

According to the Association of Religion Data Archives the largest single denominations are the Roman Catholic Church with 3,092,296; the United Church of Christ with 121,826; and the Episcopal Church with 98,963 adherents. Jewish congregations had about 275,000 members.[11]

Old Ship Church, Hingham, Massachusetts, built 1681, oldest church in America in continuous ecclesiastical use
As of 2001, the religious affiliations of the people of Massachusetts were:[12]

Religion or Denomination % of Population
Catholic 44
No Religion 23
Baptist 4
Christian (no denomination specified) 3
Methodist 2
Lutheran 1
Presbyterian 1
Protestant 4
Pentecostal 2
Episcopal 3
Jewish 1.8
Muslim 1.2
Church of Christ 1
Congregational/United Church of Christ 3
Buddhist 1
Other 5
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony

I agree with you to an extent. He isn't far left though. He is not a socialist. There is the media fiction of the pope and then what is really going on.

"There is the media fiction of the pope and then what is really going on."

This is very likely true and has always been true - not only of the catholic religion but of ALL religions. Lecture_Dec. 4 2014.pdf

There is an upcoming second half of a synod (family) in October. So, there are all of these different views that have been put forth as they have before. In the end, this is still the Catholic Church.
Conservatives are just pouting because they're seeing another religious group slip more and more away to the Democrats.
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony
If the US dissed the Pope, we would be sunk in foreign relations even by the Arab oil barons. It's called politics.
Conservatives are just pouting because they're seeing another religious group slip more and more away to the Democrats.

you say the silliest shit every day here. left-leaning Catholics have been a part of America for decades

and thanks for making the point for the other side idiot, AND THE POINT OF THIS THREAD AS WELL; by confirming the Left only likes this Pope because of his far left stance on things like global warming and making it easier to divorce.
Because after all idiot, isnt it your stance that this Pope isnt really that far to the Left?
so are Catholics going to "slip more and more away" from a Pope who said he still opposes abortion?

well if they are idiot, obviously their ties to Catholic doctrine werent that strong to begin with

it's not rocket science; but you losers just refuse to think.....................
The real hypocrisy is coming from the right - as usual.

RWs hate him because he apparently follows the teachings of Jesus. He behaves like Jesus.

God forbid! :lol:


more comical hilarity from people who show a comptempt for religion on a daily basis

That's ironic given your earlier attack on the Pope.

Yep. I wonder if Vegas has a betting line for which Republican will stand up while he is addressing congress and call him a liar.
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony
Loved Popes John Paul I and II. Pope Adolph I was a pedophile enabler...who supports that? Are you criticizing posters for NOT supporting a pedophile enabler? Am interested in the direction Pope Francis is going. But not gonna become a Catholic....both sides of my family walked away from Catholicism 3-4 generations back.

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